!----- GPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023.
! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation version 3.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see .
! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl
! Stichting Deltares
! P.O. Box 177
! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares"
! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of
! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved.
module m_dredge
public dredge
subroutine dredge(nmmax, lsedtot, spinup, cdryb, dps, dpsign, &
& dbodsd, kfsed, s1, timhr, morhr, dadpar, error, &
& comm, duneheight, morpar, dt, ndomains, lundia, &
& julrefdate, nmlb, nmub, gderosed, morlyr, messages)
use precision
use bedcomposition_module
use dredge_data_module
use morphology_data_module
use message_module
!use morstatistics, only: morstats
implicit none
type (dredge_type) , target :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
type (sedtra_type) , target :: gderosed !< data structure for sediment variables
type (bedcomp_data) , target :: morlyr !< data structure for bed composition settings
type (morpar_type) , target :: morpar !< data structure for morphology settings
type (message_stack) , target :: messages !< data structure for messages
integer , intent(in) :: lsedtot !< total number of sediment fractions
integer , intent(in) :: nmmax !< effective upper bound for spatial index nm
logical , intent(in) :: spinup !< flag whether morphological spinup period is active
integer , intent(in) :: ndomains !< number of domains
integer , intent(in) :: julrefdate !< Julian reference date (kind of) **
integer , intent(in) :: nmlb !< lower array bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: nmub !< upper array bound for spatial index nm
integer :: lundia !< file ID for diagnotic output
integer , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsed !< morphology active flag per face
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt !< time step
real(fp) , intent(in) :: morhr !< current morphological time
real(fp) , intent(in) :: timhr !< current hydrodynamic time
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: cdryb !< dry bed density used for conversion between m3 and kg
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot, nmlb:nmub) :: dbodsd !< change in bed composition
real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: s1 !< water level at faces
real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: duneheight !< pointer since this variable doesn't have to be allocated if use_dunes = .false.
real(prec), dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: dps !< bed level or depth at cell faces
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dpsign !< +1 for dps = bed level, -1 for dps = depth
logical , intent(out) :: error
subroutine comm(a, n, error, msgstr)
use precision
integer , intent(in) :: n !< length of real array
real(fp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: a !< real array to be accumulated
logical , intent(out) :: error !< error flag
character(*) , intent(out) :: msgstr !< string to pass message
end subroutine comm
end interface
! Local variables
character(80) :: msgstr
!! executable statements -------------------------------------------------------
dadpar%tim_accum = dadpar%tim_accum + dt
error = .false.
msgstr = ''
call update_active_flags(dadpar, dt, morhr, timhr, julrefdate, lundia, error)
if ( error ) return
call determine_max_dump_capacity(dadpar, nmlb, nmub, s1, kfsed, dpsign, dps)
if (ndomains > 1) then
! Communicate dump capacity with other domains
call comm(dadpar%globaldumpcap, dadpar%nadump, error, msgstr)
if (msgstr /= '') call write_error(msgstr, unit=lundia)
end if
call calculate_dredging(dt, lsedtot, dadpar, morpar, spinup, nmlb, nmub, dps, dpsign, duneheight, &
s1, kfsed, morlyr, cdryb, dbodsd, messages, comm, lundia, msgstr, error)
if (error) then
call write_error(msgstr, unit=lundia)
end if
if (ndomains > 1) then
! Communicate dredged volumes with other domains
call comm(dadpar%voldred, (dadpar%nadred+dadpar%nasupl)*(lsedtot+1), error, msgstr)
if (msgstr /= '') call write_error(msgstr, unit=lundia)
end if
call distribute_sediments_over_dump_areas(lsedtot, dadpar)
call calculation_of_dumping(dadpar, lsedtot, nmmax, nmlb, nmub, comm, lundia, kfsed, cdryb, dbodsd, &
duneheight, dps, dpsign, error)
!! Update sediment administration for dumping only
!! dbodsd is filled (kg/m^2 sediment added to a cell)
!if (cmpupd) then
! allocate(dz_dummy(nmlb:nmub), stat=istat) ! no actual bed update, unlike updmorlyr in fm_erosed.f90
! if (morpar%moroutput%morstats) then
! !call morstats ... not consistent yet between D-Flow FM and Delft3D FLOW
! end if
! if (updmorlyr(morlyr, dbodsd, dz_dummy, messages) /= 0) then
! call writemessages(messages, lundia)
! error = .true.
! goto 999
! end if
! deallocate(dz_dummy, stat=istat)
!end if
end subroutine dredge
!> Verify for each dredge and nourishment area whether dredging
!! respectively nourishment should occur at the current time step.
!! DREDGING areas include SANDMINING areas.
subroutine update_active_flags(dadpar, dt, morhr, timhr, julrefdate, lundia, error)
use precision
use table_handles
use dredge_data_module
use message_module
implicit none
type (dredge_type) , target , intent(inout) :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt !< time step
real(fp) , intent(in) :: morhr !< current morphological time
real(fp) , intent(in) :: timhr !< current hydrodynamic time
integer , intent(in) :: julrefdate !< Julian reference date (kind of) **
integer , intent(in) :: lundia !< file ID for diagnotic output
logical , intent(out) :: error
integer :: ia
integer ,dimension(4) :: paract
character(256) :: errorstring
real(fp) :: ltimhr
real(fp), dimension(1) :: values
type(dredtype), pointer :: pdredge
if (dadpar%tsmortime) then
ltimhr = morhr
ltimhr = timhr
end if
do ia = 1, dadpar%nadred + dadpar%nasupl
pdredge => dadpar%dredge_prop(ia)
! The default setting for dredging/nourishment is false
! unless there is no interval at all, then it is true.
if (pdredge%paractive(1) == -999) then
pdredge%active = .true.
paract = pdredge%paractive
call gettabledata(dadpar%tseriesfile, paract(1) , paract(2), &
& paract(3), paract(4) , values , ltimhr , &
& julrefdate, errorstring, dt / 1800.0_fp)
if (errorstring /= ' ') then
error = .true.
call write_error(errorstring, unit=lundia)
pdredge%active = values(1)>0.0_fp
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine update_active_flags
!> For each dump area determine the maximum dump capacity
subroutine determine_max_dump_capacity(dadpar, nmlb, nmub, s1, kfsed, dpsign, dps)
use precision
use dredge_data_module
implicit none
type (dredge_type) , target , intent(inout) :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
integer , intent(in) :: nmlb !< lower array bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: nmub !< upper array bound for spatial index nm
real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: s1 !< water level at faces
integer , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsed !< morphology active flag per face
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dpsign !< +1 for dps = bed level, -1 for dps = depth
real(prec), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: dps !< bed level or depth at cell faces
integer :: i, ib, nm
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: area
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: reflevel
real(fp) :: voltim ! local volume variable, various meanings
type(dredtype), pointer :: pdredge
type(dumptype), pointer :: pdump
pdredge => dadpar%dredge_prop(dadpar%nadred + dadpar%nasupl)
do ib = 1, dadpar%nadump
pdump => dadpar%dump_prop(ib)
area => pdump%area
reflevel => pdump%reflevel
reflevel = 0.0_fp
! Set the reference level and compute dump capacity and area.
voltim = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
nm = pdump%nm(i)
if (nm <= 0) cycle ! get data only for internal points
!if (nm==0) then
! reflevel(i) = 0.0_fp
! cycle
!end if
select case (pdump%depthdef)
reflevel(i) = dadpar%refplane(nm)
reflevel(i) = s1(nm)
reflevel(i) = max(s1(nm),dadpar%refplane(nm))
reflevel(i) = min(s1(nm),dadpar%refplane(nm))
end select
if (kfsed(nm)==1 .or. pdredge%dredgewhendry) then
voltim = voltim + max( (reflevel(i) - pdump%mindumpdepth) - dpsign * real(dps(nm),fp), 0.0_fp)*area(i)
end if
end do
! If capacity limited use dump capacity to distribute sediment over the
! domains, otherwise use the area.
if (pdump%dumpcapaflag) then
dadpar%globaldumpcap(ib) = voltim
dadpar%globaldumpcap(ib) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
end subroutine determine_max_dump_capacity
!> For each dredging area carry out the dredging.
subroutine calculate_dredging(dt, lsedtot, dadpar, morpar, spinup, nmlb, nmub, dps, dpsign, duneheight, &
s1, kfsed, morlyr, cdryb, dbodsd, messages, comm, lundia, msgstr, error)
use precision
use bedcomposition_module
use dredge_data_module
use morphology_data_module
use message_module
implicit none
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt !< time step
integer , intent(in) :: lsedtot !< total number of sediment fractions
type (dredge_type) , target , intent(inout) :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
type (morpar_type) , target , intent(inout) :: morpar !< data structure for morphology settings
logical , intent(in) :: spinup !< flag whether morphological spinup period is active
integer , intent(in) :: nmlb !< lower array bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: nmub !< upper array bound for spatial index nm
real(prec), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(inout) :: dps !< bed level or depth at cell faces
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dpsign !< +1 for dps = bed level, -1 for dps = depth
real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer , intent(in) :: duneheight !< pointer since this variable doesn't have to be allocated if use_dunes = .false.
real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: s1 !< water level at faces
integer , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsed !< morphology active flag per face
type (bedcomp_data) , target , intent(in) :: morlyr !< data structure for bed composition settings
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: cdryb !< dry bed density used for conversion between m3 and kg
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot, nmlb:nmub), intent(inout) :: dbodsd !< change in bed composition
type (message_stack) , intent(inout) :: messages !< data structure for messages
integer , intent(in) :: lundia !< file ID for diagnotic output
character(80) , intent(inout) :: msgstr
logical , intent(out) :: error
subroutine comm(a, n, error, msgstr)
use precision
integer , intent(in) :: n !< length of real array
real(fp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: a !< real array to be accumulated
logical , intent(out) :: error !< error flag
character(*) , intent(out) :: msgstr !< string to pass message
end subroutine comm
end interface
integer :: i, ia, il, imin, imax, inm, j, jnm, lsed, nm
integer :: imaxdunes
integer :: imindunes
integer :: irock
integer :: nm_abs
logical , dimension(:), pointer :: triggered
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: area
real(fp) :: availvolume !< volume available for dredging
real(fp) :: avg_depth
real(fp) :: avg_trigdepth
real(fp) :: avg_alphadune
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: bedlevel
real(fp) :: clr
real(fp) :: ddp
real(fp) :: div2h
real(fp) :: dmax
real(fp) :: dredge_area
logical :: dredged
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: dunetoplevel
real(fp) :: dz
real(fp) :: dzl !< depth change due to one sediment fraction
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: dz_dredge
real(fp) :: extravolume
real(fp) :: factor
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: hdune
real(fp) :: lin_dz
real(fp) :: maxvol !< maximum volume to be dredged in current time step
real(fp) :: maxdumpvol !< (maximum) volume to be dumped in current time step
logical :: ploughed
real(fp) :: plough_fac !< fraction of dune height that remains after ploughing
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: reflevel
real(fp) :: requiredvolume
real(fp) :: qua_dz
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: sedimentdepth
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: triggerlevel
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: troughlevel
real(fp) :: voltim !< local volume variable, various meanings
real(fp) :: zmax
real(fp) :: zmin
real(fp) :: z_dredge
type(dredtype), pointer :: pdredge
do ia = 1, dadpar%nadred + dadpar%nasupl
pdredge => dadpar%dredge_prop(ia)
dadpar%voldred(ia,:) = 0.0_fp
! If not in a dredging interval then go to next dredge/nourishment area
if (.not. pdredge%active) cycle
if (pdredge%npnt == 0 .and. pdredge%itype /= DREDGETYPE_NOURISHMENT) cycle
! Maximum dredging volume depends on morphological time step.
! Although during the initial period morfac is arbitrary,
! it should effectively be set to 0.
if ((comparereal(morpar%morfac,0.0_fp) == 0) .or. spinup) then
! Rate limited dredging will be zero during simulation phases
! with morfac=0. User may have allowed for (unlimited)
! instaneous dredging during such periods.
if (pdredge%if_morfac_0) then
maxvol = -999.0_fp
maxvol = 0.0_fp
end if
else if (comparereal(pdredge%maxvolrate ,-999.0_fp) /= 0) then
! Rate limited dredging.
maxvol = pdredge%maxvolrate*dt*morpar%morfac
! Dredging speed unconstrained.
maxvol = -999.0_fp
end if
if (pdredge%dumplimited) then
maxdumpvol = 0.0_fp
do il = 1, dadpar%nalink
if (dadpar%link_def(il,1) == ia) then
maxdumpvol = maxdumpvol + dadpar%globaldumpcap(dadpar%link_def(il,2))
end if
end do
if (comparereal(maxvol,-999.0_fp) == 0) then
maxvol = maxdumpvol
maxvol = min(maxvol, maxdumpvol)
end if
end if
if (pdredge%itype == DREDGETYPE_NOURISHMENT) then
if (dadpar%dredge_domainnr /= 1) cycle
if (comparereal(maxvol, -999.0_fp) == 0) then
maxvol = pdredge%totalvolsupl
end if
if (comparereal(pdredge%totalvolsupl, -999.0_fp) /= 0) then
maxvol = min(pdredge%totalvolsupl,maxvol)
pdredge%totalvolsupl = pdredge%totalvolsupl-maxvol
end if
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) = 0.01_fp*dadpar%percsupl(pdredge%idx_type,lsed)*maxvol
end do
end if
! Dredging down to certain depth or level, or dredging at specified rate.
hdune => pdredge%hdune
hdune = 0.0_fp
reflevel => pdredge%reflevel
reflevel = 0.0_fp
bedlevel => pdredge%bedlevel
bedlevel = 0.0_fp
sedimentdepth => pdredge%sedimentdepth
sedimentdepth = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
nm = pdredge%nm(i)
if (nm <= 0) cycle ! get data only for internal points
bedlevel(i) = dpsign * real(dps(nm),fp)
if (pdredge%use_dunes) hdune(i) = duneheight(nm)
select case (pdredge%depthdef)
reflevel(i) = dadpar%refplane(nm)
reflevel(i) = s1(nm)
reflevel(i) = max(s1(nm),dadpar%refplane(nm))
reflevel(i) = min(s1(nm),dadpar%refplane(nm))
end select
! The sediment depth is stored always as a separate thickness instead
! of the bottom of the sediment column as a "rock level" for reasons
! of accuracy.
if (kfsed(nm)==1 .or. pdredge%dredgewhendry) then
if (pdredge%obey_cmp) then
call getsedthick(morlyr, nm, sedimentdepth(i)) ! in bedcompomodule
sedimentdepth(i) = 1.0E11_fp
end if
sedimentdepth(i) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
if (.not.pdredge%in1domain) then
! communicate dredge data among domains
call comm(reflevel, pdredge%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (error) return
call comm(bedlevel, pdredge%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (error) return
call comm(hdune, pdredge%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (error) return
call comm(sedimentdepth, pdredge%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (error) return
end if
availvolume = 0.0_fp
area => pdredge%area
dz_dredge => pdredge%dz_dredge
dunetoplevel => pdredge%dunetoplevel
triggerlevel => pdredge%triggerlevel
troughlevel => pdredge%troughlevel
triggered => pdredge%triggered
triggered = .false.
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
! Derive the other characteristic levels from the bed level.
dunetoplevel(i) = bedlevel(i) + hdune(i)/2
triggerlevel(i) = bedlevel(i) + pdredge%alpha_dh*hdune(i)
troughlevel(i) = bedlevel(i) - hdune(i)/2
end do
ddp = pdredge%dredge_depth
clr = pdredge%clearance
if (pdredge%stilldredging) then
! If dredging was not completed last time, lower threshold depth
! now by clearance level. NOTE: This implementation works only in
! combination with trigger_all.
ddp = ddp + clr
clr = 0.0_fp
pdredge%stilldredging = .false.
end if
dredged = .false.
ploughed = .false.
! Trigger dredging and ploughing
plough_fac = 1.0_fp - pdredge%plough_effic
select case (pdredge%triggertype)
! In case of one point triggers all: check whether the bed level at
! any one point is above the critical level for triggering dredging.
! Allow only points with sediment to trigger dredging.
if (pdredge%triggertype==DREDGETRIG_ALLBYONE) then
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
! The check on the bed levels will be whether
! triggerlevel = z_bed (+duneheight) > z_dredge = z_ref - dredgedepth
z_dredge = reflevel(i) - ddp
if (z_dredge0.0_fp) then
! If dredging is triggered, then dredge all points
! above the critical level minus clearance depth.
ddp = ddp + clr
clr = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
end if
! Determine how much we would dredge at every location if the dredge
! rate is not limited by a maximum dredge rate and compute the
! resulting total volume.
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
! Trigger dredging based on depth without clearance
! (unless clearance has been added above due to
! trigger all or continuation of previous time step).
z_dredge = reflevel(i) - ddp
if (triggerlevel(i)>z_dredge .and. sedimentdepth(i)>0.0_fp) then
if (plough_fac<1.0_fp) then
if (bedlevel(i)+plough_fac*pdredge%alpha_dh*hdune(i) < z_dredge-clr) then
! if just ploughing the dunes is sufficient to satisfy
! the critical depth plus clearance, then just plough
! the dunes.
ploughed = .true.
hdune(i) = hdune(i)*plough_fac
dz_dredge(i) = 0.0_fp
end if
end if
! If dredging is triggered, lower dredging level by
! clearance.
triggered(i) = .true.
z_dredge = z_dredge - clr
if (z_dredge<=troughlevel(i)) then
! Don't dredge more than is available unless
! indicated otherwise.
dz_dredge(i) = min(bedlevel(i)-z_dredge, sedimentdepth(i))
! dune range:
! dredgeable volume = 1/2 * dz * [(dz/H_dune) * L_dune]
! effective height = volume / L_dune = dz^2/(2*H_dune)
dz_dredge(i) = (dunetoplevel(i) - z_dredge)**2/(2*hdune(i))
end if
! Don't dredge negative amounts of sediment.
dz_dredge(i) = max(dz_dredge(i),0.0_fp)
availvolume = availvolume + dz_dredge(i)*area(i)
dz_dredge(i) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
requiredvolume = availvolume
! In case of average triggers all: check whether the average bed
! level is above the critical level for triggering dredging.
avg_depth = 0.0_fp
avg_trigdepth = 0.0_fp
dredge_area = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
avg_depth = avg_depth + (reflevel(i)-bedlevel(i))*area(i)
avg_trigdepth = avg_trigdepth + (reflevel(i)-triggerlevel(i))*area(i)
dredge_area = dredge_area + area(i)
! maximum depth to dredge is the amount of sediment available
! all points with sediment are triggered
dz_dredge(i) = sedimentdepth(i)
availvolume = availvolume + dz_dredge(i)*area(i)
if (sedimentdepth(i)>0) then
triggered(i) = .true.
end if
end do
avg_depth = avg_depth/dredge_area
avg_trigdepth = avg_trigdepth/dredge_area
if (avg_trigdepth 0.0_fp .and. (maxvol < 0.0_fp .or. maxvol > 0.0_fp)) then
dadpar%tim_dredged(ia) = dadpar%tim_dredged(ia) + dt
end if
! Perform dredging
if (comparereal(maxvol,0.0_fp) == 0) then
! No dredging capacity, reset all dredging amounts to zero.
dz_dredge = 0.0_fp
else if ((maxvol > 0.0_fp .and. requiredvolume > maxvol) .or. &
& (requiredvolume > 0.0_fp .and. requiredvolume < availvolume)) then
! a) we need to dredge more than we can dredge per time step, or
! b) dredging has been triggered by an average level and we still
! have to figure out where to dredge.
! In case a) limit the amount of dredging to what we can dredge and
! set a flag to indicate to continue dredging at the next time step
! The latter is only relevant in case of dredging and not in case of
! sandmining.
if (maxvol > 0.0_fp .and. requiredvolume > maxvol) then
requiredvolume = maxvol
pdredge%stilldredging = pdredge%itype==DREDGETYPE_DREDGING
end if
! Reduce total dredging volume and dredging amounts
! per point at current time step
select case (dadpar%dredge_prop(ia)%dredgedistr)
! dredge sediment uniformly:
! * sort nm points based on increasing dz_dredge:
! thinnest sediment layer will become 1,
! thickest sediment layer will become pdredge%npnt
call sortindices(pdredge%inm,pdredge%npnt, &
& dz_dredge, 1, pdredge%npnt,.true.)
! * increase thickness gradually
dredge_area = dadpar%globalareadred(ia)
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
! check whether dredge thickness can be found
! that matches the required dredging volume.
dmax = dz_dredge(inm)
extravolume = dredge_area * dmax
if (extravolumemaxvol
do while (imax>imin+1)
i = (imin+imax)/2
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
! check whether there is sufficient sediment above the top
! of the sediment column indicated by index i.
z_dredge = dunetoplevel(inm)
voltim = 0.0_fp
do j = 1, i
jnm = pdredge%inm(j)
if (z_dredge<=troughlevel(jnm)) then
dz = min(bedlevel(jnm)-z_dredge, sedimentdepth(jnm))
dz = (dunetoplevel(jnm) - z_dredge)**2/(2*hdune(jnm))
end if
voltim = voltim + max(dz,0.0_fp)*area(jnm)
end do
if (voltim>requiredvolume) then
imax = i
imin = i
end if
end do
zmax = dunetoplevel(pdredge%inm(imin))
if (imin=zmax) then
! troughlevel above zmax. Thus imindunes has been found.
imindunes = i+1
elseif (z_dredge>zmin) then
! troughlevel below zmax and above zmin. Use this level
! to narrow the zmin-zmax range.
voltim = 0.0_fp
do j = 1, imaxdunes
jnm = pdredge%inm(j)
if (z_dredge<=troughlevel(jnm)) then
dz = min(bedlevel(jnm)-z_dredge, sedimentdepth(jnm))
dz = (dunetoplevel(jnm) - z_dredge)**2/(2*hdune(jnm))
end if
voltim = voltim + max(dz,0.0_fp)*area(jnm)
end do
if (voltim>requiredvolume) then
! zmin level can be raised.
zmin = z_dredge
! after update the troughlevel is above zmax, so,
! imindunes has been found.
zmax = z_dredge
imindunes = i+1
end if
end if
end do
imindunes = imaxdunes+1
end if
! dredge level is known to lie between zmin and zmax
! points imaxdunes+1:npnt have dunetoplevel below/equal zmin
! points 1:imaxdunes have dunetoplevel above/equal zmax
! points imindunes:imaxdunes have troughlevel below zmin
! points 1:imindunes-1 have troughlevel above zmax
! now determine irock such that the points
! 1:irock have bedlevel-sedimentdepth above/equal zmax
! * sort the first imindunes-1 points based on decreasing bedlevel-sedimentdepth:
! the highest point (max bedlevel-sedimentdepth) will become 1,
! the deepest point (min bedlevel-sedimentdepth) will become imindunes-1.
pdredge%sortvar = bedlevel-sedimentdepth
call sortindices(pdredge%inm,imindunes-1, &
& pdredge%sortvar, 1, pdredge%npnt, .false.)
! * determine the approximate height by checking the trough
! levels
! default imindunes = 1 in case all points 1:imaxdunes have
irock = 0
do i = imindunes-1,1,-1
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
z_dredge = bedlevel(inm)-sedimentdepth(inm)
if (z_dredge>=zmax) then
! bedlevel-sedimentdepth above zmax. Thus irock has been found.
irock = i
elseif (z_dredge>zmin) then
! bedlevel-sedimentdepth below zmax and above zmin. Use this level
! to narrow the zmin-zmax range.
voltim = 0.0_fp
do j = 1, imaxdunes
jnm = pdredge%inm(j)
if (z_dredge<=troughlevel(jnm)) then
dz = min(bedlevel(jnm)-z_dredge, sedimentdepth(jnm))
dz = (dunetoplevel(jnm) - z_dredge)**2/(2*hdune(jnm))
end if
voltim = voltim + max(dz,0.0_fp)*area(jnm)
end do
if (voltim>requiredvolume) then
! zmin level can be raised.
zmin = z_dredge
! after update the bedlevel-sedimentdepth is above zmax, so,
! irock has been found.
zmax = z_dredge
irock = i
end if
end if
end do
! dredge level is known to lie between zmin and zmax
! points imaxdunes+1:npnt have dunetoplevel below/equal zmin
! points 1:imaxdunes have dunetoplevel above/equal zmax
! points imindunes:imaxdunes have troughlevel below zmin
! points 1:imindunes-1 have troughlevel above zmax
! points 1:irock have bedlevel-sedimentdepth above/equal zmax
! * determine the exact height of the critical dredge depth
! Critical dredge depth lies between zmin and zmax.
! points 1:irock can be dredged completely.
voltim = 0.0_fp
lin_dz = 0.0_fp
qua_dz = 0.0_fp
do i = 1,irock
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
voltim = voltim + dz_dredge(inm)*area(inm)
if (pdredge%use_dunes) then
hdune(inm) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
! at points irock+1:imindunes-1 the dunes are dredged
! completely and possibly a bit more.
do i = irock+1,imindunes-1
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
dz_dredge(inm) = bedlevel(inm)-zmax
voltim = voltim + dz_dredge(inm)*area(inm)
lin_dz = lin_dz + area(inm)
end do
! at points imindunes:imaxdunes only part of the dunes
! will be dredged.
do i = imindunes,imaxdunes
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
dz = dunetoplevel(inm) - zmax
div2h = 1.0_fp /(2*hdune(inm))
dz_dredge(inm) = dz**2*div2h
voltim = voltim + dz_dredge(inm)*area(inm)
lin_dz = lin_dz + dz*div2h*area(inm)
qua_dz = qua_dz + area(inm)*div2h
end do
! solve equation requiredvolume = voltim + dz*lin_dz + dz**2*qua_dz
if (comparereal(qua_dz,0.0_fp) == 0) then
! a = 0
! b = lin_dz
! c = voltim-requiredvolume
! dz = -c/b
dz = (requiredvolume-voltim)/lin_dz
! a = qua_dz
! b = lin_dz
! c = voltim-requiredvolume
! dz = [-b +/- sqrt(b**2-4*a*c)]/(2*a)
! dz = -b/(2*a) + sqrt{[b/(2*a)]**2-c/a}
lin_dz = -lin_dz/(2*qua_dz)
dz = lin_dz + sqrt(lin_dz**2+(requiredvolume-voltim)/qua_dz)
end if
z_dredge = max(zmax-dz,zmin)
do i = irock+1,imindunes-1
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
dz_dredge(inm) = bedlevel(inm)-z_dredge
if (pdredge%use_dunes) then
hdune(inm) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
do i = imindunes,imaxdunes
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
dz = dunetoplevel(inm) - z_dredge
div2h = 1.0_fp /(2*hdune(inm))
dz_dredge(inm) = dz**2*div2h
if (pdredge%use_dunes) then
hdune(inm) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
! dredge sediment proportionally to amount of sediment available
! for dredging
factor = requiredvolume / availvolume
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
dz_dredge(i) = dz_dredge(i) * factor
end do
! dredge highest points first
! * sort nm points based on decreasing dunetoplevel (for
! simulations without dune effect, this is equal to the
! bed level):
! the highest point (max dunetoplevel) will become 1,
! the deepest point (min dunetoplevel) will become npnt.
! Make sure that points that are not triggered for dredging
! do not actively participate in the dredging.
if ( dadpar%dredge_prop(ia)%dredgedistr == DREDGEDISTR_SHALLOWFIRST ) then
do i=1,pdredge%npnt
bedlevel(i) = bedlevel(i) - reflevel(i)
dunetoplevel(i) = dunetoplevel(i) - reflevel(i)
triggerlevel(i) = triggerlevel(i) - reflevel(i)
troughlevel(i) = troughlevel(i) - reflevel(i)
end do
end if
do i=1,pdredge%npnt
if (.not.triggered(i)) dunetoplevel(i) = -1.0E11_fp
end do
call sortindices(pdredge%inm,pdredge%npnt, &
& dunetoplevel, 1, pdredge%npnt, .false.)
! dredge until you obtain the required volume
voltim = 0.0_fp
do i = 1,pdredge%npnt
inm = pdredge%inm(i)
if (voltim+dz_dredge(inm)*area(inm)0.0_fp) then
hdune(i) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
end if
end if
do i = 1,pdredge%npnt
nm = abs(pdredge%nm(i)) ! update both internal and halo points
if (nm == 0) cycle
dadpar%dzdred(nm) = dz_dredge(i)
if (pdredge%use_dunes) duneheight(nm) = hdune(i)
end do
! Update sediment administration for sandmining/dredging only
! dbodsd is filled (kg/m^2 sediment removed in a cell)
if (morpar%cmpupd) then
if (gettoplyr(morlyr, dadpar%dzdred, dbodsd, messages) /= 0) then
call writemessages(messages, lundia)
error = .true.
end if
dbodsd = 0.0_fp
end if
! Use dbodsd to calculate voldred, and update dps
do i = 1, pdredge%npnt
nm = pdredge%nm(i)
nm_abs = abs(nm)
if (nm == 0) cycle
! get sediment (voldred) only from internal points but update both internal and halo points
dz = 0.0_fp
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
dzl = dbodsd(lsed, nm_abs) / cdryb(lsed)
if (nm > 0) dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) = dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) + dzl * area(i)
dz = dz + dzl
end do
if (pdredge%obey_cmp) then
dps(nm_abs) = dps(nm_abs) - dpsign * dz
dps(nm_abs) = dps(nm_abs) - dpsign * dz_dredge(i)
if (nm > 0) dadpar%voldred(ia,lsedtot+1) = dadpar%voldred(ia,lsedtot+1) + (dz_dredge(i)-dz) * area(i)
end if
dadpar%dzdred(nm_abs) = 0.0_fp
end do
end do
end subroutine calculate_dredging
!> Distribute sediments over dump areas
subroutine distribute_sediments_over_dump_areas(lsedtot, dadpar)
use precision
use dredge_data_module
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: lsedtot !< total number of sediment fractions
type (dredge_type) , target , intent(inout) :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
integer :: i, ia, i2, ib, ib2, min, lsed
integer , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: link_def
real(fp) :: fracdumped
real(fp) :: fracoutlet
real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: globaldumpcap
real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: link_sum
real(fp) :: maxvol !< maximum volume to be dredged in current time step
real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: voldump
real(fp) :: voldumped
real(fp) :: voldredged
real(fp) :: voltim !< local volume variable, various meanings
real(fp) :: voltot
type(dredtype) , pointer :: pdredge
voldump => dadpar%voldump
voldump(1:dadpar%nadump,1:lsedtot) = 0.0_fp
globaldumpcap => dadpar%globaldumpcap
link_sum => dadpar%link_sum
link_def => dadpar%link_def
do ia = 1, dadpar%nadred + dadpar%nasupl
pdredge => dadpar%dredge_prop(ia)
! Add dredged volumes to the total dredged volumes (cumulative!)
voldredged = 0.0_fp
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voldredged = voldredged + dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed)
end do
dadpar%totvoldred(ia) = dadpar%totvoldred(ia) + voldredged + dadpar%voldred(ia,lsedtot+1)
if (voldredged<=0.0_fp) cycle
select case (pdredge%dumpdistr)
! Distribute based on user-specified percentages
do i = 1, dadpar%nalink
if ( link_def(i,1) /= ia ) cycle
ib = link_def(i,2)
i2 = pdredge%outletlink
if ( i2 > 0 ) then
ib2 = link_def(i2,2)
ib2 = 0
end if
voldumped = 0.0_fp
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = 0.01_fp*dadpar%link_percentage(i,lsed)*dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed)
voldumped = voldumped + voltim
end do
if ( voldumped > globaldumpcap(ib) .and. dadpar%dump_prop(ib)%dumpcapaflag ) then
fracdumped = globaldumpcap(ib) / voldumped
globaldumpcap(ib) = 0.0_fp
fracdumped = 1.0_fp
if ( dadpar%dump_prop(ib)%dumpcapaflag ) then
globaldumpcap(ib) = globaldumpcap(ib) - voldumped
end if
end if
fracoutlet = 1.0_fp - fracdumped
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = 0.01_fp*dadpar%link_percentage(i,lsed)*dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed)
link_sum(i, lsed) = link_sum(i, lsed) + voltim*fracdumped
voldump(ib, lsed) = voldump(ib, lsed) + voltim*fracdumped
if (ib2>0) then
link_sum(i2, lsed) = link_sum(i2, lsed) + voltim*fracoutlet
voldump(ib2, lsed) = voldump(ib2, lsed) + voltim*fracoutlet
end if
end do
end do
! Distribute according user-specified order up to maximum
! capacity
voldumped = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, dadpar%nalink
if ( link_def(i,1) /= ia ) cycle
ib = link_def(i,2)
maxvol = voldredged - voldumped
if ( dadpar%dump_prop(ib)%dumpcapaflag ) then
maxvol = min(maxvol,globaldumpcap(ib))
end if
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = maxvol*(dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed)/voldredged)
link_sum(i, lsed) = link_sum(i, lsed) + voltim
voldump(ib, lsed) = voldump(ib, lsed) + voltim
end do
if ( dadpar%dump_prop(ib)%dumpcapaflag ) then
globaldumpcap(ib) = globaldumpcap(ib) - maxvol
end if
voldumped = voldumped + maxvol
if ( comparereal(voldredged,voldumped) == 0 ) exit
end do
! Maximum capacity reached; any sediment remaining?
if ( voldredged > voldumped ) then
maxvol = voldredged - voldumped
i = pdredge%outletlink
ib = link_def(i,2)
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = maxvol*(dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) / voldredged)
link_sum(i, lsed) = link_sum(i, lsed) + voltim
voldump(ib, lsed) = voldump(ib, lsed) + voltim
end do
end if
maxvol = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, dadpar%nalink
if (link_def(i,1) /= ia) cycle
if (i==pdredge%outletlink) cycle
ib = link_def(i,2)
maxvol = maxvol + globaldumpcap(ib)
end do
! Distribute proportionally based on dumping capacity
! Don't dump more than capacity available
voldumped = min(voldredged,maxvol)
if ( voldumped > 0.0_fp ) then
do i = 1, dadpar%nalink
if ( link_def(i,1) /= ia ) cycle
if ( i == pdredge%outletlink ) cycle
ib = link_def(i,2)
voltot = (globaldumpcap(ib)/maxvol)*voldumped
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = voltot*(dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) / voldredged)
link_sum(i, lsed) = link_sum(i, lsed) + voltim
voldump(ib, lsed) = voldump(ib, lsed) + voltim
end do
globaldumpcap(ib) = globaldumpcap(ib) - voltot
end do
end if
! Maximum capacity reached; any sediment remaining?
if ( voldredged > voldumped ) then
maxvol = voldredged - voldumped
i = pdredge%outletlink
ib = link_def(i,2)
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voltim = maxvol*(dadpar%voldred(ia,lsed) / voldredged)
link_sum(i, lsed) = link_sum(i, lsed) + voltim
voldump(ib, lsed) = voldump(ib, lsed) + voltim
end do
end if
end select
end do
end subroutine distribute_sediments_over_dump_areas
!> calculation of dumping
subroutine calculation_of_dumping(dadpar, lsedtot, nmmax, nmlb, nmub, comm, lundia, kfsed, cdryb,&
dbodsd, duneheight, dps, dpsign, error)
use precision
use dredge_data_module
use message_module
implicit none
type (dredge_type) , target , intent(inout) :: dadpar !< data structure for dredging and dumping settings
integer , intent(in) :: lsedtot !< total number of sediment fractions
integer , intent(in) :: nmmax !< effective upper bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: nmlb !< lower array bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: nmub !< upper array bound for spatial index nm
integer , intent(in) :: lundia !< file ID for diagnotic output
integer , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsed !< morphology active flag per face
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: cdryb !< dry bed density used for conversion between m3 and kg
real(fp) , dimension(lsedtot, nmlb:nmub) , intent(inout) :: dbodsd !< change in bed composition
real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: duneheight !< pointer since this variable doesn't have to be allocated if use_dunes = .false.
real(prec), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(inout) :: dps !< bed level or depth at cell faces
real(fp) , intent(in) :: dpsign !< +1 for dps = bed level, -1 for dps = depth
logical , intent(out) :: error
subroutine comm(a, n, error, msgstr)
use precision
integer , intent(in) :: n !< length of real array
real(fp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: a !< real array to be accumulated
logical , intent(out) :: error !< error flag
character(*) , intent(out) :: msgstr !< string to pass message
end subroutine comm
end interface
integer :: i, ib, imax, imin, inm, j, jnm, lsed, nm
character(80) :: msgstr
logical :: local_cap
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: area
real(fp) :: areatim
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: bedlevel
real(fp) :: dpadd
real(fp) :: dump_area
real(fp) :: dz
real(fp) :: dzdump
real(fp), dimension(:), pointer :: dz_dump
real(fp) :: extravolume
real(fp) :: factor
real(fp) :: maxvol !< maximum volume to be dredged in current time step
real(fp) :: zmax
real(fp) :: zmin
real(fp) :: z_dump
real(fp) :: requiredvolume
real(fp) :: voldumped
real(fp) :: voltim !< local volume variable, various meanings
type(dumptype), pointer :: pdump
dbodsd(1:lsedtot, 1:nmmax) = 0.0_fp
do ib = 1, dadpar%nadump
pdump => dadpar%dump_prop(ib)
! Add dumped volumes to the total dumped volumes (cumulative!)
voldumped = 0.0_fp
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
voldumped = voldumped + dadpar%voldump(ib, lsed)
end do
dadpar%totvoldump(ib) = dadpar%totvoldump(ib) + voldumped
! Skip dump areas where nothing has to be dumped
if (comparereal(voldumped,0.0_fp) == 0) cycle
bedlevel => pdump%bedlevel
bedlevel = 0.0_fp
pdump%hdune = 0.0_fp
dz_dump => pdump%dz_dump
dz_dump = 0.0_fp
local_cap = .false.
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
nm = pdump%nm(i)
if (nm <= 0) cycle ! get data only for internal points
bedlevel(i) = dpsign * real(dps(nm),fp)
if ( pdump%use_dunes ) pdump%hdune(i) = duneheight(nm)
if ( kfsed(nm) == 1 .or. pdump%dumpwhendry ) then
if ( pdump%dumpcapaflag ) then
dz_dump(i) = max( (pdump%reflevel(i) - pdump%mindumpdepth) - bedlevel(i), 0.0_fp)
local_cap = local_cap .or. dz_dump(i)>0.0_fp
dz_dump(i) = 1.0E11_fp
local_cap = .true.
end if
dz_dump(i) = 0.0_fp
end if
end do
area => pdump%area
if ( .not. pdump%in1domain ) then
! communicate dredge data among domains
call comm(pdump%reflevel, pdump%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (.not. error) call comm(bedlevel, pdump%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (.not. error) call comm(dz_dump, pdump%npnt, error, msgstr)
if (error) then
call write_error(msgstr, unit=lundia)
end if
end if
! Go through dumping procedure only if some dump capacity is available
! locally
if ( .not. local_cap) cycle
select case (pdump%dumpdistr)
! dump sediment uniformly:
! * sort nm points based on increasing dump capacity dz_dump:
! least capacity will become 1, maximum capacity wil become
! pdump%npnt.
call sortindices(pdump%inm,pdump%npnt, &
& dz_dump, 1, pdump%npnt, .true.)
! loop over points and increase dzdump gradually
requiredvolume = voldumped
dump_area = dadpar%globalareadump(ib)
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
inm = pdump%inm(i)
extravolume = dz_dump(inm)*dump_area
if ( extravolume < requiredvolume ) then
! if insufficient capacity at current point, fill it up
! and continue with next point
dump_area = dump_area - area(inm)
requiredvolume = requiredvolume - dz_dump(inm)*area(inm)
dzdump = dz_dump(inm) * requiredvolume / extravolume
! if sufficient capacity, fill all remaining points and
! exit loop
do j = i, pdump%npnt
jnm = pdump%inm(j)
dz_dump(jnm) = dzdump
end do
end if
end do
! lowest or deepest locations first:
! * sort nm points based on increasing bedlevel:
! deepest point (min bedlevel) will become 1,
! shallowest point (max bedlevel) will become pdump%npnt.
if ( pdump%dumpdistr == DUMPDISTR_DEEPEST ) then
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
bedlevel(i) = bedlevel(i) - pdump%reflevel(i)
end do
end if
call sortindices(pdump%inm,pdump%npnt, &
& bedlevel, 1, pdump%npnt, .true.)
! * search bed level below which sufficient dumping capacity is
! available
requiredvolume = voldumped
do i = 2, pdump%npnt
inm = pdump%inm(i)
z_dump = bedlevel(inm)
voltim = 0.0_fp
do j = 1, i - 1
jnm = pdump%inm(j)
voltim = voltim + max(min(dz_dump(jnm),z_dump-bedlevel(jnm)),0.0_fp)*area(jnm)
end do
if ( voltim >= requiredvolume ) exit
end do
imax = i - 1
if ( imax == pdump%npnt ) then
zmax = 1.0E11_fp
zmax = z_dump
end if
zmin = bedlevel(pdump%inm(imax))
! dump level is known to lie between zmin and zmax
! points imax+1:npnt have bedlevel above zmax
! points 1:imax have bedlevel below zmin
! * sort the first imax points based on increasing level of bed
! level plus maximum dump thickness
pdump%sortvar = bedlevel + dz_dump
call sortindices(pdump%inm,imax, &
& pdump%sortvar, 1, pdump%npnt,.true.)
do i = 1, imax
inm = pdump%inm(i)
z_dump = pdump%sortvar(inm)
if (z_dumpzmax) exit
voltim = 0.0_fp
do j = 1, imax
jnm = pdump%inm(j)
voltim = voltim + max(min(dz_dump(jnm),z_dump-bedlevel(jnm)),0.0_fp)*area(jnm)
end do
if ( voltim >= requiredvolume ) then
zmax = z_dump
zmin = z_dump
end if
end do
imin = i
! dump level is known to lie between zmin and zmax
! points imax+1:npnt have bedlevel above zmax
! points 1:imax have bedlevel below zmin
! points 1:imin-1 have capacity limit below zmin
! points imin:imax have capacity limit above zmax
! * determine exact height of dump level which lies between
! zmin and zmax
voltim = 0.0_fp
areatim = 0.0_fp
z_dump = zmin
do i = 1, imax
inm = pdump%inm(i)
voltim = voltim + max(min(dz_dump(inm),z_dump-bedlevel(inm)),0.0_fp)*area(inm)
if ( i >= imin ) areatim = areatim + area(inm)
end do
dz = (requiredvolume - voltim) / areatim
z_dump = zmin + dz
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
inm = pdump%inm(i)
! determine the thickness of the local deposit
! determine the associated volume
dz_dump(inm) = max(min(dz_dump(inm),z_dump-bedlevel(inm)),0.0_fp)
end do
! proportional to maximum dump depth
! determine ratio of dumped volume and capacity
maxvol = 0.0_fp
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
maxvol = maxvol + dz_dump(i)*area(i)
end do
factor = voldumped / maxvol
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
dz_dump(i) = dz_dump(i) * factor
end do
end select
! Now dump the sediments locally
do i = 1, pdump%npnt
nm = abs(pdump%nm(i)) ! update both internal and halo points
if (nm == 0) cycle
dz = dz_dump(i)
do lsed = 1, lsedtot
dpadd = dz * (dadpar%voldump(ib, lsed) / voldumped)
dbodsd(lsed, nm) = dbodsd(lsed, nm) + dpadd * cdryb(lsed)
end do
dps(nm) = dps(nm) + dpsign * real(dz_dump(i), prec)
if (pdump%use_dunes) duneheight(nm) = pdump%hdune(i)
end do
end do
end subroutine calculation_of_dumping
end module m_dredge