Coordinate conversion from RSP to RD



Sometimes one has data in the RSP grid, and this needs to be converted to RD coordinates. You can use the function jarkus_rsp2xy for this. Almost everything is already in the help.

help jarkus_rsp2xy
 jarkus_rsp2xy   transform RijksStrandPalen coordinates to RD coordinates
  depending on inputs arguments, function will be:
     nargin = 3: [xRD,yRD] = jarkus_rsp2xy(cross_shore,areacode,alongshore);
     nargin = 4: [xRD,yRD] = jarkus_rsp2xy(x0,y0,alpha,xRSP); 
    [xRD,yRD] = jarkus_rsp2xy(cross_shore,areacode,alongshore)
     cross_shore: cross shore coordinate (distance from RSP line 
     	          (rijksstrandpalen lijn), positive in seaward direction) 
     areacode:    area code of transect Dutch: 'Kustvak'. 
     alongshore:  Alongshore distance of transect in DECAMETRES, consistent
                  common practice (transect number). The beach pole of 
                  Egmond is beachpole 38, beacuse it is 38km from Den 
                  Helder. It's alongshore number is 3800. Must be either a 
                  single value or an array of size cross_shore. 
    [xRD,yRD] = jarkus_rsp2xy(x0,y0,alpha,xRSP)
         x0/y0:   zero point coordinates of transect; can be either single
                  values, or arrays of the same length as xRSP.
         alpha:   orientation of the transect (direction of positive xRSP).
                  Can be either single values, or array of the same length
                  as xRSP. 
   !  Beware of certain old transects where alpha is based on a 
   !  400 degree system in stead of 'normal' 360 degrees
  See also: convertCoordinates, jarkus_raaien


Example of the function:

x          = -100:50:200;  % some coordinates
areacode   = 7;            % Noord-Holland
alongshore = 3800;         % near Egmond

[xRD,yRD] = jarkus_rsp2xy(x,areacode,alongshore)
xRD =

   1.0e+05 *

    1.0311    1.0306    1.0301    1.0296    1.0291    1.0286    1.0281

yRD =

   1.0e+05 *

    5.1477    5.1477    5.1478    5.1479    5.1480    5.1480    5.1481