@echo off REM update_version.cmd replaces the depricated make_revision.bat REM REM All occurrences of make_revision.bat should be replaced by update_version.cmd REM Argument conversion: REM make_revision.bat m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 REM must be replaced by: REM update_version.cmd m5 m2 m3 REM See issue Delft3D-16419 setlocal enableextensions rem Program will replace %1 by the %1.svn and will replace VERSION_BUILD_NUMBER by a corresponding svn version using svnversion command rem rem %1 - path to the target source file rem %2 - path to the folder to be used to check svnversion rem %3 - Single file with version number information version_number.ini rem %4 - --onlyifmissing: only regenerate when target source file does not exist (optional, default: off) echo Generating version number in '%1' ... set SCRIPT_DIRECTORY=%~dp0 set SVNVERSION="%SCRIPT_DIRECTORY%\..\..\thirdParty\version_number\svnversion.exe" REM Temporariry fix until TeamCity is compatible with svn 1.8 set SVNVERSION17="%SCRIPT_DIRECTORY%\..\..\thirdParty\version_number\svnversion17\svnversion.exe" set VN="%SCRIPT_DIRECTORY%\..\..\thirdParty\version_number\version_number.exe" set version=000000 rem Obtain the svn version number for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('%SVNVERSION% %2') do set version=%%a IF "%version%" == "000000" ( REM use old svn version 1.7 for use on TeamCity Buildserver which does not support 1.8 yet for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('%SVNVERSION17% %2') do set version=%%a ) rem In case version="123:128", use "128": set version=%version:*:=% rem ========================================================================== rem If the source has been obtained using a svn export command, the "Unversioned directory" rem string has been generated, but this cannot be used within *.rc files rem Replace it using 000000 (only necessary on Windows systems) rem ========================================================================== IF "%version:~0,8%" == "exported" ( set version=000000 ) IF "%version:~0,11%" == "Unversioned" ( set version=000000 ) echo %0: %version% IF "%4" == "--onlyifmissing" ( IF EXIST "%1" ( echo %0: Leaving existing file '%1' as is. goto end ) ELSE ( echo %0: Create missing file '%1'. ) ) ELSE ( echo %0: Regenerating existing file '%1'. ) if exist %1 ( del %1 ) rem Generate version number source module using version_number.exe %VN% "%version%" "%3" "%1.svn" "%1" :end