Matlab HDF4 Tools and Demos --------------------------- Version 2.2 H. Motteler 30 Oct 02 User Interface --------------- rtpread.m, rtpwrite.m -- read and write HDF4 RTP data as a structure of arrays rtpread2.m, rtpwrite2.m -- read and write HDF4 RTP data as an array of structures sdload.m, sdsave.m -- read and write HDF4 SD's and NetCDF files as a structure of arrays h4sdread.m, h4sdwrite.m -- read and write HDF4 SD's and NetCDF files as a cell list of arrays h4vsread.m, h4vswrite.m -- read and write HDF4 vdatas as a structure of arrays h4sgread.m, h4sgwrite.m -- read and write HDF4 vgroups of SD's as an array of structures gpro2rtp.m, rtp2gpro.m -- translate between RTP and GENLN2 format profiles Demos and Tests ---------------- rtptest4.m, rtptest5.m -- basic demos of rtpread and rtpwrite srfdemo.m -- how to use h4vsread.m and h4vswrite.m to read and write AIRS SRFs sdtest1.m -- tests h4sgread.m and h4sgwrite.m sdtest2.m -- tests mat2sdsid.m and sdsid2mat.m sdtest3.m -- tests h4sdread.m and h4sdwrite.m vstest1.m -- tests mat2vsfid.m and vsfid2mat.m vstest2.m -- tests h4vsread.m and h4vswrite.m Selected Utilities ------------------- sructcmp.m -- compare structures, allowing for different field sets and values within some tolerance stransp1.m, stransp2.m -- translate between structure of arrays and an array of structures gproread.m, gprowrite.m -- read and write GENLN2 format user profiles mat2vsfid.m, vsfid2mat.m -- write and read a matlab structure array as an HDF4 vdata, to an open HDF4 file ID mat2sdsid.m, sdsid2mat.m -- write and read a matlab array as an HDF4 SDS, to an open HDF4 SD ID Miscellaneous Notes -------------------- The user interface and utilities include Matlab-style documentation at the beginning of the files. h4sdread.m can read ARM/CART data, which is written in netCDF but can be read as HDF SD's, and h4vsread.m can read Jiang Zhao's RAOB vdata format. (For that matter, h4vsread.m can read RTP data, too, but it leaves everything as int32's and singles, which Matlab does not like.) Matlab Compatibility --------------------- The SD interface attribute write doesn't work for Matlab 5.3/R11; this is fixed in the 6.0/R12 release