subroutine compdiam(frac, seddm, sedd50, sedtyp, lsedtot, & & logsedsig, nseddia, logseddia, nmmax, nmlb, & & nmub, xx, nxx, max_mud_sedtyp, min_dxx_sedtyp, & & sedd50fld, dm, dg, dxx, dgsd) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines the characteristic diameters of the sediment mixtures ! (mud fractions excluded) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate arithmetic mean diameter by a weighted average of the diameters ! of the non-mud sediments. Divide by the total percentage of ! non-mud sediments to exclude the mud fractions from the computation. ! D_m = sum[f(i) * D_50(i)] ! ! Calculate geometric mean diameter by a weighted average of the ! diameters of the non-mud sediments in log-space. ! D_g = sum[D_50(i)^f(i)] ! ! Calculate the Dxx diameter by scanning the cdf of all ! fractions. The algorithm allows for overlapping fraction ! definitions and fractions with only one exact diameter. ! The density function of each fraction is assumed to be ! uniform in -log2(D), i.e. psi, space. Computations are ! carried out in ln(D) space. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use sediment_basics_module ! implicit none ! ! Arguments ! integer , intent(in) :: lsedtot ! number of sediment fractions integer , intent(in) :: nmmax ! last space index to be processed integer , intent(in) :: nmlb ! start space index integer , intent(in) :: nmub ! end space index integer , intent(in) :: nxx ! number of diameters to be determined integer , intent(in) :: max_mud_sedtyp ! largest sediment type associated with mud integer , intent(in) :: min_dxx_sedtyp ! smallest sediment type included in characteristic diameter computation integer , dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: nseddia ! number of sediment diameters per fraction integer , dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: sedtyp ! sediment type: 0=total/1=noncoh/2=coh real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub, lsedtot) , intent(in) :: frac ! fractional composition of sediment real(fp), dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: seddm ! mean diameter of sediment fraction real(fp), dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: sedd50 ! D50 of sediment fraction real(fp), dimension(lsedtot) , intent(in) :: logsedsig ! std deviation of sediment diameter real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: sedd50fld ! D50 field (in case of 1 sediment fraction) real(fp), dimension(nxx) , intent(in) :: xx ! percentile: the xx of Dxx, i.e. 0.5 for D50 real(fp), dimension(2,101,lsedtot) , intent(in) :: logseddia ! percentile and log-diameter per fraction real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: dg ! geometric mean diameter field real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: dm ! arithmetic mean diameter field real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub, nxx) , intent(out) :: dxx ! diameters corresponding to percentiles real(fp), dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: dgsd ! geometric standard deviation ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: l integer :: ltrigger integer :: n integer :: nm integer :: nn integer :: s integer, dimension(lsedtot) :: stage real(fp) :: dens real(fp) :: logdiam real(fp) :: logdprev real(fp) :: fracnonmud real(fp) :: fraccum real(fp) :: fracfac real(fp) :: fracreq real(fp) :: fracinterval real(fp) :: mf1 real(fp) :: mf2 real(fp) :: mulfac real(fp) :: p1 real(fp) :: p2 real(fp) :: sedsg real(fp) :: xxperc ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (lsedtot==1 .and. seddm(1)<0.0_fp) then ! ! Handle case with spatially varying sediment diameter ! separately using the same approximation of the lognormal ! distribution used in the more general case with multiple ! fractions each with a constant sediment diameter. ! mulfac = exp(0.5_fp * logsedsig(1) * logsedsig(1)) do nm = 1,nmmax dm(nm) = sedd50fld(nm)*mulfac dg(nm) = sedd50fld(nm) dgsd(nm) = 0.0_fp enddo ! sedsg = exp(logsedsig(1)) nn = size(ilognormal) do i = 1, nxx xxperc = xx(i) * 100.0_fp if (xxperc <= real(ilognormal(1),fp)) then p1 = 0.0_fp mf1 = -3.0_fp p2 = real(ilognormal(1),fp) mf2 = lognormal(ilognormal(1)) elseif (xxperc >= real(ilognormal(nn),fp)) then p1 = real(ilognormal(nn),fp) mf1 = lognormal(ilognormal(nn)) p2 = 100.0_fp mf2 = 3.0_fp else do n = 2, nn if (xxperc <= real(ilognormal(n),fp)) then p1 = real(ilognormal(n-1),fp) mf1 = lognormal(ilognormal(n-1)) p2 = real(ilognormal(n),fp) mf2 = lognormal(ilognormal(n)) exit endif enddo endif mulfac = sedsg**(((p2-xxperc)*mf1 + (xxperc-p1)*mf2)/(p2-p1)) do nm = 1,nmmax dxx(nm,i) = sedd50fld(nm)*mulfac enddo enddo else do nm = 1,nmmax ! ! Compute Dm and Dg values ! fracnonmud = 0.0_fp dm(nm) = 0.0_fp dg(nm) = 1.0_fp dgsd(nm) = 0.0_fp ! do l = 1, lsedtot if (sedtyp(l) >= min_dxx_sedtyp) then fracnonmud = fracnonmud + frac(nm,l) endif enddo if (fracnonmud > 0.0_fp) then do l = 1, lsedtot if (sedtyp(l) >= min_dxx_sedtyp) then dm(nm) = dm(nm) + (frac(nm,l) / fracnonmud) * seddm(l) dg(nm) = dg(nm) * (sedd50(l)**(frac(nm,l)/fracnonmud)) endif enddo ! ! Compute dgsd (geometric standard deviation of grain size distribution) ! note that this is true geometric standard deviation of grain size as there is an error in ! Gaeuman et al 2009. They use the arithmetic standard deviation of GSD on phi scale. ! ! separate loop required as dg needs to be calculated first ! do l = 1, lsedtot if ((sedtyp(l) >= min_dxx_sedtyp) .and. (comparereal(frac(nm,l),0.0_fp) == 1)) then dgsd(nm) = dgsd(nm) + (frac(nm,l)/fracnonmud)*(log(sedd50(l))-log(dg(nm)))**2 endif enddo dgsd(nm) = exp(sqrt(dgsd(nm))) else dg(nm) = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Compute Dxx values ! ! Initialisation: set stage and compute non-mud fraction. ! stage = 0 means logdiam fraccum) ! ! Find the smallest diameter not yet considered and calculate ! the density (cdf) in the considered range. ! logdiam = 999.999_fp ltrigger = -1 dens = 0.0_fp do l = 1, lsedtot s = stage(l) if (s0) then if (fracnonmud > 0.0_fp) then fracfac = frac(nm,l) / fracnonmud else fracfac = 1.0_fp endif dens = dens + fracfac & & * (logseddia(1,s+1,l) - logseddia(1,s,l)) & & / (logseddia(2,s+1,l) - logseddia(2,s,l)) endif if (logseddia(2,s+1,l)= fracreq-fraccum) ! ! If the total fraction is more than what is needed, ! find the diameter at which we have exactly enough. ! We have found the requested Dxx. ! logdprev = logdprev + (logdiam-logdprev)*(fracreq-fraccum)/fracinterval fraccum = fracreq dxx(nm,i) = exp(logdprev) fracinterval = dens * (logdiam-logdprev) if (i < nxx) then i = i+1 fracreq = xx(i) else ! ! Diameter of last fraction determined, jump out ! of loop. ! exit outerfracloop endif enddo ! ! The total fraction is less than what is needed for the ! currently required fraction, move to the next interval. ! fraccum = fraccum + fracinterval logdprev = logdiam ! ! Update the stage index of the sediment fraction that ! is associated with the threshold currently considered. ! if (stage(ltrigger) == 0) then ! ! Start of the range of a new fraction. In the next ! range the density of this fraction should be added ! so, we set stage(l) to 1. However, if the range of ! the fraction is zero, the density function is given ! by a dirac function. In that case step over it and ! take the total fraction into account at once. ! if (logseddia(2,nseddia(ltrigger),ltrigger) & & <= logseddia(2,1,ltrigger)) then ! ! The criterion may have to be extended to include ! narrow ranges as well ... ! stage(ltrigger) = 5 do while (frac(nm,ltrigger) > fracreq-fraccum) ! ! If the total fraction is more than what is needed, ! we have found the requested Dxx. ! dxx(nm,i) = exp(logdiam) if (i < nxx) then i = i+1 fracreq = xx(i) else ! ! Diameter of last fraction determined, jump out ! of loop. ! exit outerfracloop endif enddo ! ! If the total fraction is less than what is needed, ! take the fraction into account and continue ! searching for Dxx. ! fraccum = fraccum + frac(nm,ltrigger) else ! ! Range of ltrigger not too narrow, enter it. ! stage(ltrigger) = 1 endif else ! (stage(ltrigger)==1) ! ! Exit range of fraction ltrigger ! stage(ltrigger) = stage(ltrigger) + 1 endif ! ! Continue with next range ! enddo outerfracloop ! ! continue with next nm point ! enddo endif end subroutine compdiam