#%RAML 1.0 title: Digital Delta Eco Extensions types: BaseListResponse: properties: count: description: Number of records satisfying the query parameters. type: integer example: 1123 required: true previous: description: Url to the API holding the previous page. null if the requested page is the first page. type: string required: false next: description: Url to the API holding the next page. null if the requested page is the last page. type: string required: false maxPageSize: description: Maximum page size, as allowed by the service. type: integer required: false defaultPageSize: type: integer description: Default page size that the provider uses, if not provided by the consumer. Compartment: properties: code: type: string name: type: string CompartmentsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Compartment[] Definition: required: false properties: standardCode: type: string required: false codeInStandard: type: string required: false reference: description: Link to the specific item within the standard. type: string required: false Double: description: A value of type Double (float). type: number format: double ExchangeSystem: properties: code: type: string name: type: string ExchangeSystemsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExchangeSystem[] ExpandedCompartment: type: Compartment properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedCompartmentsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedCompartment[] ExpandEntityBase: type: Definition[] required: true ExpandedInstitute: type: Institute properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedInstitutesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedInstitute[] ExpandedMeasurementsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: GeoJSON[] ExpandedMethodsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedMethod[] ExpandedOrganisation: type: Organisation properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedOrganisationsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedOrganisation[] ExpandedParameter: type: Parameter properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedMeasurementAttribute: type: MeasurementAttribute properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedMeasurementObject: type: MeasurementObject properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true monitoringNetworks: type: string[] ExpandedMeasurementObjectsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedMeasurementObject[] ExpandedMeasurementPackage: type: MeasurementPackage properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: false parametertypes: type: string[] required: false parameters: type: string[] required: false quantitytypes: type: string[] required: false attributetypes: type: string[] required: false exchangesystems: type: string[] required: false parameterpackage: type: string required: false ExpandedMeasurementPurpose: type: MeasurementPurpose properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedMethod: type: Method properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedMonitoringNetwork: type: MonitoringNetwork properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true locations: type: string[] ExpandedMonitoringNetworksListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedMonitoringNetwork[] ExpandedParameterPackage: type: ParameterPackage properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: false parametertype: type: string required: false taxontype: type: string required: false parameters: type: string[] required: false ExpandedParameterPackagesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedParameterPackage[] ExpandedParametersListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedParameter[] ExpandedParameterType: type: ParameterType properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedParameterTypesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedParameterType[] ExpandedProject: type: Project properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedPurpose: type: Purpose properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedPurposesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedPurpose[] ExpandedQuantitiesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedQuantity[] ExpandedQuantity: type: Quantity properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedStandard: type: Standard properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedStandardsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedStandard[] ExpandedUnit: type: Unit properties: definition: type: ExpandEntityBase required: true ExpandedUnitsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedUnit[] ExpandedMeasurementPackagesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ExpandedMeasurementPackage[] Filter: description: Specifies a filter(part). properties: fieldname: description: Field name. type: string comparer: description: Filter comparer. type: string datatype: description: Filter data type. type: string FilterError: properties: ErrorType: string Context: string FilterErrors: type: FilterError[] FiltersListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Filter[] GeoJSON: description: A geometry in GeoJSON format. type: string Geometry: description: A geometry in WKT. Digital Delta currently only supports the Point type. properties: type: description: The geometry type. Must have the value "Point". type: string example: "Point" coordinates: type: Double[] description: An array of doubles, representing a coordinate. example: [ 4.234, 52.3423 ] Institute: properties: code: description: Code of the institute. type: string required: true name: description: Name of the institute. type: string required: true reference: description: URL of the institute. type: string required: false InstitutesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Institute[] Measurement: properties: organisation: description: The code of the organisations that owns the data. type: string measurementObject: description: The location where the measurements were sampled. type: string locationgeography: description: Coordinates of the measurementobject associated with the measurement if it differentiates from the measurement object. type: GeoJSON required: false measurementgeography: description: Coordinates of the geographycal position on which the measurement took place. type: GeoJSON required: false measurementPackage: description: The measurement package used for the measurement. type: string required: false measurementPurpose: description: The purpose of the measurement. type: string required: false methods: description: The methods used for sampling and analysing. type: string[] required: false status: description: Status of the measurement. type: string compartment: description: The compartment where the sample was taken from. type: string measurementDate: description: Date/time of the measurement. type: datetime-only quantity: description: The quantity the measured value is expressed in. type: string parameterType: description: Type of parameter measured. type: string required: false parameterGroup: description: The parameter group used for measuring. type: string required: false taxonType: description: The type of taxon if the parameter was a taxon. type: string required: false parameter: description: The code of the parameter measured. type: string required: false note: description: Specification of the measurement. type: string required: false limitSymbol: description: Limit symbol as a specification of the measured value. type: string required: false measuredValue: description: The value measured. type: number required: false measuredUnit: description: The unit of the measured value. type: string calculatedValue: description: The calculated value (mostly micro-biology). type: number required: false calculatedUnit: description: The unit of the calculated value. type: string required: false classifiedValue: description: Classification of the measurement. type: string required: false projects: description: Projects for which the measurement took place. type: string[] required: false measurementAttributes: description: Qualification of what was measured, i.e. gender, life form. type: string[] required: false collectionDate: description: The date the measurement took place. type: datetime-only changedate: description: Measurement change date. type: datetime-only MeasurementAttribute: properties: code: type: string name: type: string measurementAttributeType: type: string measurementAttributeTypeName: type: string MeasurementObject: properties: code: type: string description: type: string organisation: type: string MeasurementObjectsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: MeasurementObject[] MeasurementPackage: properties: code: type: string name: type: string description: type: string required: false changedate: type: datetime-only required: false MeasurementPackagesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: MeasurementPackage[] MeasurementPurpose: properties: code: type: string name: type: string MeasurementsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Measurement[] Method: properties: code: type: string name: type: string organisation: type: string literature: type: string required: false methodtype: type: string methodtypename: type: string MethodsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Method[] MonitoringNetwork: properties: code: type: string name: type: string description: type: string required: false organisation: type: string MonitoringNetworksListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: MonitoringNetwork[] Organisation: properties: code: type: string name: type: string numericcode: type: number OrganisationsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Organisation[] OrganisationNote: properties: code: type: string note: type: string organisation: type: string OrganisationNotesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: OrganisationNote[] Parameter: properties: code: type: string name: type: string type: type: string taxontype: type: string required: false taxongroup: type: string required: false authors: type: string required: false changedate: type: datetime-only required: false ParameterGroup: properties: code: type: string name: type: string ParameterPackage: properties: code: type: string name: type: string changedate: type: datetime-only required: false description: type: string required: false ParameterPackagesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ParameterPackage[] ParametersListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Parameter[] ParameterType: properties: code: type: string name: type: string ParameterTypesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: ParameterType[] Project: properties: code: type: string name: type: string organisation: type: string start: type: date-only end: type: date-only ProjectsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Project[] Purpose: properties: code: type: string name: type: string PurposesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Purpose[] Quantity: properties: name: type: string code: type: string values: type: string[] QuantitiesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Quantity[] Standard: properties: institute: description: Code of the institute. type: string standardCode: description: code of the instituteCode. type: string required: true reference: description: Link to the standard. type: string required: false standardsType: description: Type of standard type: string required: false StandardsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Standard[] TaxonGroup: properties: code: type: string name: type: string taxontype: type: string taxontypename: type: string TaxonGroupsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: TaxonGroup[] TaxonType: properties: code: type: string name: type: string TaxonTypesListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: TaxonType[] Unit: properties: code: type: string name: type: string symbol: type: string required: false UnitsListResponse: type: BaseListResponse properties: result: Unit[] # Define resource types. resourceTypes: collectionItem: description: Retrieves a specified <> by its code. get: responses: 200: body: application/json: collectionListResponse: description: Retrieves a list response of <> items that satisfy the provided filter and paging. get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: collectionItemByParameterTypeAndCode: description: Retrieves a specified <> by its type and code. get: responses: 200: body: application/json: expandedCollectionListResponse: description: Retrieves a list response of expanded <> items that satisfy the provided filter and paging. get: description: Retrieves a list response of expanded <> items that satisfy the provided filter and paging. is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: organisationAndCollectionItem: description: Retrieves a specified <> by its organisation code and its own code. get: responses: 200: body: application/json: # Define the traits. traits: expandable: queryParameters: expand: type: string required: false description: Expands the data. filterable: queryParameters: filter: type: string required: false description: Filter the data, based on the filter. See Search syntax. pageable: queryParameters: page: type: integer required: false description: Page number, starting with 1. pagesize: type: integer required: false description: Page size. minimal 1. /eco: /compartments: description: Retrieves a list of compartments (AQUO). Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: CompartmentsListResponse example: { "count": 16, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/compartments?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "BS", "name": "Bodem / Sediment" }, { "code": "LT", "name": "Lucht" }, { "code": "NT", "name": "Niet van toepassing" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of monitoring networks (a collection of measurement objects) within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedCompartmentsListResponse example: { "count": 16, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/compartments/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "BS", "name": "Bodem / Sediment", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "BS", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "LT", "name": "Lucht", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "LT", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "NT", "name": "Niet van toepassing", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "NT", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /measurementpackages: description: Retrieves a list of measurement packages. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: MeasurementPackagesListResponse example: { "count": 13, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/measurementpackages?page=1&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:41:38.227", "code": "FP.AC", "description": null, "name": "Fytoplankton abundantie (cellen)" }, { "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:41:38.227", "code": "DT.AB", "description": null, "name": "Diatomeeën abundantie" }, { "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:41:38.227", "code": "ME.AB", "description": null, "name": "Macro-evertebraten abundantie" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of monitoring networks (a collection of measurement objects) within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedMeasurementPackagesListResponse example: { "count": 13, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/measurementpackages/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "FP.AC", "name": "Fytoplankton abundantie (cellen)", "description": null, "parametertypes": [ "DIATM", "FYTPT" ], "parameters": null, "quantitytypes": [ "AANTPVLME" ], "attributetypes": [ "LV" ], "exchangesystems": [ "AQUADESK", "IM-METINGEN" ], "parameterpackage": null, "definition": null, "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:45:15.147" }, { "code": "DT.AB", "name": "Diatomeeën abundantie", "description": null, "parametertypes": [ "DIATM" ], "parameters": null, "quantitytypes": [ "AANTL", "AANTFTE" ], "attributetypes": [ "" ], "exchangesystems": [ "AQUADESK" ], "parameterpackage": null, "definition": null, "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:45:15.147" }, { "code": "ME.AB", "name": "Macro-evertebraten abundantie", "description": null, "parametertypes": [ "MACEV" ], "parameters": null, "quantitytypes": [ "AANTL" ], "attributetypes": [ "GS", "LS" ], "exchangesystems": [ "AQUADESK" ], "parameterpackage": null, "definition": null, "changedate": "2018-04-11T13:45:15.147" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /exchangesystems: description: Retrieves a list of exchange systems available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExchangeSystemsListResponse example: { "count": 3, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "EBEOSYS", "name": "EBEOsys" }, { "code": "AQUADESK", "name": "AquaDesk" }, { "code": "IM-METINGEN", "name": "IM-Metingen" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /institutes: description: Retrieves a list of institutes within the provider's system. An institute defines or manages one or more standards. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: InstitutesListResponse example: { "count": 4, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "ECS", "name": "EcoSys", "reference": "https://www.ecosys.nl" }, { "code": "RWS", "name": "Rijkswaterstaat", "reference": "https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl" }, { "code": "IHW", "name": "Informatiehuis Water", "reference": "https://www.ihw.nl" }, { "code": "CAS", "name": "American Chemical Society", "reference": "https://www.cas.org/" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors example: [ { "ErrorType": "UnknownOperator", "Context": "parameter:badcomparer:\"Test\"" }, { "ErrorType": "InvalidSyntax", "Context": "" } ] /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /measurementobjects: description: Retrieves a list of measurement objects within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: MeasurementObjectsListResponse example: { "count": 10961, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/measurementobjects?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "AFGDM_0001", "description": "NEDHMT", "organisation": "RWS" }, { "code": "AFGDM_0002", "description": "VEEN", "organisation": "RWS" }, { "code": "AFGDM_0003", "description": "POEDRIJN", "organisation": "RWS" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /geojson: description: Retrieves a list of measurement objects within the provider's system as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: object example: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 51.7581204207227, 5.15835627200311, 0 ] }, "properties": { "Description": "NEDHMT", "Organisation": "RWS", "Code": "AFGDM_0001", "MonitoringNetworks": [] } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 51.7800422641779, 5.11187400090377, 0 ] }, "properties": { "Description": "VEEN", "Organisation": "RWS", "Code": "AFGDM_0002", "MonitoringNetworks": [] } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 51.7848913705971, 5.07416374190305, 0 ] }, "properties": { "Description": "POEDRIJN", "Organisation": "RWS", "Code": "AFGDM_0003", "MonitoringNetworks": [] } } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of measurement objects within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedMeasurementObjectsListResponse example: { "count": 10961, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/measurementobjects/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "AFGDM_0001", "description": "NEDHMT", "organisation": "RWS", "definition": [], "monitoringNetworks": [] }, { "code": "AFGDM_0002", "description": "VEEN", "organisation": "RWS", "definition": [], "monitoringNetworks": [] }, { "code": "AFGDM_0003", "description": "POEDRIJN", "organisation": "RWS", "definition": [], "monitoringNetworks": [] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /measurements: description: Retrieves a list of measurements. Filterable fields are :
  • organisation (string)
  • measurementobject (string)
  • measurementpackage (string)
  • measurementpurpose (string)
  • compartment (string)
  • measurementdate (date)
  • quantity (string)
  • parametertype (string)
  • parametergroup (string)
  • taxonType (string)
  • parameter (string)
  • measuredValue (number)
  • measuredUnit (string)
  • calculatedValue (number)
  • calculatedUnit (string)
  • collectionDate (Date)
  • measurementgeography
  • locationgeography
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: MeasurementsListResponse example: { "count": 631321, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/measurements?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "calculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "calculatedValue": 1, "changedate": "2017-10-20T00:41:38", "classifiedValue": "", "collectionDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "compartment": "OW", "locationgeography": "POINT (5.01948433385143 52.5829301079993)", "measurementgeography": "POINT (5.01948433385143 52.5829301079993)", "limitSymbol": "0", "measuredUnit": "PROCENT", "measuredValue": 1, "measurementAttributes": null, "measurementDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "measurementObject": "570201", "measurementPackage": null, "measurementPurpose": "MT", "methods": null, "note": null, "organisation": "HHN", "parameter": "Draadalgen", "parameterGroup": null, "parameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "projects": null, "quantity": "BEDKG", "status": "60", "taxonType": null }, { "calculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "calculatedValue": 0, "changedate": "2017-10-20T00:41:38", "classifiedValue": "", "collectionDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "compartment": "OW", "locationgeography": "POINT (5.0317405324146 52.5436033920471)", "measurementgeography": "POINT (5.0317405324146 52.5436033920471)", "limitSymbol": "0", "measuredUnit": "PROCENT", "measuredValue": 0, "measurementAttributes": null, "measurementDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "measurementObject": "5N9711", "measurementPackage": null, "measurementPurpose": "MT", "methods": null, "note": null, "organisation": "HHN", "parameter": "Draadalgen", "parameterGroup": null, "parameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "projects": null, "quantity": "BEDKG", "status": "60", "taxonType": null }, { "calculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "calculatedValue": 0.1, "changedate": "2017-10-20T00:41:38", "classifiedValue": "", "collectionDate": "2014-06-10T00:00:00", "compartment": "OW", "locationgeography": "POINT (5.06948489764371 52.5056906994118)", "measurementgeography": "POINT (5.06948489764371 52.5056906994118)", "limitSymbol": "0", "measuredUnit": "PROCENT", "measuredValue": 0.1, "measurementAttributes": null, "measurementDate": "2014-06-10T00:00:00", "measurementObject": "513007", "measurementPackage": null, "measurementPurpose": "MT", "methods": null, "note": null, "organisation": "HHN", "parameter": "Draadalgen", "parameterGroup": null, "parameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "projects": null, "quantity": "BEDKG", "status": "60", "taxonType": null } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /geojson: description: Retrieves a list of measurements as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Filterable fields are :
  • ogranisation (string)
  • measurementobject (string)
  • measurementpackage (string)
  • measurementpurpose (string)
  • compartment (string)
  • measurementdate (date)i>
  • quantity (string)
  • parametertype (string)
  • parametergroup (string)
  • taxonType (string)
  • parameter (string)
  • measuredValue (number)
  • measuredUnit (string)
  • calculatedvalue (number)
  • calculatedunit (string)
  • collectiondate (Date)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: object example: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 52.5829301079993, 5.01948433385143, 0 ] }, "properties": { "MeasuredValue": 1, "ClassifiedValue": "", "CalculatedValue": 1, "MeasuredUnit": "PROCENT", "CalculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "Compartment": "OW", "LimitSymbol": "0", "MeasurementAttributes": null, "MeasurementDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "MeasurementObject": "570201", "MeasurementPackage": null, "MeasurementPurpose": "MT", "Methods": null, "Note": null, "Organisation": "HHN", "Parameter": "Draadalgen", "ParameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "Projects": null, "Quantity": "BEDKG", "Status": "60", "TaxonType": null, "CollectionDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 52.5436033920471, 5.0317405324146, 0 ] }, "properties": { "MeasuredValue": 0, "ClassifiedValue": "", "CalculatedValue": 0, "MeasuredUnit": "PROCENT", "CalculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "Compartment": "OW", "LimitSymbol": "0", "MeasurementAttributes": null, "MeasurementDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00", "MeasurementObject": "5N9711", "MeasurementPackage": null, "MeasurementPurpose": "MT", "Methods": null, "Note": null, "Organisation": "HHN", "Parameter": "Draadalgen", "ParameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "Projects": null, "Quantity": "BEDKG", "Status": "60", "TaxonType": null, "CollectionDate": "2014-09-09T00:00:00" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 52.5056906994118, 5.06948489764371, 0 ] }, "properties": { "MeasuredValue": 0.1, "ClassifiedValue": "", "CalculatedValue": 0.1, "MeasuredUnit": "PROCENT", "CalculatedUnit": "PROCENT", "Compartment": "OW", "LimitSymbol": "0", "MeasurementAttributes": null, "MeasurementDate": "2014-06-10T00:00:00", "MeasurementObject": "513007", "MeasurementPackage": null, "MeasurementPurpose": "MT", "Methods": null, "Note": null, "Organisation": "HHN", "Parameter": "Draadalgen", "ParameterType": "BiologicalGroup", "Projects": null, "Quantity": "BEDKG", "Status": "60", "TaxonType": null, "CollectionDate": "2014-06-10T00:00:00" } } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /methods: description: Retrieves a list of methods used by the organisations in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: MethodsListResponse example: { "count": 46, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/methods?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "FYTPT_A054", "name": "Fytoplankton A054", "organisation": "RWS", "literature": null, "methodtype": "AM", "methodtypename": "Analyse methode" }, { "code": "FYTPT_S054", "name": "Fytoplankton S052", "organisation": "RWS", "literature": null, "methodtype": "MM", "methodtypename": "Monstermethode" }, { "code": "MCFT-0823", "name": "Macrofyten", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "literature": null, "methodtype": "AM", "methodtypename": "Analyse methode" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of methods used by the organisations in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedMethodsListResponse example: { "count": 46, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/methods/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "FYTPT_A054", "name": "Fytoplankton A054", "organisation": "RWS", "literature": null, "methodtype": "AM", "methodtypename": "Analyse methode", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "FYTPT_A054", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "FYTPT_S054", "name": "Fytoplankton S052", "organisation": "RWS", "literature": null, "methodtype": "MM", "methodtypename": "Monstermethode", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "FYTPT_S054", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "MCFT-0823", "name": "Macrofyten", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "literature": null, "methodtype": "AM", "methodtypename": "Analyse methode", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "MCFT-0823", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /monitoringnetworks: description: Retrieves a list of monitoring networks (a collection of measurement objects) within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: MonitoringNetworksListResponse example: { "count": 67, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/monitoringnetworks?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "1", "name": "TestMeetnet", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null }, { "code": "5", "name": "Test", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null }, { "code": "TMJ", "name": "TestMeetnetJochim", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: The expanded items include a list of measurement objects that are part of the monitoring network. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedMonitoringNetworksListResponse example: { "count": 67, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/monitoringnetworks/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "1", "name": "TestMeetnet", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null, "locations": [ "BRA-01", "STA-01", "ALK-09", "BER-09", "TST" ], "definition": [] }, { "code": "5", "name": "Test", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null, "locations": [ "GAT-01", "MEP-01" ], "definition": [] }, { "code": "TMJ", "name": "TestMeetnetJochim", "organisation": "ECS.OW", "description": null, "locations": [ "BRA-01", "GAT-01", "KAN-01", "MEP-01", "SLO-01", "ALK-09" ], "definition": [] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /notes: description: Retrieves a standardised notes within organisations available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • organisation (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: OrganisationNotesListResponse example: { "count": 8, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/notes?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "NO1", "note": "Notitie 1", "organisation": "ECS.OW" }, { "code": "CO3", "note": "CO3", "organisation": "HHN" }, { "code": "FLPRB", "note": "FLPRB", "organisation": "HHN" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /organisations: description: Retrieves a list of organisations within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • numericcode (number)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: OrganisationsListResponse example: { "count": 5, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/organisations?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "RWS", "name": "Rijkswaterstaat", "numericcode": 80 }, { "code": "HHN", "name": "HHRS Hollands Noorderkwartier", "numericcode": 12 }, { "code": "ECS.OW", "name": "EcoSys [Ontwikkeling]", "numericcode": 1001 } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of organisations within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • numericcode (number)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedOrganisationsListResponse example: { "count": 5, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/organisations/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "RWS", "name": "Rijkswaterstaat", "numericcode": 80, "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "80", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "HHN", "name": "HHRS Hollands Noorderkwartier", "numericcode": 12, "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "12", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "code": "ECS.OW", "name": "EcoSys [Ontwikkeling]", "numericcode": 1001, "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "1001", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /parameters: description: Retrieves a list of parameters available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • type (string)
  • taxontype (string)
  • taxongroup (string)
  • changedate (datetime)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ParametersListResponse example: { "count": 25622, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/parameters?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "Alytes", "name": "Alytes", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "Wagler, 1830" }, { "code": "Alytes obstetricans", "name": "Alytes obstetricans", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "(Laurenti, 1768)" }, { "code": "Amphibia", "name": "Amphibia", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "Linnaeus, 1758" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of parameters available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • type (string)
  • taxontype (string)
  • taxongroup (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedParametersListResponse example: { "count": 25622, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/parameters/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "Alytes", "name": "Alytes", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "Wagler, 1830", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "TWN", "codeInStandard": "1000008633", "reference": "http://sofus.ecosys.nl/Taxus/TaxaShow.exe/ShowPage?TaxonCode=1000008633&Literature=NO" } ] }, { "code": "Alytes obstetricans", "name": "Alytes obstetricans", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "(Laurenti, 1768)", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "TWN", "codeInStandard": "1000008634", "reference": "http://sofus.ecosys.nl/Taxus/TaxaShow.exe/ShowPage?TaxonCode=1000008634&Literature=NO" } ] }, { "code": "Amphibia", "name": "Amphibia", "type": "Taxon", "taxontype": "AMFBE", "taxongroup": null, "authors": "Linnaeus, 1758", "definition": [ { "standardCode": "TWN", "codeInStandard": "1000008635", "reference": "http://sofus.ecosys.nl/Taxus/TaxaShow.exe/ShowPage?TaxonCode=1000008635&Literature=NO" } ] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /parameterpackages: description: Retrieves a list of parameter packages available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • type (string)
  • taxontype (string)
  • taxongroup (string)
  • changedate (datetime)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ParameterPackagesListResponse example: { "count": 1, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "changedate": "2018-04-11T14:21:16.67", "code": "OEVRPTN", "name": "Oeverplanten" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of parameter packages available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • type (string)
  • taxontype (string)
  • taxongroup (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedParameterPackagesListResponse example: { "count": 1, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "OEVRPTN", "name": "Oeverplanten", "parametertype": "Taxon", "taxontype": "MACFT", "parameters": [ "Abies procera", "Stachys sylvatica", "Syringa" ], "definition": null, "changedate": "2018-04-11T14:20:07.173" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /parametertypes: description: Retrieves a list of parameter types available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ParameterTypesListResponse example: { "count": 5, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "BiologicalGroup", "name": "BiologicalGroup" }, { "code": "Taxon", "name": "Taxon" }, { "code": "ChemicalGroup", "name": "ChemicalGroup" }, { "code": "Chemical", "name": "Chemical" }, { "code": "PhysicalProperty", "name": "PhysicalProperty" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /projects: get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ProjectsListResponse example: { "count": 12, "previous": "/eco/projects?page=1&pagesize=8", "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "P-KRW2017", "name": "P-Meetnet KRW 2017", "organisation": "ECS.HD", "start": "2017-01-01", "end": "2018-01-01" }, { "code": "P-BOLLEN", "name": "Project bestrijdingsmiddelen bollenteelt", "organisation": "ECS.HD", "start": "2017-01-01", "end": "2018-01-01" }, { "code": "MWTL_M2016", "name": "Macev 2016 test zonder xy", "organisation": "RWS", "start": "2016-01-01", "end": "2017-01-01" }, { "code": "MWTL_M2015", "name": "Macrofauna 2015", "organisation": "RWS", "start": "2015-01-01", "end": "2016-01-01" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /quantities: description: Retrieves a list of quantities available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: QuantitiesListResponse example: { "count": 66, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/quantities?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "name": "Aantal", "code": "AANTL", "values": [] }, { "name": "Aantal per oppervlakte", "code": "AANTPOPVTE", "values": [] }, { "name": "Aantal per volume", "code": "AANTPVLME", "values": [] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /expand: description: Retrieves an expanded list of quantities available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ExpandedQuantitiesListResponse example: { "count": 66, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/quantities/expand?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "name": "Aantal", "code": "AANTL", "values": [], "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "AANTL", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "name": "Aantal per oppervlakte", "code": "AANTPOPVTE", "values": [], "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "AANTPOPVTE", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] }, { "name": "Aantal per volume", "code": "AANTPVLME", "values": [], "definition": [ { "standardCode": "AQUO", "codeInStandard": "AANTPVLME", "reference": "http://domeintabellen-idsw.rws.nl/" } ] } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /standards: description: Retrieves a list of standards within the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • institute (string)
  • standardcode (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: StandardsListResponse example: { "count": 5, "previous": null, "next": null, "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "institute": "ECS", "standardCode": "ECOSYS", "reference": "https://www.ecosys.nl", "standardsType": "Open" }, { "institute": "ECS", "standardCode": "AQUADESK", "reference": "https://www.aquadesk.nl", "standardsType": "Open" }, { "institute": "IHW", "standardCode": "AQUO", "reference": "https://www.aquo.nl", "standardsType": "Open" }, { "institute": "RWS", "standardCode": "TWN", "reference": "http://sofus.ecosys.nl/taxabase.htm", "standardsType": "Open" }, { "institute": "ACS", "standardCode": "CAS", "reference": "https://www.cas.org", "standardsType": "Open" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /taxongroups: description: Retrieves a list of taxon groups available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • taxontype (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: TaxonGroupsListResponse example: { "count": 62, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/taxongroups?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "CRYPT", "name": "Cryptophytes", "taxontype": "FYTPT", "taxontypename": "Phytoplankton" }, { "code": "PROKA", "name": "Prokaryotes", "taxontype": "FYTPT", "taxontypename": "Phytoplankton" }, { "code": "EUGLE", "name": "Euglenophytes", "taxontype": "FYTPT", "taxontypename": "Phytoplankton" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /taxontypes: description: Retrieves a list of taxon types available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: TaxonTypesListResponse example: { "count": 13, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/taxontypes?page=2&pagesize=3", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "ZOOPT", "name": "Zooplankton" }, { "code": "DIATM", "name": "Diatoms" }, { "code": "FYTPT", "name": "Phytoplankton" } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse /units: description: Retrieves a list of units of masurement available in the provider's system. Filterable fields are :
  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • get: is: [ pageable, filterable ] responses: 200: body: application/json: type: UnitsListResponse example: { "count": 23, "previous": null, "next": "/eco/units?page=2&pagesize=2", "maxPageSize": 10000, "defaultPageSize": 1000, "result": [ { "code": "178", "name": "dimensieloos", "symbol": null }, { "code": "179", "name": "exemplaren", "symbol": null } ] } 400: body: application/json: type: FilterErrors /filters: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: FiltersListResponse