library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) source("read.his.R") filename <- file.path("Reproducible example", "delwaq.his") arr <- read.his(filename) ## Select locations and relevant substances ================================ locmod=c("Upstream pipe", "Near pipe", "Far field") submod=c("Temp", "NH4", "CBOD5") # make data frames ======================================================================== ### uses a function "" from source delwaq.rpj (see beginning) ### Quite sure the function can be improved: ### 1. no loops but some kind of apply function? ## Use melt to convert between array and data.frame ## similar to "" df <- melt(arr[,locmod, submod], varnames=c("time", "location", "substance")) ### 2. include choice of time step, perhaps interval (relatively easy) df.filtered <- subset(df, time<10000) ### 3. Use time stamp for POSIX (even better: include in readhis function) df$date <- as.POSIXct.numeric(x=df$time, origin="1970-01-01") # Start plotting========================================================== p <- ggplot(df,aes(date, value, color=substance)) p + geom_line() + labs(xlab="", ylab=submod[1], title=locmod) + facet_grid(location~.) ggsave("forwillem.pdf")