# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 3320 2014-09-11 23:06:21Z bradbell $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-14 Bradley M. Bell # # CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under # the terms of the # Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. # # A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution. # Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the speed/sacado directory tests # Inherit environment from ../CMakeList.txt # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE determined by parent directory # assert sacado_prefix is defined IF ( NOT sacado_prefix ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "speed/sacado/CMakeLists.txt: sacado_prefix = ${sacado_prefix}" ) ENDIF ( NOT sacado_prefix ) # Adds flags to the compiler command line for sources in the current directory # and below. This command can be used to add any flags, but it was originally # intended to add preprocessor definitions. ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DCPPAD_SACADO_SPEED -DRAD_AUTO_AD_Const") # Local include directories to search (not in package_prefix/includdir) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../src ) # add_executable( [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] # source1 source2 ... sourceN # ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(speed_sacado EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ../main.cpp det_lu.cpp det_minor.cpp mat_mul.cpp ode.cpp poly.cpp sparse_hessian.cpp sparse_jacobian.cpp ) # Compiler flags for cppad source add_cppad_cxx_flags( speed_sacado ) # Find name used for teuchos library SET(teuchos_lib NOTFOUND) FOREACH(dir ${cmake_install_libdirs}) FILE(GLOB file_list ${sacado_prefix}/${dir}/libteuchoscore.*) IF(file_list) SET(teuchos_lib teuchoscore) ENDIF(file_list) FILE(GLOB file_list ${sacado_prefix}/${dir}/libteuchos.*) IF(file_list) SET(teuchos_lib teuchos) ENDIF(file_list) ENDFOREACH(dir) # List of libraries to be linked into the specified target IF(teuchos_lib) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(speed_sacado speed_src sacado ${teuchos_lib}) ELSE(teuchos_lib) MESSAGE(FATAT_ERROR " For all dir in cmake_install_libdirs, cannot find either sacado_prefix/dir/teuchos sacado_prefix/dir/teuchoscore where sacado_prefix = ${sacado_prefix} cmake_install_libdirs = ${cmake_install_libdirs} teuchos_lib= ${teuchos_lib} " ) ENDIF(teuchos_lib) # # Add the check_speed_sacado target ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(check_speed_sacado speed_sacado correct 54321 DEPENDS speed_sacado speed_src )