function [output,status] = urlreadfix(urlChar,method,params,cookies) %URLREADFIX Wrapper for URLREAD. % Runs URLREAD and if it returns an error, then trying to download file % with 'wget' and process as a local file. This is a workaround for old % Matlab version, which does not support HTTPS. The function also allows to % specify cookies. % Run % [output,status] = urlreadfix(urlChar,method,params) % [...] = urlreadfix(...,cookies) % where % output - content of URL % status - returns 1 if the file downloaded successfully and 0 otherwise % urlChar - URL string % method - 'get' or 'post' % params - cell array of param/value pairs % cookies - name of file with cookies % % See: URLREAD % $Id$ % Oleg Mouraenko, 12/05/2016 if (nargin > 1) && ~strcmpi(method,'get') && ~strcmpi(method,'post') error('MATLAB:urlreadfix:InvalidInput','Second argument must be either "get" or "post".'); end if ~exist('method','var') method = 'get'; end if ~exist('params','var') params = {}; end if exist('cookies','var') cookiesChar = sprintf('--load-cookies "%s"',cookies); else cookiesChar = ''; end status = 0; output = ''; % Do we want to throw errors or catch them? if nargout == 2 catchErrors = true; else catchErrors = false; end try if isempty(cookiesChar) output = urlread(urlChar,method,params); else error('Cookies are specified. Using wget.'); end catch ME isurl = ~isempty(regexpi(urlChar, '^(h|f)tt?ps?://')); if isurl % param/value dataChar = ''; if (nargin > 1) if mod(length(params),2) == 1 error('MATLAB:urlreadfix:InvalidInput','Invalid parameter/value pair arguments.'); end for i = 1:2:length(params) if (i == 1), separator = ''; else separator = '&'; end param = char({i})); value = char({i+1})); dataChar = [dataChar separator param '=' value]; end end % save to local file tmpFileOut = fullfile(pwd,sprintf('tmp_%s_out.dat',mfilename)); tmpFileLog = fullfile(pwd,sprintf('tmp_%s_log.dat',mfilename)); switch lower(method) case 'get' if ~isempty(dataChar) URL = [urlChar '?' dataChar]; else URL = urlChar; end cmd = sprintf('wget --no-check-certificate -t 1 %s "%s" -O "%s" -o "%s"',cookiesChar,URL,tmpFileOut,tmpFileLog); case 'post' cmd = sprintf('wget --no-check-certificate -t 1 %s --post-data="%s" "%s" -O "%s" -o "%s"',cookiesChar,dataChar,urlChar,tmpFileOut,tmpFileLog); end [s,~] = system(cmd); if s==0 output = urlread(['file:///' tmpFileOut]); rmfile(tmpFileOut); rmfile(tmpFileLog); else if catchErrors, return else error('\n%s: failed command\n %s\nFailed download.',upper(mfilename),cmd); end end else if catchErrors, return else rethrow(ME) end end end status = 1;