using System; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; namespace HelixToolkit { public static class MeshGeometryHelper { // Optimizing 3D Collections in WPF // // - Remember to disconnect collections from the MeshGeometry when changing it public static Vector3DCollection CalculateNormals(MeshGeometry3D mesh) { return CalculateNormals(mesh.Positions, mesh.TriangleIndices); } public static Vector3DCollection CalculateNormals(IList positions, IList triangleIndices) { var normals = new Vector3DCollection(positions.Count); for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++) normals.Add(new Vector3D()); for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndices.Count; i += 3) { int index0 = triangleIndices[i]; int index1 = triangleIndices[i + 1]; int index2 = triangleIndices[i + 2]; var p0 = positions[index0]; var p1 = positions[index1]; var p2 = positions[index2]; Vector3D u = p1 - p0; Vector3D v = p2 - p0; Vector3D w = Vector3D.CrossProduct(u, v); w.Normalize(); normals[index0] += w; normals[index1] += w; normals[index2] += w; } for (int i = 0; i < normals.Count; i++) { var w = normals[i]; w.Normalize(); normals[i] = w; } return normals; } public static void ChamferVertex(MeshGeometry3D mesh, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static void ChamferEdge(MeshGeometry3D mesh, int index0, int index1) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static void Split(MeshGeometry3D mesh, Plane3D plane, out MeshGeometry3D above, out MeshGeometry3D below) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static MeshGeometry3D Simplify(MeshGeometry3D mesh, double eps) { // Find common positions var dict = new Dictionary(); // map position index to first occurence of same position for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Positions.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < mesh.Positions.Count; j++) { if (dict.ContainsKey(j)) continue; double l2 = (mesh.Positions[i] - mesh.Positions[j]).LengthSquared; if (l2 < eps) { dict.Add(j, i); } } } var p = new Point3DCollection(); var ti = new Int32Collection(); // create new positions array var newIndex = new Dictionary(); // map old index to new index for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Positions.Count; i++) { if (!dict.ContainsKey(i)) { newIndex.Add(i, p.Count); p.Add(mesh.Positions[i]); } } // Update triangle indices for (int i = 0; i < mesh.TriangleIndices.Count; i++) { int index = mesh.TriangleIndices[i]; int j; if (dict.TryGetValue(index, out j)) { ti.Add(newIndex[j]); } else { ti.Add(newIndex[index]); } } var result = new MeshGeometry3D(); result.Positions = p; result.TriangleIndices = ti; return result; } #region Edge methods /// /// Find all edges in the mesh (each edge is only inclued once) /// /// a mesh /// edge indices (minium index first) public static Int32Collection FindEdges(MeshGeometry3D mesh) { var edges = new Int32Collection(); var dict = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.TriangleIndices.Count / 3; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int index0 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + j]; int index1 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + (j + 1) % 3]; int minIndex = Math.Min(index0, index1); int maxIndex = Math.Max(index1, index0); ulong key = CreateKey((UInt32)minIndex, (UInt32)maxIndex); if (!dict.Contains(key)) { edges.Add(minIndex); edges.Add(maxIndex); dict.Add(key); } } } return edges; } /// /// Create a 64-bit key from two 32-bit indices /// private static UInt64 CreateKey(UInt32 i0, UInt32 i1) { return ((UInt64)i0 << 32) + i1; } /// /// Extract two 32-bit indices from the 64-bit key /// private static void ReverseKey(UInt64 key, out UInt32 i0, out UInt32 i1) { i0 = (UInt32)(key >> 32); i1 = (UInt32)((key << 32) >> 32); } /// /// Find edges that are only connected to one triangle /// /// a mesh /// edge indices public static Int32Collection FindBorderEdges(MeshGeometry3D mesh) { var dict = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.TriangleIndices.Count / 3; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int index0 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + j]; int index1 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + (j + 1) % 3]; int minIndex = Math.Min(index0, index1); int maxIndex = Math.Max(index1, index0); ulong key = CreateKey((UInt32)minIndex, (UInt32)maxIndex); if (dict.ContainsKey(key)) dict[key] = dict[key] + 1; else dict.Add(key, 0); } } var edges = new Int32Collection(); foreach (var kvp in dict) { // find edges only used by 1 triangle if (kvp.Value == 1) { uint i0, i1; ReverseKey(kvp.Key, out i0, out i1); edges.Add((int)i0); edges.Add((int)i1); } } return edges; } /// /// Finds all edges where the angle between adjacent triangle normals /// is larger than minimumAngle /// /// a mesh /// the minimum angle between the normals of two adjacent triangles (degrees) /// edge indices public static Int32Collection FindSharpEdges(MeshGeometry3D mesh, double minimumAngle) { var coll = new Int32Collection(); var dict = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.TriangleIndices.Count / 3; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; Point3D p0 = mesh.Positions[mesh.TriangleIndices[i0]]; Point3D p1 = mesh.Positions[mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + 1]]; Point3D p2 = mesh.Positions[mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + 2]]; Vector3D n = Vector3D.CrossProduct(p1 - p0, p2 - p0); n.Normalize(); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int index0 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + j]; int index1 = mesh.TriangleIndices[i0 + (j + 1) % 3]; int minIndex = Math.Min(index0, index1); int maxIndex = Math.Max(index0, index1); ulong key = CreateKey((UInt32)minIndex, (UInt32)maxIndex); if (dict.ContainsKey(key)) { Vector3D n2 = dict[key]; n2.Normalize(); double angle = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Acos(Vector3D.DotProduct(n, n2)); if (angle > minimumAngle) { coll.Add(minIndex); coll.Add(maxIndex); } } else { dict.Add(key, n); } } } return coll; } #endregion #region Debug methods public static void Validate(MeshGeometry3D mesh) { if (mesh.Normals != null && mesh.Normals.Count != 0 && mesh.Normals.Count != mesh.Positions.Count) Debug.WriteLine("Wrong number of normals"); if (mesh.TextureCoordinates != null && mesh.TextureCoordinates.Count != 0 && mesh.TextureCoordinates.Count != mesh.Positions.Count) Debug.WriteLine("Wrong number of TextureCoordinates"); if (mesh.TriangleIndices.Count % 3 != 0) Debug.WriteLine("TriangleIndices not complete"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.TriangleIndices.Count; i++) { int index = mesh.TriangleIndices[i]; Debug.Assert(index >= 0 || index < mesh.Positions.Count, "Wrong index " + index + " in triangle " + i / 3 + " vertex " + i % 3); } } #endregion public static MeshGeometry3D NoSharedVertices(MeshGeometry3D input) { var p = new Point3DCollection(); var ti = new Int32Collection(); Vector3DCollection n = null; if (input.Normals != null) n = new Vector3DCollection(); PointCollection tc = null; if (input.TextureCoordinates != null) tc = new PointCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < input.TriangleIndices.Count; i += 3) { int i0 = i; int i1 = i + 1; int i2 = i + 2; int index0 = input.TriangleIndices[i0]; int index1 = input.TriangleIndices[i1]; int index2 = input.TriangleIndices[i2]; var p0 = input.Positions[index0]; var p1 = input.Positions[index1]; var p2 = input.Positions[index2]; p.Add(p0); p.Add(p1); p.Add(p2); ti.Add(i0); ti.Add(i1); ti.Add(i2); if (n != null) { n.Add(input.Normals[index0]); n.Add(input.Normals[index1]); n.Add(input.Normals[index2]); } if (tc != null) { tc.Add(input.TextureCoordinates[index0]); tc.Add(input.TextureCoordinates[index1]); tc.Add(input.TextureCoordinates[index2]); } } return new MeshGeometry3D() { Positions = p, TriangleIndices = ti, Normals = n, TextureCoordinates = tc }; } } } //