library(shiny) library(leaflet) # Choices for drop-downs shinyUI(navbarPage("EIA", id="nav", tabPanel("Interactive map", div(class="outer", tags$head( # Include our custom CSS includeCSS("styles.css"), includeScript("gomap.js") ), leafletOutput("map", width="100%", height="100%"), # Shiny versions prior to 0.11 should use class="modal" instead. absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = 40, right = "auto", bottom = "auto", width = 330, height = "auto", h2("EIA Wizard"), selectInput("benthos", "Species or group: ", c("Buccinum undatum")), img(src = "dogwhelk.png", width = "155px"), img(src='variogram.png', width = "300px", height = '250px'), plotOutput("timeSeriesBenthos", height = 250) ) #, # tags$div(id="cite", # 'Data compiled for ', tags$em('Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010'), ' by Charles Murray (Crown Forum, 2012).' # ) ) ), tabPanel("Data Wizard" , # fluidRow( # column(3, # selectInput("states", "States", c("All states"="", structure(,, "Washington, DC"="DC"), multiple=TRUE) # ), # column(3, # conditionalPanel("input.states", # selectInput("cities", "Cities", c("All cities"=""), multiple=TRUE) # ) # ), # column(3, # conditionalPanel("input.states", # selectInput("zipcodes", "Zipcodes", c("All zipcodes"=""), multiple=TRUE) # ) # ) # ), fluidRow( column(8, numericInput("startyear", "start year", min = 1980, max=2017, step = 1, value=2000) ), column(8, numericInput("endyear", "end year", min=1980, max=2017, step = 1, value=2017) ) ), hr(), tableOutput("benthosTable") ), conditionalPanel("false", icon("crosshair")) ) )