These Python scripts are work in progress. In case of problems/questions: contact These Python scripts are part of the RegionalHydrologyUrban(RHU) project. USAGE: Copy the script "convert_from_SOBEK3.bat" into an empty directory. Follow the instructions in that script. EPSG: The EPSG code is hardcoded to be zero (0). RD (28992) is implemented as well. To switch it on: Open file "writer_dflowfm/" in an editor, line 51: epsgcode = 0 should be replaced by: epsgcode = 28992 APPEND TO Save you 2d model with cell info in the interacter Copy writer_dflowfm\ to writer_dflowfm\ Rename writer_dflowfm\ to writer_dflowfm\ Go to line 40 "ncfile = Dataset(r'd:\WRIJ_DEM\FM\1D2D_model_final\network\input\', 'a', format=outformat)" and change to "directory\" PYTHON The following installation set seems to work properly: Python 3.7 conda install gdal conda install netCDF4 Update 28/07/2023 - Boyan Domhof: Fixed a lot of non-working stuff and made sure conversion complies with recent D-Flow FM formats Can now also be used with Python 3.9 Tested with sobek-rijn-j22_6-v1a_rwsos SOBEK 3 model