4. Include a tutorial in the OpenEarth tutorial overview

This tutorial describes the steps to be taken to include your tutorial in the overview on the wiki and in the matlab help.

Read more about writing tutorials


1. Unlock OpenEarth help documentation

After matlab loads the help navigator, it locks all help files for the remaining matlab session. To create new documentation you must therefore be sure that either:

  • The matlab documentation is unlocked (for example with "Unlocker.exe" which is also available in the openearthtools repository). Matlab help documentation is located at: fullfile(oetroot,'docs','OpenEarthDocs');
  • The help browser is not opened during the matlab session that is pending (in other words restart matlab to make sure that they are not locked).

2. Run oetpublish

After unlocking the documentation you can use oetpublish to create all documentation:

oetpublish all

3. Check the documentation

Wiki html pages

The html pages that are included on the wiki can be examined in two ways.

  1. By clicking one of the links that are printed in the command window during the process
  2. By opening tutorial_summary.html manually (located at fullfile(oetroot,'tutorials');)

Matlab documentation

To verify the matlab documentation it is best to restart matlab and look in the help navigator. Restarting matlab is necessary, because sometimes the old documentation will still be loaded regardless of the fact that is was just overwritten.

4. Commit the changed tutorials to the repository

Once you are satisfied with the result it needs to be committed to the central repository. Help documents on the wiki are refreshed every 60 seconds. It could therefore take 60 seconds before the committed changes are actually visible on the wiki.