subroutine osmom(hrms ,depth ,tp ,g ,cr , & & qbb ,ev1b ,ev2b ,ev3b ,ev5b , & & od2b ,od3b ,od4b ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! COMMON variables ! real(fp), save :: dh real(fp), save :: tstep integer , save :: iih integer , save :: iit integer , save :: itable real(fp), dimension(0:40, 0:40, 12), save :: table ! Table containing the moments ! ! Arguments ! real(fp), intent(in) :: cr real(fp), intent(in) :: depth real(fp) :: ev1b real(fp) :: ev2b real(fp) :: ev3b real(fp) :: ev5b real(fp), intent(in) :: g real(fp), intent(in) :: hrms real(fp) :: od2b real(fp) :: od3b real(fp) :: od4b real(fp), intent(in) :: qbb real(fp), intent(in) :: tp ! ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ierr integer :: if integer :: ih integer :: ih0 integer :: ih1 integer :: it integer :: it0 integer :: it1 integer :: utab logical :: error real(fp) :: f0 real(fp) :: f1 real(fp) :: f2 real(fp) :: f3 real(fp) :: h real(fp) :: p real(fp) :: q real(fp) :: su2bi real(fp) :: su2ubi real(fp) :: su2unl real(fp) :: su3bi real(fp) :: su3ubi real(fp) :: su3unl real(fp) :: su5bi real(fp) :: subi real(fp) :: suubi real(fp) :: suunl real(fp) :: t0 real(fp) :: sqrtgh real(fp) :: sqrtgh2 real(fp) :: sqrtgh3 real(fp), dimension(12) :: z character(256) :: pathd ! data itable/0/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if (itable==0) then ! ! This part is only performed the first time ! The central moments are read from file momtab and put in 3d-array 'table'. ! error = .false. error = .true. !call getmp(error, pathd) ! I do not want to add the C binding. If necessary, we can copy the array here. if (error) then write (*, '(a)') "ERROR: Directory ""default"" not found" !call throwexception() endif open (newunit = utab, file = trim(pathd) // 'tabmom', status='old', action='read', iostat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then write (*, '(3a)') "ERROR: File """,trim(pathd) // 'tabmom', """ not found" !call throwexception() endif read (utab, *) iih, iit, dh, tstep do it = 1, iit do ih = 1, iih read (utab, *) (table(ih, it, if), if = 1, 12) enddo enddo itable = 1 close (utab) endif ! ! Make everything dimensionless ! h = hrms/depth if (h>=0.8) h = 0.799 if (h=40.) t0 = 39.999 sqrtgh = sqrt(g*depth) ! ! Interpolate central moments of bed velocity from 'table' ! ih0 = int(h/dh) it0 = int(t0/tstep) ih1 = ih0 + 1 it1 = it0 + 1 p = (h - ih0*dh)/dh q = (t0 - it0*tstep)/tstep f0 = (1. - p)*(1. - q) f1 = p*(1. - q) f2 = q*(1. - p) f3 = p*q do if = 1, 12 z(if) = f0*table(ih0, it0, if) + f1*table(ih1, it0, if) + & & f2*table(ih0, it1, if) + f3*table(ih1, it1, if) enddo ! ! Compute moments ! subi = z(3) su2bi = z(4) su3bi = z(5) su5bi = z(6) suubi = z(7) su2ubi = z(8) su3ubi = z(9) suunl = z(10) su2unl = z(11) su3unl = z(12) ev1b = subi ev2b = su2bi ev3b = su3bi ev5b = su5bi od2b = (1. - qbb)*suunl + suubi*cr od3b = (1. - qbb)*su2unl + su2ubi*cr od4b = (1. - qbb)*su3unl + su3ubi*cr ! ! Add dimension to moments ! !hrms = h*depth sqrtgh2 = sqrtgh*sqrtgh sqrtgh3 = sqrtgh*sqrtgh2 ev1b = ev1b*sqrtgh ev2b = ev2b*sqrtgh2 ev3b = ev3b*sqrtgh3 ev5b = ev5b*sqrtgh3*sqrtgh2 od2b = od2b*sqrtgh2 od3b = od3b*sqrtgh3 od4b = od4b*sqrtgh3*sqrtgh end subroutine osmom