2. Configure publish settings

Next to cell formatting some settings can control what is published and what is not. It is for example possible to prevent matlab code from showing in the tutorial, but include results of the exact same matlab code. This tutorial explaines how to control the publish setting for an individual tutorial when automatically generated in OpenEarthTools.

Read more about writing tutorials


How to configure in OpenEarthTools

OpenEarthTools includes the function:


This function provides the default publish configurations that are used to publish tutorials in OpenEarthTools. It is also possible to manually add exceptions to these configurations. To do so edit this function:

edit publishconfigurations

and search for the following part:

%  %% switch filename
%  oldpublish = datenum(version('-date')) < datenum(2008,01,01);
%  switch mfilename
%      case {'testdefinitions_tutorial'}
%          if ~oldpublish
%              config.maxOutputLines = 1000;
%          end
%      otherwise
%          % Use default
%  end

To include an exception add the filename of your file to one of the existing cases or create a new case in which one of the options (available in the cofig struct). To be backwards compatible (the publish function changed with matlab 2008a) use the oldpublish variable to determine whether the function is called in an older version of matlab. If so many fieldnames are different from the ones explained in this tutorial. This is further explained in the function itself, but also follows from:

docsearch publish

Publish options that can be controlled

For a full overview of the options that can be set call:

docsearch publish

The following table highlights the most important options:

Option Value
maxHeight Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, for an image that the M-file code generates
maxWidth Specifies the maximum width, in pixels, for an image that the M-file code generates
showCode Logical value that specifies whether MATLAB includes the M-file code in the published document
evalCode Logical value that specifies whether MATLAB runs the code that it is publishing.
catchError Logical value that specifies what MATLAB does if there is an error in the code that it is publishing.
maxOutputLines Value that specifies the maximum number of output lines per M-file cell that you want to publish before truncating the output.