Import time series. Export time series. directory where input for plugin is written. directory where plugin output is written Time series for importing and exporting including the mapping from Delft-FEWS to RTC Tools The header is used to specify the link to the location and the contents ID of time series in RTC Tools configuration. The header is used to specify the link to the location and the contents Location ID in Delft-FEWS and PI-XML file Parameter ID in Delft-FEWS and PI-XML file Equidistant time step of time series Optional check for this unit during import, write this unit optionally when exporting Name of files containing timeseries. When true the events in the PI time series file are written to a binairy file instead of the xml file. The written xml file will only contain the time series headers and optionally a time zone. The binairy file has the same name as the xml file only the extension is "bin" instead of "xml" The byte order in the bin file is always Intel x86.