5. Analyzing your model results

The XBeach Toolbox contains basic tools to analyze model output. The functions accept XBeach output structures and return derived data from these structures, depending on their content. For example, if the structure contains short and long wave data, short and long wave transformations and water level setup are returned. In case it also contains velocities, these are also decomposed in high and low frequency parts. The analysis tools are subdivided in categories: hydrodynamics, sediment transports, morphodynamics and spectra analysis.


Generate some data

As shown before, we generate some data:

% generate dummy model
xbm = xb_generate_model;

% run your model
xbr = xb_run(xbm);

% read output data
xbo = xb_read_output(xbr);

Analyze hydrodynamics

Derive hydrodynamic characteristics from the output and visualize the results. There are two visualisation functions for the hydrodynamics. The first function is the basic version, the second is the advanced function.

xbh = xb_get_hydro(xbo, 'Trep', xb_get(xbm, 'bcfile.Tp'));

xb_plot_hydro(xbh);     % basic
xb_plot_hydro2(xbh);    % advanced

There are more possibilities, like plotting the skewness and assymetry of the waves, but these parameters are not shown since they are not part of the current model output. Extend the output and the parameters will be shown as well.

Analyze sediment transports

Derive sediment transport characteristics from the output and visualize the results.

xbs = xb_get_sedtrans(xbo, 'Trep', xb_get(xbm, 'bcfile.Tp'));


Analyze morphodynamics transports

Derive morphodynamic characteristics from the output and visualize the results.

xbm = xb_get_morpho(xbo, 'level', xb_get(xbm, 'zs0'));


Spectral analysis

Create spectra from the output and visualize the results. Select four locations and the entire time series to do so.

t = xb_get(xbo, 'zs');

xbsp = xb_get_spectrum(squeeze(t(:,1,[1 50 100 200])));
