module bedcomposition_module !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--module description---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This module keeps track of the bed composition at one or more locations. The ! locations are indicated by indices nmlb to nmub. The bed composition consists ! of nfrac sediment fractions; their mass and volume fractions sum to 1. The ! bed may be schematized using one or more layers. ! !!--module declarations--------------------------------------------------------- use precision private ! ! public data types ! public bedcomp_data ! ! public routines ! public bedcomposition_module_info public copybedcomp public updmorlyr public gettoplyr public detthcmud public getalluvthick public getporosity public getfrac public getmfrac public setmfrac public getvfrac public setvfrac public getsedthick public initmorlyr public setbedfracprop public allocmorlyr public clrmorlyr public bedcomp_use_bodsed public initpreload ! public bedcomp_getpointer_integer public bedcomp_getpointer_logical public bedcomp_getpointer_realfp public bedcomp_getpointer_realprec ! ! interfaces ! interface bedcomp_getpointer_logical module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_logical_scalar end interface interface bedcomp_getpointer_integer module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_integer_scalar end interface interface bedcomp_getpointer_realfp module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_fp_scalar module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_fp_1darray module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_fp_2darray module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_fp_3darray end interface interface bedcomp_getpointer_realprec module procedure bedcomp_getpointer_prec_2darray end interface interface getsedthick module procedure getsedthick_1point module procedure getsedthick_allpoints end interface ! ! morphology layers numerical settings ! type morlyrnumericstype real(fp) :: MinMassShortWarning ! minimum erosion thickness for a shortage warning integer :: MaxNumShortWarning ! maximum number of shortage warnings remaining end type morlyrnumericstype type bedcomp_settings ! ! doubles ! real(fp) :: thlalyr ! thickness of Lagrangian underlayer layers real(fp) :: theulyr ! thickness of Eulerian underlayer layers ! ! reals ! ! ! integers ! integer :: flufflyr ! switch for fluff layer concept ! 0: no fluff layer ! 1: all mud to fluff layer, burial to bed layers ! 2: part mud to fluff layer, other part to bed layers (no burial) integer :: idiffusion ! switch for diffusion between layers ! 0: no diffusion ! 1: diffusion based on mass fractions ! 2: diffusion based on volume fractions integer :: iporosity ! switch for porosity (simulate porosity if iporosity > 0) ! 0: porosity included in densities, set porosity to 0 ! 1: ... integer :: iunderlyr ! switch for underlayer concept ! 1: standard fully mixed concept ! 2: graded sediment concept integer :: keuler ! index of first Eulerian (i.e. non-moving) layer ! 2 : standard Eulerian, only top layer moves with bed level ! nlyr: fully Lagrangian (all layers move with bed level) integer :: nfrac ! number of sediment fractions integer :: neulyr ! number of Eulerian underlayers integer :: nlalyr ! number of Lagrangian underlayers integer :: nlyr ! number of layers (transport + exchange + under layers) integer :: ndiff ! number of diffusion coefficients in vertical direction integer :: nmlb ! start index of segments integer :: nmub ! nm end index integer :: updbaselyr ! switch for computing composition of base layer ! 1: base layer is an independent layer ! 2: base layer composition is kept fixed ! 3: base layer composition is set equal to the ! composition of layer above it ! 4: base layer composition and thickness constant ! ! pointers ! type (morlyrnumericstype) , pointer :: morlyrnum ! structure containing numerical settings real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: phi ! D50 diameter expressed on phi scale, units : - real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! density of fraction (specific density or including pores), units : kg/m3 integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: sedtyp ! sediment type: 0=total/1=noncoh/2=coh real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: sigphi ! standard deviation expressed on phi scale, units : - real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thexlyr ! thickness of exchange layer, units : m real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thtrlyr ! thickness of transport layer, units : m real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: zdiff ! depth below bed level for which diffusion coefficients are defined, units : m real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff0 ! burial parameter fluff layer (only when FluffLayer=1) [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff1 ! burial parameter fluff layer (only when FluffLayer=1) [1/s] real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: kdiff ! diffusion coefficients for mixing between layers, units : m2/s ! ! logicals ! logical :: exchlyr ! flag for use of exchange layer (underlayer bookkeeping system) ! ! characters ! end type bedcomp_settings ! type bedcomp_state real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: preload ! historical largest load, units : kg real(prec) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed ! Array with total sediment, units : kg /m2 real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed ! Total depth sediment layer, units : m real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: fluffshort ! sediment shortage in fluff layer, units : kg /m2 real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: mfluff ! composition of fluff layer: mass of mud fractions, units : kg /m2 real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed ! composition of morphological layers: mass of sediment fractions, units : kg /m2 real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: sedshort ! sediment shortage in transport layer, units : kg /m2 real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac ! 1 - porosity coefficient, units : - real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr ! thickness of morphological layers, units : m end type bedcomp_state ! type bedcomp_work real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: msed2 real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: svfrac2 real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: thlyr2 end type bedcomp_work ! type bedcomp_data private type (bedcomp_settings), pointer :: settings type (bedcomp_state) , pointer :: state end type bedcomp_data contains ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine bedcomposition_module_info(messages) use message_module ! type(message_stack) :: messages ! call addmessage(messages,'$Id$') call addmessage(messages,'$URL$') end subroutine bedcomposition_module_info ! ! ! !============================================================================== function updmorlyr(this, dbodsd, dfluff, rhosol, dt, morfac, dz, messages) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Update underlayer bookkeeping system for erosion/sedimentation ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use message_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac, this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub), intent(in) :: dfluff ! change in sediment composition, units : kg/m2 real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac, this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub), intent(in) :: dbodsd ! change in sediment composition, units : kg/m2 real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt ! time step, units : s real(fp) , intent(in) :: morfac ! morphological scale factor, units : - real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) , intent(in) :: rhosol ! density of sediment fractions, units : kg/m3 real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub) , intent(out) :: dz ! change in bed level, units : m type(message_stack) :: messages integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: dtmorfac real(fp) :: seddep0 real(fp) :: seddep1 real(fp) :: thdiff real(fp) :: fac real(fp) :: mfltot real(fp) :: temp real(fp) :: thick real(fp) :: thtrlyrnew real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac):: dmi type (bedcomp_work) :: work ! character(message_len) :: message type (morlyrnumericstype) , pointer :: morlyrnum real(prec) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff0 real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff1 real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: fluffshort real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: mfluff real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: sedshort real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thtrlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! bfluff0 => this%settings%bfluff0 bfluff1 => this%settings%bfluff1 rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac morlyrnum => this%settings%morlyrnum rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac thtrlyr => this%settings%thtrlyr bodsed => this%state%bodsed dpsed => this%state%dpsed fluffshort => this%state%fluffshort mfluff => this%state%mfluff msed => this%state%msed sedshort => this%state%sedshort svfrac => this%state%svfrac thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! istat = 0 if (allocwork(this,work) .ne. 0) return ! ! update fluff layer ! if (this%settings%flufflyr>0) then do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub mfltot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac temp = mfluff(l, nm) + dfluff(l, nm) if (temp < 0.0_fp) then if (temp < -morlyrnum%MinMassShortWarning .and. morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning>0) then morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning = morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning - 1 write(message,'(a,i5,a,i3,a,e20.4,a,e20.4)') & & 'Sediment erosion shortage in fluff layer at NM ', nm, ' Fraction: ', l, & & ' Mass available : ' ,mfluff(l, nm), & & ' Mass to be eroded: ', dfluff(l, nm) call addmessage(messages,message) if (morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning == 0) then message = 'Sediment erosion shortage messages suppressed' call addmessage(messages,message) endif endif fluffshort(l, nm) = fluffshort(l, nm) + temp temp = 0.0_fp elseif ( fluffshort(l, nm) < 0.0 ) then temp = temp + fluffshort(l, nm) if ( temp < 0.0_fp ) then fluffshort(l, nm) = temp temp = 0.0_fp else fluffshort(l, nm) = 0.0_fp endif endif mfluff(l, nm) = temp mfltot = mfltot + mfluff(l,nm) enddo ! ! Burial to bed layers ! if (this%settings%flufflyr==1) then do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (comparereal(mfltot,0.0_fp) == 1) then fac = mfluff(l, nm)/mfltot else fac = 0.0_fp endif dmi(l) = fac*min(mfltot*bfluff1(l, nm), bfluff0(l, nm))*dt ! limit burial to available sediment in fluff layer dmi(l) = min(dmi(l),mfluff(l, nm)) mfluff(l, nm) = mfluff(l, nm) - dmi(l) select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) + dmi(l)*morfac ! klopt dit? case default bodsed(l, nm) = bodsed(l, nm) + dmi(l)*morfac ! klopt dit? end select enddo endif enddo endif ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub call getsedthick_1point(this, nm, seddep0) if (.not.this%settings%exchlyr) then ! ! transport layer only ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac temp = msed(l, 1, nm) + dbodsd(l, nm) if (temp < 0.0_fp) then if (temp < -morlyrnum%MinMassShortWarning .and. morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning>0) then morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning = morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning - 1 write(message,'(a,i5,a,i3,a,e20.4,a,e20.4)') & & 'Sediment erosion shortage at NM ', nm, ' Fraction: ', l, & & ' Mass available : ' ,msed(l, 1, nm), & & ' Mass to be eroded: ', dbodsd(l, nm) call addmessage(messages,message) if (morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning == 0) then message = 'Sediment erosion shortage messages suppressed' call addmessage(messages,message) endif endif sedshort(l, nm) = sedshort(l, nm) + temp temp = 0.0_fp elseif ( sedshort(l, nm) < 0.0 ) then temp = temp + sedshort(l, nm) if ( temp < 0.0_fp ) then sedshort(l, nm) = temp temp = 0.0_fp else sedshort(l, nm) = 0.0_fp endif endif msed(l, 1, nm) = temp enddo ! ! get new requested transport layer thickness. ! thtrlyrnew = thtrlyr(nm) ! ! compute actual current thickness of top layer ! call updateporosity(this, nm, 1) thick = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac thick = thick + msed(l, 1, nm)/rhofrac(l) enddo thick = thick/svfrac(1, nm) ! thdiff = thick-thtrlyrnew ! ! get sediment from or put sediment into underlayers ! to get transport layer of requested thickness ! if ( thdiff > 0.0_fp ) then ! ! sedimentation to underlayers ! determine surplus of mass per fraction ! fac = thdiff/thick do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dmi(l) = msed(l, 1, nm)*fac msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) - dmi(l) enddo ! ! store surplus of mass in underlayers ! call lyrsedimentation(this , nm, thdiff, dmi, svfrac(1, nm), work) ! elseif ( thdiff < 0.0_fp ) then ! ! erosion of underlayers ! total erosion thickness: thdiff ! associated mass returned in: dmi ! thdiff = -thdiff ! call lyrerosion(this , nm, thdiff, dmi) ! ! add to top layer ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) + dmi(l) enddo ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (sedshort(l, nm) < 0.0_fp .and. msed(l, 1, nm) > 0.0_fp) then sedshort(l, nm) = sedshort(l, nm) + msed(l, 1, nm) if (sedshort(l, nm) > 0.0_fp) then msed(l, 1, nm) = sedshort(l, nm) sedshort(l, nm) = 0.0_fp else msed(l, 1, nm) = 0.0_fp endif endif enddo ! call updateporosity(this, nm, 1) thick = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac thick = thick + msed(l, 1, nm)/rhofrac(l) enddo thick = thick/svfrac(1, nm) ! ! if there is not enough sediment in the bed then the actual ! thickness thick of the top layer may not reach the desired ! thickness thtrlyrnew, so we should here use thick as the ! thickness instead of thtrlyrnew ! thtrlyrnew = thick endif thlyr(1, nm) = thtrlyrnew else ! ! transport and exchange layer ! message = 'Updating exchange layer not yet implemented' call adderror(messages,message) istat = -1 exit endif call consolidate(this, nm) call getsedthick_1point(this, nm, seddep1) dz(nm) = seddep1-seddep0 ! ! mixing between layers ! dtmorfac = dt*morfac if (this%settings%idiffusion>0) call lyrdiffusion(this, nm, dtmorfac, rhosol, messages) ! enddo ! end loop over nm case default do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub seddep0 = dpsed(nm) dpsed(nm) = 0.0_fp dz(nm) = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac bodsed(l, nm) = bodsed(l, nm) + real(dbodsd(l, nm),prec) if (bodsed(l, nm) < 0.0_prec) then if (bodsed(l, nm) < real(-morlyrnum%MinMassShortWarning,prec) .and. morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning>0) then morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning = morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning - 1 write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,e20.4,a,e20.4)') & & 'Sediment erosion shortage at NM ', nm, ' Fraction: ', l, & & ' Mass available : ' ,bodsed(l, nm), & & ' Mass to be eroded: ', dbodsd(l, nm) call addmessage(messages,message) if (morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning == 0) then message = 'Sediment erosion shortage messages suppressed' call addmessage(messages,message) endif endif bodsed(l, nm) = 0.0_prec endif dpsed(nm) = dpsed(nm) + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/rhofrac(l) enddo dz(nm) = dpsed(nm) - seddep0 enddo endselect istat = deallocwork(this,work) end function updmorlyr ! ! ! !============================================================================== function gettoplyr(this, dz_eros, dbodsd, messages ) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Retrieve the sediment in the top layer (thickness dz_eros ! in m) from the underlayer bookkeeping system and update the ! administration. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use message_module ! implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac, this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub), intent(out) :: dbodsd ! change in sediment composition, units : kg/m2 real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub) , intent(in) :: dz_eros ! change in sediment thickness, units : m type(message_stack) :: messages integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: dz real(fp) :: fac real(fp) :: thtrlyrnew real(fp) :: thick real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac):: dmi real(fp) :: dz_togo type (bedcomp_work) :: work ! character(message_len) :: message real(prec) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: sedshort real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thtrlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! thtrlyr => this%settings%thtrlyr rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac svfrac => this%state%svfrac bodsed => this%state%bodsed dpsed => this%state%dpsed msed => this%state%msed sedshort => this%state%sedshort thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! istat = allocwork(this,work) if (istat /= 0) return select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub if ( dz_eros(nm) < 0.0_fp ) then ! ! erosion should not be negative ! message = 'Negative dz_eros encountered' call adderror(messages,message) istat = -1 return elseif (comparereal(dz_eros(nm),0.0_fp) == 0) then ! ! skip it ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd (l, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo elseif (.not.this%settings%exchlyr) then ! ! transport layer only ! if (dz_eros(nm) <= thlyr(1, nm)) then ! ! erosion less than transport layer thickness ! thick = thlyr(1, nm) - dz_eros(nm) fac = dz_eros(nm)/thlyr(1, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd (l, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm)*fac msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) - dbodsd(l, nm) enddo else ! ! erosion more than transport layer thickness ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd (l, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) msed(l, 1, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo dz_togo = dz_eros(nm)-thlyr(1, nm) thick = 0.0_fp ! ! get remaining dz_togo from underlayers ! get dmi from underlayers ! call lyrerosion(this , nm, dz_togo, dmi) ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd(l, nm) = dbodsd(l, nm) + dmi(l) enddo endif ! ! get new transport layer thickness. ! thtrlyrnew = thtrlyr(nm) ! ! compute new thickness of top layer ! get sediment from or put sediment into underlayers ! to get transport layer of requested thickness ! dz = thick-thtrlyrnew ! if ( dz > 0.0_fp ) then ! ! sedimentation to underlayers ! fac = dz/thick do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dmi(l) = msed(l, 1, nm)*fac msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) - dmi(l) enddo ! ! store surplus of mass in underlayers ! call lyrsedimentation(this , nm, dz, dmi, svfrac(1, nm), work) ! elseif ( dz < 0.0_fp ) then ! ! erosion of underlayers ! dz = -dz call lyrerosion(this , nm, dz, dmi) ! ! add to top layer ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, 1, nm) = msed(l, 1, nm) + dmi(l) enddo ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (sedshort(l, nm) < 0.0_fp .and. msed(l, 1, nm) > 0.0_fp) then sedshort(l, nm) = sedshort(l, nm) + msed(l, 1, nm) if (sedshort(l, nm) > 0.0_fp) then msed(l, 1, nm) = sedshort(l, nm) sedshort(l, nm) = 0.0_fp else msed(l, 1, nm) = 0.0_fp endif endif enddo ! call updateporosity(this, nm, 1) thick = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac thick = thick + msed(l, 1, nm)/rhofrac(l) enddo thick = thick/svfrac(1, nm) ! ! if there is not enough sediment in the bed then the actual ! thickness thick of the top layer may not reach the desired ! thickness thtrlyrnew, so we should here use thick as the ! thickness instead of thtrlyrnew ! thtrlyrnew = thick endif thlyr(1, nm) = thtrlyrnew else ! ! transport and exchange layer ! message = 'Updating exchange layer not yet implemented' call adderror(messages,message) istat = -1 exit endif enddo case default do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub if (dz_eros(nm)<0.0_fp) then ! ! erosion should not be negative ! message = 'Negative dz_eros encountered' call adderror(messages,message) istat = -1 return elseif (comparereal(dz_eros(nm),0.0_fp) == 0 .or. dpsed(nm)<=0.0_fp) then ! ! skip it ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd (l, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo elseif (dz_eros(nm) < dpsed(nm)) then ! ! some sediment remaining ! fac = dz_eros(nm)/dpsed(nm) dpsed(nm) = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd(l, nm) = real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)*fac bodsed(l, nm) = bodsed(l, nm) - real(dbodsd(l, nm),prec) dpsed (nm) = dpsed(nm) + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/rhofrac(l) enddo else ! ! no sediment remaining ! dpsed(nm) = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dbodsd(l, nm) = real(bodsed(l, nm),fp) bodsed(l, nm) = 0.0_hp enddo endif enddo endselect istat = deallocwork(this,work) end function gettoplyr ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine lyrerosion(this, nm, dzini, dmi) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: ! - lyrerosion implements the erosion of sediment from the layers below the ! transport and exchange layers ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzini ! thickness of eroded layer, units : m real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) , intent(out):: dmi ! density of sediment fractions, units : kg/m3 ! ! Local variables ! logical :: remove integer :: k integer :: kero1 ! top-most layer that has been (partially) eroded integer :: l real(fp) :: dz real(fp) :: dm real(fp) :: fac real(fp) :: thick real(fp) :: thbaselyr real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: mbaselyr real(fp) , pointer :: thlalyr integer , pointer :: keuler integer , pointer :: nlyr integer , pointer :: updbaselyr real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp), dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: msed real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! keuler => this%settings%keuler nlyr => this%settings%nlyr thlalyr => this%settings%thlalyr updbaselyr => this%settings%updbaselyr svfrac => this%state%svfrac msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! k = 2 if (this%settings%exchlyr) k = 3 ! thbaselyr = thlyr(nlyr, nm) mbaselyr = msed(:, nlyr, nm) dmi = 0.0_fp dz = dzini ! ! initially remove sediment irrespective of layer type ! then fill the Lagrangian layers again up to their ! original thickness ! kero1 represents the Lagrangian layer that was eroded and needs ! to be replenished ! remove indicates that sediment should be eroded (stored in dmi) ! rather than shifted to another Lagrangian layer ! kero1 = k-1 remove = .true. do while (dz>0.0_fp .and. k<=nlyr) if ( thlyr(k, nm) < dz ) then ! ! more sediment is needed than there is available in layer ! k, so all sediment should be removed from this layer ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (remove) then dmi(l) = dmi(l) + msed(l, k, nm) else msed(l, kero1, nm) = msed(l, kero1, nm) + msed(l, k, nm) endif msed(l, k, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo dz = dz - thlyr(k, nm) if (.not.remove) then svfrac(kero1, nm) = svfrac(kero1, nm)*thlyr(kero1, nm) + svfrac(k, nm)*thlyr(k, nm) thlyr(kero1, nm) = thlyr(kero1, nm) + thlyr(k, nm) svfrac(kero1, nm) = svfrac(kero1, nm)/thlyr(kero1, nm) endif thlyr(k, nm) = 0.0_fp k = k+1 else ! thlyr(k)>=dz ! ! layer k contains more sediment than is needed, so only part ! of the sediment has to be removed from the layer ! fac = dz/thlyr(k, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dm = msed(l, k, nm)*fac if (remove) then dmi(l) = dmi(l) + dm else msed(l, kero1, nm) = msed(l, kero1, nm) + dm endif msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k, nm) - dm enddo thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k, nm) - dz if (.not.remove) then svfrac(kero1, nm) = svfrac(kero1, nm)*thlyr(kero1, nm) + svfrac(k, nm)*dz thlyr(kero1, nm) = thlyr(kero1, nm) + dz svfrac(kero1, nm) = svfrac(kero1, nm)/thlyr(kero1, nm) endif ! ! erosion complete (dz=0) now continue to replenish the ! (partially) eroded Lagrangian layers as long as ! sediment is available in lower layers. Note that the ! Eulerian layers don't get replenished. ! kero1 = kero1+1 remove = .false. ! ! do we have to fill again some of the Lagrangian layers? ! if (kero1 0.0_fp ) exit enddo fac = thlyr(nlyr, nm)/thlyr(k, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, nlyr, nm) = msed(l, k, nm)*fac enddo case(4) ! composition and thickness of base layer constant ! ! reset thickness and masses ! thlyr(nlyr, nm) = thbaselyr msed(:, nlyr, nm) = mbaselyr case default ! ! ERROR ! endselect end subroutine lyrerosion ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine lyrsedimentation(this, nm, dzini, dmi, svfracdep, work) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: ! - lyrsedimentation implements the deposition of sediment in the layers ! below the transport and exchange layers ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzini real(fp) , intent(in) :: svfracdep real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: dmi type(bedcomp_work) :: work ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: k2 integer :: kmin integer :: kne integer :: l real(fp) :: depfrac real(fp) :: dm real(fp) :: dz real(fp) :: dz2 real(fp) :: dzc real(fp) :: dzk real(fp) :: dzlmax real(fp) :: fac real(fp) :: newthlyr real(fp) :: thick real(fp) , pointer :: thlalyr integer , pointer :: keuler integer , pointer :: nlyr integer , pointer :: updbaselyr real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: dmi2 ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! thlalyr => this%settings%thlalyr keuler => this%settings%keuler nlyr => this%settings%nlyr updbaselyr => this%settings%updbaselyr svfrac => this%state%svfrac msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! kmin = 2 if (this%settings%exchlyr) kmin = 3 dz = dzini ! ! copy Lagrangian layer data to temporary array ! do k = kmin,keuler-1 do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac work%msed2(l, k) = msed(l, k, nm) msed(l, k, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo work%svfrac2(k) = svfrac(k, nm) work%thlyr2(k) = thlyr(k, nm) thlyr(k, nm) = 0.0_fp enddo ! ! fill the Lagrangian layers from top to bottom ! do k = kmin,keuler-1 ! ! while there is newly deposited sediment use that to fill the layers ! if (dz>thlalyr) then ! ! sufficient newly deposited sediment to fill whole layer ! fac = thlalyr/dz do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dm = dmi(l) * fac msed(l, k, nm) = dm dmi(l) = dmi(l) - dm enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svfracdep thlyr(k, nm) = thlalyr dz = dz - thlalyr elseif (dz>0.0_fp) then ! ! last bit of newly deposited sediment to partially fill the layer ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = dmi(l) dmi(l) = 0.0_fp enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svfracdep thlyr(k, nm) = dz dz = 0.0_fp endif ! ! as long as there is still space in this layer, fill it with sediment ! from the old Lagrangian layers ! k2 = kmin dzc = thlalyr - thlyr(k, nm) do while (k2 0.0_fp) ! ! did this Lagrangian layer contain sediment? ! if (work%thlyr2(k2)>0.0_fp) then if (dzc0.0_fp) then do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dmi2(l) = work%msed2(l, k2) enddo call lyrsedimentation_eulerian(this, nm, work%thlyr2(k2), dmi2, work%svfrac2(k2)) endif enddo ! ! and finally if there is any sediment left in the original deposit that ! came from the active layer(s) then deposit that sediment ! if (dz>0.0_fp) then call lyrsedimentation_eulerian(this, nm, dz, dmi, svfracdep) endif end subroutine lyrsedimentation ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine lyrsedimentation_eulerian(this, nm, dzini, dmi, svfracdep) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: ! - lyrsedimentation_eulerian implements the deposition of sediment in the ! Eulerian layers below the transport, exchange and other Lagrangian ! layers ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzini real(fp) , intent(in) :: svfracdep real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: dmi ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: kmin integer :: kne integer :: l real(fp) :: depfrac real(fp) :: dm real(fp) :: dz real(fp) :: fac real(fp) :: newthlyr real(fp) :: thick real(fp) , pointer :: theulyr integer , pointer :: keuler integer , pointer :: nlyr integer , pointer :: updbaselyr real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! theulyr => this%settings%theulyr keuler => this%settings%keuler nlyr => this%settings%nlyr updbaselyr => this%settings%updbaselyr svfrac => this%state%svfrac msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! dz = dzini ! ! find first (partially) filled underlayer ! k = keuler do while (comparereal(thlyr(k, nm),0.0_fp)==0 .and. k=keuler .and. dz > 0.0_fp ) if ( thlyr(k, nm) < theulyr ) then ! ! sediment can be added to this layer ! if ( dz > theulyr-thlyr(k, nm) ) then ! ! not all sediment can be added to this layer ! fac = (theulyr-thlyr(k, nm))/dz dz = dz*(1.0_fp-fac) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac dm = dmi(l)*fac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k, nm) + dm dmi(l) = dmi(l) - dm enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)*thlyr(k, nm) + svfracdep*(theulyr-thlyr(k, nm)) thlyr(k, nm) = theulyr svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)/thlyr(k, nm) else ! ! everything can be added to this layer ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k, nm) + dmi(l) dmi(l) = 0.0_fp enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)*thlyr(k, nm) + svfracdep*dz thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k, nm) + dz svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)/thlyr(k, nm) dz = 0.0_fp endif endif k = k-1 enddo ! ! the first Eulerian underlayer is completely filled or ! all sediment deposited ! if ( dz > 0.0_fp ) then ! ! still more sediment to be deposited ! if (keuler == nlyr) then k = nlyr ! ! no Eulerian underlayers, so put everything in ! the last (i.e. base) layer ! select case (updbaselyr) case(1) ! compute separate composition for the base layer do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k, nm) + dmi(l) enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)*thlyr(k, nm) + svfracdep*dz thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k, nm) + dz svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)/thlyr(k, nm) dz = 0.0_fp case(2) ! composition of base layer constant ! ! composition of dz is lost, update thickness ! fac = (thlyr(k, nm)+dz)/thlyr(k, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k, nm)*fac enddo thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k, nm) + dz case(3) ! same as the (first non-empty) layer above it ! ! composition of dz is lost, update thickness ! and set composition to that of layer nlyr-1 ! thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k, nm) + dz fac = thlyr(k, nm)/thlyr(k-1, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, kmin-1, nm)*fac enddo case default ! ! ERROR ! endselect else ! ! thin underlayers filled shift administration and deposit ! remaining sediment ! do while ( dz > 0.0_fp ) ! ! add last thin underlayer to the last (i.e. base) layer ! newthlyr = thlyr(nlyr, nm)+thlyr(nlyr-1, nm) select case (updbaselyr) case(1) ! compute separate composition for the base layer if ( newthlyr > 0.0_fp ) then do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, nlyr, nm) = msed(l, nlyr, nm) + msed(l, nlyr-1, nm) enddo svfrac(nlyr, nm) = svfrac(nlyr, nm)*thlyr(nlyr, nm) + svfrac(nlyr-1, nm)*thlyr(nlyr-1, nm) svfrac(nlyr, nm) = svfrac(nlyr, nm)/newthlyr endif case(2) ! composition of base layer constant ! ! composition of layer nlyr-1 is lost; just the ! thickness of the base layer is updated ! fac = newthlyr/thlyr(nlyr, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, nlyr, nm) = msed(l, nlyr, nm)*fac enddo case(3) ! same as the (first non-empty) layer above it ! ! find lowest non-empty layer ! do kne = nlyr-2,1,-1 if ( thlyr(kne, nm) > 0.0_fp ) exit enddo fac = newthlyr/thlyr(kne, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, nlyr, nm) = msed(l, kne, nm)*fac enddo case(4) ! composition and thickness of base layer constant ! ! composition and sediment of layer nlyr-1 is lost ! make sure that the newthlyr of the base layer is equal ! to the old thickness ! newthlyr = thlyr(nlyr, nm) case default ! ! ERROR ! end select thlyr(nlyr, nm) = newthlyr ! ! shift layers down by one ! do k = nlyr-1,keuler+1,-1 do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = msed(l, k-1, nm) enddo thlyr(k, nm) = thlyr(k-1, nm) svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k-1, nm) enddo ! ! put all the sediment in one layer ! k = keuler do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nm) = dmi(l) enddo thlyr(k, nm) = dz svfrac(k, nm) = svfracdep dz = 0.0_fp enddo endif endif end subroutine lyrsedimentation_eulerian ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine lyrdiffusion(this, nm, dt, rhosol, messages) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: ! - lyrdiffusion implements the mixing between the layers through diffusion ! (porosity of layers is not updated yet!) ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use message_module ! implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this type(message_stack) :: messages integer , intent(in) :: nm real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) , intent(in) :: rhosol ! ! Local variables ! character(message_len) :: message integer :: k integer :: kx integer :: km1 integer :: l integer :: nd real(fp) :: alpha real(fp) :: Fdiff real(fp) :: kd real(fp) :: mtot real(fp) :: mtot1 real(fp) :: pk real(fp) :: pk_new real(fp) :: pkm1_new real(fp) :: thick real(fp) :: thick1 real(fp) :: thl real(fp) :: zd real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: mkm1 real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: pkm1 integer , pointer :: idiffusion integer , pointer :: keuler integer , pointer :: ndiff integer , pointer :: nlyr real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: thtrlyr real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: zdiff real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: kdiff real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp), dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: msed ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! idiffusion => this%settings%idiffusion kdiff => this%settings%kdiff keuler => this%settings%keuler ndiff => this%settings%ndiff nlyr => this%settings%nlyr rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac thtrlyr => this%settings%thtrlyr zdiff => this%settings%zdiff svfrac => this%state%svfrac msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! km1 = 1 kx = 1 ! ! compute mass fractions in top layer ! if (idiffusion==1) then ! diffusion based on mass fractions mtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac mtot = mtot + msed(l, 1, nm) enddo mtot = max(mtot,1e-20_fp) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac pkm1(l) = msed(l, 1, nm)/mtot enddo mtot1 = mtot elseif (idiffusion==2) then ! diffusion based on volume fractions thick = svfrac(1, nm) * thlyr(1, nm) thick = max(thick,1e-20) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac pkm1(l) = msed(l, 1, nm)/(rhofrac(l)*thick) enddo thick1 = thick endif ! write(message,'(a)') 'diffusion coefficients' ! call addmessage(messages,message) ! do l=1,ndiff ! write(message,'(e20.4)') kdiff(l,nm) ! call addmessage(messages,message) ! enddo ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac mkm1(l) = msed(l, 1, nm) enddo ! zd = thlyr(1, nm) ! location of interface between the layers nd = 1 ! index of used diffusion coefficient ! do k = 2, nlyr ! ! apply mixing only between non-empty layers ! if (comparereal(thlyr(k,nm),0.0_fp) == 0) cycle ! if (k==1) then thl = thtrlyr(nm) elseif (k=keuler) then thl = this%settings%theulyr endif ! if ( thlyr(k,nm)>0.05_fp*thl ) kx=k ! ! Compute diffusion coefficient at interface between layers ! through linear interpolation ! Extrapolation is performed by assuming constant values ! do while (nd < ndiff .and. zdiff(nd) < zd ) nd = nd + 1 enddo ! if (nd == 1) then kd = kdiff(nd, nm) elseif (nd <= ndiff .and. zd < zdiff(ndiff)) then kd = kdiff(nd-1, nm) + (zd - zdiff(nd-1))/(zdiff(nd)-zdiff(nd-1)) * (kdiff(nd, nm) - kdiff(nd-1, nm)) else kd = kdiff(nd, nm) endif ! if (idiffusion==1) then mtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac mtot = mtot + msed(l, k, nm) enddo mtot = max(mtot,1e-20_fp) elseif (idiffusion==2) then thick = svfrac(k, nm) * thlyr(k, nm) thick = max(thick,1e-20) endif ! ! Loop over all sediment fractions ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac ! ! compute mass or volume fraction in layer k ! if (idiffusion==1) then pk = msed(l, k, nm)/mtot elseif (idiffusion==2) then pk = msed(l, k, nm)/(rhofrac(l)*thick) endif ! ! Compute diffusion flux between layer k and km1 ! based on difference in mass or volume fraction ! Fdiff = rhosol(l)*kd*(svfrac(km1, nm) + svfrac(k, nm))/(thlyr(km1, nm)+thlyr(k, nm)) * (pk - pkm1(l)) ! ! Diffusion flux is limited to half of the available sediment fraction in a layer ! to avoid sediment shortage ! if ( Fdiff < 0.0_fp) then Fdiff = max( - msed(l, km1, nm)/(2.0*dt) , Fdiff) else Fdiff = min( msed(l, k , nm)/(2.0*dt) , Fdiff) endif ! if (idiffusion==1) then pkm1_new = (msed(l, km1, nm) + Fdiff*dt)/mtot1 pk_new = (msed(l, k, nm) - Fdiff*dt)/mtot elseif (idiffusion==2) then pkm1_new = (msed(l, km1, nm) + Fdiff*dt)/(rhofrac(l)*thick1) pk_new = (msed(l, k, nm) - Fdiff*dt)/(rhofrac(l)*thick) endif if ( (pk-pkm1(l))*(pk_new-pkm1_new)<0 ) then if (idiffusion==1) then alpha = (pk-pkm1(l))*mtot* mtot1 /(Fdiff*dt*(mtot +mtot1 )) elseif (idiffusion==2) then alpha = rhofrac(l)*(pk-pkm1(l))*thick*thick1/(Fdiff*dt*(thick+thick1)) endif Fdiff = alpha * Fdiff endif ! pkm1(l) = pk mkm1(l) = msed(l, k, nm) ! ! Update masses of sediment fractions ! msed(l, km1, nm) = msed(l, km1, nm) + Fdiff*dt msed(l, k , nm) = msed(l, k , nm) - Fdiff*dt ! enddo ! mtot1 = mtot thick1 = thick km1 = k zd = zd + thlyr(k, nm) ! enddo ! ! Update layer thicknesses ! do k = 1, nlyr thick = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac thick = thick + msed(l, k, nm)/rhofrac(l) enddo thlyr(k, nm) = thick/svfrac(k, nm) enddo ! end subroutine lyrdiffusion ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine detthcmud(this, thcmud) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Determines the total thickness of mud fraction in the bed ! DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY; use mudfrac (sum of frac over mud fractions) instead ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! include '' ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub), intent(out) :: thcmud ! Total thickness of the mud layers ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(prec), dimension(:,:), pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! bodsed => this%state%bodsed rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac ! do nm = this%settings%nmlb,this%settings%nmub thcmud (nm) = 0.0 do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (this%settings%sedtyp(l) == SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then thcmud(nm) = thcmud(nm) + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/rhofrac(l) endif enddo enddo end subroutine detthcmud ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getalluvthick(this, seddep, nmfrom, nmto, nval) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Determine sediment thickness optionally per sediment fraction ! DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY; use getsedthick instead. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, nval) , intent(out) :: seddep integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto integer , intent(in) :: nval ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: thkl integer, pointer :: nlyr real(prec), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , pointer :: thresh real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! nlyr => this%settings%nlyr rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac bodsed => this%state%bodsed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = nmfrom,nmto thkl = 0.0_fp do k = 1, nlyr thkl = thkl + thlyr(k, nm) enddo do l = 1, nval seddep(nm, l) = thkl enddo enddo case default do nm = nmfrom,nmto if (nval==1) then seddep(nm, nval) = 0.0 do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac seddep(nm, nval) = seddep(nm, nval) + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/rhofrac(l) enddo else do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac seddep(nm, l) = real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/rhofrac(l) enddo endif enddo endselect end subroutine getalluvthick ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getfrac(this, frac, anymud, mudcnt, mudfrac, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines the (mass or volume) fractions ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none include '' ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this logical , intent(in) :: anymud real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, this%settings%nfrac) , intent(out) :: frac real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto) , intent(out) :: mudfrac real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto) , intent(in) :: mudcnt integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: nonmud ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(1) call getmfrac(this ,frac, nmfrom, nmto) case default call getvfrac(this ,frac, nmfrom, nmto) endselect ! ! Calculate mud fraction ! if (anymud) then ! ! Add simulated mud fractions. ! mudfrac = 0.0 do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac if (this%settings%sedtyp(l) == SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then do nm = nmfrom, nmto mudfrac(nm) = mudfrac(nm) + frac(nm,l) enddo endif enddo else ! ! Take into account possible non-simulated ! mud fraction. ! do nm = nmfrom, nmto mudfrac(nm) = mudcnt(nm) nonmud = 1.0_fp - mudcnt(nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac frac(nm,l) = frac(nm,l) * nonmud enddo enddo endif end subroutine getfrac ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getmfrac(this, frac, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines the mass fractions ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, this%settings%nfrac) , intent(out) :: frac integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: sedtot real(prec), dimension(:,:), pointer :: bodsed real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! bodsed => this%state%bodsed msed => this%state%msed ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + msed(l, 1, nm) enddo if (comparereal(sedtot,0.0_fp) == 0) then frac(nm, :) = 1.0_fp/this%settings%nfrac else do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac frac(nm, l) = msed(l, 1, nm)/sedtot enddo endif enddo case default do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp) enddo if (comparereal(sedtot,0.0_fp) == 0) then frac(nm, :) = 1.0_fp/this%settings%nfrac else do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac frac(nm, l) = real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/sedtot enddo endif enddo endselect end subroutine getmfrac ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine setmfrac(this, frac, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Update the bed composition given the mass fraction data ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, this%settings%nfrac) , intent(in) :: frac integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: sedtot real(prec), dimension(:,:), pointer :: bodsed real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! bodsed => this%state%bodsed msed => this%state%msed ! ! Update the sediment mass per fraction, but keep the total mass identical ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + msed(l, 1, nm) enddo do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, 1, nm) = frac(nm, l)*sedtot enddo enddo case default do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp) enddo do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac bodsed(l, nm) = real(frac(nm, l)*sedtot,prec) enddo enddo endselect end subroutine setmfrac ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getvfrac(this, frac, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines the volume fractions ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, this%settings%nfrac) , intent(out) :: frac integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: thick real(prec), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac svfrac => this%state%svfrac bodsed => this%state%bodsed dpsed => this%state%dpsed msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = nmfrom, nmto if (comparereal(thlyr(1, nm),0.0_fp) == 0) then frac(nm, :) = 1.0_fp/this%settings%nfrac else thick = svfrac(1, nm) * thlyr(1, nm) do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac frac(nm, l) = msed(l, 1, nm)/(rhofrac(l)*thick) enddo endif enddo case default do nm = nmfrom, nmto if (comparereal(dpsed(nm),0.0_fp) == 0) then frac(nm, :) = 1.0_fp/this%settings%nfrac else do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac frac(nm, l) = real(bodsed(l, nm),fp)/(rhofrac(l)*dpsed(nm)) enddo endif enddo endselect end subroutine getvfrac ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine setvfrac(this, frac, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Update the bed composition given the volume fraction data ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this real(fp), dimension(nmfrom:nmto, this%settings%nfrac) , intent(in) :: frac integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: sum real(fp) :: sedtot real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(prec), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac svfrac => this%state%svfrac bodsed => this%state%bodsed msed => this%state%msed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + msed(l, 1, nm) enddo sum = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sum = sum + frac(nm, l)*rhofrac(l) enddo do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, 1, nm) = sedtot*(frac(nm, l)*rhofrac(l)/sum) enddo enddo case default do nm = nmfrom, nmto sedtot = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sedtot = sedtot + real(bodsed(l, nm),fp) enddo sum = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sum = sum + frac(nm, l)*rhofrac(l) enddo do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac bodsed(l, nm) = real(sedtot*(frac(nm, l)*rhofrac(l)/sum),prec) enddo enddo endselect end subroutine setvfrac ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getsedthick_allpoints(this, seddep) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines total thickness of sediment deposit at all points ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp), dimension(this%settings%nmlb:this%settings%nmub) , intent(out) :: seddep ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: nm real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: dpsed real(fp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! dpsed => this%state%dpsed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) seddep = 0.0_fp do nm = this%settings%nmlb, this%settings%nmub do k = 1, this%settings%nlyr seddep(nm) = seddep(nm) + thlyr(k, nm) enddo enddo case default seddep = dpsed endselect end subroutine getsedthick_allpoints ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getsedthick_1point(this, nm, seddep) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines total thickness of sediment deposit at one point ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm real(fp) , intent(out) :: seddep ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k real(fp), dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! dpsed => this%state%dpsed thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! ! Calculate total bottom sediments and fractions ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) seddep = 0.0_fp do k = 1, this%settings%nlyr seddep = seddep + thlyr(k, nm) enddo case default seddep = dpsed(nm) endselect end subroutine getsedthick_1point ! ! ! !============================================================================== function initmorlyr(this) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! real(fp), parameter :: rmissval = -999.0_fp ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data), intent(inout) :: this integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! type (bedcomp_settings), pointer :: settings type (bedcomp_state ), pointer :: state ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 if (istat == 0) allocate (settings, stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate (state , stat = istat) if (istat /= 0) then !error return endif ! allocate (settings%morlyrnum , stat = istat) if (istat == 0) then settings%morlyrnum%MinMassShortWarning = 0.0_fp settings%morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning = 100 endif ! settings%keuler = 2 settings%ndiff = 0 settings%nfrac = 0 settings%nlyr = 0 settings%nmlb = 0 settings%nmub = 0 settings%idiffusion = 0 settings%iunderlyr = 1 settings%iporosity = 0 settings%flufflyr = 0 settings%exchlyr = .false. settings%neulyr = 0 settings%nlalyr = 0 settings%theulyr = rmissval settings%thlalyr = rmissval settings%updbaselyr = 1 ! nullify(settings%bfluff0) nullify(settings%bfluff1) nullify(settings%kdiff) nullify(settings%thexlyr) nullify(settings%thtrlyr) nullify(settings%zdiff) ! nullify(state%preload) nullify(state%svfrac) nullify(state%bodsed) nullify(state%dpsed) nullify(state%fluffshort) nullify(state%mfluff) nullify(state%msed) nullify(state%thlyr) nullify(state%sedshort) ! this%settings => settings this%state => state end function initmorlyr ! ! ! !============================================================================== function allocmorlyr(this) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data) :: this integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! type (bedcomp_settings), pointer :: settings type (bedcomp_state), pointer :: state integer :: nmlb integer :: nmub integer :: nfrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! settings => this%settings state => this%state ! ! Number of layers: 1 transport layer ! 1 exchange layer (optional) ! nlalyr lagrangian underlayers ! neulyr eulerian underlayers ! 1 persistent base layer ! settings%nlyr = 2 + settings%nlalyr + settings%neulyr settings%keuler = 2 + settings%nlalyr if (settings%exchlyr) then settings%nlyr = settings%nlyr + 1 settings%keuler = settings%keuler + 1 endif ! nmlb = settings%nmlb nmub = settings%nmub nfrac = settings%nfrac ! istat = 0 if (istat == 0) allocate (state%bodsed(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%bodsed = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%dpsed(nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%dpsed = 0.0_fp ! if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%sedtyp(nfrac), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%sedtyp = 0 if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%rhofrac(nfrac), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%rhofrac = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%phi(nfrac), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%phi = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%sigphi(nfrac), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%sigphi = 0.0_fp ! if (settings%iunderlyr==2) then if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%kdiff(settings%ndiff,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%kdiff = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%zdiff(settings%ndiff), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%zdiff = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%thtrlyr(nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%thtrlyr = 0.0_fp if (settings%exchlyr) then if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%thexlyr(nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%thexlyr = 0.0_fp endif if (istat == 0) allocate (state%msed(nfrac,settings%nlyr,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%msed = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%thlyr(settings%nlyr,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%thlyr = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%sedshort(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%sedshort = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%svfrac(settings%nlyr,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%svfrac = 1.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%preload(settings%nlyr,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%preload = 0.0_fp endif ! if (settings%flufflyr>0) then if (istat == 0) allocate (state%fluffshort(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%fluffshort = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (state%mfluff(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) state%mfluff = 0.0_fp endif ! if (settings%flufflyr==1) then if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%bfluff0(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%bfluff0 = 0.0_fp if (istat == 0) allocate (settings%bfluff1(nfrac,nmlb:nmub), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) settings%bfluff1 = 0.0_fp endif ! ! end function allocmorlyr ! ! ! !============================================================================== function allocwork(this, work) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data), intent(in) :: this type (bedcomp_work), intent(out) :: work integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! integer, pointer :: nfrac integer, pointer :: nlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! nfrac => this%settings%nfrac nlyr => this%settings%nlyr ! istat = 0 if (istat == 0) allocate (work%msed2(nfrac, nlyr), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate (work%thlyr2(nlyr) , stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate (work%svfrac2(nlyr) , stat = istat) end function allocwork ! ! ! !============================================================================== function deallocwork(this, work) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data), intent(in) :: this type (bedcomp_work), intent(out) :: work integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 if (istat == 0) deallocate (work%msed2 , stat = istat) if (istat == 0) deallocate (work%thlyr2 , stat = istat) if (istat == 0) deallocate (work%svfrac2, stat = istat) end function deallocwork ! ! ! !============================================================================== function clrmorlyr(this) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data) :: this integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! type (bedcomp_settings), pointer :: settings type (bedcomp_state) , pointer :: state ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (associated(this%settings)) then settings => this%settings if (associated(settings%bfluff0)) deallocate(settings%bfluff0 , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%bfluff1)) deallocate(settings%bfluff1 , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%kdiff)) deallocate(settings%kdiff , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%morlyrnum)) deallocate(settings%morlyrnum, STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%thexlyr)) deallocate(settings%thexlyr , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%thtrlyr)) deallocate(settings%thtrlyr , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%zdiff)) deallocate(settings%zdiff , STAT = istat) ! if (associated(settings%sedtyp)) deallocate(settings%sedtyp , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%phi)) deallocate(settings%phi , STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%rhofrac)) deallocate(settings%rhofrac, STAT = istat) if (associated(settings%sigphi)) deallocate(settings%sigphi , STAT = istat) ! deallocate(this%settings, STAT = istat) nullify(this%settings) endif ! if (associated(this%state)) then state => this%state if (associated(state%svfrac)) deallocate(state%svfrac , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%bodsed)) deallocate(state%bodsed , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%dpsed)) deallocate(state%dpsed , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%fluffshort)) deallocate(state%fluffshort , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%mfluff)) deallocate(state%mfluff , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%msed)) deallocate(state%msed , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%thlyr)) deallocate(state%thlyr , STAT = istat) if (associated(state%sedshort)) deallocate(state%sedshort , STAT = istat) ! deallocate(this%state, STAT = istat) nullify(this%state) endif end function clrmorlyr ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine setbedfracprop(this, sedtyp, sedd50, logsedsig, rhofrac) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Set sediment fraction properties ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , dimension(:), intent(in) :: sedtyp real(fp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sedd50 real(fp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: logsedsig real(fp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rhofrac ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac this%settings%sedtyp(l) = sedtyp(l) if (sedd50(l)<=0.0_fp) then this%settings%phi(l) = 13.9_fp ! -log(65um)/log(2) else this%settings%phi(l) = -log(sedd50(l))/log(2.0_fp) endif if (logsedsig(l)<=0.0_fp) then this%settings%sigphi(l) = log(1.34) ! use default for "well sorted" sediment (see rdsed.f90) else this%settings%sigphi(l) = logsedsig(l)/log(2.0_fp) endif this%settings%rhofrac(l) = rhofrac(l) ! either rhosol or cdryb enddo end subroutine ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_logical_scalar(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a scalar logical ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable logical, pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('exchange_layer','exchlyr') val => this%settings%exchlyr case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_integer_scalar(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a scalar integer ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable integer, pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('flufflayer_model_type','flufflyr') val => this%settings%flufflyr case ('diffusion_model_type','idiffusion') val => this%settings%idiffusion case ('bed_layering_type','iunderlyr') val => this%settings%iunderlyr case ('porosity_model_type','iporosity') val => this%settings%iporosity case ('keuler') val => this%settings%keuler case ('number_of_diffusion_values','ndiff') val => this%settings%ndiff case ('number_of_layers','nlyr') val => this%settings%nlyr case ('maxnumshortwarning') val => this%settings%morlyrnum%MaxNumShortWarning case ('number_of_eulerian_layers','neulyr') val => this%settings%neulyr case ('number_of_lagrangian_layers','nlalyr') val => this%settings%nlalyr case ('number_of_fractions','nfrac') val => this%settings%nfrac case ('first_column_number','nmlb') val => this%settings%nmlb case ('last_column_number','nmub') val => this%settings%nmub case ('base_layer_updating_type','updbaselyr') val => this%settings%updbaselyr case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_fp_scalar(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a scalar real(fp) ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable real(fp), pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('thickness_of_eulerian_layers','theulyr') val => this%settings%theulyr case ('thickness_of_lagrangian_layers','thlalyr') val => this%settings%thlalyr case ('minmassshortwarning') val => this%settings%morlyrnum%MinMassShortWarning case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_fp_1darray(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a pointer to a 1D real(fp) array ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('total_sediment_thickness','dpsed') val => this%state%dpsed case ('sediment_density') val => this%settings%rhofrac case ('thickness_of_exchange_layer','thexlyr') val => this%settings%thexlyr case ('thickness_of_transport_layer','thtrlyr') val => this%settings%thtrlyr case ('diffusion_levels','zdiff') val => this%settings%zdiff case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_fp_2darray(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a pointer to a 2D real(fp) array ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable real(fp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('bfluff0') val => this%settings%bfluff0 case ('bfluff1') val => this%settings%bfluff1 case ('diffusion_coefficients','kdiff') val => this%settings%kdiff case ('flufflayer_mass','mfluff') val => this%state%mfluff case ('solid_volume_fraction','svfrac') val => this%state%svfrac case ('layer_thickness','thlyr') val => this%state%thlyr case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_fp_3darray(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a pointer to a 3D real(fp) array ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('layer_mass','msed') val => this%state%msed case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== function bedcomp_getpointer_prec_2darray(this, variable, val) result (istat) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Get a pointer to a 2D real(prec) array ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this character(*) , intent(in) :: variable real(prec), dimension(:,:), pointer :: val integer :: istat ! ! Local variables ! character(len(variable)) :: localname ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 localname = variable call str_lower(localname) select case (localname) case ('total_sediment_mass','bodsed') val => this%state%bodsed case default val => NULL() end select if (.not.associated(val)) istat = -1 end function ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine bedcomp_use_bodsed(this) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Use the values of BODSED to compute other quantities ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ised integer :: k integer :: kstart integer :: nm real(fp) :: fac real(fp) , dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: mfrac real(fp) :: poros real(fp) :: sedthick real(fp) :: sedthicklim real(fp) :: svf real(fp) :: thsed real(fp) :: totsed real(prec), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thtrlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: thexlyr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhofrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- thtrlyr => this%settings%thtrlyr thexlyr => this%settings%thexlyr rhofrac => this%settings%rhofrac bodsed => this%state%bodsed dpsed => this%state%dpsed msed => this%state%msed svfrac => this%state%svfrac thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! ! Fill initial values of DPSED ! do nm = this%settings%nmlb, this%settings%nmub ! ! Compute thickness correctly in case of ! multiple fractions with different rhofrac ! dpsed(nm) = 0.0_fp do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac dpsed(nm) = dpsed(nm) + real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)/rhofrac(ised) enddo enddo select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) ! ! No file specified for initial bed composition: extract data from ! the BODSED data read above. ! msed = 0.0_fp thlyr = 0.0_fp do nm = this%settings%nmlb, this%settings%nmub !if (kcs(nm)<1 .or. kcs(nm)>2) cycle !TODO: find a solution for this line ! ! nm = (m-1)*nmax + n ! totsed = 0.0_fp do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac totsed = totsed + real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp) enddo totsed = max(totsed,1.0e-20_fp) ! avoid division by zero do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac mfrac(ised) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)/totsed enddo ! call getporosity(this, mfrac, poros) svf = 1.0_fp - poros ! thsed = 0.0_fp do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac thsed = thsed + real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)/rhofrac(ised) enddo thsed = thsed/svf sedthick = thsed thsed = max(thsed,1.0e-20_fp) ! avoid division by zero ! ! active/transport layer ! thlyr(1, nm) = min(thtrlyr(nm),sedthick) fac = thlyr(1, nm)/thsed do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(ised, 1, nm) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)*fac enddo svfrac(1, nm) = svf sedthick = sedthick - thlyr(1, nm) ! ! exchange layer ! kstart = 1 if (this%settings%exchlyr) then kstart = 2 thlyr(2, nm) = min(thexlyr(nm),sedthick) sedthick = sedthick - thlyr(2, nm) fac = thlyr(2, nm)/thsed do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(ised, 2, nm) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)*fac enddo svfrac(2, nm) = svf endif ! ! Lagrangian layers ! do k = kstart+1, this%settings%keuler-1 thlyr(k, nm) = min(this%settings%thlalyr,sedthick) sedthick = sedthick - thlyr(k, nm) fac = thlyr(k, nm)/thsed do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(ised, k, nm) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)*fac enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svf enddo ! ! Eulerian layers ! do k = this%settings%keuler,this%settings%nlyr-1 thlyr(k, nm) = min(this%settings%theulyr,sedthick) sedthick = sedthick - thlyr(k, nm) fac = thlyr(k, nm)/thsed do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(ised, k, nm) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)*fac enddo svfrac(k, nm) = svf enddo ! ! base layer ! thlyr(this%settings%nlyr, nm) = sedthick fac = thlyr(this%settings%nlyr, nm)/thsed do ised = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(ised, this%settings%nlyr, nm) = real(bodsed(ised, nm),fp)*fac enddo svfrac(this%settings%nlyr, nm) = svf enddo case default ! ! nothing to do, using bodsed as uniformly mixed sediment ! endselect end subroutine ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine copybedcomp(this, nmfrom, nmto) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Copy the bed composition from nmfrom to nmto ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nmfrom integer , intent(in) :: nmto ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l real(prec), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bodsed real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dpsed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: mfluff real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- bodsed => this%state%bodsed dpsed => this%state%dpsed mfluff => this%state%mfluff msed => this%state%msed svfrac => this%state%svfrac thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac mfluff(l, nmto) = mfluff(l, nmfrom) enddo ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do k = 1, this%settings%nlyr do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac msed(l, k, nmto) = msed(l, k, nmfrom) enddo thlyr(k, nmto) = thlyr(k, nmfrom) svfrac(k, nmto) = svfrac(k, nmfrom) enddo case default do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac bodsed(l, nmto) = bodsed(l, nmfrom) enddo dpsed(nmto) = dpsed(nmfrom) end select end subroutine ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine updateporosity(this, nm, k) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Update the porosity for layer k in column nm ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm integer , intent(in) :: k ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l real(fp) :: poros real(fp) :: totmass real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr real(fp) , dimension(this%settings%nfrac) :: mfrac ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- msed => this%state%msed svfrac => this%state%svfrac thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) totmass = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac totmass = totmass + msed(l, k, nm) enddo if (totmass>0.0_fp) then do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac mfrac(l) = msed(l, k, nm)/totmass enddo ! call getporosity(this, mfrac, poros) else poros = 0.0_fp endif svfrac(k, nm) = 1.0_fp - poros case default ! option not available for this bed composition model end select end subroutine ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine getporosity(this, mfrac, poros) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Compute the porosity ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: this real(fp) , dimension(this%settings%nfrac), intent(in) :: mfrac real(fp) , intent(out) :: poros ! ! Local variables ! integer :: l real(fp) :: a real(fp) :: b real(fp) :: phim real(fp) :: sigmix real(fp) :: x real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: phi real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: sigphi ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- phi => this%settings%phi sigphi => this%settings%sigphi ! phim = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac phim = phim + phi(l)*mfrac(l) enddo sigmix = 0.0_fp do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac sigmix = sigmix + mfrac(l)*((phi(l)-phim)**2 + sigphi(l)**2) enddo sigmix = sqrt(sigmix) ! select case (this%settings%iporosity) case (1) ! ! R. Frings (May 2009) ! a = -0.06_fp b = 0.36_fp poros = max(0.0_fp,a*sigmix + b) case (2) ! ! G.J. Weltje based on data by Beard & Weyl (AAPG Bull., 1973) ! x = 3.7632_fp * sigmix**(-0.7552_fp) poros = 0.45_fp*x/(1+x) case default poros = 0.0_fp end select end subroutine subroutine consolidate(this, nm) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Consolidate the bed of column nm ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type(bedcomp_data) :: this integer , intent(in) :: nm ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l real(fp) :: load real(fp) :: thnew real(fp) :: dzc real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: preload real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: svfrac real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: thlyr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- msed => this%state%msed preload => this%state%preload svfrac => this%state%svfrac thlyr => this%state%thlyr ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) load = 0.0_fp do k = 2, this%settings%nlyr do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac load = load + msed(l, k-1, nm) enddo if (comparereal(thlyr(k, nm),0.0_fp)==0) then ! ! layers with zero thickness don't consolidate ! elseif (load > preload(k, nm)) then ! ! compute consolidation ! dzc = 0.0_fp ! function of load-preload(k,nm) ! ! reduce layer thickness and porosity, i.e. increase svfrac ! thnew = thlyr(k, nm) - dzc svfrac(k, nm) = svfrac(k, nm)*thlyr(k, nm)/thnew thlyr(k, nm) = thnew preload(k, nm) = load else ! ! no consolidation in this layer and any layer below ! return endif enddo case default ! option not available for this bed composition model end select end subroutine consolidate ! ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine initpreload(this) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the preload array assuming that all sediment is fully consolidated. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Function/routine arguments ! type (bedcomp_data), intent(inout) :: this ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: load real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: msed real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: preload ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! msed => this%state%msed preload => this%state%preload ! select case(this%settings%iunderlyr) case(2) do nm = this%settings%nmlb, this%settings%nmub preload(1, nm) = 0.0_fp load = 0.0_fp do k = 2, this%settings%nlyr do l = 1, this%settings%nfrac load = load + msed(l, k-1, nm) enddo preload(k, nm) = load enddo enddo case default ! option not available for this bed composition model end select end subroutine initpreload end module bedcomposition_module