create or replace view public.vw_p01_to_p35 as with base as ( select * , case when xml_path = '/RDF/Collection/member/Concept' then replace(replace(p.xml_data_value,'',''),'/','') when xml_path = '/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/narrower' then replace(replace(p.xml_data_value,'',''),'/','') end as pcode from public.p35xml p where p.xml_data_type_description in ('CHARACTERS','ATTRIBUTE') and ( xml_path in ( '/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/identifier' ,'/RDF/Collection/member/Concept' ,'/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/notation' ,'/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/prefLabel' ,'/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/definition' ,'/RDF/Collection/member/Concept/narrower') ) ) select p35.xml_row_number , p35.pcode p35code , plabel.xml_data_value as p35prefLabel , pdef.xml_data_value as p35definition , p01.pcode p01code from base p35 left join base p01 on p01.xml_parent_element_id = p35.xml_element_id left join base plabel on plabel.xml_parent_element_id = p35.xml_element_id and plabel.xml_data_name in ('prefLabel') left join base pdef on pdef.xml_parent_element_id = p35.xml_element_id and pdef.xml_data_name in ('definition') where p01.pcode is not null order by p35.pcode, p01.pcode; create or replace view public.vw_p35_from_xml as select p35code , array_agg(p01code) as p01list , min(p35prefLabel) as p35prefLabel , min(p35definition) as p35definition from vw_p01_to_p35 group by p35code order by 1; create or replace view "public".vw_observationset_parameter as with obsset as ( -- observations set with array of p01-codes: select *, string_to_array(replace(p01codes, 'SDN:P01::',''), ' | ') as p01list --, top.cdi, trim(unn.elem) as p01code, from observationset --, unnest(top.p01array) with ordinality unn(elem, nr) ) , obsset_unnested as ( -- observation sets expanded (unnested) per p01code: select obsset.*, unn.p01code, p35.p35code from obsset, unnest(obsset.p01list) with ordinality unn(p01code, position_p01) /*left*/ join vw_p01_to_p35 p35 on p35.p01code=unn.p01code ) , obsset_par as ( -- observations grouped in observations sets per parameter: select odvfile_id, cdi_id, datetime, parameter_id from observation obs group by odvfile_id, cdi_id, datetime, parameter_id ) select obsset_par.odvfile_id, obsset_par.cdi_id, obsset_par.datetime, obsset_par.parameter_id --, par.identifier, obs_unn.p01code , array_agg(obs_unn.p01code) as p01list from obsset_par left join parameter par on left join obsset_unnested obs_unn on obs_unn.odvfile_id=obsset_par.odvfile_id and obs_unn.cdi_id=obsset_par.cdi_id and obs_unn.datetime=obsset_par.datetime and obs_unn.p35code=par.identifier -- no match for parameters that are not a p35code group by obsset_par.odvfile_id, obsset_par.cdi_id, obsset_par.datetime, obsset_par.parameter_id --, par.identifier, obs_unn.p01code ;