MATLAB Builder NE (.NET Component) 1. Prerequisites for Deployment . Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 7.14. . If the MCR is not installed, run MCRInstaller.exe, located in: *\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32\MCRInstaller.exe For more information on the MCR Installer, see the MATLAB Compiler documentation. 2. Files to Deploy and Package -BwnFunctions.dll -contains the generated component using MWArray API. -BwnFunctionsNative.dll -contains the generated component using native API. -This readme file . If the target machine does not have version 7.14 of the MCR installed, include MCRInstaller.exe. Auto-generated Documentation Templates: MWArray.xml - This file contains the code comments for the MWArray data conversion classes and their methods. This file can be found in either the component distrib directory or in *\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win32\v2.0 BwnFunctions_overview.html - HTML overview documentation file for the generated component. It contains the requirements for accessing the component and for generating arguments using the MWArray class hierarchy. BwnFunctions.xml - This file contains the code comments for the BwnFunctions component classes and methods. Using a third party documentation tool, this file can be combined with either or both of the previous files to generate online documentation for the BwnFunctions component. 3. Resources To learn more about: See: ====================================================================================================== The MWArray classes MATLAB product help or *\ help\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\MWArrayAPI\MWArrayAPI.chm Examples of .NET Web Applications MATLAB Application Deployment Web Example Guide 4. Definitions MCR - MATLAB Builder NE uses the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR), which is a standalone set of shared libraries that enable the execution of M-files. The MCR provides complete support for all features of MATLAB without the MATLAB GUI. When you package and distribute an application to users, you include component assemblies generated by the builder as well as the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). If necessary, run MCRInstaller.exe to install version 7.14 of MCR. For more information about the MCR, see the MATLAB Compiler documentation. MWArray - Use the MWArray class hierarchy, which maps to MATLAB data types, to pass input/output arguments to MATLAB Builder NE generated functions. These classes consist of a thin wrapper around a MATLAB array. It provides full marshaling and formatting services for all basic MATLAB data types including sparse arrays, structures, and cell arrays. These classes provide the necessary constructors, methods, and operators for array creation and initialization, serialization, simple indexing, and formatted output. MWArray API - The MWArray API is the standard API that has been used since the introduction of MATLAB Builder NE. This API requires the MATLAB MCR to be installed on the target machine as it makes use of several primitive MATLAB functions. For information about using this API, see the MATLAB Builder NE documentation. Native .NET API - The Native API was designed especially, though not exclusively, to support .NET remoting. It allows you to pass arguments and return values using standard .NET types. This feature is especially useful for clients that need to access a remoteable component on a machine that does not have the MCR installed. In addition, as only native .NET types are used in this API, there is no need to learn semantics of a new set of data conversion classes. This API does not directly support .NET analogs for the MATLAB structure and cell array types. For information about using this API, see see the MATLAB Builder NE documentation. .NET Framework - The Microsoft .NET Framework is a large library of pre-coded solutions to common programming problems that uses the CLR (Common Language Runtime) as the execution engine. MATLAB Builder NE currently supports Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. * NOTE: is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine.