Group identifier
Observation start date and time. What is de default time when no time is specified? Observation end date and time. Time zone offset (startdatetime and enddatetime) relative to UTC, with specification of Day Light Saving Time (DST) or Standard Time (ST). Format: [+|-]hh:mm[ST|DST] Depth on a observation location. (location, date, depth, parameter...)=AK? Numeric observation value. When not specified, there should be a alfanum value indication. AlfaNumeric observation value. When not specified, there should be a numeric value specified. Reference to lineage (meta) data on how data was upload into the database. "<" if value below reporting threshold. ">" if value above reporting threshold. FK to property (AQUO hoedanigheid)
optional link to full description of the device Group identifier
WKT representation of the original/source point data (incl SRID).
optional link to online source for description
This is the parameter database. The database consists of a serial key (idparameter), a field with a general description (in case of species names, this is the scientific name), foreign key and a table name. The combination tablename and foreign key form a unique combination and will be used as a constraint. description derived from the referencetable (i.e. species, chemical characteristic, sediment characteristic)
Unit conversion factor. Group identifier
Quality judgement Group identifier
WKT representation of the original/source polygon data (incl. SRID)
optional link to sample method description Group identifier
Geometry deferred fom wkt (and srid). WKT representation of a line (incl. SRID).
Group description (lut) Group identifier full description of the group
TypeWaardebepalingsmethodeType optional link to full description of measurement type Group identifier
AQUO: Hoedanigheid optional reference to documentation on the property AQUO: AQUO code voor hoedanigheid.
description of the compartment from which the sample has been taken, can any part of the environment as well as tissue of an organisme Group identifier
Table for dynamic creation of ad hoc extra Observation attributes. Numeric observation value for extra attribute. When not specified, there should be a alfanum value indication. AlfaNumeric observation value. When not specified, there should be a numeric value specified.