Time series data represent data collected over a given period of time at a specific location Time series data represent data collected over a given period of time at a specific location Time series data represent data collected over a given period of time at a specific location The version of the published interface schemas Time series data represent data collected over a given period of time at a specific location The header is used to specify the link to the location and the contents unlimited number of events with a constant timeStep. The date, time and value attributes are required, the quality flag is optional. When no events exists the event values are stored in a bin file. The binary file has the same name as the xml file only the extension is "bin" instead of "xml". The bin file contains only IEEE 32 bit reals. The length of the bin file is 4 times the number of events for all time series in the file. The byte order in the bin file is always Intel x86. The bin file is only allowed for equidistant time steps. use this field as a notebook to add comments, suggestions description of data entered etc. The header is used to specify the link to the location and the contents Type of data, either accumulative or instantaneous. For accumulative data the time/date of the event is the moment at which the data was gathered. Since version 1.4 Further clarification of the time series, when the parameter, location and time step are not enough to identify a time series. Multiple qualifiers are allowed, the order of the qualifiers is insignificant. A different order of the qualifier ids should not map to the an other time series. Since version 1.4 An ensemble forecast consists of a number of simulations made by making small changes to the estimate of the current state used to initialize the simulation. These small changes are designed to reflect the uncertainty in the estimate. Every simulation has it's own ensembleMemberIndex When specified the ensembleMemberIndex is required Since version 1.4 An ensemble forecast consists of a number of simulations made by making small changes to the estimate of the current state used to initialize the simulation. These small changes are designed to reflect the uncertainty in the estimate. Every simulation has it's own ensembleMemberIndex. Ensemble id is not required when the ensembleMemberIndex is specified The timeStep element provides three choices date/time of the first event date/time of the last event Since version 1.5 date/time of the forecast. By default the forecastDate equals the start time Missing value definition for this TimeSeries. Defaults to NaN if left empty Optional long (descriptive) name Station name X coordinate of station Y coordinate of station Z coordinate of station Latitude of station Longitude of station Optional string that identifies the units used Description of (the content of) this file Date on which this TimeSeries was created Time on which this TimeSeries was created code/description of the region. Needed if the id's can be the same in different regions. unlimited number of events with a constant timeStep. Each TimeSeries should contain at least one element (records). The date, time and value attributes are required, the quality flag is optional. ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) ISO 8601 (hh:mm:ss.dsec e.g. 16:30:0.001) Since version 1.3