# This .properties file will be used to customize your HED site. # The values here may be overridden by values of user-fields set in your Bayes net or its # individual nodes (the name of the user field will have the additional prefix "HED_"). # For information on any of these parameters, see the Netica-Web manual. # Any line of this file that begins with the # sign will not be read by the HED compiler. # Thus, to activate any of the parameters, remove the # sign and adjust its value. #--Development-- #Debug = true #ShowLogSection = true #ShowReloadButton = true #--Sections-- #ShowAnsweredSection = true #ShowIrrelevantSection = true #ShowSkippedSection = true #--Operations-- #NetsToInclude = *All* #ManualSubmitMode = false #InDomainMenu = #NotInDomainMenu = #--Questions Display-- #Question = #ShowRealValueSlider = true #ShowLikelihoodSliders = false #BothSlidersWhenTwoStates = false #CenterRealSlidersIfUnknown = false #UseMenuWhenMoreStatesThan = 4 #HideEliminatedStates = false #HideLikelihoodNumber = false #HideRealValueNumber = false #ShowSliderTickMarks = true #SliderBackgroundImage = images/slider_scale_512x10.jpg #SliderHandleImage = images/slider_handle.gif #NodeReportButtonPlacement = right #--Question Layout-- #DisplayStatesVertically = false #MultipleChoiceFormatIndent = 4 #AlignStateLayout = false #--Results Display-- #HideResultsByState = false #ShowBeliefBar_Current = true #ShowBeliefBar_Last = true #ShowBeliefBar_Initial = false #ShowBeliefBar_Snapshot1 = true #ShowBeliefBar_Snapshot2 = false # comma-delimited, in the order: current, last, initial, snapshot, snapshot2 #BeliefBarColors = #0000A0, #D0E7FF, gray, #914E37, #30A030 #DkBlue #0000A0, LtBlue #D0E7FF, Brown #914E37, Green #30A030, Purple #A000A0, Orange #F99942 #MaxDisplayStates = *All* #SortByBelief = false #HideResultUntilBeliefGT = 0 #WhenInconclusiveMessage = (uncertain) #HideResultBeliefBars = false #HideResultNumbers = false #ShowGraphicalMean = true #ShowTextualMean = true #--Answers Display-- #AnsweredSortOrder = 1 #--Overall Layout-- #HeightQuestionsSection = 200 #HeightAnsweredSection = 200 #HeightResultsSection = autosize #HeightSkippedSection = 100 #HeightIrrelevantSection = 45 #MaxQuestionsShown = 300 #MaxResultsShown = 50 #MaxAnsweredShown = *all* #MaxSkippedShown = *all* #MaxIrrelevantShown = 100 #--Net Reports-- #-- The format of the value is: