subroutine tram1 (numrealpar,realpar ,wave ,npar ,par , & & kmax ,bed , & & tauadd ,taucr0 ,aks ,eps ,camax , & & frac ,sig ,thick ,ws , & & dicww ,ltur , & & kmaxsd ,taurat ,caks , & & seddif ,sigmol ,rsedeq ,scour ,bedw , & & susw ,sbcu ,sbcv ,sbwu ,sbwv , & & sswu ,sswv ,conc2d ,error , & & message ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! computes sediment transport according to ! the formula of Van Rijn 1993 ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use morphology_data_module ! implicit none ! ! Arguments ! logical , intent(in) :: scour logical , intent(in) :: wave integer , intent(in) :: kmax integer , intent(in) :: ltur ! Description and declaration in iidim.f90 integer , intent(in) :: npar integer , intent(in) :: numrealpar real(fp) , intent(in) :: bed real(fp) , intent(in) :: bedw real(fp) , intent(in) :: camax real(fp), dimension(0:kmax) , intent(in) :: dicww ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: eps real(fp) , intent(in) :: frac ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp), dimension(kmax) , intent(in) :: sig ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: sigmol ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: susw real(fp) , intent(in) :: tauadd real(fp) , intent(in) :: taucr0 real(fp), dimension(kmax) , intent(in) :: thick ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp), dimension(0:kmax) , intent(in) :: ws ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp), dimension(npar) , intent(inout):: par ! real(hp), dimension(numrealpar) , intent(inout):: realpar ! logical , intent(out) :: error integer , intent(out) :: kmaxsd real(fp) , intent(out) :: aks real(fp) , intent(out) :: caks real(fp) , intent(out) :: conc2d real(fp), dimension(kmax) , intent(out) :: rsedeq ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbcu real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbcv real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbwu real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbwv real(fp), dimension(0:kmax) , intent(out) :: seddif ! Description and declaration in rjdim.f90 real(fp) , intent(out) :: sswu real(fp) , intent(out) :: sswv real(fp) , intent(out) :: taurat character(*) , intent(out) :: message ! Contains error message ! ! Local variables ! integer :: iopsus real(fp):: aksfac real(fp):: rwave real(fp):: rdc real(fp):: rdw integer :: iopkcw logical :: epspar ! real(fp):: ag real(fp):: chezy real(fp):: d10 real(fp):: d90 real(fp):: di50 real(fp):: dstar real(fp):: h1 real(fp):: hidexp real(fp):: hrms real(fp):: mudfrac real(fp):: rhosol real(fp):: rhowat real(fp):: rlabda real(fp):: salinity real(fp):: teta real(fp):: tp real(fp):: umod real(fp):: uorb real(fp):: uuu real(fp):: vicmol real(fp):: vonkar real(fp):: vvv real(fp):: z0cur real(fp):: z0rou real(fp):: zumod ! integer :: k real(fp) :: avgcu real(fp) :: avgu real(fp) :: awb real(fp) :: bakdif real(fp) :: betam real(fp) :: delr real(fp) :: deltas real(fp) :: diffbt real(fp) :: dss real(fp) :: dz real(fp) :: epsbed real(fp) :: epsmax real(fp) :: epsmxc real(fp) :: fact1 real(fp) :: gambr real(fp) :: hs real(fp) :: lci real(fp) :: muc real(fp) :: sag real(fp) :: ta real(fp) :: taubcw real(fp) :: tauc real(fp) :: tauwav real(fp) :: u real(fp) :: uoff real(fp) :: uon real(fp) :: ustarc real(fp) :: usus real(fp) :: utot real(fp) :: uwb real(fp) :: v real(fp) :: vcr real(fp) :: z real(fp) :: zusus logical :: difvr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! uuu = real(realpar(RP_UCHAR),fp) vvv = real(realpar(RP_VCHAR),fp) umod = real(realpar(RP_VELCH),fp) zumod = real(realpar(RP_ZVLCH),fp) h1 = real(realpar(RP_DEPTH),fp) chezy = real(realpar(RP_CHEZY),fp) hrms = real(realpar(RP_HRMS) ,fp) tp = real(realpar(RP_TPEAK),fp) teta = real(realpar(RP_TETA) ,fp) rlabda = real(realpar(RP_RLAMB),fp) uorb = real(realpar(RP_UORB) ,fp) di50 = real(realpar(RP_D50) ,fp) dss = real(realpar(RP_DSS) ,fp) !realpar(RP_DSS) = real(dss,hp) dstar = real(realpar(RP_DSTAR),fp) d10 = real(realpar(RP_D10MX),fp) d90 = real(realpar(RP_D90MX),fp) mudfrac = real(realpar(RP_MUDFR),fp) hidexp = real(realpar(RP_HIDEX),fp) !ws = real(realpar(RP_SETVL),fp) rhosol = real(realpar(RP_RHOSL),fp) rhowat = real(realpar(RP_RHOWT),fp) salinity = real(realpar(RP_SALIN),fp) !temp = real(realpar(RP_TEMP) ,fp) ag = real(realpar(RP_GRAV) ,fp) vicmol = real(realpar(RP_VICML),fp) !taub = real(realpar(RP_TAUB) ,fp) !ubed = real(realpar(RP_UBED ),fp) !vbed = real(realpar(RP_VBED ),fp) !velb = real(realpar(RP_VELBD),fp) !zvelb = real(realpar(RP_ZVLBD),fp) vonkar = real(realpar(RP_VNKAR),fp) z0cur = real(realpar(RP_Z0CUR),fp) z0rou = real(realpar(RP_Z0ROU),fp) ! iopsus = int(par(11)) aksfac = par(12) rwave = par(13) rdc = par(14) rdw = par(15) iopkcw = int(par(16)) epspar = par(17)>0.0_fp betam = par(18) ! sag = sqrt(ag) ! call bedbc1993(tp ,uorb ,rhowat ,h1 ,umod , & & zumod ,di50 ,d90 ,z0cur ,z0rou , & & dstar ,taucr0 ,aks ,usus ,zusus , & & uwb ,delr ,muc ,tauwav ,ustarc , & & tauc ,taubcw ,taurat ,ta ,caks , & & dss ,mudfrac ,eps ,aksfac ,rwave , & & camax ,rdc ,rdw ,iopkcw ,iopsus , & & vonkar ,wave ,tauadd ,betam ,awb ) realpar(RP_DSS) = real(dss ,hp) ! ! Find bottom cell for SAND sediment calculations and store for use ! in DIFU and DIF_WS ! kmaxsd = 1 do k = kmax - 1, 1, -1 ! ! Calculate level of lower cell interface ! lci = (1.0_fp + sig(k) - thick(k)/2.0_fp) * h1 if (lci >= aks) then kmaxsd = k exit endif enddo ! ! Adjust caks for presence of multiple sediment fractions. ! caks = caks * frac ! ! Calculate vertical sediment diffusion coefficient ! if (tp>0.0_fp .and. wave) then hs = hrms * sqrt(2.0_fp) ! ! calculate sediment mixing due to waves following Van Rijn 1993 ! deltas = 3.0_fp*delr deltas = min(max(0.05_fp, deltas), 0.2_fp) epsbed = 0.004_fp * dstar * deltas * uwb epsmax = 0.035_fp * h1 * hs / tp else deltas = 0.05_fp epsbed = 0.0_fp epsmax = 0.0_fp endif difvr = epspar .and. wave call calseddf1993(ustarc ,ws ,h1 ,kmax ,sig , & & thick ,dicww ,tauwav ,tauc ,ltur , & & eps ,vonkar ,difvr ,deltas ,epsbed , & & epsmax ,epsmxc ,seddif ) ! ! Calculate equilibrium concentration profile for sediment ! Note: option of selecting either Rouse profile or solution ! by numerical integration has been removed; only numerical ! integration. ! set background diffusion and effective beta factor ! bakdif = vicmol / sigmol ! ! Use simple expression based on upwind approximation for ! concentration and fall velocity, and central difference for ! concentration gradient. ! solution to stationary advection/diffusion equation in vertical. ! if (caks>1.0e-6_fp) then ! ! Put concentration in kmaxsd cell ! dz = h1*(1.0_fp + sig(kmaxsd))-aks diffbt = seddif(kmaxsd) + bakdif diffbt = max(diffbt , 0.1_fp*ws(kmaxsd)*dz) fact1 = 1.0_fp + dz * ws(kmaxsd) / diffbt rsedeq(kmaxsd) = caks / fact1 * rhosol ! ! Now work upward ! do k = kmaxsd - 1, 1, -1 ! ! Set diffusion coefficient at bottom of layer ! dz = h1 * (sig(k)-sig(k+1)) diffbt = seddif(k) + bakdif diffbt = max(diffbt , 0.1_fp*ws(k)*dz) fact1 = 1.0_fp + dz * ws(k) / diffbt rsedeq(k) = rsedeq(k+1) / fact1 enddo ! ! And then work down ! do k = kmaxsd + 1, kmax rsedeq(k) = rsedeq(k-1) enddo else ! ! if caks <= 1.0e-6 ! do k = 1, kmax rsedeq(k) = 0.0_fp enddo endif ! ! Compute depth-averaged velocity, representative concentration and transport ! ! imaginary "depth-averaged current" which has a logarithmic ! velocity profile, and a velocity at the bottom zeta point equivalent ! to that calculated by the model for 3D current and waves is ! calculated in bedbc2004/ (also 1993??) = u2dhim ! avgu = 0.0_fp avgcu = 0.0_fp if (zumod > 0.0_fp) then do k = 1, kmax z = (1.0_fp + sig(k)) * h1 u = log(1.0_fp + z/z0rou) avgu = avgu + u*thick(k) avgcu = avgcu + u*rsedeq(k)*thick(k) enddo conc2d = avgcu / max(avgu,eps) avgu = avgu * umod / log(1.0_fp + zumod/z0rou) else conc2d = 0.0_fp endif if (scour) then utot = ustarc * chezy / sag else utot = avgu endif u = utot * uuu / (umod+eps) v = utot * vvv / (umod+eps) ! if (bed>0.0_fp .or. bedw>0.0_fp .or. susw>0.0_fp) then call bedtr1993(uuu ,vvv ,utot ,di50 ,d90 , & & h1 ,taurat ,ustarc ,muc ,rhosol , & & dstar ,ws(1) ,hrms ,tp ,teta , & & rlabda ,umod ,sbcu ,sbcv ,sbwu , & & sbwv ,sswu ,sswv ,rhowat ,ag , & & wave ,eps ,uon ,uoff ,vcr , & & error ,message ) if (error) return else error = .false. uon = missing_value uoff = missing_value vcr = missing_value endif ! van Rijn (1993) specific output par = missing_value par( 1) = tauc par( 2) = tauwav par( 3) = taubcw par( 4) = usus par( 5) = zusus par( 6) = dss par( 7) = caks par( 8) = aks par( 9) = deltas par(10) = epsmxc par(11) = epsmax par(12) = uon par(13) = uoff par(14) = vcr par(15) = uwb par(16) = awb end subroutine tram1