subroutine bedtr1993(uuu ,vvv ,u2dh ,d50 ,d90 , & & h1 ,taurat ,ustarc ,muc ,rhosol , & & dstar ,ws ,hrms ,tp ,teta , & & rlabda ,umod ,qbcu ,qbcv ,qbwu , & & qbwv ,qswu ,qswv ,rhowat ,ag , & & wave ,eps ,uon ,uoff ,vcr , & & error ,message ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute bed load transport according to Van Rijn ! Note: Formulation used depends on presence of waves in the ! simulation. ! If no waves then use traditional Van Rijn formulation ! If waves then use new parameterization which ! includes wave asymmetry ! Note: The two methods are known to give different results ! (order factor 2) for situations without waves ! Van Rijn (1993,2000) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts ! implicit none ! ! Arguments ! real(fp) , intent(in) :: ag real(fp) , intent(in) :: d50 real(fp) , intent(in) :: d90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: dstar real(fp) , intent(in) :: eps real(fp) , intent(in) :: h1 real(fp) , intent(in) :: hrms ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: muc real(fp) , intent(out) :: qbcu real(fp) , intent(out) :: qbcv real(fp) , intent(out) :: qbwu real(fp) , intent(out) :: qbwv real(fp) , intent(out) :: qswu real(fp) , intent(out) :: qswv real(fp) , intent(in) :: rhosol ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: rhowat real(fp) , intent(in) :: rlabda ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: taurat real(fp) , intent(in) :: teta ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: tp ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: u2dh real(fp) , intent(in) :: umod real(fp) , intent(in) :: ustarc real(fp) , intent(in) :: uuu real(fp) , intent(in) :: vvv real(fp) , intent(in) :: ws ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , intent(out) :: uoff real(fp) , intent(out) :: uon real(fp) , intent(out) :: vcr logical , intent(out) :: error logical , intent(in) :: wave character(*), intent(out) :: message ! Contains error message ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: a11 real(fp) :: a22 real(fp) :: a33 real(fp) :: a44 real(fp) :: a55 real(fp) :: arg real(fp) :: em real(fp) :: eme real(fp) :: epst1 real(fp) :: gamma real(fp) :: hs real(fp) :: lt real(fp) :: phicur real(fp) :: phiwav real(fp) :: phiwr real(fp) :: qbc real(fp) :: qbt real(fp) :: qbw real(fp) :: qsw real(fp) :: r real(fp) :: ra1 real(fp) :: rhs13 real(fp) :: rls real(fp) :: rmax real(fp) :: rr real(fp) :: s real(fp) :: s11b real(fp) :: t real(fp) :: t1 real(fp) :: tp1 real(fp) :: u1 real(fp) :: u1strc real(fp) :: ua real(fp) :: ubw real(fp) :: umax real(fp) :: veff real(fp) :: vr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! error = .false. message = '' ! ! CALCULATE BED LOAD TRANSPORT ! ! Note: formulation used depends on presence of waves in the ! simulation. ! If no waves then use traditional Van Rijn formulation ! If waves then use new parameterization which includes wave asymmetry ! Note: The two methods are known to give different results ! (order factor 2) for situations without waves ! if (wave) then ! ! Use Van Rijn's parameterisation including wave asymmetry ! effects ! Velocity components w.r.t. U-V grid, velocity direction in ! degrees (0.,360.) ! s = rhosol/rhowat ! ! Calculate imaginary "depth-averaged current" which has a ! logarithmic velocity profile, and a velocity at the bottom ! zeta point equivalent to that calculated by the model for ! 3D current and waves. ! vr = u2dh ! ! Calculate critical (depth averaged) velocity ! if (d50 >= 0.0005_fp) then vcr = 8.5_fp *(d50)**0.6_fp*log10(4.0_fp*h1/d90) elseif (d50 > 0.0001_fp) then vcr = 0.19_fp*(d50)**0.1_fp*log10(4.0_fp*h1/d90) else message = 'd50 < 0.0001 not allowed' error = .true. return endif phicur = atan2(vvv, uuu)/degrad if (phicur < 0.0_fp) phicur = phicur + 360.0_fp if (tp > 1.0_fp) then phiwav = teta phiwr = (phiwav - phicur)*degrad phiwav = phiwav*degrad ! ! Calculate Uon and Uoff, asymmetry ! hs = hrms*sqrt(2.0_fp) tp1 = tp rls = max(rlabda,1.0e-12_fp) arg = 2.0_fp * pi * h1 / rls ! rhs13 = hs/rls if (arg > 20.0_fp) then ubw = 0.0_fp else ubw = pi*hs/tp1/sinh(arg) endif rr = 0.75_fp - 0.1_fp*tanh(2.5_fp*rhs13 - 1.4_fp) umax = rr*2.0_fp*ubw t1 = tp1*sqrt(ag/h1) u1 = umax/sqrt(ag*h1) a55 = 0.0032_fp*t1**2 + 0.00008_fp*t1**3 if (t1 > 20.0_fp) a55 = 0.0056_fp*t1**2 - 0.00004_fp*t1**3 ! ! Only continue at 20; not at 30 as used in the formulations ! a44 = -15.0_fp + 1.35_fp*t1 if (t1 > 15.0_fp) a44 = -2.7_fp + 0.53_fp*t1 epst1 = t1 - 100.0_fp/9.0_fp if (abs(epst1) < 0.001_fp) then ! ! Approximation of ra1 for t1--->100/9 (Henri Petit). ! ra1 = 0.5_fp + 368.0_fp/729.0_fp*u1 - 7.0_fp/1458.0_fp*u1**2 & & + (-1667.0_fp/16200.0_fp*u1**2 + 7.0_fp/3240.0_fp*u1**3 & & + 68.0_fp/675.0_fp*u1 )*epst1 & & + (11.0_fp/1875.0_fp*u1 - 37039.0_fp/720000.0_fp*u1**2 & & + 1667.0_fp/36000.0_fp*u1**3 - 7.0_fp/9600.0_fp*u1**4)*epst1**2 else a33 = (0.5_fp - a55)/(a44 - 1.0_fp + exp( - a44)) a22 = a33*a44 + a55 a11 = 0.5_fp - a33 ra1 = a11 + a22*u1 + a33*exp( - a44*u1) endif rmax = -2.50_fp*h1/rls + 0.85_fp ra1 = min(ra1, rmax) if (ra1 >= 0.75_fp) then rmax = 0.75_fp elseif (ra1 <= 0.62_fp) then rmax = 0.62_fp else endif uon = umax*(0.5_fp + (rmax - 0.5_fp)*tanh((ra1 - 0.5_fp)/(rmax - 0.5_fp))) uon = max(0.5_fp*umax, uon) uoff = umax - uon else uon = 0.0_fp uoff = 0.0_fp endif ! ! compute transport rates ! veff = sqrt(vr*vr + uon*uon) if (veff - vcr > eps) then eme = (veff - vcr)**2/((s - 1.0_fp)*ag*d50) em = (veff*veff)/((s - 1.0_fp)*ag*d50) ! ! Total bed-load transport qbt, due to currents qbc, and waves qbw ! qbt = 0.006_fp * rhosol * ws * d50 * sqrt(em) * (eme)**0.7_fp ! if (vr - vcr <= 0.0_fp) then r = ((abs(uon) - vcr)/0.001_fp)**3 else r = ((abs(uon) - vcr)/(vr - vcr))**3 endif if (r >= 100.0_fp) then qbc = 0.0_fp qbw = qbt elseif (r <= 0.01_fp) then qbc = qbt qbw = 0.0_fp else qbc = qbt/sqrt(1.0_fp + r*r + 2.0_fp*r*cos(phiwr)) qbw = r*qbc endif else r = 0.0_fp qbt = 0.0_fp qbc = 0.0_fp qbw = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Bed load due to currents ! ! ! Calculate vector components, assuming bed load is in same ! direction as the current direction ! if (umod > eps) then qbcu = qbc*uuu/umod qbcv = qbc*vvv/umod ! !Following `elseif` should be studied in detail (UNST-7050) ! !elseif (qbc > 1.0e-4_fp) then ! message = 'umod1e-4' ! error = .true. else qbcu = 0.0_fp qbcv = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Bed load due to waves ! ! Calculate vector components, assuming bed load is in same ! direction as the wave direction. Adjust for user-specified ! tuning parameter BEDW (default value 1.0) read from ! morph.inp file ! if (tp > 1.0_fp) then qbwu = qbw*cos(phiwav) qbwv = qbw*sin(phiwav) else qbwu = 0.0_fp qbwv = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Suspended transport qsw due to waves, oriented in wave ! direction ! if (tp>1.0_fp .and. r>0.01_fp) then gamma = 0.2_fp ua = (uon**4 - uoff**4)/(uon**3 + uoff**3) lt = 0.007_fp*rhosol*d50*em ! ! Tuning parameter SUSW read from morph.inp file ! Van Rijn suggests default of 0.5 for field cases, 1.0 for flumes ! qsw = gamma*ua*lt qswu = qsw*cos(phiwav) qswv = qsw*sin(phiwav) else qsw = 0.0_fp qswu = 0.0_fp qswv = 0.0_fp endif else ! no waves ! ! Calculate bed load transport by original formulation ! Note: bed slope effect on tau critical ignored, ! taucrb set = taucr above ! ! Recalculate Van Rijn's T parameter for bed load transport. ! t = taurat - 1.0_fp t = max(1.0e-10_fp, t) ! ! Calculate magnitude of bed load, assuming a horizontal bed ! following Van Rijn (1993) equation 7.2.45 ! u1strc = ustarc * muc**0.5_fp ! ! Note bed-load transport formula changed on advice of Van Rijn ! s11b = 0.5_fp * rhosol * d50 * u1strc * dstar**( - 0.3_fp) * t ! ! Calculate vector components, assuming bed load is in same direction ! as the near-bed velocity ! if (umod > eps) then qbcu = s11b*uuu/umod qbcv = s11b*vvv/umod else qbcu = 0.0_fp qbcv = 0.0_fp endif qbwu = 0.0_fp qbwv = 0.0_fp qswu = 0.0_fp qswv = 0.0_fp ! uon = 0.0_fp uoff = 0.0_fp vcr = 0.0_fp endif ! ! end of computing bed-load transport on flat plane ! end subroutine bedtr1993