rem Workaround 'nuget install' not being reliable by retrying a few times @echo off rem initiate the retry number set errorCode=1 set retryNumber=0 set maxRetries=5 :RESTORE nuget install %* rem problem? IF ERRORLEVEL %errorCode% GOTO :RETRY rem everything is fine! GOTO :EXIT :RETRY @echo Oops, nuget restore exited with code %errorCode% - let us try again! set /a retryNumber=%retryNumber%+1 IF %reTryNumber% LSS %maxRetries% (GOTO :RESTORE) IF %retryNumber% EQU %maxRetries% (GOTO :ERR) :ERR @echo Sorry, we tried restoring nuget packages for %maxRetries% times and all attempts were unsuccessful! EXIT /B 1 :EXIT