Marine Data Management Relational Datamodel. ** USE THE filled_datamodel.sql or the MDM-Model.sql + uploaddomaintables.ktr to get a working datamodel database. MDM-Model.architect: is the source for the case tool "SQL Power Architect" ( This case tool hase been used to create the initial model. MDM-Model.sql: is the SQL DDL generated from the case tool model. The SQL DDL has been manually altered to apply inheritance for some of the tables. Inheritance is not supported in SQL Power Architect. datamodel.pdf is the current version of the datamodel based on the sql instead of the SQL Power Architect uploaddomaintables.ktr is the (Geo) Kettle transformation to load all the domaintables into a database uploaddomaintables(2).py are python tools to load all the domaintables into a database. version 2 has some improvements. filled_datamodel.sql is a complete dump of an empty database schema with the domaintables filled ToDo: Still todo is to setup an ETL to fill the domain / Look up tables with values form the sources (AQUO, WORMS, eso...)