
function nc_cf_example2nc(varargin)
%%NC_CF_EXAMPLE2NC   example script to make a netCDF file according to CF convention
%   Creates an example netCDF file 'nc_cf_example2nc' that allows one to
%   assess the advantages of netCDF with: nc_dump(.m) and <a href="">ncBrowse</a>
%          time series:  knmi_potwind2nc, knmi_etmgeg2nc, getWaterbase2nc
%          grids:        knmi_noaapc2nc
%          points:
%          linesegments:
%          transects:

Define copyright of this script

 Copyright (C) 2009 Deltares
     Gerben J. de Boer
     P.O. Box 177
     2600 MH Delft
     The Netherlands
 This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License along with this library. If not, see <>.

Add SVN keyword and store this script in a repository

$Id: nc_cf_example2nc.m 523 2009-06-15 10:36:51Z boer_g $
$Author: boer_g $
$HeadURL: $

Set default options, and overrule with user defined keyword,value pairs

   OPT.refdatenum = datenum(1970,1,1);
   OPT.fillvalue  = nan;
   OPT.filename   = 'nc_cf_example2nc.inp';

   OPT = setProperty(OPT,varargin);

0. Read raw data

Make a function that returns all data + meta-data in one struct, e.g.:

* D             = knmi_potwind(OPT.filename);
* D             = knmi_etmgeg (OPT.filename);
* D             = donar_read  (OPT.filename);

Below is just a example taht creates soem ranodm ata:

   D.datenum     = floor(now) + [0:2:24]./24;
   D.version     = 0;         = [ 4  5  6];
   D.lon         = [52 53 54 55];
   D.temperature = repmat(nan,[length(D.datenum) length( length(D.lon)]);
   for i=1:length(D.datenum)
   for j=1:length(
   for k=1:length(D.lon)
      D.temperature(i,j,k) = i.^2 + (^2 + D.lon(k));
   D.timezone    = '+00:00';

1. Create file

   outputfile = [filename(OPT.filename),'.nc'];
   nc_create_empty (outputfile); % only change extension with respect to input file

2. Add overall meta info

CF convention

   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'title'         , '');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'institution'   , 'Deltares');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'source'        , '');
   % Insert SVN keyword $HeadURL$ that will list the url of this mfile. This
   % approach automatically ensures that the name of the script that made
   % the netCDF file is included in the netCDF file itself.
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'history'       , ['tranformation to NetCDF: $HeadURL$']);
   % Provide web-link to originator of dataset (can be url in OpenEarthRawData).
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'references'    , '<>');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'email'         , '');

   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'comment'       , '');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'version'       , D.version);

   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'Conventions'   , 'CF-1.4');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'CF:featureType', 'stationTimeSeries');  %

OpenEarth convention

   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'terms_for_use' , 'These data can be used freely for research purposes provided that the following source is acknowledged: KNMI.');
   nc_attput(outputfile, nc_global, 'disclaimer'    , 'This data is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.');

2. Create dimensions

   nc_add_dimension(outputfile, 'time'  , length(D.datenum))
   nc_add_dimension(outputfile, 'lat'   , length(
   nc_add_dimension(outputfile, 'lon'   , length(D.lon))

3. Create variables

   clear nc
   ifld = 0;

Define dimensions in this order: [time,z,y,x]


Prescribed as dimension associated with variable by CF convention in:

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'lat';   % This name is required when extracing the data with nc_varget(,'lat').
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'float'; % no double needed
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'lat'}; % Should conform with dimension lat defined above
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'latitude');      % Name free of choice, will appear in plots
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value', 'degrees_north'); % Note: 1st type of degrees, chosen from UDUNITS list.
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'latitude');      % Prescribed by CF convention and CF standard name table.


Prescribed as dimension associated with variable by CF convention in:

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'lon';   % This name is required when extracing the data with nc_varget(,'lat').
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'float'; % no double needed
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'lon'}; % Should conform with dimension lat defined above
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'longitude');    % Name free of choice, will appear in plots
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value', 'degrees_east'); % Note: 2nd type of degrees, chosen from UDUNITS list.
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'longitude');    % Prescribed by CF convention and CF standard name table.

local x

Should be associated with a coordinate system.

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'x';
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'float'; % no double needed
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'lat'};
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'x');                       % Name free of choice, will appear in plots
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value', 'meter');                   % Chosen from UDUNITS list.
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'projection_x_coordinate'); % Prescribed by CF standard name table.

local y

Should be associated with a coordinate system.

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'y';
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'float'; % no double needed
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'lon'};
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'y');                       % Name free of choice, will appear in plots
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value', 'meter');                   % Chosen from UDUNITS list.
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'projection_y_coordinate'); % Prescribed by CF standard name table.


time is a dimension, so there are two options:

   OPT.timezone = timezone_code2iso(D.timezone);

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'time';
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'double'; % float not sufficient as datenums are big: doubble
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'time'}; % {'locations','time'} % does not work in ncBrowse, nor in Quickplot (is indirect time mapping)
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'time');
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value',['days since ',datestr(OPT.refdatenum,'yyyy-mm-dd'),' 00:00:00 ',OPT.timezone]);
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'time');
   nc(ifld).Attribute(4) = struct('Name', '_FillValue'     ,'Value', OPT.fillvalue);
  %nc(ifld).Attribute(5) = struct('Name', 'bounds'         ,'Value', '');

Parameters with standard names

      ifld = ifld + 1;
   nc(ifld).Name         = 'T';
   nc(ifld).Nctype       = 'float';
   nc(ifld).Dimension    = {'time','lat','lon'};
   nc(ifld).Attribute(1) = struct('Name', 'long_name'      ,'Value', 'air temperature');
   nc(ifld).Attribute(2) = struct('Name', 'units'          ,'Value', 'degree_Celsius'); % Note: 3rd type of degrees
   nc(ifld).Attribute(3) = struct('Name', 'standard_name'  ,'Value', 'air_temperature');
   nc(ifld).Attribute(4) = struct('Name', '_FillValue'     ,'Value', OPT.fillvalue);

4 Create variables with attibutes

When variable definitons are created before actually writing the data in the next cell, netCDF can nicely fit all data into the file without the need to relocate any info.

   for ifld=1:length(nc)
      disp(['Adding :',num2str(ifld),' ',nc(ifld).Name])
      nc_addvar(outputfile, nc(ifld));
Adding :1 lat
Adding :2 lon
Adding :3 x
Adding :4 y
Adding :5 time
Adding :6 T

5 Fill variables

   nc_varput(outputfile, 'time' , D.datenum-OPT.refdatenum);
   nc_varput(outputfile, 'lat'  ,;
   nc_varput(outputfile, 'lon'  , D.lon);
   nc_varput(outputfile, 'T'    , D.temperature);

6 Check

netcdf { 

	time = 13 ;
	lat = 3 ;
	lon = 4 ;

	float lat(lat), shape = [3]
		lat:long_name = "latitude" 
		lat:units = "degrees_north" 
		lat:standard_name = "latitude" 
	float lon(lon), shape = [4]
		lon:long_name = "longitude" 
		lon:units = "degrees_east" 
		lon:standard_name = "longitude" 
	float x(lat), shape = [3]
		x:long_name = "x" 
		x:units = "meter" 
		x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" 
	float y(lon), shape = [4]
		y:long_name = "y" 
		y:units = "meter" 
		y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" 
	double time(time), shape = [13]
		time:long_name = "time" 
		time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 " 
		time:standard_name = "time" 
		time:_FillValue = NaN 
	float T(time,lat,lon), shape = [13 3 4]
		T:long_name = "air temperature" 
		T:units = "degree_Celsius" 
		T:standard_name = "air_temperature" 
		T:_FillValue = NaN 

//global attributes:
		:title = "" 
		:institution = "Deltares" 
		:source = "" 
		:history = "tranformation to NetCDF: $HeadURL$" 
		:references = "<>" 
		:email = "" 
		:comment = "" 
		:version = 0 
		:Conventions = "CF-1.4" 
		:CF:featureType = "stationTimeSeries" 
		:terms_for_use = "These data can be used freely for research purposes provided that the following source is acknowledged: KNMI." 
		:disclaimer = "This data is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." 

For more information see: