using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
namespace HelixToolkit
/// Note that the Matrix3D contains row vectors
public static class Matrix3DExtensions
/// Convert the matrix to a string using invariant culture and '\t' and '\n' as separators.
public static string ToString(this Matrix3D matrix, int columnWidth)
return matrix.ConvertToString("N" + columnWidth, 20);
/// Convert the matrix to a string
public static string ToString(this Matrix3D matrix, string format, int columnWidth)
if (format == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("format");
return matrix.ConvertToString(format, "\t", "\n", columnWidth, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
/// Convert the matrix to a string
public static string ToString(this Matrix3D matrix, string format, string columnSeparator, string lineSeparator,
int columnWidth, CultureInfo provider)
return matrix.ConvertToString(format, columnSeparator, lineSeparator, columnWidth, provider);
/// Converts to string using the specified format and the invariant culture
/// Format string, e.g. "N8"
/// Width of column, number of characters
internal static string ConvertToString(this Matrix3D matrix, string format, int columnWidth)
CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
return matrix.ConvertToString(format, "\t", "\n", columnWidth, provider);
/// Converts to string using the specified format and the invariant culture
internal static string ConvertToString(this Matrix3D matrix, string format, string columnSeparator,
string lineSeparator, int columnWidth, CultureInfo provider)
double[,] m = matrix.ToArray();
// indexing: m[row,column]
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < m.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m.GetLength(1); j++)
string s = String.Format(provider, "{0:" + format + "}", m[i, j]).PadLeft(columnWidth);
if (j < 3) sb.Append(columnSeparator);
if (i < 3) sb.Append(lineSeparator);
return sb.ToString();
/// Convert the to a two-dimensional .
/// Two-dimensional array, the indexing is Array[row,column]
public static double[,] ToArray(this Matrix3D matrix)
var m = new double[4,4];
m[0, 0] = matrix.M11;
m[0, 1] = matrix.M12;
m[0, 2] = matrix.M13;
m[0, 3] = matrix.M14;
m[1, 0] = matrix.M21;
m[1, 1] = matrix.M22;
m[1, 2] = matrix.M23;
m[1, 3] = matrix.M24;
m[2, 0] = matrix.M31;
m[2, 1] = matrix.M32;
m[2, 2] = matrix.M33;
m[2, 3] = matrix.M34;
m[3, 0] = matrix.OffsetX;
m[3, 1] = matrix.OffsetY;
m[3, 2] = matrix.OffsetZ;
m[3, 3] = matrix.M44;
return m;