# OpenEarth python guidelines #

This is the directory for python applications and libraries. 

There are important directories:
OpenEarthTools -> General and small utilties (plot, io)
applications   -> Separate applications and packages that are distributed on their own. 
notebooks      -> Html-based tutorials

If you want to use a package (and develop it) go to the main package directory

> cd X:\checkouts\OpenEarthTools\python\OpenEarthTools\

and use:

> python setup.py develop

It will be added to your path so you can use it anywhere on your machine.
Register any new package in ....\OpenEarthTools\OpenEarthTools.egg-info\SOURCES.txt
For example, this will add the main OpenEarthTools package to your path:
> cd OpenEarthTools
> python setup.py develop
you will get a log like this:

# running develop
# running egg_info
# writing OpenEarthTools.egg-info\PKG-INFO
# writing top-level names to OpenEarthTools.egg-info\top_level.txt
# writing dependency_links to OpenEarthTools.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
# writing entry points to OpenEarthTools.egg-info\entry_points.txt
# reading manifest file 'OpenEarthTools.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
# writing manifest file 'OpenEarthTools.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
# running build_ext
# Creating c:\python27\lib\site-packages\OpenEarthTools.egg-link (link to .)
# Adding OpenEarthTools 0.1dev to easy-install.pth file
# Installed d:\checkouts\openearthtools\python\openearthtools
# Processing dependencies for OpenEarthTools==0.1dev
# Finished processing dependencies for OpenEarthTools==0.1dev

You can now use it for instance as 
> python

>>> import openearthtools.io.delft3d as d3d
More on adding python modules under development:

If you want to add python applications or libraries, please use pep-8 as a style
guide (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
Add your tools by adding a folder, and putting an empty __init__.py in that folder.

Please make sure that the library you make is installable using distutils. The distutils guide
should get you started (http://docs.python.org/distutils/index.html#distutils-index).
To install libraries please use pip. Refer to the install guide
(http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#install-index) and pip 
guide (http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/index.html)  for details. 
Make sure you setup the dependencies in your library or application, so they will automatically download. 

For mature packages please register and upload them to pypi. 

* As a python distribution for windows, we recommend PythonXY 
  It has loads of packages, all of which are optional. You can use   
  the windows installer too to remove packages.
  Manually install the following additional packages:
* pyproj installer from pythonXY to convert coordinates using PROJ4 library.
  The underlying PROJ4 library is also shipped with the baseplot package.
* netCDF4 with OPeNDAP support: installer from pythonXY 
  netCDF4 is already included in PythonXY, but this version 
  has not been compiled with OPeNDAP support. Remove the present 
  netCDF4 package before installing an OPeNDAP-enabled one.
* pydap: see http://pydap.org/
  not strictly needed with OPeNDAP-enabled netCDF4 package

For OSX you are advised to use macports. 
Also try to be ready to support python 3, see http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortingPythonToPy3k for details.
My suggestion would be to use: Approach 2: Make code run unmodified in both Python 2 and Python 3. 

Don't put effort into supporting python <2.7 and <3.2. 
Make sure you check your code using:
- pep8
- PyFlakes
- pychecker
- pylint

Please make unit tests (nosetests). Aim for a 60-70% coverage.

# Documentation # 
If you want to learn python please refer to the following interesting sources:


Please feel free to update this document with useful comments.