motu-client.exception.option.mandatory=[Excp 1] Option '%s' is mandatory. Please provide it. motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.user=[Excp 13] User (option '%s') is mandatory when '%s' authentication is set. Please provide it. motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.mode=[Excp 17] Authentication mode other than '%s' (option '%s') is mandatory when a user ('%s') is set. Please provide it. motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.password=[Excp 14] Password (option '%s') is mandatory for user '%s'. Please provide it. motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notexist=[Excp 2] The given output directory '%s' does not exist. motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notwritable=[Excp 3] The given output directory (%s) is not writable. motu-client.exception.option.not-url=[Excp 4] Option '%s' has a bad url scheme "%s". motu-client.exception.option.linked=[Excp 5] Option '%s' and '%s' must be provided both, or none. motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range=[Excp 6] Option '%s' is out of range for value '%s'. motu-client.exception.option.invalid=[Excp 12] Value '%s' is not valid for option '%s'. Expected one of %s. motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box=[Excp 7] Geographic coverage is not fully defined. Missing '%s' parameters. motu-client.exception.authentication.unfound-url=[Excp 8] CAS Url Server can't be found in '%s'. Check the contacted service use CAS for authentication. motu-client.exception.authentication.not-redirected=[Excp 15] Service '%s' seems to not have been redirected to the CAS service. Check the contacted service use CAS for authentication. motu-client.exception.authentication.redirected=[Excp 16] Service '%s' seems to have been redirected to the CAS service ('%s'). Check the contacted service doesn't need a CAS authentication first. motu-client.exception.authentication.tgt=[Excp 9] Unable to retrieve the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) when authenticating with CAS mode. motu-client.exception.motu.error=[Excp 10] Motu server failed to process the request. Response returned is the following: '%s'.[Excp 11] "Dataset retrival incomplete. Got only %i out of %i bytes.