Log-file of RIBASIM component Bin2Prt Version 7.48 ================================================== (c) Copyright, Deltares, Delft, the Netherlands Read [Model connection node] chapter from Ntw-file Read [Model connection branch] chapter from Ntw-file Aware : maximum number of cultivations per node (set by CROPPER) = 50 Read table control data Read time step data, file version 03.00 Read run control data, file version 1.04 Initial state file not used Read configuration link data (Ntw-file version NTW6.6) Read [Model connection node] chapter from Ntw-file Read [Model connection branch] chapter from Ntw-file Read simulation sequence Read time series range data Read variable inflow node data file version 1.06 Read recording node data file version 1.01 Read SW reservoir node data file version 1.07 Read low flow node data file version 1.03 Read population type data, file version 02.00 Read public water supply node data file version 1.10 Read fixed irrigation node data file version 1.07 Read crop data, file version 2.00 Read crop factor data, file version 1.00 Read yield response factor data, file version 1.00 Read irrigation practise (on-off switch) data, file version 1.00 Read field buffer storage data, file version 1.00 Read desired field water level data, file version 1.00 Read desired instantaneous drainage water level data, file version 1.00 Read extra water layer demand data (used at crop planning), file version 1.00 Read advanced irrigation node data file version 1.09 Read surface water flow link data file version 1.01 Read scenario definition Dirinfo files Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\Dirinfo Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\LOOKUP\SCENARIO.000\Dirinfo Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\LANDUSE\SCENARIO.000\Dirinfo Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\AGRICULT\SCENARIO.000\Dirinfo Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\ACTIONS\MEASTRAT.000\Dirinfo Read scenario description file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\CLIMATE\SCENARIO.000\Dirinfo Warning: Land-use and population scenario definition data file ("Lupopdef.dat") empty Warning: Agriculture scenario definition data file ("AgriDef.dat") empty Read Management action scenario definition data file version 01.00 Warning: Climate change definition data file ("ClimDef.dat") empty Read source / traject priority list : source nodes Read source / traject priority list: read trajects Read measure and strategy data file : \RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\ACTIONS\MEASURES\M001_EMPTYSOURCELIST.MES Read data of measure and strategy : Empty source priority list of specific nodes Read data of SW reservoir nodes: RSV_ET_MENDAIAUPDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_BEKOABODAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_LAKETANACHARACHARADAM Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_KARADOBIDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_MABILDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_MENDAIADOWNDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_GRANDRENAISSANCEDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_ROSEIRESDAM_IRHP Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_SENNARDAM_IRHP Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_ABOBODAM_IR Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_GAMBELADAM_IR(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_GEBARDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_BARO2DAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_BIRBIRRDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_ITANGDAM_IR(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_GILO3DAM_IR(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_GILO1DAM_IRHP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SS_BEDDENDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SS_LAKKIDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SS_SHUKOLIDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SS_FULADAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_ET_TAMSDAM_IR(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_GEBALAULIADAM_IRNVHP Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_SHEREIQDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_DALDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_SABALOKADAM_IRHP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_MOGRATDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_MEROWEDAM_IRHP Skipped, not part of schematization RSV_SU_KAJBARDAM_HP(P) Skipped, not part of schematization 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) RSV_SU_RUMELAANDBURDANADAMS_HPIR(P) Skipped, not part of schematization Read data of Advanced irrigation nodes: AIR_ET_WONDA+YEMOSHT+SEBA+TENEBA+BATA(P) Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SS_MALAKALRICE(P) Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_KENANASUGARANDCROPS Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_HAGARASALAYAANDSONDOSANDWHITENILE Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SS_MONGALAANDOTHERSOUTH(P) Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_PUMPSCHEMESUPJEBELAULIA Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_KENANA4(P) Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_MAINNILEKHARTOUMATBARA Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_SU_MAINNILEPUMPSCHEMES Skipped, not part of schematization AIR_EG_TOSHKAPUMPSCHEME Skipped, not part of schematization Read data of Loss flow nodes: QLS_SS_SOBATLOSSES Skipped, not part of schematization QLS_SS_LAKENOLOSSES Skipped, not part of schematization Read net water demand incl field application and normal distribution efficiency from file Totplan.his computed in Totplan Read source priority control data Sort source nodes in source priority list for updated demand nodes Write source /traject priority list for external checking to file version 1.04 Generated tables: ----------------- Table 1.0. Simulation data Table 1.1. Dimension of the present schematization Table 1.2. Simulation time step definition data Table 1.3. Run identification and simulation control data Table 1.4. Definition of flow components for the default flow composition computation (opt.) Table 2.1. Configuration data Table 2.2. Water allocation priority data Table 2.3. Simulation sequence Table 2.4.1 (Updated) source priority list Table 2.4.2 Original source priority list (only for the updated demand nodes) Table 2.4.3 (Updated) source traject list Table 2.4.4 Original source traject list (only for the updated demand nodes) Table 2.5. Expected source priority list (not used anymore) Table 2.6. Parallel sequences of SW reservoir and run-of-river nodes Table 3.1. Data for variable inflow nodes Table 3.5. Data for recording nodes Table 3.6. Data for surface water reservoir nodes Table 3.9. Data for low flow nodes Table 3.10. Data for public water supply nodes Table 3.11. Data for fixed irrigation nodes Table 3.25. Data for advanced irrigation nodes Table 4.1. Data for surface water flow links Table 5. Data of time series files incl. climate change data Table 6. Data of output variables for each type of node Table 7. Dimensions of present Ribasim version Table 1.0. Simulation data -------------------------- Table 1.1. Dimension of the present schematization -------------------------------------------------- Description of network elements Total Active Inactive --------------------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- Number of nodes 35 33 2 Number of water allocation priorities 1 Number of variable inflow nodes 5 5 0 Number of confluence nodes 15 15 0 Number of recording nodes 3 3 0 Number of terminal nodes 1 1 0 Number of surface water reservoir nodes 3 2 1 Number of low flow nodes 1 1 0 Number of public water supply nodes 4 4 0 Number of fixed irrigation nodes 2 2 0 Number of advanced irrigation nodes 1 0 1 Number of links 34 34 0 Number of surface water flow link 34 34 0 Table 1.2. Simulation time step definition data ----------------------------------------------- Max. number of timesteps in one year (first time step starts 1 january) : 12 Time step Ix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 --------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Length (days) 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 Leap year days 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 1.3. Run identification and simulation control data --------------------------------------------------------- Run-title : Base case 2012 User name : Boccalon Hydrological simulation period (year - month - day) (input) : 2017 - 1 - 1 upto 2018 - 1 - 1 Hydrological simulation period (year - month - day) (actual): 2017 - 1 - 1 upto 2017 - 12 - 31 Hydrological simulation period (year - time step - day) : 2017 - 1 - 1 upto 2017 - 12 - 31 Simulate one or more time steps on daily basis ........... : inactive Initial status (FxInit) .................................. : Varies for each year Type of water quality computation (SltCmp) ............... : No computation Maximum gate release lookup table computation (QmxCmp) ... : inactive Read the initial status data from file (StaDat) .......... : inactive Selected scenarios, measures, strategies and process configurations : 1. Hydrological : ENWSM time series (103 years : 1900-2002) Atbara Regression (the best) 2. Flow composition and WQ : No flow composition and water quality data 3. Land-use : No land-use and population scenario data defined 4. Agriculture : No agriculture scenario (use FAO crop plan data in model data base) 5. Delwaq load/boundary : Not defined 6. Management action : No management actions (update source priority list) 7. Delwaq WQ proc.config. : Not defined 8. Climate change : No hydrological data change Table 2.1. Configuration data ----------------------------- Table 2.1.1 Node data (1) sorted per node type ---------------------------------------------- Node index Node name Type of node Status ------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------- 139 Vif_Et_DsEmbamadreStationUsHumeraDam Variable inflow node Active 545 Vif_Et_TekezeRiverUsTekezeDam Variable inflow node Active 1322 Vif_Et_DsTekezeDamUsEmbamadreStation Variable inflow node Active 1361 Vif_Et_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn Variable inflow node Active 1381 Vif_Et_UsTekezeDamDsYechiStn Variable inflow node Active 126 Tigray_urban Confluence node Active 141 Tigray_rural Confluence node Active 142 Node142 Confluence node Active 550 Dummy_1 Confluence node Active 555 Dummy_1 Confluence node Active 560 Dummy_1 Confluence node Active 614 Node614 Confluence node Active 616 Node616 Confluence node Active 617 Node617 Confluence node Active 1323 Node1323 Confluence node Active 1362 Node1362 Confluence node Active 1363 Node1363 Confluence node Active 1382 Node1382 Confluence node Active 1383 Node1383 Confluence node Active 1384 Node1384 Confluence node Active 855 End_Su_SetitRiver Terminal node Active 850 Rec_Et_Humera Dummy node Active 871 Rec_Et_Yechi Dummy node Active 878 Rec_Et_Embamadre Dummy node Active 2 MayDay_reservoir SW reservoir node Active 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp SW reservoir node Active 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) SW reservoir node Inactive 1 Lfl_Su_DwnDmdSudanSetitRiver Low flow node Active 5 Kafta_Urban_water_Supply Public water supply node Active 6 Kafta_Rural_Water_supply Public water supply node Active 830 Tigray_rural Public water supply node Active 1398 Tigray_urban Public water supply node Active 3 Wolkay_irri Fixed irrigation node Active 4 Kafta_Irri Fixed irrigation node Active 575 Air_Et_Humera(P) Advanced irrigation node Inactive Table 2.1.2 Node data (2) ------------------------- Node # First row : upstream links indexes index links Second row : downstream links indexes ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 1 875 1 1 2 1 153 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 4 1 555 1 4 5 1 6 1 5 6 1 1404 1 6 47 1 1422 1 52 126 2 530 3 1 136 139 0 1 152 141 1 154 1 153 142 1 152 1 154 545 0 1 520 550 2 52 1367 1 525 555 1 933 1 530 560 1 1451 1 535 565 1 535 1 540 575 1 540 1 555 614 1 520 1 647 616 1 647 1 648 617 1 648 1 649 830 1 136 1 1449 850 1 5 1 875 855 1 1 0 871 1 649 1 932 878 1 525 1 933 1322 0 1 1366 1323 1 1366 1 1367 1361 0 1 1406 1362 2 1407 4 1 1404 1363 1 1406 1 1407 1381 0 1 1423 1382 2 932 1424 1 1422 1383 1 1426 1 1424 1384 1 1423 1 1426 1398 1 1449 1 1451 Table 2.1.3 Link data (1) sorted per link type ---------------------------------------------- Link Upstream Downstream index Link name Type of link Status node node ------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------- -------- ---------- 1 Link1 Surface water flow link Active 1 855 2 Link2 Surface water flow link Active 2 3 3 Link3 Surface water flow link Active 3 126 4 Link4 Surface water flow link Active 4 1362 5 Kafta_Rural_water_supply Surface water flow link Active 5 850 6 Link6 Surface water flow link Active 6 5 52 Swf_100_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 47 550 136 Swf_020_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 126 830 152 Swf_005_TekezeRiverDsTekezeDamUsHumeraDa Surface water flow link Active 139 142 153 Link153 Surface water flow link Active 141 2 154 Link154 Surface water flow link Active 142 141 520 Swf_005_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 545 614 525 Swf_010_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 550 878 530 Swf_015_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 555 126 535 Swf_025_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 560 565 540 Irs_Et_Humera(P) Surface water flow link Active 565 575 555 Swf_850_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 575 4 647 Link647 Surface water flow link Active 614 616 648 Link648 Surface water flow link Active 616 617 649 Link649 Surface water flow link Active 617 871 875 Swf_005_SetitRiver Surface water flow link Active 850 1 932 Swf_050_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 871 1382 933 Link933 Surface water flow link Active 878 555 1366 Swf_005_TekezeRiverDsTekezeDamUsEmbamadr Surface water flow link Active 1322 1323 1367 Link1367 Surface water flow link Active 1323 550 1404 Swf_900_TekezeRiver Surface water flow link Active 1362 6 1406 Swf_005_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn Surface water flow link Active 1361 1363 1407 Swf_900_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn Surface water flow link Active 1363 1362 1422 Link1422 Surface water flow link Active 1382 47 1423 Swf_005_TekezeRiverUsTekezeDamDsYechiStn Surface water flow link Active 1381 1384 1424 Link1424 Surface water flow link Active 1383 1382 1426 Link1426 Surface water flow link Active 1384 1383 1449 Link1449 Surface water flow link Active 830 1398 1451 Link1451 Surface water flow link Active 1398 560 Table 2.2. Water allocation priority data ----------------------------------------- Allocation priority for SW reservoirs is one value only and refers to the production of firm energy. Node First allocation Second allocation index Type of node [%] [priority] [%] [priority] Remarks ----- ------------------------ ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------- 1 Low flow node 100.0 1 0.0 1 3 Fixed irrigation node 100.0 1 0.0 1 4 Fixed irrigation node 100.0 1 0.0 1 5 Public water supply node 100.0 1 0.0 1 6 Public water supply node 100.0 1 0.0 1 47 SW reservoir node 1 565 SW reservoir node 1 575 Advanced irrigation node 100.0 1 0.0 1 830 Public water supply node 100.0 1 0.0 1 1398 Public water supply node 100.0 1 0.0 1 Table 2.4.1 Source priority list -------------------------------- The inactive sw reservoir source nodes in the original list have been replaced by the source nodes of the inactive sw reservoir nodes. Node # of Source lists with node indices index Node name nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ----- ---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 Lfl_Su_DwnDmdSudanSetitRiver 2 575 1361 2 MayDay_reservoir 1 139 3 Wolkay_irri 1 2 4 Kafta_Irri 1 575 5 Kafta_Urban_water_Supply 3 4 575 1361 6 Kafta_Rural_Water_supply 3 4 575 1361 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp 2 1381 545 830 Tigray_rural 2 1322 47 1398 Tigray_urban 3 830 1322 47 Table 2.4.2 Original source priority list for the updated demand nodes only --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node # of Source lists with node indices index Node name nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ----- ---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 Lfl_Su_DwnDmdSudanSetitRiver 3 575 1361 565 4 Kafta_Irri 2 575 565 5 Kafta_Urban_water_Supply 4 4 575 1361 565 6 Kafta_Rural_Water_supply 4 4 575 1361 565 575 Air_Et_Humera(P) 1 565 Table 2.4.3 Source traject list ------------------------------- The inactive sw reservoir source nodes in the original list have been replaced by the source nodes of the inactive sw reservoir nodes Source classification is defined as follows: N : Non-local source L : Local source The "Local" class sources of a certain demand node are used first at the target setting or demand phase. Source type is defined as follows: Gw : if 1. source node is a Groundwater reservoir node and 2. all links in the Demand node - Source node traject are "Groundwater abstraction flow" links. Sw : in all other cases. The source type is important for the irrigation nodes as it defines the applied irrigation efficiency. Group definition data (order in source priorty list) Group index Node type Description of source node type ----------- --------- ------------------------------- 1 16 GW reservoir node 2 10 Public water supply node 11 Fixed irrigation node 12 Variable irrigation node 14 Fish pond node 20 General district node 21 Ground water district nd 25 Advanced irrigation node 3 1 Variable inflow node 2 Fixed inflow node 4 6 SW reservoir node Demand Source node node Src Src Grp # of Source traject : links from demand node to source node (link index) index index cls typ Inx links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------ ------ --- --- --- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 575 N Sw 2 6 875 5 6 1404 4 555 1 1361 N Sw 3 6 875 5 6 1404 1407 1406 2 139 N Sw 3 3 153 154 152 3 2 N Sw 4 1 2 4 575 N Sw 2 1 555 5 4 N Sw 2 3 6 1404 4 5 575 N Sw 2 4 6 1404 4 555 5 1361 N Sw 3 4 6 1404 1407 1406 6 4 N Sw 2 2 1404 4 6 575 N Sw 2 3 1404 4 555 6 1361 N Sw 3 3 1404 1407 1406 47 1381 N Sw 3 4 1422 1424 1426 1423 47 545 N Sw 3 6 1422 932 649 648 647 520 830 1322 N Sw 3 6 136 530 933 525 1367 1366 830 47 N Sw 4 5 136 530 933 525 52 1398 830 N Sw 2 1 1449 1398 1322 N Sw 3 7 1449 136 530 933 525 1367 1366 1398 47 N Sw 4 6 1449 136 530 933 525 52 Table 2.4.4 Original source traject list for the updated demand nodes only -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demand Source node node Src Src Grp # of Source traject : links from demand node to source node (link index) index index cls typ Inx links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------ ------ --- --- --- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 575 N Sw 2 6 875 5 6 1404 4 555 1 1361 N Sw 3 6 875 5 6 1404 1407 1406 1 565 N Sw 4 7 875 5 6 1404 4 555 540 4 575 N Sw 2 1 555 4 565 N Sw 4 2 555 540 5 4 N Sw 2 3 6 1404 4 5 575 N Sw 2 4 6 1404 4 555 5 1361 N Sw 3 4 6 1404 1407 1406 5 565 N Sw 4 5 6 1404 4 555 540 6 4 N Sw 2 2 1404 4 6 575 N Sw 2 3 1404 4 555 6 1361 N Sw 3 3 1404 1407 1406 6 565 N Sw 4 4 1404 4 555 540 575 565 N Sw 4 1 540 Table 3.1. Data for variable inflow nodes ----------------------------------------- Applied flow computation method index = 1 : Apply variable inflow - long time series 2 : Apply Sacramento rainfall-runoff model Flow Node method Virgin catchment Catchment index Node name index area (km2) label ----- ---------------------------------------- ------ ---------------- --------- 139 Vif_Et_DsEmbamadreStationUsHumeraDam 1 16576.020 139 545 Vif_Et_TekezeRiverUsTekezeDam 1 21473.600 545 1322 Vif_Et_DsTekezeDamUsEmbamadreStation 1 14832.690 1322 1361 Vif_Et_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn 1 2865.810 1361 1381 Vif_Et_UsTekezeDamDsYechiStn 1 9304.780 1381 Total ............................................... 65052.898 Number of nodes with "Apply variable inflow time series" procedure = 5 Node Upstream miscelaneous Exp.inflow index consumption unit ts.index ----- ---------------- ---- ---------- 139 0.0 % 0 545 0.0 % 0 1322 0.0 % 0 1361 0.0 % 0 1381 0.0 % 0 Node Time serie index Actual inflow time serie file name index Remarks ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- 139 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS 139 545 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS 545 1322 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS 1322 1361 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS 1361 1381 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS 1381 Nodes within this catchment Node Catchment --------------------------- index label Index Name ----- --------- ---------- ---------------- 139 139 2 MayDay_reservoir 139 139 3 Wolkay_irri 139 139 6 Kafta_Rural_Water_supply 139 139 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) 139 139 830 Tigray_rural 545 545 5 Kafta_Urban_water_Supply 545 545 1398 Tigray_urban 1322 1322 No nodes within this catchment 1361 1361 575 Air_Et_Humera(P) 1381 1381 4 Kafta_Irri 1381 1381 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp Overview of the potential virgin catchment area and the minimum actual virgin catchment area (= full use of area) (km2) Minimum actual virgin area = Catchment area - Sum of area of all users : irrigation, fish ponds, reservoir and link storage. This area is the minimum area which generates runoff. The area of the users may vary over time and thus also the actual virgin area. RIBASIM computes for each time step the actual virgin area and uses that for the computation of the runoff. Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum FRL Ground actual fixed variable advanced surf.water Link water Node Catchment Catchment virgin irrigation irrigation irrigation Fish pond reservoir storage district index label area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) area (km2) ------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 139 139 16576.020 16506.020 70.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 545 545 21473.600 21473.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1322 1322 14832.690 14832.690 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1361 1361 2865.810 2865.810 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1381 1381 9304.780 9137.480 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 147.300 0.000 0.000 Total 65052.898 64815.598 90.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 147.300 0.000 0.000 Table 3.5. Data for recording nodes ----------------------------------- Remark : Order index = the order in which the nodes are written to the annual flow result file together with the difference of the flow at the previous node. A zero index refers that the node is skipped. A negative index refers to the start of a new tributary. Node Recording flow index Node name Order index time series index ----- ---------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- 850 Rec_Et_Humera 0 850 871 Rec_Et_Yechi 0 871 878 Rec_Et_Embamadre 0 878 Table 3.6. Data for surface water reservoir nodes ------------------------------------------------- General data ------------ Presence of outlets ... Node ------------------------------ Catchment index Node name Main Backwater Power station label ----- ---------------------------------------- ------ --------- ------------- --------- 2 MayDay_reservoir Yes No No 139 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp Yes No Yes 1381 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) Yes No Yes 139 Volume - surface area - level relation data ------------------------------------------- SW reservoir node index and name : 2 MayDay_reservoir Complete SW reservoir SW reservoir main partition ----------------------------- ----------------------------- level area volume level area volume (m) (ha) (Mcm) (m) (ha) (Mcm) ------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 SW reservoir node index and name : 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp Complete SW reservoir SW reservoir main partition ----------------------------- ----------------------------- level area volume level area volume (m) (ha) (Mcm) (m) (ha) (Mcm) ------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- 1000.0 400.0 50.00 1040.0 2900.0 700.00 1070.0 6200.0 2020.00 1100.0 9300.0 4354.00 1120.0 12200.0 6499.00 1140.0 14730.0 9293.00 SW reservoir node index and name : 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) Complete SW reservoir SW reservoir main partition ----------------------------- ----------------------------- level area volume level area volume (m) (ha) (Mcm) (m) (ha) (Mcm) ------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- 1000.0 400.0 50.00 1040.0 2900.0 700.00 1070.0 6200.0 2020.00 1100.0 9300.0 4354.00 1120.0 12200.0 6499.00 1140.0 14730.0 9293.00 Physical data : outlet levels (m) and length (m) ------------------------------------------------ If value equals -1.0 then outlet is not present Dead storage is minimum storage over main gate (if present), backwater gate(s) (if present) and full SW reservoir storage Initial Dead Main Turbine Full SW Node Spillway on storage storage gate gate reservoir index Length on main link level level level level level Level of backwater gate(s) ----- ------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------------------- 2 0 Yes 950.0 946.0 946.0 -1.0 970.0 47 0 Yes 1120.0 1096.0 1096.0 1096.0 1140.0 565 0 Yes 1100.0 1076.0 1076.0 1076.0 1120.0 Physical data : outlet storage (Mcm) ------------------------------------ If value equals -1.0 then outlet is not present Average time step length (days) : 30.42 Deadstorage is minimum storage over main gate (if present), backwater gate(s) (if present) and full SW reservoir storage Live storage is storage between dead and full SW reservoir storage Average flow is outflow to release live storage Live stor./Average flow Main Turbine Full SW Node -------------------------- Initial Dead gate gate reservoir index (Mcm) (m3/s) storage storage storage storage storage Storage at backwater gate(s) ----- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------- 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 47 5250.20 1997.79 6499.00 4042.80 4042.80 4042.80 9293.00 565 4012.20 1526.71 4354.00 2486.80 2486.80 2486.80 6499.00 Outlet nethead - discharge data ------------------------------- Node Gate Link Spillway, backwater and main gate index type index NetHead [m] - Flow [m3/s] relation (max. 15 values) ------ ---- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 2 Spil 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Main 2 0.00 100.00 9999.00 9999.00 47 Spil 52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Main 52 0.00 100.00 9999.00 9999.00 565 Spil 540 0.00 100.00 9999.00 9999.00 Main 540 0.00 100.00 9999.00 9999.00 SW reservoir operation data --------------------------- Operation switch Description --------- ----------- 1 Concerns operation for groups of SW reservoirs. No : Apply normal reservoir operation. SW reservoir will use all upstream sources including reservoirs : a. to fulfill downstream non-hydro target release, b. to generate firm energy, c. to fill up till firm storage level. Yes : Apply special reservoir operation. SW reservoir will use all upstream sources including reservoirs : a. to fulfill downstream non-hydro target release, b. to generate firm energy, c. to fill up till firm storage level. Further, extra turbine releases at upstream reservoirs are used: d. to fill up till target storage level. 2 Yes : Operation on expected upstream flow. No : Operation on the actual upstream flows. 3 Yes : Online adjustable main and turbine gate setting allowed No : No online adjustable main and turbine gate setting allowed 4 Concerns the hedging of the release target if storage is below firm storage. Yes : Apply hedging based on actual storage. No : Apply hedging based on water allocation. priorities Node SW reservoir operation switches index 1 2 3 4 ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- 2 No No Yes Yes 47 No No Yes Yes 565 No No Yes Yes Operation rule curves --------------------- SW reservoir node index and name : 2 MayDay_reservoir Flood Target Firm Flood Target Firm Tm control storage storage control storage storage st level level level volume volume volume ix (m) (m) (m) (Mcm) (Mcm) (Mcm) -- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- 1 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 950.00 950.00 946.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW reservoir node index and name : 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp Flood Target Firm Flood Target Firm Tm control storage storage control storage storage st level level level volume volume volume ix (m) (m) (m) (Mcm) (Mcm) (Mcm) -- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- 1 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 2 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 3 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 4 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 5 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 6 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 7 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 8 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 9 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 10 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 11 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 12 1140.00 1140.00 1096.00 9293.00 9293.00 4042.80 SW reservoir node index and name : 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) Flood Target Firm Flood Target Firm Tm control storage storage control storage storage st level level level volume volume volume ix (m) (m) (m) (Mcm) (Mcm) (Mcm) -- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- 1 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 2 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 3 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 4 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 5 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 6 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 7 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 8 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 9 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 10 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 11 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 12 1120.00 1120.00 1076.00 6499.00 6499.00 2486.80 Hedging rules based on storage ------------------------------ Node First line: definition of 5 hedging zones (zoning percentage of storage between firm (100%) and dead storage(=0%)) index Second line: water allocation percentages for each hedging zone zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5 ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 90.0 70.0 50.0 30.0 10.0 47 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 90.0 70.0 50.0 30.0 10.0 565 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 90.0 70.0 50.0 30.0 10.0 Hydrological data using long (multiple year) actual rainfall and open water evaporation time series --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominant flood Node Seepage rout.per. index [1000 m3/day] [days] ----- ------------- --------- 2 0.00 0 47 0.00 0 565 0.00 0 Node Time serie index Rainfall time serie file name index Remarks ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------- 2 0 Warning : Time series values 0.0 47 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTRAIN.TMS 47 565 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTRAIN.TMS 565 Node Time serie index Evaporation time serie file name index Remarks ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------- 2 0 Warning : Time series values 0.0 47 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\EVAPORAT.TMS 47 565 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\EVAPORAT.TMS 565 Hydro-power data ---------------- SW reservoir node index and name : 47 Rsv_Et_TekezeDamTK5_Hp Power Power Turbine Head Turbine Tail race NetHead capacity NetHead efficiency discharge loss discharge level (m) (MW) (m) (%) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m) ------- -------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- --------- --------- 0.00 300.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 972.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 90.00 9999.00 0.00 100.00 972.00 SW reservoir node index and name : 565 Rsv_Et_HumeraDam_IrHp(P) Power Power Turbine Head Turbine Tail race NetHead capacity NetHead efficiency discharge loss discharge level (m) (MW) (m) (%) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m) ------- -------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- --------- --------- 0.00 300.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 972.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 90.00 9999.00 0.00 100.00 972.00 Maximum turbine flow (m3/s) is computed without correction of tail level due to water level in downstream reservoir (if present). Maximum generated energy (GWh) is for the average time step length. At minimum power level At full reservoir level ------------------------- ------------------------- Maximum Max. generated Maximum Max. generated Aux.energy Minimum power Plant load turbine energy per turbine energy per Node consumpt. level volume factor flow time step flow time step index (%) (m) (Mcm) (%) (m3/s) (GWh) (m3/s) (GWh) ----- ---------- ------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------- -------------- 47 0.0 1096.0 4042.8 60.0 164.4 131.4 121.4 131.4 565 0.0 1076.0 2486.8 60.0 196.0 131.4 137.8 131.4 Node Firm energy demand (GWh) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 47 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 565 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Table 3.9. Data for low flow nodes ---------------------------------- Applied demand computation method index = 1 : Apply fixed flushing - annual time series 2 : Apply variable flushing - long time series 3 : Apply event driven flushing Node Demand method index Node name index ------ ---------------------------------------- ------------- 1 Lfl_Su_DwnDmdSudanSetitRiver 1 Number of nodes with "Apply fixed flushing time series" procedure = 1 Node Low flow demands (m3/s) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 Table 3.10. Data for public water supply nodes ---------------------------------------------- Applied demand computation method index = 1 : Apply explicit demand (m3/s) 2 : Apply unit demand (liter/capita/day) 3 : Apply DMI demand Node Catchment Demand method Plant capacity index Node name label index (m3/s) Status ------ ---------------------------------------- --------- ------------- -------------- -------- 5 Kafta_Urban_water_Supply 545 2 999.999 Active 6 Kafta_Rural_Water_supply 139 2 999.999 Active 830 Tigray_rural 139 2 999.999 Active 1398 Tigray_urban 545 2 999.999 Active Number of nodes with demand computation method "Unit demand" = 4 Node Population Unit demand (liter/capita/day) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) index (-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ---------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 5 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 830 3339961 12.00 14.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 17.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 1398 849954 16.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 25.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 Total 4189915 Node Annual expl. Unit demand for all time steps (Mcm) (12 timesteps per line) index demand (Mcm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 830 19.716 1.242 1.309 1.553 1.804 2.071 1.904 1.864 1.760 1.703 1.553 1.503 1.450 1398 6.622 0.422 0.428 0.527 0.612 0.685 0.637 0.632 0.606 0.561 0.527 0.510 0.474 Total 26.338 1.664 1.738 2.080 2.416 2.756 2.541 2.496 2.366 2.264 2.080 2.013 1.924 Active 26.338 1.664 1.738 2.080 2.416 2.756 2.541 2.496 2.366 2.264 2.080 2.013 1.924 Inact. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Population supplied by Public water supply nodes per catchment (water district) Catchment Var. inflow Population per population type and total (-) index node 1 --------- ------------ -------- Total 139 139 3339961 3339961 545 545 849954 849954 1322 1322 0 0 1361 1361 0 0 1381 1381 0 0 Total 4189915 4189915 Operation and drainage ---------------------- On-demand operation switch: Yes : Actual demand = Minimum(Computed or explicit demand, Plant capacity) No : Actual demand = Plant capacity If the plant capacity is less then 0.0 then the computed or explicit demand is always used In-plant Distribution On-demand Node losses losses operation index (%) (%) switch ------ -------- ------------ --------- 5 0.00 50.00 Yes 6 0.00 50.00 Yes 830 0.00 50.00 Yes 1398 0.00 50.00 Yes Node Return flow to SW (percentage of allocated flow) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 5 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 830 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 1398 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 GW- Node reservoir Return flow to GW (percentage of allocated flow) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) index label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 5 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 6 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 830 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1398 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Table 3.11. Data for fixed irrigation nodes ------------------------------------------- Node Catchment index Node name label Status ------ ---------------------------------------- --------- -------- 3 Wolkay_irri 139 Active 4 Kafta_Irri 1381 Active Return flow (%) GW- SW- GW- Node --------------- reservoir efficiency efficiency index to SW to GW label (%) (%) ------ ------- ------- --------- ---------- ---------- 3 40.00 5.00 0 65.00 90.00 4 40.00 5.00 0 65.00 90.00 Node Irrigated area per time step (ha) (12 timesteps per line) index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3 7000.0 7000.0 7000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 9000.0 9000.0 9000.0 2000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Active 9000.0 9000.0 9000.0 2000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Inact. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Node Net demands per time step (mm/day) (12 timesteps per line) index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 3 1.60 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Node Annual gross Gross demand per time step (Mcm) with use of sw efficiency if > 0.0 else gw efficiency if > 0.0 index demand (Mcm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3 15.508 5.342 4.825 5.342 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 5.908 1.526 1.378 1.526 1.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total 21.415 6.868 6.203 6.868 1.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Active 21.415 6.868 6.203 6.868 1.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Inact. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Table 3.25. Data for advanced irrigation nodes ---------------------------------------------- Node Total area Active node Catchment index Node name [ha] area [ha] label ------ ---------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- 575 Air_Et_Humera(P) 4235.0 0.0 1361 Total ......................................... 4235.0 0.0 Irrigation area (ha) per catchment (water district, sub-basin) Maximum number of active irrigation nodes in 1 catchment = 0 Catchment Var. inflow Irr. area (ha) per active node (Tc and St irr. type) and total (only if area > 0.0 ha) index node --------- ------------ Hydrology --------- Node Rainfall effec- Dep.rain Ref.evap. Dep.river index tiveness. (%) ts index ts index flow ts index ------ --------------- -------- --------- ------------- 575 100.0 575 575 575 Node Time serie index Actual rainfall time serie file name index Remarks ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------- 575 D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTRAIN.TMS 575 Soil data --------- Wilting Field Saturation Initial soil Node point capacity capacity moisture index [% of RZ] [% of RZ] [% of RZ] [% of RZ] ------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ 575 17.0 35.0 53.0 35.0 Crop data --------- Total number of crops = 22 Kind of crop : 1 = flood basin crop 2 = dry land crop Kind Plant Length Root Crop of period grow.seas. depth index Crop name crop [ts ix] [# ts] [mm] ------ -------------------- ---- ------- ---------- ------- 1 Rice 1 1 5 750.0 2 Cotton 2 1 7 1350.0 3 SorghumTeff 2 1 4 1000.0 4 Onion 2 1 5 650.0 5 Wheat 2 1 5 1350.0 6 Groundnut 2 1 5 1350.0 7 SugarCane 2 1 11 1600.0 8 Fieldpeas 2 1 4 1350.0 9 Lentils 2 1 4 700.0 10 Barley 2 1 5 600.0 11 SunflowerNougSesame 2 1 5 1350.0 12 Soybean 2 1 5 500.0 13 Potatoes 2 1 5 1000.0 14 Tobacco 2 1 5 800.0 15 Maize 2 1 6 1350.0 16 CastorBeans 2 1 6 500.0 17 RedPepper 2 1 9 800.0 18 Ginger 2 1 11 500.0 19 Coffee 2 1 11 1000.0 20 Fruits 2 1 11 1350.0 21 Grapes 2 1 11 1350.0 22 SudanGrass 2 1 11 1000.0 Length Crop grow.seas. Crop factors [-] per time step within growing season index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 0.10 0.80 0.80 0.84 0.64 2 7 0.36 0.36 0.60 0.92 0.92 0.68 0.60 3 4 0.24 0.56 0.88 0.56 4 5 0.32 0.64 0.88 0.80 0.72 5 5 0.64 0.88 0.88 0.84 0.20 6 5 0.36 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.48 7 11 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.64 8 4 0.76 0.92 0.88 0.24 9 4 0.76 0.92 0.88 0.24 10 5 0.66 0.88 0.88 0.36 0.20 11 5 0.20 0.64 0.80 0.96 0.56 12 5 0.64 0.88 0.88 0.56 0.32 13 5 0.60 0.82 0.84 0.80 0.56 14 5 0.08 0.56 0.88 0.80 0.24 15 6 0.32 0.52 0.68 0.88 0.64 0.24 16 6 0.60 0.82 0.94 0.90 0.72 0.24 17 9 0.32 0.48 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.48 18 11 0.16 0.40 0.56 0.64 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.64 0.64 0.32 0.26 19 11 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 20 11 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 21 11 0.52 0.51 0.48 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.42 0.51 0.56 0.60 0.60 22 11 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Length Crop grow.seas. Yield response factors [-] per time step within growing season index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length Crop grow.seas. Irrigation practise : on-off supply switch per time step within growing season index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 1 1 1 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 11 5 1 1 1 1 1 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 14 5 1 1 1 1 1 15 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flood basin Length crop grow.seas. Desired field water level [mm above soil saturation capacity] per time step within growing season index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 30.0 50.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Flood basin Length Instantaneous drainage water level [mm above soil saturation capacity] per time step within growing season crop grow.seas. (if value -1.0 then no drainage level specified) index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 Flood basin Length crop grow.seas. Extra water layer demand [mm] per time step within growing season (used at crop planning) index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Length Crop grow.seas. Field buffer storage [mm above desired field water level or soil moisture] per time step within growing season index [# ts] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crop plan --------- Total number of cultivations = 2 Cultivated area Perco- Pre-sat. Number Grow. Stacking area Sq Node Crop Plt Grw Start-End -------------------------- lation requir. of seasn (crop planning) Ix index indx Per Per time step [% of tot.area] [ha] [mm/day] [mm] fields index [% of tot.area] -- ------ ---- --- --- ---- ---- --------------- ---------- -------- -------- ------ ----- --------------- 1 575 3 1 4 6 10 100.000 4235.0 0.0 50.0 1 1 0.0 2 575 4 1 5 11 4 100.000 4235.0 0.0 50.0 1 2 0.0 Cultivated area per crop for active nodes only (ha) Node Rice Cotton SorghumT Onion Wheat Groundnu SugarCan Fieldpea Lentils Barley Sunflowe Soybean Potatoes Tobacco Maize index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cultivated area per crop for active nodes only (ha) Node CastorBe RedPeppe Ginger Coffee Fruits Grapes SudanGra index 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crop Cultivated area index Crop name (ha) (%) ----- -------------------- ---------- ------ 1 Rice 0.0 0.0 2 Cotton 0.0 0.0 3 SorghumTeff 0.0 0.0 4 Onion 0.0 0.0 5 Wheat 0.0 0.0 6 Groundnut 0.0 0.0 7 SugarCane 0.0 0.0 8 Fieldpeas 0.0 0.0 9 Lentils 0.0 0.0 10 Barley 0.0 0.0 11 SunflowerNougSesame 0.0 0.0 12 Soybean 0.0 0.0 13 Potatoes 0.0 0.0 14 Tobacco 0.0 0.0 15 Maize 0.0 0.0 16 CastorBeans 0.0 0.0 17 RedPepper 0.0 0.0 18 Ginger 0.0 0.0 19 Coffee 0.0 0.0 20 Fruits 0.0 0.0 21 Grapes 0.0 0.0 22 SudanGrass 0.0 0.0 Total 0.0 Operation --------- e(f) = Field application efficiency (%) e(dn) = Distribution efficiency under normal conditions (%) e(dd) = Distribution efficiency under drought conditions (%) e(cs) = Conveyance efficiency for surface water supply (%) e(cg) = Conveyance efficiency for groundwater supply (%) e(can) = E(f) * E(dn) = Command area efficiency Conveyance efficiency under normal conditions (%) e(cad) = E(f) * E(dd) = Command area efficiency Conveyance efficiency under drought conditions (%) e(sns) = E(f) * E(dn) * E(cs) = Scheme efficiency for surface water supply under normal conditions (%) e(sng) = E(f) * E(dn) * E(cg) = Scheme efficiency for groundwater water supply under normal conditions (%) e(sds) = E(f) * E(dn) * E(cs) = Scheme efficiency for surface water supply under drought conditions (%) e(sdg) = E(f) * E(dn) * E(cg) = Scheme efficiency for groundwater supply under drought conditions (%) Feedback Node on field index e(f) e(dn) e(dd) e(cs) e(cg) e(can) e(cad) e(sns) e(sng) e(sds) e(sdg) [y/n] ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------- 575 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 85.0 0.0 85.0 0.0 No Net irrigation demand incl field application and normal distribution efficiency (m3/s) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) Node computed in Totplan used for nodes with "No feedbak" on field status index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 575 0.43 0.05 0.80 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.88 0.03 Annual Net Net irrigation demand incl field application and normal distribution efficiency (Mcm) for all timesteps (12 timesteps per line) Node irr demand computed in Totplan used for nodes with "No feedbak" on field status index (Mcm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------ ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 575 7.845 1.16 0.13 2.13 0.11 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 2.27 0.08 Node Water allocation priority per crop, active nodes only index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Return flow [% of drainage] GW- Node --------------------------- reservoir index to SW to GW label ------ ------------- ------------- --------- 575 100.00 0.00 0 Production ---------- Potential yield per crop [kg/ha], active nodes only Node Rice Cotton SorghumT Onion Wheat Groundnu SugarCan Fieldpea Lentils Barley Sunflowe Soybean Potatoes Tobacco Maize index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Potential yield per crop [kg/ha], active nodes only Node CastorBe RedPeppe Ginger Coffee Fruits Grapes SudanGra index 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Price per crop [Mon.unit/kg], active nodes only Node Rice Cotton SorghumT Onion Wheat Groundnu SugarCan Fieldpea Lentils Barley Sunflowe Soybean Potatoes Tobacco Maize index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Price per crop [Mon.unit/kg], active nodes only Node CastorBe RedPeppe Ginger Coffee Fruits Grapes SudanGra index 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Potential production costs per crop [Mon.unit/ha], active nodes only Node Rice Cotton SorghumT Onion Wheat Groundnu SugarCan Fieldpea Lentils Barley Sunflowe Soybean index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Potential production costs per crop [Mon.unit/ha], active nodes only Node Potatoes Tobacco Maize CastorBe RedPeppe Ginger Coffee Fruits Grapes SudanGra index 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- On-farm yield losses per crop [% of potential yield], active nodes only Node Rice Cotton SorghumT Onion Wheat Groundnu SugarCan Fieldpea Lentils Barley Sunflowe Soybean Potatoes Tobacco Maize index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- On-farm yield losses per crop [% of potential yield], active nodes only Node CastorBe RedPeppe Ginger Coffee Fruits Grapes SudanGra index 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Crop production costs function parameters, active nodes only --------------------------------------------- Node Min.surv.fraction Min.costs at no survival index at full costs [%] [% of pot.prod.costs] ------ -------------------- ------------------------ Table 4.1. Data for surface water flow links -------------------------------------------- Type index = 1 : River flow link (no constraints) = 2 : Canal or pipeline (capacity constraints) Link Type index Link name index ------ ---------------------------------------- ----- 1 Link1 1 2 Link2 1 3 Link3 1 4 Link4 1 5 Kafta_Rural_water_supply 1 6 Link6 1 52 Swf_100_TekezeRiver 1 136 Swf_020_TekezeRiver 1 152 Swf_005_TekezeRiverDsTekezeDamUsHumeraDa 1 153 Link153 1 154 Link154 1 520 Swf_005_TekezeRiver 1 525 Swf_010_TekezeRiver 1 530 Swf_015_TekezeRiver 1 535 Swf_025_TekezeRiver 1 540 Irs_Et_Humera(P) 1 555 Swf_850_TekezeRiver 1 647 Link647 1 648 Link648 1 649 Link649 1 875 Swf_005_SetitRiver 1 932 Swf_050_TekezeRiver 1 933 Link933 1 1366 Swf_005_TekezeRiverDsTekezeDamUsEmbamadr 1 1367 Link1367 1 1404 Swf_900_TekezeRiver 1 1406 Swf_005_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn 1 1407 Swf_900_DsHumeraDamUsHumeraStn 1 1422 Link1422 1 1423 Swf_005_TekezeRiverUsTekezeDamDsYechiStn 1 1424 Link1424 1 1426 Link1426 1 1449 Link1449 1 1451 Link1451 1 Table 5. Data of time series files incl. climate change data ------------------------------------------------------------ Range : year-month-day Climate ----------- ----------- change Kind of data Time series file name Status Start End (%) ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ----- -- -- ----- -- -- ------- Act.inflow D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS Present 2010 1 1 2050 12 31 0.0 Loss flow D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\LOSSFLOW.TMS Present 2010 1 1 2050 12 31 0.0 Act.rainfall D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTRAIN.TMS Present 2010 1 1 2050 12 31 0.0 Op.wtr evap. D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\EVAPORAT.TMS Present 2010 1 1 2050 12 31 0.0 Dist.demand D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DISDEMND.TMS Present -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.0 Dist.dischrg D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DISDISCH.TMS Present -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.0 Low flow D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\LOWFLOW.TMS Present -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.0 Monitor.flow D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\RECRDFLW.TMS Present 2010 1 1 2050 12 31 0.0 Dep.rainfall D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DEPRAIN.TMS Present -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 0.0 Annual series Dep.riverflw D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DEPUPFLW.TMS Present -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 0.0 Annual series Ref.evapotr. D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\REFEVAPO.TMS Present -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 0.0 Annual series Exp.inflow D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\EXPINFLW.TMS Present -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.0 Pot.evapotr. D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\POTEVAPO.TMS Present -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.0 Inflow time series file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTINFLW.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 mm/day EtMegechRvrUsMegechD 202 2 mm/day EtSuDinderRahadRvrsD 340 3 mm/day EtLakeTanaBasinRest 425 4 mm/day EtGaleguRvrUsGaleguD 519 5 mm/day EtRahadRvrUsRahadDm 524 6 mm/day EtGoangRvrUsMetemaDm 45 7 mm/day EtSuAngerebRvrUsSmal 135 8 mm/day EtDsEmbamadreStation 139 9 mm/day EtKaraAngerebRvrsDsS 627 10 mm/day ErGashAtbaraRvrUsK3M 648 11 mm/day EtDsTekezeDmUsEmbama 1322 12 mm/day EtDsHumeraStnUsWadEl 1326 13 mm/day EtDsHumeraAndKuburSt 1352 14 mm/day EtGoangRvrDsMetemaDm 1356 15 mm/day EtDsHumeraDmUsHumera 1361 16 mm/day EtUsTekezeDmDsYechiS 1381 17 mm/day EtBirrRvrUsUpperBirr 1 18 mm/day EtZinginiRvrUsZingin 40 19 mm/day EtGumeraRvrUsGumeraD 200 20 mm/day EtRibbRvrUsRibbDm 201 21 mm/day EtGigelAbaiRvrUsGige 204 22 mm/day EtKiltiRvrUsKiltiDm 209 23 mm/day EtJemmaRvrUsJemmaDm 210 24 mm/day EtAbbayDSGuderBasinR 242 25 mm/day EtUsLahHppDmDsLahIrr 247 26 mm/day EtMugaRvrUsMugaDm 255 27 mm/day EtBogenaRvrUsBogenaD 259 28 mm/day EtGeltaRvrUsGeltaDm 261 29 mm/day EtChemogaRvrUsChemog 293 30 mm/day EtGulaRvrUsGulaDm 307 31 mm/day EtJedebRvrUsJedebDm 308 32 mm/day EtLahRvrUsLahIrrDm 329 33 mm/day EtFettamRvrUsFettamD 334 34 mm/day EtAyoRvrUsAyoDm 343 35 mm/day EtTimbiRvrUsTimbiDm 352 36 mm/day EtGuchisRvrUsGuchisD 356 37 mm/day EtArdiRvrUsArdiDm 361 38 mm/day EtBelesRvrUsUpperBel 515 39 mm/day EtDinderRvrUsUpperDi 635 40 mm/day EtKogaRvrUsKogaDm 893 41 mm/day EtDsGAbaiAKogaJemaDm 1287 42 mm/day EtAbbayBureBasinRest 1291 43 mm/day EtAbbayMabilBasinRes 1293 44 mm/day EtDsUpDinderDmLwDind 1308 45 mm/day EtTekezeRvrUsTekezeD 545 46 mm/day EtRobiJidaRvrUsWeber 222 47 mm/day EtWeserbiRvrUsRobiWe 228 48 mm/day EtBelloRvrUsGuderDm 230 49 mm/day EtMugerRvrUsDuberDm 231 50 mm/day EtRobiRvrUsRobiDm 234 51 mm/day EtWelakaRvrUsSelgiDm 248 52 mm/day EtAnonuRvrUsAnonuDm 282 53 mm/day EtKaleRvrUsKaleDm 286 54 mm/day EtNesheRvrUsNesheDm 303 55 mm/day EtAbbayKessieBasinRe 440 56 mm/day EtFinchaaRvrUsFincha 485 57 mm/day EtGuderRvr 949 58 mm/day EtAmartiRvrUsAmartiD 1004 59 mm/day EtDebreGurachaRvrUsD 1219 60 mm/day EtRobiRikichaRvrUsRo 1234 61 mm/day EtHomechoRvrUsHomech 1253 62 mm/day EtAbbayDsKaradobiDmU 1377 63 mm/day EtAbbayMendayaUpBasi 2 64 mm/day EtBtwnMendaiaAndRena 3 65 mm/day EtWajaRvrUsWajaDm 448 66 mm/day EtGebregurachaRvrUsG 452 67 mm/day EtLugoRvrUsLugoIrr 458 68 mm/day EtBarRvrUsBarDm 463 69 mm/day EtDaraRvrUsLowerDura 484 70 mm/day EtDaleBilutsuRivrsUs 514 71 mm/day EtUsLwDidessaDmDsDim 1297 72 mm/day EtAbbayShogoleBasinR 1301 73 mm/day EtUsLowerBelesIrrDsU 1306 74 mm/day EtDsLowerDabusDmUsUp 1334 75 mm/day EtAbbayRvrUsMndDwDsL 1336 76 mm/day EtDsRenaissanceDmUsB 1374 77 mm/day EtNegesoRvrUsNegesoD 393 78 mm/day EtDimtuRvrUsUpperDab 401 79 mm/day EtAngerRvrUsAngerDm 412 80 mm/day EtNekemteRvrUsNekemt 415 81 mm/day EtAleltuRvrUsAleltuD 429 82 mm/day EtLekuAndUkeRvrsUsLe 437 83 mm/day EtBiyoGumbiRvrsUsBiy 441 84 mm/day EtDidessaRvrUsUpperD 450 85 mm/day EtGemberRvrUsGemberD 474 86 mm/day EtDilaRvrDsDilaDm 492 87 mm/day EtMeniRvrUsMeniDm 493 88 mm/day EtDidgaRvrUsDidgaDm 1058 89 mm/day EtUsDimtuIrrDsUpDide 1296 90 mm/day EtDsDilaAndMeniDmsUs 1304 91 mm/day EtAlweroRvrUsDumbong 9 92 mm/day EtGiloRvrUsBekoDm 17 93 mm/day EtBaroRvrUsMashaStat 23 94 mm/day EtBirbirRvrUsBirbirA 26 95 mm/day EtGilaRvrDsAboboDmUs 30 96 mm/day EtGenjiRvrUsGechaSta 150 97 mm/day EtSoreRvrUsMetuStati 153 98 mm/day EtSeseRvrUsSeseDm 158 99 mm/day EtBaroRvrDsGamblDmUs 162 100 mm/day EtLateralFlowBaroRvr 163 101 mm/day EtDsTamsDmDsSakuDmUs 170 102 mm/day EtBaroRvrDsMashaStat 176 103 mm/day EtBaroRvrDsBaro1DmUs 177 104 mm/day EtBaroRvrDsBaro2DmUs 178 105 mm/day EtGenjiRvrDsGechaSta 182 106 mm/day EtGebaRvrDsGebaADmAn 184 107 mm/day EtSoreRvrDsMetuStati 190 108 mm/day EtGumeroRvrUsGoreSta 193 109 mm/day EtUhaRvrDsGoreStatio 349 110 mm/day EtGebaRvrUsGebaADm 355 111 mm/day EtBirbirRvrDsBirbirA 577 112 mm/day EtAkoboRvrUsKashuDm 608 113 mm/day EtGebaRvrDsSupiStati 727 114 mm/day EtUsPbrGilUpDsAkbBng 729 115 mm/day EtSakuRvrUsSakuDm 731 116 mm/day EtDsGebaRAndBirbrRAn 737 117 mm/day EtChiruRvrUsChiruDm 739 118 mm/day EtMeyRvrUsMeyDm 748 119 mm/day EtGiloRvrUsGilo2DmDs 779 120 mm/day EtAkoboTribUsKashuDm 786 121 mm/day EtGiloRvrUsGilo1DmDs 787 122 mm/day EtGiloRvrsGilo3Dm 792 123 mm/day EtGeniRvr 807 124 mm/day EtUsAboboDmDsChiruMe 1311 125 mm/day EtGiloRvrUsGilo3DmDs 1331 126 mm/day EtGiloRvrUsPugnidoSt 1353 127 mm/day SuAbbayUsKhartoumBlu 10 128 mm/day SuMainNileDsShereiqD 15 129 mm/day SuAtbaraRvrDsAbdiMet 18 130 mm/day SsDsBeddenDmUsJongle 21 131 mm/day SsDsLakkiDmUsBeddenD 29 132 mm/day SuMainNileDsShendiUs 31 133 mm/day SuDsDiemUsRoseiresDm 33 134 mm/day SuRahadRvrDsRahadAnd 243 135 mm/day SsGhazalRvrUsSueDm 260 136 mm/day SuDsHumeraRumelaDmsU 325 137 mm/day SsMacharSwamp 420 138 mm/day SuUsSennarDmDsDivDin 470 139 mm/day SuDsRenaissanceDmUsD 530 140 mm/day SsSuddSwamp 615 141 mm/day SsDsShukoliDmUsLakki 634 142 mm/day SsDsFulaDmUsShukoliD 636 143 mm/day SsPiborRvrUsMouthPib 645 144 mm/day SsFullusAndNyandingR 715 145 mm/day SuWhiteNileUsGebelAu 735 146 mm/day SuMainNileDsMeroweUs 750 147 mm/day SuMainNileDsDongalaS 765 148 mm/day SsAgweriRvr 794 149 mm/day SsWakauRvr 872 150 mm/day SuDsRoseiresDmUsDivD 1309 151 mm/day SsMalakalBahElJebelB 1312 152 mm/day SsDsSueDmUsIntakeBah 1314 153 mm/day SuMainNileDsSabaloka 1317 154 mm/day SuMainNileDsKajbarDm 1319 155 mm/day SuMainNileDsTamaniat 1338 156 mm/day SuMainNileDsDagashDm 1339 157 mm/day SuMainNileDsAbuHamed 1344 158 mm/day SuMainNileDsMogratDm 1348 159 mm/day SuUsTamntDsKhrtmStnA 1364 160 mm/day SuMainNileDsDalDmUsD 1366 161 mm/day SuAbbayRahadDinderUs 1369 162 mm/day SsMongallaBorderUgSs 1475 Loss flow time series file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\LOSSFLOW.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 m3/s SobatLosses 1396 2 m3/s LakeNoLosses 1397 Rainfall time series file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\ACTRAIN.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 mm/tms RsEtAboboDam_Ir 14 2 mm/tms RsEtGebaADam_Hp(P) 24 3 mm/tms RsEtMendaiaUpDam_Hp( 38 4 mm/tms RsEtBekoAboDam_Hp(P) 39 5 mm/tms RsEtTekezeDamTK5_Hp 47 6 mm/tms RsEtMetemaDam_HpIr(P 50 7 mm/tms RsEtGambelaDam_Ir(P) 59 8 mm/tms IrEtMetema(P) 60 9 mm/tms RsEtDumbongDam_Ir(P) 61 10 mm/tms RsEtSmallScaleIrrDam 68 11 mm/tms IrEtUpperDinder(P) 81 12 mm/tms IrEtLowerBeles(P) 82 13 mm/tms IrEtHod+Jigna+Beks+M 84 14 mm/tms RsEtGilo2Dam_Ir(P) 99 15 mm/tms IrEtSmallScale 145 16 mm/tms RsEtSoreDam_Hp(P) 154 17 mm/tms RsEtSeseDam_Hp(P) 161 18 mm/tms RsEtGumeroDam_Hp(P) 199 19 mm/tms IrEtRibbRight+LeftBa 203 20 mm/tms RsEtGumeraDam_Ir(P) 205 21 mm/tms RsEtRibbDam_Ir(P) 206 22 mm/tms RsEtMegechDam_Ir(P) 207 23 mm/tms RsEtGigelAbaiBDam_Ir 208 24 mm/tms RsEtJemmaDam_Ir(P) 211 25 mm/tms RsEtKiltiDam_Ir(P) 212 26 mm/tms IrEtGura+Jar+Robit+S 215 27 mm/tms IrEtDurbet3(P) 216 28 mm/tms IrEtDimbkPlain(P) 217 29 mm/tms IrEtJemma(P) 218 30 mm/tms IrEtChimba(P) 219 31 mm/tms IrEtWonda+Yemosht+Se 220 32 mm/tms IrEtDuber(P) 221 33 mm/tms RsEtWeberiDam_Ir(P) 223 34 mm/tms IrEtWberi(P) 224 35 mm/tms IrEtWeserbi(P) 225 36 mm/tms RsEtRobiWeserbiDam_I 229 37 mm/tms RsEtDuberDam_HpIr(P) 233 38 mm/tms RsEtRobiDam_HpIr(P) 235 39 mm/tms IrEtHomecho(P) 236 40 mm/tms IrEtRobi(P) 237 41 mm/tms RsEtSelgiDam_Ir(P) 249 42 mm/tms IrEtSelgi(P) 250 43 mm/tms RsEtMugaDam_Ir(P) 256 44 mm/tms IrEtYetmen(P) 257 45 mm/tms RsEtGeltaDam_Ir(P) 262 46 mm/tms RsEtBogenaDam_Ir(P) 263 47 mm/tms IrEtGeltaLumame(P) 264 48 mm/tms IrEtBogenaLumame(P) 266 49 mm/tms IrEtHulukaDebis(P) 269 50 mm/tms RsEtUpperGuderDam_Ir 276 51 mm/tms IrEtUpperGuder(P) 277 52 mm/tms RsEtAnonuDam_Ir(P) 283 53 mm/tms IrEtAnonu(P) 284 54 mm/tms RsEtKaleDam_Ir(P) 287 55 mm/tms IrEtKale(P) 288 56 mm/tms RsEtChemogaDam_Ir(P) 294 57 mm/tms IrEtChemogaKola(P) 295 58 mm/tms RsEtNesheDam_IrHp(P) 297 59 mm/tms IrEtNeshe(P) 300 60 mm/tms IrEtNediAmarti(P) 301 61 mm/tms RsEtGulaDam_Ir(P) 309 62 mm/tms RsEtJedebDam_Ir(P) 310 63 mm/tms IrEtGulaDembech(P) 311 64 mm/tms IrEtJedeb(P) 312 65 mm/tms IrEtMiddleB(P) 319 66 mm/tms RsEtLahIrrDam_Ir(P) 331 67 mm/tms IrEtLah(P) 332 68 mm/tms RsEtFettamDam_Ir(P) 336 69 mm/tms IrEtFettam(P) 337 70 mm/tms RsEtAyoDam_Ir(P) 344 71 mm/tms RsEtZinginiDam_Ir(P) 346 72 mm/tms IrEtAzemaAyo(P) 347 73 mm/tms IrEtAzenaZingini(P) 348 74 mm/tms RsEtTimbiDam_Ir(P) 353 75 mm/tms IrEtTimbi(P) 354 76 mm/tms RsEtGuchisDam_Ir(P) 357 77 mm/tms IrEtGuchis(P) 358 78 mm/tms RsEtGebaRDam_Hp(P) 360 79 mm/tms RsEtArdiDam_Ir(P) 362 80 mm/tms IrEtChagni(P) 363 81 mm/tms RsEtBaro1Dam_Hp(P) 370 82 mm/tms RsEtBaro2Dam_Hp(P) 375 83 mm/tms IrEtArjoDidessa(P) 381 84 mm/tms IrEtArjoDidessaPump( 383 85 mm/tms IrEtHida(P) 389 86 mm/tms RsEtNegesoDam_Ir(P) 391 87 mm/tms IrEtNegeso(P) 394 88 mm/tms IrEtWama+Urgesa(P) 399 89 mm/tms IrEtUpperDabana(P) 402 90 mm/tms RsEtUpperDabanaDam_I 403 91 mm/tms IrEtDabana(P) 404 92 mm/tms RsEtUpperDidessaDam_ 406 93 mm/tms IrEtDimtu(P) 410 94 mm/tms IrEtDidga(P) 411 95 mm/tms RsEtAngerDam_Ir(P) 413 96 mm/tms RsEtNekemteDam_Ir(P) 414 97 mm/tms IrEtAnger(P) 419 98 mm/tms IrEtNekemte(P) 421 99 mm/tms IrEtDale(P) 433 100 mm/tms RsEtLekuUkeDams_Ir(P 438 101 mm/tms IrEtLekuUke(P) 439 102 mm/tms RsEtBiyoGumbiDams_Ir 442 103 mm/tms IrEtBiyo+Gumbi(P) 443 104 mm/tms RsEtAleltuDam_Ir(P) 447 105 mm/tms IrEtDembigusu(P) 449 106 mm/tms RsEtWajaDam_Ir(P) 451 107 mm/tms RsEtGebregurachaDam_ 453 108 mm/tms IrEtChigsha(P) 454 109 mm/tms RsEtLowerDidessaDam_ 455 110 mm/tms IrEtLugo(P) 459 111 mm/tms RsEtBarDam_Ir(P) 464 112 mm/tms IrEtBar(P) 465 113 mm/tms RsEtGemberDam_Ir(P) 476 114 mm/tms IrEtJemaAGanti(P) 477 115 mm/tms IrEtLowerDuraPump(P) 486 116 mm/tms RsEtFinchaaDam_HpIr 490 117 mm/tms RsEtDilaDam_Ir(P) 496 118 mm/tms IrEtUpperDila(P) 497 119 mm/tms RsEtMeniDam_Ir(P) 498 120 mm/tms IrEtFelmtuDila(P) 499 121 mm/tms RsEtLowerDabusDam_Hp 501 122 mm/tms RsEtBirbirRDam_Hp(P) 507 123 mm/tms IrEtFincha 510 124 mm/tms IrEtDabus(P) 512 125 mm/tms IrEtDaleBilutsu(P) 513 126 mm/tms RsEtDaleBilutsuDams_ 517 127 mm/tms RsEtUpperBelesDam_Ir 520 128 mm/tms RsEtGaleguDam_Ir(P) 522 129 mm/tms IrEtGalegu(P) 523 130 mm/tms RsEtRahadDam_Ir(P) 525 131 mm/tms IrEtRahad(P) 526 132 mm/tms RsEtBirbirADam_Hp(P) 532 133 mm/tms RsEtHumeraDam_IrHp(P 565 134 mm/tms IrEtHumera(P) 575 135 mm/tms RsEtItangDam_Ir(P) 592 136 mm/tms RsEtGilo3Dam_Ir(P) 600 137 mm/tms RsEtGilo1Dam_IrHp(P) 602 138 mm/tms RsEtLowerDinderDam_I 640 139 mm/tms RsEtLakeTanaCharaCha 700 140 mm/tms IrEtGubayMariam+Mitr 705 141 mm/tms RsEtSakuDam_Hp(P) 732 142 mm/tms RsEtTamsDam_Ir(P) 736 143 mm/tms RsEtChiruDam_Ir(P) 741 144 mm/tms RsEtMeyDam_Ir(P) 749 145 mm/tms IrEtAlweroFrmChiru+M 756 146 mm/tms RsEtKashuDam_Hp(P) 783 147 mm/tms RsEtBekoDam_Hp(P) 784 148 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBankGra 817 149 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBankPum 818 150 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBnkFrmG 819 151 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankGrav 824 152 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankPump 826 153 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankFrmG 831 154 mm/tms IrEtLeftBankFromAbob 833 155 mm/tms IrEtGiloRightBankFro 836 156 mm/tms IrEtGiloLeftBnkFrmGi 839 157 mm/tms IrEtGiloRightBankFro 842 158 mm/tms IrEtGiloLeftBankFrom 843 159 mm/tms IrEtKoga 894 160 mm/tms RsEtKogaDam_Ir 897 161 mm/tms IrEtLigome+Asinwara+ 907 162 mm/tms IrEtAmriPlain(P) 923 163 mm/tms IrEtAmboPlain(P) 933 164 mm/tms IrEtGugAndInsewi+Kon 934 165 mm/tms IrEtDiyaleg+LijomRis 952 166 mm/tms IrEtDelgi+BebehaAbo+ 958 167 mm/tms RsEtLowerGuderProjec 992 168 mm/tms RsEtAmartiDam_Ir(P) 1005 169 mm/tms RsEtDidgaDam_Ir(P) 1062 170 mm/tms RsEtUpperDabusDam_Hp 1091 171 mm/tms RsEtUpperBirrDam_Ir( 1113 172 mm/tms RsEtUpperDinderDam_H 1118 173 mm/tms IrEtLowerDinder(P) 1145 174 mm/tms IrEtUpperBeles(P) 1175 175 mm/tms RsEtDebreGurachaDam_ 1221 176 mm/tms IrEtDebreGuracha(P) 1222 177 mm/tms RsEtRobiRikichaDam_I 1236 178 mm/tms IrEtRobiRikicha(P) 1237 179 mm/tms RsEtKaradobiDam_Hp(P 1245 180 mm/tms RsEtHomechoDam_Ir(P) 1252 181 mm/tms RsEtMabilDam_Hp(P) 1265 182 mm/tms RsEtGigelAbaiADam_Ir 1268 183 mm/tms RsEtMendaiaDownDam_H 1285 184 mm/tms RsEtGrandRenaissance 1305 185 mm/tms IrEgToshkaPumpScheme 1800 186 mm/tms IrSsFengcoJonglei(P) 88 187 mm/tms IrSsMalakalRice(P) 683 188 mm/tms IrSsMongalaAndOtherS 1480 189 mm/tms IrSuAbuNaamaSeleitBl 1350 190 mm/tms IrSuBlueNilePumpSche 682 191 mm/tms IrSuElSuki 1370 192 mm/tms IrSuGeziraManagil 679 193 mm/tms IrSuGuneidSugarExten 678 194 mm/tms IrSuHagarAsalayaAndS 697 195 mm/tms IrSuKenana2And3(P) 1355 196 mm/tms IrSuKenana4(P) 1590 197 mm/tms IrSuKenanaSugarAndCr 696 198 mm/tms IrSuMainNileKhartoum 1640 199 mm/tms IrSuMainNilePumpSche 1685 200 mm/tms IrSuMerowe 1725 201 mm/tms IrSuNewHalfa 890 202 mm/tms IrSuPumpSchemesUpJeb 1585 203 mm/tms IrSuRahad 98 204 mm/tms IrSuRahad2(P) 686 205 mm/tms IrSuRumela(P) 810 206 mm/tms IrSuSennarSugarSchem 676 207 mm/tms IrSuSouthDinder(P) 694 208 mm/tms IrSuUpperAtbara(P) 644 209 mm/tms LsSsDelaySobatRiver 965 210 mm/tms LsSsGhazalSwampBahrE 815 211 mm/tms LsSsMacharSwamp 935 212 mm/tms LsSsSuddSwamp 1525 213 mm/tms LsSsSuddSwampAlbertN 1510 214 mm/tms LsSuDelayAtbaraMouth 1695 215 mm/tms LsSuDelayDeimRoseire 1320 216 mm/tms LsSuDelayDinderRahad 52 217 mm/tms LsSuDelayDongalaNass 1770 218 mm/tms LsSuDelayKhartoumAtb 1670 219 mm/tms LsSuDelayMalakalKhar 1595 220 mm/tms LsSuDelayMeroweDonga 1750 221 mm/tms LsSuDelayRoseiresSen 54 222 mm/tms LsSuDelaySennarDinde 58 223 mm/tms LsSuEvapDeimKhartoum 64 224 mm/tms LsSuEvapKhartoumMero 66 225 mm/tms LsSuEvapMalakalKhart 63 226 mm/tms LsSuEvapMeroweNasser 67 227 mm/tms RsEgHighAswanDamIrHp 1790 228 mm/tms RsSsBeddenDam_Hp(P) 719 229 mm/tms RsSsFulaDam_Hp(P) 723 230 mm/tms RsSsLakkiDam_Hp(P) 721 231 mm/tms RsSsShukoliDam_Hp(P) 722 232 mm/tms RsSsSueDam_Hp(P) 265 233 mm/tms RsSuDagashDam_Hp(P) 1680 234 mm/tms RsSuDalDam_Hp(P) 131 235 mm/tms RsSuGebalAuliaDam_Ir 1605 236 mm/tms RsSuKajbarDam_Hp(P) 1740 237 mm/tms RsSuKhashmElGirbaDam 875 238 mm/tms RsSuMeroweDam_IrHp 1700 239 mm/tms RsSuMogratDam_Hp(P) 1690 240 mm/tms RsSuRoseiresDam_IrHp 1340 241 mm/tms RsSuRumelaDam_HpIr(P 800 242 mm/tms RsSuSabalokaDam_IrHp 1630 243 mm/tms RsSuSennarDam_IrHp 1405 244 mm/tms RsSuShereiqDam_Hp(P) 128 245 mm/tms RsEtLahHppDam_Hp(P) 1187 Evaporation time series file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\EVAPORAT.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 mm/day RsEtAboboDamIr 14 2 mm/day RsEtGebaADamHp(P) 24 3 mm/day RsEtMendaiaUpDamHp(P 38 4 mm/day RsEtBekoAboLowHp(P) 39 5 mm/day RsEtTekezeDamTK5Hp 47 6 mm/day RsEtMetemaDamHpIr(P) 50 7 mm/day RsEtGambelaDamIr(P) 59 8 mm/day RsEtDumbongDamIr(P) 61 9 mm/day RsEtSmallScaleIrrDam 68 10 mm/day RsEtGilo2DamIr(P) 99 11 mm/day RsEtSoreDamHp(P) 154 12 mm/day RsEtSeseDamHp(P) 161 13 mm/day RsEtGumeroDamHp(P) 199 14 mm/day RsEtGumeraDamIr(P) 205 15 mm/day RsEtRibbDamIr(P) 206 16 mm/day RsEtMegechDamIr(P) 207 17 mm/day RsEtGigelAbaiBDamIr( 208 18 mm/day RsEtJemmaDamIr(P) 211 19 mm/day RsEtKiltiDamIr(P) 212 20 mm/day RsEtWeberiDamIr(P) 223 21 mm/day RsEtRobiWeserbiDamIr 229 22 mm/day RsEtDuberDamHpIr(P) 233 23 mm/day RsEtRobiDamHpIr(P) 235 24 mm/day RsEtSelgiDamIr(P) 249 25 mm/day RsEtMugaDamIr(P) 256 26 mm/day RsEtGeltaDamIr(P) 262 27 mm/day RsEtBogenaDamIr(P) 263 28 mm/day RsEtUpperGuderDamIr( 276 29 mm/day RsEtAnonuDamIr(P) 283 30 mm/day RsEtKaleDamIr(P) 287 31 mm/day RsEtChemogaDamIr(P) 294 32 mm/day RsEtNesheDamIrHp(P) 297 33 mm/day RsEtGulaDamIr(P) 309 34 mm/day RsEtJedebDamIr(P) 310 35 mm/day RsEtLahIrrDamIr(P) 331 36 mm/day RsEtFettamDamIr(P) 336 37 mm/day RsEtAyoDamIr(P) 344 38 mm/day RsEtZinginiDamIr(P) 346 39 mm/day RsEtTimbiDamIr(P) 353 40 mm/day RsEtGuchisDamIr(P) 357 41 mm/day RsEtGebaRDamHp(P) 360 42 mm/day RsEtArdiDamIr(P) 362 43 mm/day RsEtBaro1DamHp(P) 370 44 mm/day RsEtBaro2DamHp(P) 375 45 mm/day RsEtNegesoDamIr(P) 391 46 mm/day RsEtUpperDabanaDamIr 403 47 mm/day RsEtUpperDidessaDamI 406 48 mm/day RsEtAngerDamIr(P) 413 49 mm/day RsEtNekemteDamIr(P) 414 50 mm/day RsEtLekuUkeDamsIr(P) 438 51 mm/day RsEtBiyoGumbiDamsIr( 442 52 mm/day RsEtAleltuDamIr(P) 447 53 mm/day RsEtWajaDamIr(P) 451 54 mm/day RsEtGebregurachaDamI 453 55 mm/day RsEtLowerDidessaDamI 455 56 mm/day RsEtBarDamIr(P) 464 57 mm/day RsEtGemberDamIr(P) 476 58 mm/day RsEtFinchaaDamHpIr 490 59 mm/day RsEtDilaDamIr(P) 496 60 mm/day RsEtMeniDamIr(P) 498 61 mm/day RsEtLowerDabusDamHp( 501 62 mm/day RsEtBirbirRDamHp(P) 507 63 mm/day RsEtDaleBilutsuDamsI 517 64 mm/day RsEtUpperBelesDamIrH 520 65 mm/day RsEtGaleguDamIr(P) 522 66 mm/day RsEtRahadDamIr(P) 525 67 mm/day RsEtBirbirADamHp(P) 532 68 mm/day RsEtHumeraDamIrHp(P) 565 69 mm/day RsEtItangDamIr(P) 592 70 mm/day RsEtGilo3DamIr(P) 600 71 mm/day RsEtGilo1DamIrHp(P) 602 72 mm/day RsEtLowerDinderDamIr 640 73 mm/day RsEtLakeTanaCharaCha 700 74 mm/day RsEtSakuDamHp(P) 732 75 mm/day RsEtTamsDamIr(P) 736 76 mm/day RsEtChiruDamIr(P) 741 77 mm/day RsEtMeyDamIr(P) 749 78 mm/day RsEtKashuDamHp(P) 783 79 mm/day RsEtBekoDamHp(P) 784 80 mm/day RsEtKogaDamIr 897 81 mm/day RsEtLowerGuderProjec 992 82 mm/day RsEtAmartiDamIr(P) 1005 83 mm/day RsEtDidgaDamIr(P) 1062 84 mm/day RsEtUpperDabusDamHp( 1091 85 mm/day RsEtUpperBirrDamIr(P 1113 86 mm/day RsEtUpperDinderDamHp 1118 87 mm/day RsEtDebreGurachaDamI 1221 88 mm/day RsEtRobiRikichaDamIr 1236 89 mm/day RsEtKaradobiDamHp(P) 1245 90 mm/day RsEtHomechoDamIr(P) 1252 91 mm/day RsEtMabilDamHp(P) 1265 92 mm/day RsEtGigelAbaiADamIr( 1268 93 mm/day RsEtMendaiaDownDamHp 1285 94 mm/day RsEtGrRenaissanceLow 1305 95 mm/day RsEtBekoAboHighHp(P) 99939 96 mm/day RsEtGrRenaissanceHgh 991305 97 mm/day LsSuEvapMalakalKhart 63 98 mm/day LsSuEvapDeimKhartoum 64 99 mm/day LsSuEvapKhartoumMero 66 100 mm/day LsSuEvapMeroweNasser 67 101 mm/day RsSuShereiqDamHp(P) 128 102 mm/day RsSuDalDamHp(P) 131 103 mm/day RsSsSueDamHp(P) 265 104 mm/day RsSsBeddenDamHp(P) 719 105 mm/day RsSsLakkiDamHp(P) 721 106 mm/day RsSsShukoliDamHp(P) 722 107 mm/day RsSsFulaDamHp(P) 723 108 mm/day RsSuRumelaAndBurdana 800 109 mm/day LsSsGhazalSwampBahrE 815 110 mm/day RsSuKhashmElGirbaDam 875 111 mm/day LsSsMacharSwamp 935 112 mm/day RsSuRoseiresDamIrHp 1340 113 mm/day RsSuSennarDamIrHp 1405 114 mm/day LsSsSuddSwampAlbertN 1510 115 mm/day LsSsSuddSwamp 1525 116 mm/day RsSuGebalAuliaDamIrN 1605 117 mm/day RsSuSabalokaDamIrHp( 1630 118 mm/day RsSuMogratDamHp(P) 1690 119 mm/day RsSuMeroweDamIrHp 1700 120 mm/day RsSuKajbarDamHp(P) 1740 121 mm/day RsEgHighAswanDamIrHp 1790 Monitored flow time series fl : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\RECRDFLW.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 m3/s SuKhartoumBlueNile 69 2 m3/s EtKessie 881 3 m3/s EtBeko Abo 882 4 m3/s EtBorder 883 5 m3/s EtShogole 884 6 m3/s EtDSGuder 892 7 m3/s EtCharaChara 1200 8 m3/s SuElDiemBorderEtSu 1325 9 m3/s SuDinderMouth 1392 10 m3/s SuRahadMouth 1393 11 m3/s EtAlweroMouth 13 12 m3/s EtGambelaTown 28 13 m3/s EtPiborGiloDown 107 14 m3/s EtSupiStation 152 15 m3/s EtMashaStation 165 16 m3/s EtGechaStation 168 17 m3/s EtPugnido 180 18 m3/s EtBaroKellaStation 181 19 m3/s EtMetuStation 186 20 m3/s EtGoreStation 198 21 m3/s SsPiborPost 793 22 m3/s SsBongak 804 23 m3/s EtAkobo 806 24 m3/s SsGeni 812 25 m3/s EtPiborGiloUp 814 26 m3/s SSNasr 816 27 m3/s SsHillDoleib 970 28 m3/s SsMongalla 1485 29 m3/s SsMalakal 1555 30 m3/s SsBaroMouth 1394 31 m3/s SuAbuHamed 888 32 m3/s SuShendi 889 33 m3/s SuTamaniat 891 34 m3/s SuAswanNatural 1755 35 m3/s EtMetema 633 36 m3/s EtHumera 850 37 m3/s EtYechi 871 38 m3/s EtEmbamadre 878 39 m3/s EtAbdi 879 40 m3/s SuWadElHeliew 886 41 m3/s SuKubur 887 42 m3/s SuK3 905 Dep.rainfall timeseries file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DEPRAIN.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 mm/tms IrEtDelgi+BebehaAbo+ 958 2 mm/tms IrEtGalegu(P) 523 3 mm/tms IrEtGura+Jar+Robit+S 215 4 mm/tms IrEtLowerDinder(P) 1145 5 mm/tms IrEtRahad(P) 526 6 mm/tms IrEtHumera(P) 575 7 mm/tms IrEtMetema(P) 60 8 mm/tms IrEtSmallScale 145 9 mm/tms IrEtAmboPlain(P) 933 10 mm/tms IrEtAmriPlain(P) 923 11 mm/tms IrEtAzemaAyo(P) 347 12 mm/tms IrEtAzenaZingini(P) 348 13 mm/tms IrEtBogenaLumame(P) 266 14 mm/tms IrEtChagni(P) 363 15 mm/tms IrEtChemogaKola(P) 295 16 mm/tms IrEtChimba(P) 219 17 mm/tms IrEtDimbkPlain(P) 217 18 mm/tms IrEtDiyaleg+LijomRis 952 19 mm/tms IrEtDurbet3(P) 216 20 mm/tms IrEtFettam(P) 337 21 mm/tms IrEtGeltaLumame(P) 264 22 mm/tms IrEtGubayMariam+Mitr 705 23 mm/tms IrEtGuchis(P) 358 24 mm/tms IrEtGugAndInsewi+Kon 934 25 mm/tms IrEtGulaDembech(P) 311 26 mm/tms IrEtHod+Jigna+Beks+M 84 27 mm/tms IrEtJedeb(P) 312 28 mm/tms IrEtJemma(P) 218 29 mm/tms IrEtKoga 894 30 mm/tms IrEtLah(P) 332 31 mm/tms IrEtLigome+Asinwara+ 907 32 mm/tms IrEtMiddleB(P) 319 33 mm/tms IrEtRibbRight+LeftBa 203 34 mm/tms IrEtTimbi(P) 354 35 mm/tms IrEtUpperBeles(P) 1175 36 mm/tms IrEtUpperDinder(P) 81 37 mm/tms IrEtWonda+Yemosht+Se 220 38 mm/tms IrEtYetmen(P) 257 39 mm/tms IrEtAnonu(P) 284 40 mm/tms IrEtDebreGuracha(P) 1222 41 mm/tms IrEtDuber(P) 221 42 mm/tms IrEtFincha 510 43 mm/tms IrEtHomecho(P) 236 44 mm/tms IrEtHulukaDebis(P) 269 45 mm/tms IrEtKale(P) 288 46 mm/tms IrEtNediAmarti(P) 301 47 mm/tms IrEtNeshe(P) 300 48 mm/tms IrEtRobi(P) 237 49 mm/tms IrEtRobiRikicha(P) 1237 50 mm/tms IrEtSelgi(P) 250 51 mm/tms IrEtUpperGuder(P) 277 52 mm/tms IrEtWberi(P) 224 53 mm/tms IrEtWeserbi(P) 225 54 mm/tms IrEtBar(P) 465 55 mm/tms IrEtBiyo+Gumbi(P) 443 56 mm/tms IrEtChigsha(P) 454 57 mm/tms IrEtDabus(P) 512 58 mm/tms IrEtDaleBilutsu(P) 513 59 mm/tms IrEtDembigusu(P) 449 60 mm/tms IrEtJemaAGanti(P) 477 61 mm/tms IrEtLowerBeles(P) 82 62 mm/tms IrEtLowerDuraPump(P) 486 63 mm/tms IrEtLugo(P) 459 64 mm/tms IrEtNekemte(P) 421 65 mm/tms IrEtAnger(P) 419 66 mm/tms IrEtArjoDidessaPump( 383 67 mm/tms IrEtDabana(P) 404 68 mm/tms IrEtDale(P) 433 69 mm/tms IrEtDidga(P) 411 70 mm/tms IrEtDimtu(P) 410 71 mm/tms IrEtFelmtuDila(P) 499 72 mm/tms IrEtLekuUke(P) 439 73 mm/tms IrEtNegeso(P) 394 74 mm/tms IrEtUpperDabana(P) 402 75 mm/tms IrEtUpperDila(P) 497 76 mm/tms IrEtArjoDidessa(P) 381 77 mm/tms IrEtHida(P) 389 78 mm/tms IrEtWama+Urgesa(P) 399 79 mm/tms IrEtAlweroFrmChiru+M 756 80 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankFrmG 831 81 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankGrav 824 82 mm/tms IrEtBaroLeftBankPump 826 83 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBankGra 817 84 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBankPum 818 85 mm/tms IrEtBaroRightBnkFrmG 819 86 mm/tms IrEtGiloLeftBankFrom 843 87 mm/tms IrEtGiloLeftBnkFrmGi 839 88 mm/tms IrEtGiloRightBankFro 836 89 mm/tms IrEtGiloRightBankFro 842 90 mm/tms IrEtLeftBankFromAbob 833 91 mm/tms IrSuAbuNaamaSeleitBl 1350 92 mm/tms IrSuBlueNilePumpSche 682 93 mm/tms IrSuElSuki 1370 94 mm/tms IrSuGeziraManagil 679 95 mm/tms IrSuGuneidSugarExten 678 96 mm/tms IrSuKenana2And3(P) 1355 97 mm/tms IrSuRahad 98 98 mm/tms IrSuRahad2(P) 686 99 mm/tms IrSuSennarSugarSchem 676 100 mm/tms IrSuSouthDinder(P) 694 101 mm/tms IrSsFengcoJonglei(P) 88 102 mm/tms IrSsMalakalRice(P) 683 103 mm/tms IrSsMongalaAndOtherS 1480 104 mm/tms IrSuHagarAsalayaAndS 697 105 mm/tms IrSuKenana4(P) 1590 106 mm/tms IrSuKenanaSugarAndCr 696 107 mm/tms IrSuPumpSchemesUpJeb 1585 108 mm/tms IrSuNewHalfa 890 109 mm/tms IrSuRumela(P) 810 110 mm/tms IrSuUpperAtbara(P) 644 111 mm/tms IrSuMainNileKhartoum 1640 112 mm/tms IrSuMainNilePumpSche 1685 113 mm/tms IrSuMerowe 1725 114 mm/tms IrEgToshkaPumpScheme 1800 Dep.river flw timeseries file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\DEPUPFLW.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 m3/s Irs_200_ToshkaIntake 1800 2 m3/s Irs_Et_AlweroFrmChir 756 3 m3/s Irs_Et_AmboPlain(P) 933 4 m3/s Irs_Et_AmriPlain(P) 923 5 m3/s Irs_Et_Anger(P) 419 6 m3/s Irs_Et_Anonu(P) 284 7 m3/s Irs_Et_ArjoDidessa(P 381 8 m3/s Irs_Et_ArjoDidessaPu 383 9 m3/s Irs_Et_AzemaAyo(P) 347 10 m3/s Irs_Et_AzenaZingini( 348 11 m3/s Irs_Et_Bar(P) 465 12 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroLeftBankF 831 13 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroLeftBankG 824 14 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroLeftBankP 826 15 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroRightBank 817 16 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroRightBank 818 17 m3/s Irs_Et_BaroRightBnkF 819 18 m3/s Irs_Et_Biyo+Gumbi(P) 443 19 m3/s Irs_Et_BogenaLumame( 266 20 m3/s Irs_Et_Chagni(P) 363 21 m3/s Irs_Et_ChemogaKola(P 295 22 m3/s Irs_Et_Chigsha(P) 454 23 m3/s Irs_Et_Chimba(P) 219 24 m3/s Irs_Et_Dabana(P) 404 25 m3/s Irs_Et_Dabus(P) 512 26 m3/s Irs_Et_Dale(P) 433 27 m3/s Irs_Et_DaleBilutsu(P 513 28 m3/s Irs_Et_DebreGuracha( 1222 29 m3/s Irs_Et_Delgi+BebehaA 958 30 m3/s Irs_Et_Dembigusu(P) 449 31 m3/s Irs_Et_Didga(P) 411 32 m3/s Irs_Et_DimbkPlain(P) 217 33 m3/s Irs_Et_Dimtu(P) 410 34 m3/s Irs_Et_Diyaleg+Lijom 952 35 m3/s Irs_Et_Duber(P) 221 36 m3/s Irs_Et_Durbet3(P) 216 37 m3/s Irs_Et_FelmtuDila(P) 499 38 m3/s Irs_Et_Fettam(P) 337 39 m3/s Irs_Et_Fincha 510 40 m3/s Irs_Et_Galegu(P) 523 41 m3/s Irs_Et_GeltaLumame(P 264 42 m3/s Irs_Et_GiloLeftBankF 843 43 m3/s Irs_Et_GiloLeftBnkFr 839 44 m3/s Irs_Et_GiloRightBank 836 45 m3/s Irs_Et_GiloRightBank 842 46 m3/s Irs_Et_GubayMariam+M 705 47 m3/s Irs_Et_Guchis(P) 358 48 m3/s Irs_Et_GugAndInsewi+ 934 49 m3/s Irs_Et_GulaDembech(P 311 50 m3/s Irs_Et_Gura+Jar+Robi 215 51 m3/s Irs_Et_Hida(P) 389 52 m3/s Irs_Et_Hod+Jigna+Bek 84 53 m3/s Irs_Et_Homecho(P) 236 54 m3/s Irs_Et_HulukaDebis(P 269 55 m3/s Irs_Et_Humera(P) 575 56 m3/s Irs_Et_Jedeb(P) 312 57 m3/s Irs_Et_JemaAGanti(P) 477 58 m3/s Irs_Et_Jemma(P) 218 59 m3/s Irs_Et_Kale(P) 288 60 m3/s Irs_Et_Koga 894 61 m3/s Irs_Et_Lah(P) 332 62 m3/s Irs_Et_LeftBankFromA 833 63 m3/s Irs_Et_LekuUke(P) 439 64 m3/s Irs_Et_Ligome+Asinwa 907 65 m3/s Irs_Et_LowerBeles(P) 82 66 m3/s Irs_Et_LowerDinder(P 1145 67 m3/s Irs_Et_LowerDuraPump 486 68 m3/s Irs_Et_Lugo(P) 459 69 m3/s Irs_Et_Metema(P) 60 70 m3/s Irs_Et_MiddleB(P) 319 71 m3/s Irs_Et_NediAmarti(P) 301 72 m3/s Irs_Et_Negeso(P) 394 73 m3/s Irs_Et_Nekemte(P) 421 74 m3/s Irs_Et_Neshe(P) 300 75 m3/s Irs_Et_Rahad(P) 526 76 m3/s Irs_Et_RibbRight+Lef 203 77 m3/s Irs_Et_Robi(P) 237 78 m3/s Irs_Et_RobiRikicha(P 1237 79 m3/s Irs_Et_Selgi(P) 250 80 m3/s Irs_Et_SmallScale 145 81 m3/s Irs_Et_Timbi(P) 354 82 m3/s Irs_Et_UpperBeles(P) 1175 83 m3/s Irs_Et_UpperDabana(P 402 84 m3/s Irs_Et_UpperDila(P) 497 85 m3/s Irs_Et_UpperDinder(P 81 86 m3/s Irs_Et_UpperGuder(P) 277 87 m3/s Irs_Et_Wama+Urgesa(P 399 88 m3/s Irs_Et_Wberi(P) 224 89 m3/s Irs_Et_Weserbi(P) 225 90 m3/s Irs_Et_Wonda+Yemosht 220 91 m3/s Irs_Et_Yetmen(P) 257 92 m3/s Irs_Ss_FengcoJonglei 88 93 m3/s Irs_Ss_MalakalRice(P 683 94 m3/s Irs_Ss_MongalaAndOth 1480 95 m3/s Irs_Su_AbuNaamaSelei 1350 96 m3/s Irs_Su_BlueNilePumpS 682 97 m3/s Irs_Su_ElSuki 1370 98 m3/s Irs_Su_GeziraManagil 679 99 m3/s Irs_Su_GuneidSugarEx 678 100 m3/s Irs_Su_HagarAsalayaA 697 101 m3/s Irs_Su_Kenana2And3(P 1355 102 m3/s Irs_Su_Kenana4(P) 1590 103 m3/s Irs_Su_KenanaSugarAn 696 104 m3/s Irs_Su_MainNileKhart 1640 105 m3/s Irs_Su_MainNilePumpS 1685 106 m3/s Irs_Su_Merowe 1725 107 m3/s Irs_Su_NewHalfa 890 108 m3/s Irs_Su_PumpSchemesUp 1585 109 m3/s Irs_Su_Rahad 98 110 m3/s Irs_Su_Rahad2(P) 686 111 m3/s Irs_Su_Rumela(P) 810 112 m3/s Irs_Su_SennarSugarSc 676 113 m3/s Irs_Su_SouthDinder(P 694 114 m3/s Irs_Su_UpperAtbara(P 644 Ref.evap.time series file : D:\RIBASIM7\ETHINXS2.RBN\HYDROLOG\SCENARIO.004\REFEVAPO.TMS Station or Seq. Station or time series inx. Unit time series name index Remarks ---- ------- -------------------- ----------- ------- 1 mm/day IrEtUpperDinder(P) 215 2 mm/day IrEtLowerBeles(P) 523 3 mm/day IrEtHod+Jigna+Beks+M 526 4 mm/day IrEtRibbRight+LeftBa 958 5 mm/day IrEtGura+Jar+Robit+S 1145 6 mm/day IrEtGalegu(P) 60 7 mm/day IrEtRahad(P) 145 8 mm/day IrEtDelgi+BebehaAbo+ 575 9 mm/day IrEtLowerDinder(P) 81 10 mm/day IrEtMetema(P) 84 11 mm/day IrEtSmallScale 203 12 mm/day IrEtHumera(P) 216 13 mm/day IrEtUpperDinder(P) 217 14 mm/day IrEtHod+Jigna+Beks+M 218 15 mm/day IrEtRibbRight+LeftBa 219 16 mm/day IrEtDurbet3(P) 220 17 mm/day IrEtDimbkPlain(P) 257 18 mm/day IrEtJemma(P) 264 19 mm/day IrEtChimba(P) 266 20 mm/day IrEtWonda+Yemosht+Se 295 21 mm/day IrEtYetmen(P) 311 22 mm/day IrEtGeltaLumame(P) 312 23 mm/day IrEtBogenaLumame(P) 319 24 mm/day IrEtChemogaKola(P) 332 25 mm/day IrEtGulaDembech(P) 337 26 mm/day IrEtJedeb(P) 347 27 mm/day IrEtMiddleB(P) 348 28 mm/day IrEtLah(P) 354 29 mm/day IrEtFettam(P) 358 30 mm/day IrEtAzemaAyo(P) 363 31 mm/day IrEtAzenaZingini(P) 705 32 mm/day IrEtTimbi(P) 894 33 mm/day IrEtGuchis(P) 907 34 mm/day IrEtChagni(P) 923 35 mm/day IrEtGubayMariam+Mitr 933 36 mm/day IrEtKoga 934 37 mm/day IrEtLigome+Asinwara+ 952 38 mm/day IrEtAmriPlain(P) 1175 39 mm/day IrEtAmboPlain(P) 221 40 mm/day IrEtGugAndInsewi+Kon 224 41 mm/day IrEtDiyaleg+LijomRis 225 42 mm/day IrEtUpperBeles(P) 236 43 mm/day IrEtDuber(P) 237 44 mm/day IrEtWberi(P) 250 45 mm/day IrEtWeserbi(P) 269 46 mm/day IrEtHomecho(P) 277 47 mm/day IrEtRobi(P) 284 48 mm/day IrEtSelgi(P) 288 49 mm/day IrEtHulukaDebis(P) 300 50 mm/day IrEtUpperGuder(P) 301 51 mm/day IrEtAnonu(P) 510 52 mm/day IrEtKale(P) 1222 53 mm/day IrEtNeshe(P) 1237 54 mm/day IrEtNediAmarti(P) 82 55 mm/day IrEtFincha 421 56 mm/day IrEtDebreGuracha(P) 443 57 mm/day IrEtRobiRikicha(P) 449 58 mm/day IrEtLowerBeles(P) 454 59 mm/day IrEtNekemte(P) 459 60 mm/day IrEtBiyo+Gumbi(P) 465 61 mm/day IrEtDembigusu(P) 477 62 mm/day IrEtChigsha(P) 486 63 mm/day IrEtLugo(P) 512 64 mm/day IrEtBar(P) 513 65 mm/day IrEtJemaAGanti(P) 383 66 mm/day IrEtLowerDuraPump(P) 394 67 mm/day IrEtDabus(P) 402 68 mm/day IrEtDaleBilutsu(P) 404 69 mm/day IrEtArjoDidessaPump( 410 70 mm/day IrEtNegeso(P) 411 71 mm/day IrEtUpperDabana(P) 419 72 mm/day IrEtDabana(P) 433 73 mm/day IrEtDimtu(P) 439 74 mm/day IrEtDidga(P) 497 75 mm/day IrEtAnger(P) 499 76 mm/day IrEtDale(P) 381 77 mm/day IrEtLekuUke(P) 389 78 mm/day IrEtUpperDila(P) 399 79 mm/day IrEtFelmtuDila(P) 756 80 mm/day IrEtArjoDidessa(P) 817 81 mm/day IrEtHida(P) 818 82 mm/day IrEtWama+Urgesa(P) 819 83 mm/day IrEtAlweroFrmChiru+M 824 84 mm/day IrEtBaroRightBankGra 826 85 mm/day IrEtBaroRightBankPum 831 86 mm/day IrEtBaroRightBnkFrmG 833 87 mm/day IrEtBaroLeftBankGrav 836 88 mm/day IrEtBaroLeftBankPump 839 89 mm/day IrEtBaroLeftBankFrmG 842 90 mm/day IrEtLeftBankFromAbob 843 91 mm/day IrEtGiloRightBankFro 98 92 mm/day IrEtGiloLeftBnkFrmGi 676 93 mm/day IrEtGiloRightBankFro 678 94 mm/day IrEtGiloLeftBankFrom 679 95 mm/day IrSuRahad 682 96 mm/day IrSuSennarSugarSchem 686 97 mm/day IrSuGuneidSugarExten 694 98 mm/day IrSuGeziraManagil 1350 99 mm/day IrSuBlueNilePumpSche 1355 100 mm/day IrSuRahad2(P) 1370 101 mm/day IrSuSouthDinder(P) 88 102 mm/day IrSuAbuNaamaSeleitBl 683 103 mm/day IrSuKenana2And3(P) 696 104 mm/day IrSuElSuki 697 105 mm/day IrSsFengcoJonglei(P) 1480 106 mm/day IrSsMalakalRice(P) 1585 107 mm/day IrSuKenanaSugarAndCr 1590 108 mm/day IrSuHagarAsalayaAndS 1640 109 mm/day IrSsMongalaAndOtherS 1685 110 mm/day IrSuPumpSchemesUpJeb 1725 111 mm/day IrEgToshkaPumpScheme 1800 112 mm/day IrSuUpperAtbara(P) 644 113 mm/day IrSuRumela(P) 810 114 mm/day IrSuNewHalfa 890 Table 6. Data of output variables for each type of node ------------------------------------------------------- Tp ix = Node type index Var inx = Ouput variable index Unt = Unit Nwqsub = Number of water quality substances defined in file WQsubsta.dat Tp Var Type of node ix inx Output variables description ----------------- -- --- ---------------------------- Variable inflow 1 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Miscellaneous consumption (Mcm) 3 Shortage to miscellaneous users (Mcm) 4 Variable inflow (Mcm) 5 Upstream link flow of previous time step (Mcm) 6 Potential virgin area (km2) 7 Actual virgin area (km2) 8 Total fixed irrigation node area in catchment (km2) 9 Total variable irrigation node area in catchment (km2) 10 Total advanced irrigation node area in catchment (km2) 11 Total fish pond node area in catchment (km2) 12 Total sw reservoir area in catchment (km2) 13 Total link storage node area in catchment (km2) 14 Total gw district node area in catchment (km2) For each Sacramento model segment (maximal 5) the following parameters: 15 Actual segment area (km2) 16 UZTWC = Upper zone tension water content (mm) 17 UZFWC = Upper zone free water content (mm) 18 LZTWC = Lower zone tension water content (mm) 19 LZFSC = Lower zone supplementary free water content (mm) 20 LZFPC = zone primary free water content (mm) 21 PLIQ = Actual rainfall (mm) 22 EDMND = Potential evapotranspiration (mm) 23 EUSED = Actual evapotranspiration (mm) 24 QF = Total runoff (mm) 25 STOR = Storage at end of time step (mm) 26 ADIMC = Contents of area which when saturated produces direct runoff (mm) 27 FLOBF = Base flow (mm) 28 FLOIN = Interflow (mm) 29 FLOBS = ???, (mm) 30 ROIMP = Runoff from impervious or water-covered area (mm) 31 SSOUTACT = Actual surface runoff ? (mm) Fixed inflow 2 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Fixed inflow (Mcm) 3 Upstream link flow of previous time step (Mcm) Confluence 3 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) Terminal 4 1 End flow (Mcm) Recording 5 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Recorded flow (Mcm) Reservoir 6 1 Flow into sw reservoir (Mcm) 2 Net evaporation (Mcm) 3 Level at end of time step (m) 4 Volume at end of time step (Mcm) 5 Downstream flow (Mcm) 6 Spillway flow (Mcm) 7 Turbine flow (Mcm) 8 Main gate flow (Mcm) 9 Generated energy (GWh) 10 Non-hydro target (Mcm) 11 Evaporation (Mcm) 12 Rainfall (Mcm) 13 Water surface area at end of time step (m2) 14 Seepage (Mcm) 15 Firm energy release target (Mcm) 16 Tailrace level (m) 17 Head loss (m) 18 Hydro electric power generation efficiency (%) 19 Net or effective head for for hydro power generation (m) 19+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration at end of time step (-) Run-of-river 7 1 Flow into the run-of-river (Mcm) 2 Generated energy (GWh) 3 Spilling flow (Mcm) 4 Tailrace level (m) 5 Head loss (m) 6 Hydro electric power generation efficiency (%) 7 Net or effective head for hydro power generation (m) Diversion 8 1 Target diverted flow (Mcm) 2 Allocated diverted flow (Mcm) 3 Downstream flow (Mcm) 4 Upstream flow (Mcm) Low flow 9 1 Realised downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Demand downstream flow (Mcm) 3 Length of period since last EF demand year (# of time steps) 4 EF demand year switch (0 or 1) Public wtr supply 10 1 Gross demand incl. all losses (Mcm) 2 Shortage (Mcm) 3 Return flow to SW (Mcm) 4 Downstream flow (Mcm) 5 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 6 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) 7 Return flow to GW (Mcm) 8 Domestic sector demand (Mcm) 9 Domestic sector - GW supply (Mcm) 10 Domestic sector - Piped water supply (Mcm) 11 Commercial and services sector demand(Mcm) 12 Commercial and services sector - GW supply (Mcm) 13 Commercial and services sector - Piped water supply (Mcm) 14 Industrial sector demand(Mcm) 15 Industrial sector - GW supply (Mcm) 16 Industrial sector - supply direct from SW (Mcm) 17 Industrial sector - Piped water supply (Mcm) 18 Net demand (m3/s) (Sum of piped water demand for all sectors) (Mcm) 19 Distribution losses (Mcm) 20 In-plant losses (Mcm) 21 Explicit net demand (m3/s) 22 Unit based net demand (m3/s) 23 Gross demand incl. all losses from network (Mcm) Fixed irrigation 11 1 Gross demand based on irrig. efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 2 Gross shortage based on irrig. efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 3 Consumed flow (= total allocated flow - return flow) (Mcm) 4 Return flow to SW (Mcm) 5 Downstream flow (Mcm) 6 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 7 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) 8 Return flow to GW (Mcm) 8+Nwqsub WQ substance balance (-) Variable irrig. 12 1 Gross demand based on irrig. efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 2 Gross shortage based on irrig. efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 3 Consumed flow (= total allocated flow - return flow) (Mcm) 4 Rainfall (mm/timestep) 5 Return flow to SW (Mcm) 6 Downstream flow (Mcm) 7 Effective rainfall (Mcm) 8 Crop water requirements (mm/time step) 9 Net SW allocation (mm/time step) 10 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 11 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) 12 Irrigated area (ha) 13 Return flow to GW (Mcm) 14 Surplus rainfall to SW (Mcm) 15 Expected rainfall (mm/time step) 16 Surplus rainfall to GW (Mcm) 17 Net GW allocation (mm/time step) 18 Effective rainfall (mm/time tep) 18+Nwqsub WQ substance balance - Loss flow 13 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Allocated loss flow (to GW) (Mcm) 3 Desired loss flow (Mcm) Fish pond 14 1 Gross demand based on convey.efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 2 Gross shortage based on convey.efficiency of last source type (Mcm) 3 Consumed flow (= total allocated flow - return flow) (Mcm) 4 Downstream flow (Mcm) 5 Return flow to SW (Mcm) 6 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 7 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) 8 Net supply from surface water (Mcm) 9 Net supply from groundwater (Mcm) 10 Return flow to GW (Mcm) 11 Evaporation (Mcm) 12 Rainfall (Mcm) 13 Net demand for flushing (Mcm) 14 Net spilling (Mcm) 15 Fish pond area (ha) Natural lake 15 1 Not defined yet (Mcm) Groundwater rsv 16 1 Depth at end of time step (m) 2 Volume at end of time step (Mcm) 3 Direct return flow from users (Mcm) 3+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration at end of time step (-) Bifurcation 17 1 Target downstream flow link 1 (Mcm) 2 Target downstream flow link 2 (Mcm)m 3 Downstream flow link 1 (Mcm) 4 Downstream flow link 2 (Mcm) 5 Upstream flow (Mcm) Pumping 18 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Pumping energy (GWh) General district 20 1 Demand (Mcm) 2 Total allocation (Mcm) 3 Shortage (Mcm) 4 Discharge (Mcm) 5 Downstream flow (Mcm) 6 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 7 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) Ground wtr dist. 21 User : Public water supply -------------------------- 1 Demand (Mcm) 2 Demand from surface water (Mcm) 3 Allocated water from surface water (Mcm) 4 Allocated water from groundwater (Mcm) 5 Return flow to surface water (Mcm) User : Non-irr. agriculture --------------------------- 6 Rainfall on non-irrigated area (Mcm) 7 Soil moisture storage at the end of time step (Mcm) 8 Soil moisture level at the end of the time step (mm) 9 Evaporation from non-irrigated area (Mcm) 10 Flow from soil moisture to surface water (Mcm) 11 Percolation from soil moisture to groundwater (Mcm) 12 Runoff from soil moistureto surface water (caused by saturated soil moisture) (Mcm) User : Irrigated agriculture ---------------------------- 13 Field water requirements or desired net demand supplied from rainfall, surface water and groundwater (Mcm) 14 Rainfall on irrigated area (Mcm) 15 Return flow from rainfall to surface water (Mcm) 16 Return flow from rainfall to groundwater (Mcm) 17 Effective rainfall (Mcm) 18 Desired gross demand from surface water (Mcm) 19 Allocated flow from surface water (Mcm) 20 Return flow from irrigated surface water flow to surface water (Mcm) 21 Return flow from irrigated surface water flow to groundwater (Mcm) 22 Allocated flow from groundwater (Mcm) 23 Return flow from irrigated groundwater-flow to surface water (Mcm) 24 Return flow from irrigated groundwater-flow to groundwater (Mcm) Storage : Groundwater --------------------- 25 Fixed inflow to groundwater from neighbouring layers (Mcm) 26 Variable inflow to groundwater from neighbouring layers (Mcm) 27 Groundwater-storage at the end of time step (Mcm) 28 Groundwater-level at the end of time step (m) 29 Internal drainage from groundwater to surface water (Mcm) 30 External drainage from groundwater to surface water (Mcm) 31 Forced drainage from gw to sw (caused by full gw storage) (Mcm) 32 Accumulated rainfall of last number of time steps (mm) Other : ------- 33 Used energy for pws pumping (GWh) 34 Used energy for irr.area pumping (GWh) 35 Downstream flow (Mcm) User : add. irrigated agriculture --------------------------------- 36 Field water allocation from rainfall, surface water and groundwater (Mcm) Link storage 22 1 Target downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Target upstream flow (Mcm) 3 Downstream flow (Mcm) 4 Volume at end of time step (Mcm) 5 Rainfall (Mcm) 6 Evaporation (Mcm) 7 Soil moisture recharge (Mcm) 8 Water surface area at end of time step (m2) 9 Average depth at end of time step (m) 10 Average width at end of time step (m) 11 Average cross sectional area at end of time step (m2) 11+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration at end of time step (-) Reserv. partition 23 1 Net evaporation (Mcm) 2 Level at end of time step (m) 3 Volume at end of time step (Mcm) 4 Downstream flow (Mcm) 5 Evaporation (Mcm) 6 Rainfall (Mcm) 7 Water surface area at end of time step (m2) 8 Seepage (Mcm) 8+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration at end of time step (-) Advanced irrig. 25 1 Demand (Mcm) 2 Allocated surface water (Mcm) 3 Allocated groundwater (Mcm) 4 Return flow to SW (Mcm) 5 Downstream flow (Mcm) 6 Return flow to GW (Mcm) 6+Nwqsub WQ substance balance (-) Waste water treatment plant 27 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) 2 Treated flow (Mcm) Natural retention 28 1 Downstream flow (Mcm) Tp Variable Type of link ix Index Output variables description ------------------- -- -------- ---------------------------- Surface water flow 1 1 Flow (Mcm) 1+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) Groundwater recharge 2 1 Flow (Mcm) 1+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) GW outflow 3 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Base outflow (Mcm) 3 Spilling outflow (Mcm) 3+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration - Lateral flow 4 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Head difference between upstream nd downstream node (m) 2+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) GW abstraction flow 5 1 Flow (Mcm)m 2 Target flow (Mcm) 3 Maximum gw abstraction (Mcm) 4 GW depth (m) 5 Pumping energy (GWh) 5+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) Diverted flow 6 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Target flow (Mcm) 2+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) Bifurcated flow 7 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Target flow (Mcm) 2+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) Rsv backwater flow 8 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Target flow (Mcm) 2+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) Nlk backwater flow 9 1 Flow (Mcm) 2 Target flow (Mcm) 2+Nwqsub WQ substance concentration (-) One or more warnings detected, search for "Warning" in above tables. No errors detected. End of file