subroutine erosilt(thick ,kmax ,ws ,lundia , & & thick0 ,thick1 ,fixfac ,srcmax , & & frac ,oldmudfrac,flmd2l ,iform , & & npar ,par ,numintpar ,numrealpar, & & numstrpar,dllfunc ,dllhandle ,intpar , & & realpar ,strpar ,iflufflyr ,mflufftot , & & fracf ,maxslope ,wetslope , & ! output: & error ,wstau ,sinktot ,sourse , & & sourf ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Computes sediment fluxes for cohesive sediment fractions ! at the bed and the fluff layer. Internally implemented ! are the Partheniades-Krone formulations, optional external ! lib may be used. ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use sediment_basics_module use morphology_data_module, only: RP_TAUB use message_module, only: write_error use iso_c_binding, only: c_char ! implicit none ! integer , intent(in) :: iform integer , intent(in) :: iflufflyr integer , intent(in) :: numintpar integer , intent(in) :: numrealpar integer , intent(in) :: numstrpar integer , intent(in) :: kmax integer :: lundia !> handle of diagnostics file integer , intent(in) :: npar integer , dimension(numintpar), intent(inout) :: intpar integer(pntrsize) , intent(in) :: dllhandle ! real(fp) , intent(in) :: fixfac real(fp) , intent(in) :: frac real(fp) , intent(in) :: fracf real(fp) , intent(in) :: maxslope real(fp) , intent(in) :: mflufftot real(fp) , dimension(npar) , intent(inout) :: par real(fp) , intent(out) :: sinktot real(fp) , intent(out) :: sourf real(fp) , intent(out) :: sourse real(fp) , intent(in) :: srcmax real(fp) , dimension(kmax) , intent(in) :: thick real(fp) , intent(in) :: thick0 real(fp) , intent(in) :: thick1 real(fp) , intent(in) :: wetslope real(fp) , dimension(0:kmax) , intent(in) :: ws real(fp) , intent(out) :: wstau ! real(hp) , dimension(numrealpar), intent(inout) :: realpar ! logical , intent(out) :: error logical , intent(in) :: flmd2l logical , intent(in) :: oldmudfrac character(256), dimension(numstrpar), intent(inout) :: strpar character(256) , intent(in) :: dllfunc ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: betaslope !> coefficient in bed slope effect on critical shear stress for bed erosion (-) real(fp) :: sour !> entrainment flux from bed (kg/m2/s) real(fp) :: sour_fluff !> entrainment flux from fluff layer (kg/m2/s) real(fp) :: sink !> dimensionless sedimentation factor (-) real(fp) :: taub !> (wave enhanced) bed shear stress (N/m2) real(fp) :: taum !> dimensionless excess bed shear stress for erosion (-) real(fp) :: entr !> entrainment flux in case of two-layer fluid mud (kg/m2/s) real(fp) :: taucrmin !> minimim critical shear stress for erosion during bed slope effect computation (N/m2) real(fp) :: tcrdep !> critical shear stress for deposition (N/m2) real(fp) :: tcrero !> critical shear stress for erosion from the bed (N/m2) real(fp) :: eropar !> erosion rate parameter (kg/m2/s) real(fp) :: tcrflf !> critical shear stress for erosion from the fluff layer (N/m2) real(fp) :: parfl0 !> zero-order erosion rate parameter for the fluff layer (m*s) real(fp) :: parfl1 !> first-order erosion rate parameter for the fluff layer (m*s/kg) real(fp) :: depeff !> coefficient determining mud sedimentation (to fluff layer or bed) (-) real(fp) :: powern !> exponent in the erosion rate formulation (-) ! ! Interface to dll is in High precision! ! real(hp) :: sink_dll !> dimensionless deposition flux computed by user dll (-) real(hp) :: sour_dll !> entrainment flux computed by user dll (kg/m2/s) integer(pntrsize) :: ierror_ptr !integer(pntrsize), external :: perf_function_erosilt character(1024) :: errmsg !> error message from this routine character(256) :: message !> error message from user dll character(kind=c_char) :: message_c(257) !> C-version of "message", including C_NULL_CHAR ! Calling perf_function_erosilt with "message" caused problems ! Solved by using "message_c" integer :: i !> loop index ! !! executable statements ------------------ ! error = .false. ! ! Calculate total (possibly wave enhanced) roughness ! taub = real(realpar(RP_TAUB), fp) ! ! Bed transport following Partheniades and Krone ! but in case of fluid mud, source term is determined by ! fluid mud part (sourmu). Information is passed via entr() ! maximum erosion is sediment available at bed (ignores sediment ! settling during the current morphological timestep) ! In case of fluid mud the maximum erosion is determined in sourmu ! of the fluid mud module. So ignore this check when fluid mud. ! Also, taum is not required in the formulation since whether or not ! and how much entrainment occurs is entirely handled by the sourmu ! routine. ! ! calculation both for mud and floc ! if (flmd2l) then entr = par(11) tcrdep = par(12) ! ! maximum erosion is sediment available at bed ! (ignores sediment settling during the current morphological timestep) ! sour = entr if (tcrdep > 0.0_fp) then sink = max(0.0_fp , 1.0_fp-taub/tcrdep) else sink = 0.0 endif else if (iform == -3) then eropar = par(11) tcrdep = par(12) tcrero = par(13) tcrflf = par(14) parfl0 = par(15) parfl1 = par(16) depeff = par(17) powern = par(18) ! ! Default Partheniades-Krone formula ! if (maxslope>wetslope) then ! ! Maximum bed slope in surrounding velocity points exceeds WetSlope ! Decrease critical shear stress for erosion ! taucrmin = 0.1_fp betaslope = 2.0_fp tcrero = ((taucrmin - tcrero)/(betaslope*wetslope - wetslope))*taub + tcrero - ((taucrmin - tcrero)/(betaslope*wetslope - wetslope))*wetslope tcrero = max(tcrero, taucrmin) endif ! taum = max(0.0_fp, taub/tcrero - 1.0_fp) sour = eropar * taum**powern ! ! Erosion from fluff layer ! if (iflufflyr>0) then taum = max(0.0_fp, taub - tcrflf) sour_fluff = min(mflufftot*parfl1,parfl0)*taum else sour_fluff = 0.0_fp endif ! if (comparereal(depeff,-1.0_fp)==0) then if (tcrdep > 0.0_fp) then sink = max(0.0_fp , 1.0_fp-taub/tcrdep) else sink = 0.0_fp endif else sink = max(0.0_fp,min(depeff,1.0_fp)) endif !elseif (iform == 21) then ! ! ! ! Initialisation of output variables of user defined transport formulae ! ! ! sink_dll = 0.0_hp ! sour_dll = 0.0_hp ! message = ' ' ! do i=1,256 ! message_c(i) = message(i:i) ! enddo ! message_c(257) = C_NULL_CHAR ! ! ! ! psem/vsem is used to be sure this works fine in DD calculations ! ! ! !call psemlun ! ierror_ptr = 0 ! ierror_ptr = perf_function_erosilt(dllhandle , dllfunc , & ! intpar , numintpar , & ! realpar , numrealpar , & ! strpar , numstrpar , & ! sink_dll , sour_dll , & ! message_c) ! message = transfer(message_c(1:256), message) ! !call vsemlun ! if (ierror_ptr /= 0) then ! errmsg = 'Cannot find function "'//trim(dllfunc)//'" in dynamic library.' ! call write_error(errmsg, unit=lundia) ! error = .true. ! return ! endif ! if (message /= ' ') then ! errmsg = 'Message from user defined erosion/deposition formulae '//trim(dllfunc)//' :' ! call write_error(errmsg, unit=lundia) ! write (lundia,'(a,a )') ' ', trim(message) ! write (lundia,'(a )') ' ' ! error = .true. ! return ! endif ! ! ! ! Output parameters ! ! ! sour = real(sour_dll,fp) ! sink = real(sink_dll,fp) ! sour_fluff = 0.0_fp else write (errmsg,'(a,i0,a)') 'Invalid transport formula ',iform,' for mud fraction.' call write_error(errmsg, unit=lundia) endif endif ! wstau = ws(kmax) * sink ! used for flmd2l ! if (.not.flmd2l) then if (oldmudfrac) then sour = fixfac * sour sour_fluff = 0.0_fp else sour = fixfac * frac * sour sour_fluff = fracf * sour_fluff endif endif ! sour = min(sour, srcmax) ! sourf = sour_fluff / thick0 sourse = sour / thick0 sinktot = wstau / thick1 end subroutine erosilt