This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d Capacity: max_strings=200000, hash_size=200000, hash_prime=170003 The top-level auxiliary file: print_references.aux Reallocating 'cite_info' (item size: 4) to 1500 items. Reallocating 'cite_list' (item size: 4) to 1500 items. Reallocating 'entry_exists' (item size: 1) to 1500 items. Reallocating 'type_list' (item size: 4) to 1500 items. Reallocating 'cite_info' (item size: 4) to 2250 items. Reallocating 'cite_list' (item size: 4) to 2250 items. Reallocating 'entry_exists' (item size: 1) to 2250 items. Reallocating 'type_list' (item size: 4) to 2250 items. Reallocating 'cite_info' (item size: 4) to 3000 items. Reallocating 'cite_list' (item size: 4) to 3000 items. Reallocating 'entry_exists' (item size: 1) to 3000 items. Reallocating 'type_list' (item size: 4) to 3000 items. White space in argument---line 2685 of file print_references.aux : \citation{jabref-meta: : databaseType:biblatex;} I'm skipping whatever remains of this command Reallocating 'name_of_file' (item size: 1) to 14 items. The style file: agufull08_mod.bst Reallocating 'name_of_file' (item size: 1) to 11 items. Reallocating 'field_info' (item size: 4) to 74775 items. Database file #1: references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Ahnert94's extra "journal" field --line 297 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 130000 items. Warning--I'm ignoring Blom16_2's extra "journal" field --line 3443 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 195000 items. Warning--I'm ignoring Gill68's extra "journal" field --line 14411 of file references.bib Warning--entry type for "Lane57" isn't style-file defined --line 21663 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 260000 items. Warning--I'm ignoring Lin84's extra "journal" field --line 23131 of file references.bib Warning--entry type for "Parker04" isn't style-file defined --line 28173 of file references.bib Warning--entry type for "Reula04" isn't style-file defined --line 30551 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 325000 items. Warning--I'm ignoring Smale00_MSc's extra "school" field --line 33475 of file references.bib Repeated entry---line 36641 of file references.bib : @article{vanderMark13 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--I'm ignoring Vreugdenhil01's extra "journal" field --line 38387 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 390000 items. Repeated entry---line 45663 of file references.bib : @article{Luijendijk19 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45691 of file references.bib : @article{Dietrich83 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45719 of file references.bib : @article{MosqueraMachado07 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45749 of file references.bib : @techreport{Kranenburg15_2 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45769 of file references.bib : @techreport{Kranenburg15 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45789 of file references.bib : @techreport{Kranenburg15_3 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45809 of file references.bib : @techreport{Cotino20 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45823 of file references.bib : @incollection{Koren93 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45845 of file references.bib : @techreport{Borsboom97 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45863 of file references.bib : @book{Uijttewaal20 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45877 of file references.bib : @article{Ponce91 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 45905 of file references.bib : @techreport{Irving20 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--I'm ignoring Swamee88's extra "journal" field --line 47201 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Arnaud15's extra "journal" field --line 47449 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring An19's extra "journal" field --line 47567 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring KabiriSamani12's extra "journal" field --line 47663 of file references.bib Warning--entry type for "GeowebProfielZN21" isn't style-file defined --line 47853 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Chavarrias21_2's extra "journal" field --line 48439 of file references.bib Repeated entry---line 48933 of file references.bib : @techreport{Niesten20 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 49377 of file references.bib : @techreport{Mosselman05 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--I'm ignoring Preissmann61_2's extra "journal" field --line 50059 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Preissmann61_3's extra "journal" field --line 50079 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring vonKarman30's extra "journal" field --line 50617 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Gibson34's extra "journal" field --line 50667 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Chiew92's extra "journal" field --line 50893 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Garg05's extra "journal" field --line 50921 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Raudkivi83's extra "journal" field --line 50981 of file references.bib Repeated entry---line 51045 of file references.bib : @article{Giri21 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 51551 of file references.bib : @techreport{Chavarrias21_6 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--I'm ignoring Merrill95's extra "journal" field --line 53357 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Ketcheson21's extra "journal" field --line 53387 of file references.bib Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 455000 items. Repeated entry---line 54503 of file references.bib : @mastersthesis{Stenfert17_MSc : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--I'm ignoring Johnson92's extra "journal" field --line 54627 of file references.bib Warning--entry type for "Denaro23" isn't style-file defined --line 56969 of file references.bib Repeated entry---line 59179 of file references.bib : @techreport{Ogink04 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 60369 of file references.bib : @article{Barneveld23 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 63099 of file references.bib : @techreport{Hubbell64 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 63207 of file references.bib : @article{Lien99 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 64109 of file references.bib : @article{Petts89 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Reallocating 'str_pool' (item size: 1) to 520000 items. Warning--I'm ignoring Seminara23's extra "year" field --line 69910 of file references.bib Warning--I'm ignoring Seminara23_2's extra "year" field --line 69934 of file references.bib Repeated entry---line 70077 of file references.bib : @techreport{Deltares20 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 70153 of file references.bib : @article{Kleinhans17 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Name 1 in "M. Bakker, and E. Berger and M. van Duin and S. Broeder and O. Karacan" has a comma at the end for entry Bakker22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "M. Bakker, and E. Berger and M. van Duin and S. Broeder and O. Karacan" has a comma at the end for entry Bakker22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--to sort, need author or key in Berger25 Name 1 in "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," has a comma at the end for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," has a comma at the end for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry Borsboom16 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry Borsboom16 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "Matt Czapiga, Astrid Blom, and Enrica Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Czapiga21_2 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "Matt Czapiga, Astrid Blom, and Enrica Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Czapiga21_2 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "F Engelund, and and J Freds{\o}e" has a comma at the end for entry Engelund82 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "F Engelund, and and J Freds{\o}e" has a comma at the end for entry Engelund82 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--to sort, need author or key in Flokstra85 Warning--to sort, need editor or key in Friedrich19 Warning--to sort, need author or key in HRW90 Name 2 in "S. Jafarinik and R. Hern\'ández a Moreira, and E. Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Jafarinik19 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--to sort, need author or key in Klaassen88 Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry NASEM23 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry NASEM23 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_Kalman Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_asciiparser Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_flow Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_manual Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_morph Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_salt Warning--to sort, need author or key in SOBEK_wqual Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--to sort, need author or key in WAQBANK14 Warning--to sort, need editor or key in bfg06 Warning--to sort, need author or key in colombia00 Warning--to sort, need author or key in deingenieur47 Warning--to sort, need author or key in dhi70_M932 Warning--to sort, need author or key in dhi83_M1905 Warning--to sort, need author or key in fortran_format Warning--to sort, need author or key in swe_int Warning--to sort, need author or key in unknown_XX Too many commas in name 1 of "Olav J. M. VAN DUIN, J. S. RIBBERINK, C. M. DOHMEN-JANSSEN, S. J. M. H. HULSCHER" for entry vanDuin11 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Olav J. M. VAN DUIN, J. S. RIBBERINK, C. M. DOHMEN-JANSSEN, S. J. M. H. HULSCHER" for entry vanDuin11 while executing---line 1741 of file agufull08_mod.bst Reallocating 'wiz_functions' (item size: 4) to 6000 items. Warning--empty author in Klaassen88 Warning--empty title in Klaassen88 Warning--missing institution in Klaassen88 Warning--empty author in fortran_format Warning--missing institution in fortran_format Warning--empty author in swe_int Warning--missing institution in swe_int Warning--empty author in unknown_XX Warning--empty title in unknown_XX Warning--missing institution in unknown_XX Warning--empty author in Berger25 Warning--empty author in deingenieur47 Warning--empty author in dhi70_M932 Warning--empty author in dhi83_M1905 Warning--empty author in Flokstra85 Warning--empty author in HRW90 Warning--empty author in colombia00 Warning--empty author in WAQBANK14 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Allen78 Warning--missing publisher in Allgower90 Warning--missing publisher in Arfken12 Warning--missing publisher in Ashida73 Name 1 in "M. Bakker, and E. Berger and M. van Duin and S. Broeder and O. Karacan" has a comma at the end for entry Bakker22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "M. Bakker, and E. Berger and M. van Duin and S. Broeder and O. Karacan" has a comma at the end for entry Bakker22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--missing publisher in Ban19 Warning--missing publisher in Barrett94 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Batchelor70 Warning--empty journal in Baydoun18 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Berrar13 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Biedenharn08 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Blench66 Warning--missing publisher in Blom15_2 Warning--missing publisher in Blom16_3 Warning--missing publisher in Blom17_3 Warning--missing publisher in Boersema20 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Boesch94 Warning--missing publisher in Booij03_2 Warning--empty journal in BorsboomXX Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Buffington12 Warning--empty booktitle in Burgers48 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Chapra10 Warning--missing publisher in Chavarrias17 Warning--missing publisher in Chavarrias20_8 Warning--missing publisher in Chavarrias16_2 Warning--missing publisher in Chavarrias19_8 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Church92 Warning--missing publisher in Colombini17 Warning--missing institution in CECB20 Warning--missing publisher in Crosato13 Warning--missing publisher in Crowe09 Warning--empty booktitle in Ferraz24 Warning--missing publisher in deGoede14 Warning--missing institution in DecykXX Warning--missing institution in Dijkstra82 Warning--empty booktitle in Donchyts13 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Drazin82 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Drew99 Name 1 in "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," has a comma at the end for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," has a comma at the end for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "E. Bladé, L. Cea, G. Corestein, E. Escolano, J. Puertas, E. Vázquez-Cendón, J. Dolz, A. Coll," for entry Blade14 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--empty journal in Einfeldt15 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Einstein71 Warning--missing publisher in Eleftherakis10 Name 1 in "F Engelund, and and J Freds{\o}e" has a comma at the end for entry Engelund82 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "F Engelund, and and J Freds{\o}e" has a comma at the end for entry Engelund82 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Fenton15 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Ferguson98 Warning--empty journal in Escalante17 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in FoufoulaGeorgiou13 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Galloway75 Warning--missing publisher in colombia07 Warning--missing publisher in Gastel16 Warning--empty booktitle in Giri15 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Govedarska17 Warning--missing publisher in Grijsen76 Warning--missing institution in Hazewinkel04 Warning--missing institution in HEC-RAS_ice Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Hey87 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Hirano72 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Howard80 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Howard87 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Hubbell65 Warning--missing institution in IW18 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in IUPAC07 Name 2 in "S. Jafarinik and R. Hern\'ández a Moreira, and E. Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Jafarinik19 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 2 in "S. Jafarinik and R. Hern\'ández a Moreira, and E. Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Jafarinik19 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--empty journal in Jafarinik19 Warning--empty title in Jagers99 Warning--missing institution in Jagers99 Warning--missing publisher in Lindenschmidt20 Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Kashyap, Shalini; Rennie, Colin D.; Townsend, D. R.; Constantinescu, George; Tokyay, Talia" for entry Kashyap10 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Kellermann11 Warning--missing institution in King18 Warning--missing institution in King33 Warning--missing publisher in Kok17 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Komarova95 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Kuhnle92_2 Warning--missing publisher in vanLandeghem20 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Leopold92 Warning--can't use both volume and number fields in Macqueen67 Name 1 in "Matt Czapiga, Astrid Blom, and Enrica Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Czapiga21_2 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "Matt Czapiga, Astrid Blom, and Enrica Viparelli" has a comma at the end for entry Czapiga21_2 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--missing publisher in Monge50 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman06 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman09 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman10_2 Warning--missing publisher in Mosselman10_2 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman12 Warning--missing publisher in Mosselman02 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman08_2 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman03 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Mosselman06_2 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in MunozRuiz08 Warning--missing institution in Muthukumar14 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Nabi17 Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry Borsboom16 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry Borsboom16 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry NASEM23 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Name 1 in "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" has a comma at the end for entry NASEM23 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--missing publisher in Nedeco73 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Nemec90 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Nemec90_2 Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Niesten, I, Tahsin, N, van Grootheest, D., Barneveld, H., Waldschläger, K. and Hoitink,T." for entry Niesten24 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Olav J. M. VAN DUIN, J. S. RIBBERINK, C. M. DOHMEN-JANSSEN, S. J. M. H. HULSCHER" for entry vanDuin11 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Olav J. M. VAN DUIN, J. S. RIBBERINK, C. M. DOHMEN-JANSSEN, S. J. M. H. HULSCHER" for entry vanDuin11 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--missing publisher in Orru15 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Orton88 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Paola88 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Paola96_02 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Paola01 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Parker08 Warning--missing publisher in Parker08 Warning--missing publisher in Parker08_4 Warning--empty chapter and pages in Peery88 Warning--missing publisher in Peery88 Warning--missing publisher in Plato_Phaedo Warning--missing publisher in Postman85 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Preissmann61_2 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Preissmann61_3 Warning--missing institution in vanProoijen12 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Radecki15 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Rehbock1921_2 Warning--there's a number but no volume in Rehbock21 Warning--empty booktitle in Reid84 Warning--missing publisher in RWS99 Warning--missing institution in RoelvinkXX Warning--empty booktitle in Roos07_2 Warning--empty note in Schielen95 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Schielen05 Warning--can't use both volume and number fields in Schoklitsch33 Warning--missing publisher in Siele19 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in DiSilvio92b Warning--empty booktitle in diSilvio16 Warning--empty journal in Simon05 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Sloff11 Warning--missing publisher in Smith03 Warning--empty journal in SoaresFrazao99 Warning--missing publisher in Spruyt11 Too many commas in name 1 of "Boersema, M.P., Schielen, R.M.J., Eijsbergen, E. van, Rinsema, J.G." for entry Spruyt20 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Boersema, M.P., Schielen, R.M.J., Eijsbergen, E. van, Rinsema, J.G." for entry Spruyt20 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Boersema, M.P., Schielen, R.M.J., Eijsbergen, E. van, Rinsema, J.G." for entry Spruyt20 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Boersema, M.P., Schielen, R.M.J., Eijsbergen, E. van, Rinsema, J.G." for entry Spruyt20 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Boersema, M.P., Schielen, R.M.J., Eijsbergen, E. van, Rinsema, J.G." for entry Spruyt20 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Too many commas in name 1 of "Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert,J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G." for entry Stahl22 while executing---line 1822 of file agufull08_mod.bst Warning--empty journal in Stoker92 Warning--missing publisher in STOWA19 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Strauss08 Warning--empty booktitle in Symonds17 Warning--missing publisher in Thuerey22 Warning--missing publisher in Tockner22 Warning--empty journal in Tsujimoto Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Tubino08 Warning--missing publisher in Uijttewaal20 Warning--empty journal in vanBalen_XX Warning--empty journal in vanBalen_XX2 Warning--there's a number but no volume in vanderVaart99 Warning--missing publisher in vanDuin13 Warning--missing publisher in vanHeezik06 Warning--missing institution in vanRijn00 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in vandeVen93 Warning--missing publisher in Vanzo11 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Verhulst05 Warning--missing publisher in daVinci78 Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in Vollmer06 Warning--missing publisher in Vreugdenhil89 Warning--missing publisher in deVries69 Warning--missing publisher in Wiesemann06 Warning--missing publisher in Winterwerp22 Warning--empty journal in Yalin Warning--missing institution in RWS19_2 You've used 2791 entries, 3080 wiz_defined-function locations, 17243 strings with 488456 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 2173587 in all, are: = -- 231746 > -- 65855 < -- 2332 + -- 30309 - -- 18076 * -- 138205 := -- 216416 add.period$ -- 2791 call.type$ -- 2791$ -- 12203$ -- 2792 cite$ -- 3019 duplicate$ -- 238241 empty$ -- 136511$ -- 25612 if$ -- 435031$ -- 203$ -- 1 missing$ -- 25610 newline$ -- 8380 num.names$ -- 11171 pop$ -- 83282 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 9037 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 126648 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 84377 swap$ -- 192515 text.length$ -- 550 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 0 type$ -- 24480 warning$ -- 186 while$ -- 12875 width$ -- 0 write$ -- 32341 (There were 182 error messages)