function s = structrenfield(s, orgfieldname , newfieldname, varargin) %STRUCTRENFIELD Renames field(s) in the structure % % Renaming function because Matlab doesn't support this directly. % % Syntax: % s = structrenfield(s, oldfieldname , newfieldname) % % Input: s = structure % orgfieldname = original field name(s), string or cellstring % newfieldname = new field name(s), string or cellstring % % $varargin = % % where the following pairs have been implemented (values indicated are the current default settings): % 'orderfields' , 0 = Flag for ordering fields so that the output is the same % % Output: s = structure % % Example % s = struct('first',1,'second',2,'thirt',3); % s = structrenfield(s, 'first' , 'First') % % s = struct('first',1,'second',2,'thirt',3); % s = structrenfield(s, 'first' , 'First', 'orderfields', 1) % % s = structrenfield(s, {'second' 'thirt' 'tmp'} , {'Second' 'Thirt' 'tmp'}, 'orderfields', 1) % % See also rmfield fieldnames %% settings % defaults OPT.orderfields = 0 ; % Flag for ordering fields so that the output is the same % overrule default settings by property pairs, given in varargin OPT = setproperty(OPT, varargin); % Checks if ischar(orgfieldname) ; orgfieldname = cellstr(orgfieldname); end if ischar(newfieldname) ; newfieldname = cellstr(newfieldname); end assert(numel(orgfieldname) == numel(newfieldname), 'Input fieldnames not equal!') % Inits if OPT.orderfields ; fields = fieldnames(s); end % Rename for nf = 1:numel(orgfieldname) if isfield(s,orgfieldname{nf}) s.(newfieldname{nf}) = s.(orgfieldname{nf}) ; s = rmfield(s, orgfieldname{nf}); else sprintf('Not a valid field: %s\n',orgfieldname{nf}) end end % Order fields if OPT.orderfields idx = ismember(fields, orgfieldname(:) ); idx2 = ismember(orgfieldname(:),fields); fields(idx) = newfieldname(idx2) ; s = orderfields(s , fields) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (C) 2016 Van Oord, % % This library is copyrighted Van Oord software intended for internal % use only: you cannot redistribute it outside of Van Oord. % % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In case of % errors or suggestions, refer to the central HeadURL address below. % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % $Id$ % $HeadURL$ % $Keywords: % --------------------------------------------------------------------