=============================================================================== Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. This Deltares-software executable is part of iMOD. iMOD is Deltares-software; the source code of iMOD is also available as free open source software at oss.deltares.nl. You may use the Deltares-software executables of iMOD without any remuneration to be paid to Deltares if you accepted the iMOD Software License Agreement (iMOD License) which is offered to you as a PDF-file; you should have received a copy of this PDF-file with this Deltares-software executable. If not, see http://oss.deltares.nl/web/iMOD/iMOD_Software_License_Agreement. Please go to the PDF-file of the iMOD License, read it and decide whether you want or do not want to accept the iMOD License. If you accept the iMOD License, please enter "Y" or "y" below this text and hit the Enter-key. If you do not accept the iMOD License, please do NOT enter "Y" or "y" below this text and hit the Enter-key and refrain from using the Deltares-software executables of iMOD; you may find a solution in downloading the source code of the iMOD-software and compile the executables yourself (see oss.deltares.nl). Without your acceptance of the iMOD License the use of the Deltares-executables of the iMOD-software is prohibited and illegal. The iMOD software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY GUARANTEE OR (IMPLIED) WARRANTY. Any use of the Deltares-executables of the iMOD-software is for your own risk. See the iMOD License for more details. For more info, please contact: Stichting Deltares, P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. Email: imod.support@deltares.nl. =============================================================================== I accepted the terms and conditions of the iMOD Software License Agreement on: 12/11/2019 10:42:22