Animated arrows

This tutorail shows how to make animated arrows.


Get some data

To make animated arrwos, you need x, y, u and v data. From a Delt3D trimfile, this usually can be obtained with the following code:

trimfile = vs_use('TRIMFILE_NAME.dat'); G.maskcor = vs_get(trimfile,'TEMPOUT' ,'CODB'); G.maskcor(G.maskcor==-1)=nan; x = vs_get(trimfile,'map-const','XCOR','quiet').*G.maskcor; y = vs_get(trimfile,'map-const','YCOR','quiet').*G.maskcor; for ii = 1:27;[x,y,u0{ii},v0{ii}] = xyveloc(trimfile,ii);end

For this demo, there is alrady some data in OpenEarthTools

load westerscheldeDemoData
  Name        Size                Bytes  Class     Attributes

  u0          1x27             75739860  cell                
  v0          1x27             75739860  cell                
  x         487x720             2805120  double              
  y         487x720             2805120  double              

Make the arrows

Use KMLcurvedArrows to generate the arrows. 'time' contains the begin and end time of our animation. Only the first two time steps are rendered for this example. Feel free to adjust the inputs!

fname = 'movingArrows.kml';
time  = [datenum('11-Feb-2008 09:30:00') datenum('11-Feb-2008 10:00:00')];

arrows001 done
arrows002 done
arrows003 done

ans = 

             fileName: 'movingArrows.kml'
              kmlName: 'movingArrows'
          sourceFiles: {'e:\Temp\tp32630f0e_295a_416d_9ebf_9061d94503b9\arrows001.kml'  [1x60 char]  [1x60 char]}
          foldernames: {}
          description: ''
    deleteSourceFiles: 1