4. Visualising your model results

The XBeach Toolbox contains basic tools to visualise model input and output, especially bathymetries. The purpose of these tools is not to provide awesome visualisations, but just to provide insight in the massive amount of data you will probably be dealing with soon.


Visualise model input

Once your model setup is finished, or at least you think so, you can visualise your bathymetry and other data using the xb_plot function. This function basically plots any vector or matrix data from an XBeach structure. It provides a simple interface to select the data to be plotted (can be multiple) and the way it should be plotted.

% generate dummy model
xbm = xb_generate_model;

% plot model setup

Depending on the amount of vector and matrix data, the plotting options will be extended

% obtain bathymetry data
url = 'http://opendap.deltares.nl/thredds/dodsC/opendap/rijkswaterstaat/vaklodingen/vaklodingenKB121_2524.nc';
[x y z] = deal(nc_varget(url, 'x'), nc_varget(url, 'y'), nc_varget(url, 'z'));
z = squeeze(z(end,:,:));

% generate storm surge
[h Hs Tp] = bc_normstorm('loc', 'Petten', 'freq', 1e-4);
[t h duration Hs Tp] = bc_stormsurge('h_max', h, 'Hm0_max', Hs, 'Tp_max', Tp, 'nwaves',32);

% generate model setup using JARKUS bathymetry and obtained surge and wave
% confitions
xbm = xb_generate_model( ...
    'bathy',    {'x', x, 'y', y, 'z', z}, ...
    'tide',     {'time' t, 'front', h, 'back', 0}, ...
    'waves',    {'Hm0', Hs, 'Tp', Tp, 'duration', duration} ...


Visualise model output

The xb_plot function also works for XBeach output structures obtained from the xb_read_output function. Again, all vector and matrix data is plotted and also a slider to walk through time becomes available. The slider can also be animated. Difference plots can be made with a secondary slider, the difference between the two moments in time is plotted.

fpath = fullfile(strrep(abspath(fileparts(which(mfilename))), [filesep 'trunk' filesep], [filesep 'test' filesep]), 'datoutput', '2D');

xbo = xb_read_output(fpath);

Error using ==> xb_read_output at 79
File does not exist [e:\Temp\tp006a82dc_78b7_4911_bbb3_23940e3b8e49\datoutput\2D]

Error in ==> xb_visualise_tutorial at 56
xbo = xb_read_output(fpath);

Error in ==> evalinemptyworkspace>eval_fun at 8

Error in ==> evalinemptyworkspace at 3