description: | OAuth2 is a protocol that lets external apps request authorization to private details in a user's account without getting their password. type: OAuth 2.0 describedBy: headers: Authorization: description: | Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use together with the "access_token" query string parameter. queryParameters: access_token: description: | Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use together with the "Authorization" header responses: 404: description: Unauthorized settings: authorizationUri: accessTokenUri: authorizationGrants: [ code ] scopes: - "user:admin" - "user:info" - "organization:owner" - "organization:member" - "organization:info" - "organization:contracts:read" - "company:admin" - "company:read" - "company:info" - "company:contracts:read" - "contract:read" - "contract:participant"