#for $key in $columns #end for #for $info in sorted($inspireinfo, key=lambda x: x.get('Country')) #for $key in $columns #end for #end for


Is there data available. Automatically checks for more than 1 filetype. If more filetypes are available but it does not say True or Data Included then it was found that data might not be present in the files.
Transform script
Automatically checks if there is a script (.m or .py) available. If it says script missing while script is available it was found not to have any code in it to read the data in the raw folder.
Transform netcdf
Automatically checks if there is a netcdf logic in the .m or .py file. Can be manually checked.
Is the data available through the OpenDAP server. At the moment this is checked manually.
#if $varExists('expected')

Expected datasets

The following data types were expected:

The following data types were found:

The following data types are not found:

#end if #for $info in $inspireinfo


#for $head in $headings


#for $item in $order[$head]
#end for #end for #end for
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Last modified: Tue Jul 14 17:36:58 CEST 2009