
Typically, an ARGUS station consists of 5 cameras covering a 180 deg view of a stretch of coast of approximately 3 to 6 kilometres. This range obviously depends on the camera lens type and the height of the station location.

Indicative system performance specifications are listed in the table below. However, specific needs require specific solutions. For each individual site we design a station configuration (camera type, lens type, number of cameras, mounting height) fitting for the specific situation. The performance specifications listed below are shown to give you an idea of the demands that are made on a site to be able to use the ARGUS video technique.

Number of cameras per station 1 - 6
Field of view per camera 25 deg - 60 deg
Mounting height > 20 m
Range 1.5 km - 2 km from station
Pixel resolution from decimetre to 20 metres
Accuracy depends on application