using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Windows.Media; namespace HelixToolkit { /// /// Obj (Wavefront) file reader /// /// /// /// public class ObjReader : IModelReader { private StreamReader Reader { get; set; } private Point3DCollection Points { get; set; } private PointCollection TexCoords { get; set; } private Vector3DCollection Normals { get; set; } public string TexturePath { get; set; } public class Group { public MeshBuilder MeshBuilder { get; set; } public Material Material { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Smoothing { get; set; } public Group(string name) { Name = name; Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Brushes.Green); MeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder(); } } public class MaterialDefinition { // public Color Ambient { get; set; } public Color Diffuse { get; set; } public Color Specular { get; set; } public double SpecularCoefficient { get; set; } public double Dissolved { get; set; } public int Illumination { get; set; } public string AmbientMap { get; set; } public string AlphaMap { get; set; } public string DiffuseMap { get; set; } public string SpecularMap { get; set; } public string BumpMap { get; set; } public Material GetMaterial(string texturePath) { var mg = new MaterialGroup(); if (DiffuseMap == null) { var diffuseBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Diffuse) { Opacity = Dissolved }; mg.Children.Add(new DiffuseMaterial(diffuseBrush)); } else { var path = Path.Combine(texturePath, DiffuseMap); if (File.Exists(path)) { var img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative)); var textureBrush = new ImageBrush(img) { Opacity = Dissolved }; mg.Children.Add(new DiffuseMaterial(textureBrush)); } } mg.Children.Add(new SpecularMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Specular), SpecularCoefficient)); return mg; } } public Dictionary Materials { get; private set; } public Collection Groups { get; private set; } public ObjReader() { Points = new Point3DCollection(); TexCoords = new PointCollection(); Normals = new Vector3DCollection(); Groups = new Collection(); Materials = new Dictionary(); } public Model3DGroup Read(string path) { TexturePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var s = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var result = Read(s); s.Close(); return result; } /// /// Reads a GZipStream compressed OBJ file. /// /// The path. /// public Model3DGroup ReadZ(string path) { TexturePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var s = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var deflateStream = new GZipStream(s, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); var result = Read(deflateStream); deflateStream.Close(); s.Close(); return result; } public Model3DGroup Read(Stream s) { using (Reader = new StreamReader(s)) { while (!Reader.EndOfStream) { var line = Reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } line = line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#") || line.Length == 0) continue; string id, values; SplitLine(line, out id, out values); switch (id.ToLower()) { case "v": AddVertex(values); break; case "vt": AddTexCoord(values); break; case "vn": AddNormal(values); break; case "f": AddFace(values); break; case "g": Groups.Add(new Group(values)); break; case "mtllib": LoadMaterialLib(values); break; case "usemtl": SetMaterial(values); break; case "s": SetSmoothing(values); break; case "o": break; } } } return BuildModel(); } Group CurrentGroup { get { if (Groups.Count == 0) Groups.Add(new Group("default")); return Groups[Groups.Count - 1]; } } private void SetSmoothing(string s) { int smoothing; int.TryParse(s, out smoothing); CurrentGroup.Smoothing = smoothing; } private void LoadMaterialLib(string mtlFile) { var path = Path.Combine(TexturePath, mtlFile); if (!File.Exists(path)) return; using (var mreader = new StreamReader(path)) { MaterialDefinition currentMaterial = null; while (!mreader.EndOfStream) { var line = mreader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } line = line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#") || line.Length == 0) continue; string id, value; SplitLine(line, out id, out value); switch (id.ToLower()) { case "newmtl": if (value != null) { currentMaterial = new MaterialDefinition(); Materials.Add(value, currentMaterial); } break; case "ka": if (currentMaterial != null && value != null) currentMaterial.Ambient = ColorParse(value); break; case "kd": if (currentMaterial != null && value != null) currentMaterial.Diffuse = ColorParse(value); break; case "ks": if (currentMaterial != null && value != null) currentMaterial.Specular = ColorParse(value); break; case "ns": if (currentMaterial != null && value != null) currentMaterial.SpecularCoefficient = DoubleParse(value); break; case "d": if (currentMaterial != null && value != null) currentMaterial.Dissolved = DoubleParse(value); break; //case "tr": // if (currentMaterial != null) // currentMaterial.Dissolved = DoubleParse(values); // break; case "illum": if (currentMaterial != null && value!=null) currentMaterial.Illumination = int.Parse(value); break; case "map_ka": if (currentMaterial != null) currentMaterial.AmbientMap = value; break; case "map_kd": if (currentMaterial != null) currentMaterial.DiffuseMap = value; break; case "map_ks": if (currentMaterial != null) currentMaterial.SpecularMap = value; break; case "map_d": if (currentMaterial != null) currentMaterial.AlphaMap = value; break; case "map_bump": case "bump": if (currentMaterial != null) currentMaterial.BumpMap = value; break; } } } } private static Color ColorParse(string values) { var fields = Split(values); return Color.FromRgb((byte)(fields[0] * 255), (byte)(fields[1] * 255), (byte)(fields[2] * 255)); } private void SetMaterial(string materialName) { CurrentGroup.Material = GetMaterial(materialName); } private Material GetMaterial(string materialName) { MaterialDefinition mat; if (Materials.TryGetValue(materialName, out mat)) { return mat.GetMaterial(TexturePath); } return MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Brushes.Gold); } private void AddFace(string values) { // A polygonal face. The numbers are indexes into the arrays of vertex positions, // texture coordinates, and normals respectively. A number may be omitted if, // for example, texture coordinates are not being defined in the model. // There is no maximum number of vertices that a single polygon may contain. // The .obj file specification says that each face must be flat and convex. var fields = values.Split(' '); var pts = new Point3DCollection(); var tex = new PointCollection(); var norm = new Vector3DCollection(); foreach (var field in fields) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(field)) continue; var ff = field.Split('/'); int vi = int.Parse(ff[0]); int vti = ff.Length > 1 && ff[1].Length > 0 ? int.Parse(ff[1]) : -1; int vni = ff.Length > 2 && ff[2].Length > 0 ? int.Parse(ff[2]) : -1; pts.Add(Points[vi - 1]); if (vti >= 0) tex.Add(TexCoords[vti - 1]); if (vni >= 0) norm.Add(Normals[vni - 1]); } if (tex.Count == 0) tex = null; if (norm.Count == 0) norm = null; // QUAD if (pts.Count == 4) { CurrentGroup.MeshBuilder.AddQuads(pts, norm, tex); return; } // TRIANGLE if (pts.Count == 3) { CurrentGroup.MeshBuilder.AddTriangles(pts, norm, tex); return; } // POLYGONS (flat and convex) var poly3D = new Polygon3D(pts); // Transform the polygon to 2D var poly2D = poly3D.Flatten(); // Triangulate var tri = poly2D.Triangulate(); if (tri != null) { // Add the triangle indices with the 3D points var mesh = new MeshBuilder(); mesh.Append(pts, tri); CurrentGroup.MeshBuilder.Append(mesh); } } private void AddNormal(string values) { var fields = Split(values); Normals.Add(new Vector3D(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])); } private void AddTexCoord(string values) { var fields = Split(values); TexCoords.Add(new Point(fields[0], 1 - fields[1])); } private void AddVertex(string values) { var fields = Split(values); Points.Add(new Point3D(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])); } private static double[] Split(string values) { values = values.Trim(); var fields = values.Split(' '); var result = new double[fields.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) result[i] = DoubleParse(fields[i]); return result; } private static double DoubleParse(string s) { return double.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } private static void SplitLine(string line, out string id, out string values) { int idx = line.IndexOf(' '); if (idx<0) { id = line; values = null; return; } id = line.Substring(0, idx); values = line.Substring(idx + 1); } private Model3DGroup BuildModel() { var modelGroup = new Model3DGroup(); foreach (var g in Groups) { var gm = new GeometryModel3D { Geometry = g.MeshBuilder.ToMesh(), Material = g.Material }; gm.BackMaterial = gm.Material; modelGroup.Children.Add(gm); } return modelGroup; } } }