Issues with OpenEarth data viewer (option_compiled) ======================================================================================================================= * How to let users add data to case-specific xml-files? - only registered users! - is this safe? no - version control of xml-files? * How to speed up compilation of routines? - only Pieter can do it now and he has hardly any time - not convenient for testing * The interpolation routine has now hard-coded parameter names in it. How to generalize it? - netcdf files often have different parameter names, such as: lon, longtide, lon_center, etc. - also for latitude and z (height, depth, z, AHN250, etc) - and what about netcdf-files with multiple time steps in it? * Plot timeseries functionallity, via button or in kml? - in kml seems to be more convenient, because you can use it also outside dataviewer (i.e. in Google Earth) - can we link to a web adress with input arguments to perform the action (like the 'python-way'?)