To Be Improved
	- Make sure that the outlet-line snapping goes right, that the polyline and points are covered with the DEM
	- Enable reprojection
	- Make sure reprojection between mask and input goes right
	- Check on Combine outlets with gauges shape-file and mapping between shape-file and map-file
Improved 2015-04-06
	- Fixed 'zig-zagging' of polylines
	- Improved recognition of input DEM projection and error handling if no projection defined
	- If result shape-files are locked, (1), (2), etc will be used until a filename is found which is not locked by any process.
	- If a min strahler-order is specified larger than the maximum strahler-order generated from ldd, the maximum strahler-order generated from ldd will be used as a treshhold to generate a river-shapefile