subroutine bedbc2004(tp ,rhowat , & & h1 ,umod ,d10 ,zumod ,d50 , & & d90 ,z0cur ,z0rou ,drho ,dstar , & & taucr0 ,u2dhim ,aks ,ra ,usus , & & zusus ,uwb ,muc ,tauwav ,ustarc , & & tauc ,taurat ,ta ,caks ,dss , & & uwc ,uuu ,vvv ,rlabda ,taubcw , & & hrms ,delw ,uon ,uoff ,uwbih , & & delm ,fc1 ,fw1 ,phicur ,kscr , & & i2d3d ,mudfrac ,fsilt ,taucr1 ,psi , & & dzduu ,dzdvv ,eps ,camax ,iopsus , & & ag ,wave ,tauadd ,gamtcr ,betam , & & awb ,wform ,phi_phase ,r ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute bed roughness and shear stress parameters ! for based on TRANSPOR2004 formulations (Van Rijn and Walstra, 2004) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts, only: pi, degrad use sediment_basics_module use sed_support_routines, only: ruessink_etal_2012 ! implicit none ! ! Arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: i2d3d real(fp), intent(out) :: aks !< reference height real(fp), intent(out) :: awb !< peak orbital excursion at edge of wave boundary layer real(fp), intent(in) :: betam real(fp), intent(out) :: caks real(fp), intent(in) :: d10 real(fp), intent(in) :: d50 real(fp), intent(in) :: d90 real(fp), intent(out) :: delw real(fp), intent(in) :: drho real(fp), intent(out) :: dss !< characteristic diameter of sediment in suspension real(fp), intent(in) :: dstar real(fp), intent(out) :: fc1 real(fp), intent(out) :: fsilt real(fp), intent(in) :: gamtcr real(fp), intent(in) :: h1 real(fp), intent(in) :: hrms !< root mean square wave height real(fp), intent(in) :: kscr real(fp), intent(out) :: muc real(fp), intent(in) :: mudfrac real(fp), intent(out) :: phicur real(fp), intent(out) :: ra real(fp), intent(in) :: rhowat !< specific density of water real(fp), intent(in) :: rlabda !< wave length real(fp), intent(out) :: ta real(fp), intent(out) :: taubcw real(fp), intent(out) :: tauc real(fp), intent(in) :: taucr0 real(fp), intent(out) :: taucr1 real(fp), intent(out) :: taurat real(fp), intent(out) :: tauwav real(fp), intent(in) :: tp !< peak wave period (limited to values larger than 1e-2) real(fp), intent(in) :: umod real(fp), intent(out) :: ustarc real(fp), intent(out) :: usus real(fp), intent(in) :: uuu real(fp), intent(out) :: uwb real(fp), intent(in) :: vvv real(fp), intent(in) :: z0cur real(fp), intent(in) :: z0rou real(fp), intent(in) :: zumod real(fp), intent(out) :: zusus real(fp), intent(out) :: uon real(fp), intent(out) :: uoff real(fp), intent(out) :: uwbih !< representative peak orbital velocity near the bed real(fp), intent(out) :: psi real(fp), intent(in) :: dzduu !< bed slope in U-direction real(fp), intent(in) :: dzdvv !< bed slope in V-direction real(fp), intent(in) :: eps real(fp), intent(in) :: camax integer , intent(in) :: iopsus real(fp), intent(in) :: ag logical , intent(in) :: wave real(fp), intent(in) :: tauadd integer , intent(in) :: wform real(fp), intent(out) :: phi_phase real(fp), intent(out) :: r ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: a11 real(fp) :: alfacw real(fp) :: cmax real(fp) :: cc real(fp) :: cmaxs real(fp) :: d50t real(fp) :: delm real(fp) :: fc real(fp) :: fch1 real(fp) :: fclay real(fp) :: fpack real(fp) :: fw real(fp) :: fw1 real(fp) :: kswr real(fp) :: llabda ! local limited rlabda value real(fp) :: muw real(fp) :: raih real(fp) :: rc real(fp) :: rmax real(fp) :: rr real(fp) :: t1 real(fp) :: tt1 real(fp) :: tt2 real(fp) :: u1 real(fp) :: u2dhim real(fp) :: umax real(fp) :: uwc real(fp) :: arg real(fp) :: hs real(fp) :: uhulp real(fp) :: rrr1 real(fp) :: dzds real(fp) :: dzdn real(fp) :: fac_slp real(fp) :: phi real(fp) :: p1 real(fp) :: p2 real(fp) :: p3 real(fp) :: p4 real(fp) :: p5 real(fp) :: p6 real(fp) :: omega real(fp) :: k real(fp) :: urs real(fp) :: bb real(fp) :: s real(fp) :: a real(fp) :: b real(fp) :: psi_phase real(fp) :: rsf real(fp) :: aas real(fp) :: bbs real(fp) :: ccs real(fp) :: xa real(fp) :: xb real(fp) :: xc real(fp) :: x1 real(fp) :: x2 real(fp) :: t1_sol real(fp) :: t2_sol real(fp) :: f ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! VAN RIJN METHOD ! ! Dimensionless density and grain size ! hs = hrms*sqrt(2.0_fp) uwb = 0.0_fp usus = umod zusus = zumod rc = 30.0_fp * z0cur ! ! calculate imaginary "depth-averaged current" which has a logarithmic ! velocity profile, and a velocity at the bottom zeta point equivalent ! to that calculated by the model for 3D current and waves. ! if (i2d3d == 3) then u2dhim = (umod / h1 * ((h1+z0rou)*log(1.0_fp+h1/z0rou) - h1)) / log(1.0_fp+zumod/z0rou) else u2dhim = umod endif ! ! calculate bed-shear stress due to currents ! cc = 18.0_fp * log10(12.0_fp*h1/rc) ustarc = sqrt(ag) / cc * u2dhim ! ! bed-shear stress current ! fc = 0.24_fp * log10(12.0_fp*h1/rc)**(-2) tauc = 0.125_fp * rhowat * fc * u2dhim**2 ! if (tauadd>0.0_fp) then ! ! extra stress ! tauc = sqrt(tauc**2 + tauadd**2) ! ! update ! ustarc = sqrt(tauc/rhowat) endif ! phicur = atan2(vvv, uuu) if (phicur < 0.0_fp) then phicur = phicur + 2.0_fp*pi endif llabda = max(0.1_fp, rlabda) if (wave .and. tp>0.1_fp) then arg = 2.0_fp * pi * h1 / llabda if (arg > 50.0_fp) then awb = 0.0_fp uwb = 0.0_fp else awb = hs / (2.0_fp * sinh(arg)) uwb = 2.0_fp * pi / tp * awb endif else awb = 0.0_fp uwb = 0.0_fp endif awb = max(awb , 1.0e-6_fp) ! ! wave parameters (if waves are present) ! if (wave) then ! ! kswr has same value as kscr (uncalibrated) ! kswr = kscr ! ! Calculate Van Rijn's reference height currents and waves (TR2004) ! aks = z0cur + max(0.5_fp*kscr , 0.5_fp*kswr , 0.01_fp) ! ! calculate wave parameters ! ! compute wave boundary laver thickness ! delw = 0.36_fp * awb * (awb/kswr)**(-0.25_fp) ! ! thickness of wave boundary mixing layer (acc. to Van Rijn & Walstra (2004)) ! delm = max(rc , min(0.2_fp , max(0.05_fp , 2.0*delw))) ! ! method of Van Rijn not implemented because it is more consistent ! to use the apparent roughness calculated by TAUBOT dependant on the ! chosen wave-current interaction model. ! ! But still limit according to Van Rijn ! ksc due to ripples, mega-ripples and dunes ! ra = 30.0_fp * z0rou ra = min(10.0_fp*rc, ra) ! ! convert velocity to velocity at top of wave mixing layer, based on ! ENHANCED bed roughness ! ! Note that this means that Van Rijn's wave-current interaction factor ! alfacw is no longer required (G. Lesser) ! Van Rijn disagrees with above statement. In 2DH alfacw should be included! ! This is done some 20 lines below (Walstra) ! ! set this as the reference velocity and height ! usus = umod * log(1.0_fp+delm/z0rou) / log(1.0_fp+zumod/z0rou) zusus = delm ! ! calculate bed-shear stress due to waves ! fw = min(0.3_fp , exp(-6.0_fp + 5.2_fp*(awb/kswr)**(-0.19_fp))) ! ! grain friction coefficient used in bedtr2004 ! fw1 = min(0.3_fp , exp(-6.0_fp + 5.2_fp*(awb/d90 )**(-0.19_fp))) ! if (wform == 1) then ! WAVE VELOCITY ASYMMETRY ACCORDING TO ISOBE-HORIKAWA ! (modified from tr2004 code) ! rr = -0.4_fp*hs/h1 + 1.0_fp umax = rr * 2.0_fp * uwb t1 = tp * sqrt(ag/h1) u1 = umax / sqrt(ag*h1) a11 = -0.0049_fp*t1**2 - 0.069_fp*t1 + 0.2911_fp raih = max(0.5_fp , -5.25_fp-6.1_fp*tanh(a11*u1 - 1.76_fp)) rmax = max(0.62_fp , min(0.75_fp, -2.5_fp*h1/llabda + 0.85_fp) ) ! uon = umax * (0.5_fp+(rmax-0.5_fp)*tanh((raih-0.5_fp)/(rmax-0.5_fp))) uoff = umax - uon uon = max(1.0e-5_fp , uon) uoff = max(1.0e-5_fp , uoff) ! uwbih = (0.5_fp*uon**3.0_fp + 0.5_fp*uoff**3.0_fp)**(1.0_fp/3.0_fp) ! Representative peak orbital velocity else if (wform==2) then ! Modification by Marcio Boechat Albernaz ! omega = 2.0_fp*pi/tp ! (w) ! ! Wave parameters W and K call wavenr(h1 ,tp ,k ,ag )! Also considering the input gravity ! Wave velocity skewness & asymmetry according to Ruessink et al 2012 CE call ruessink_etal_2012(k, hs, h1, s, a, phi_phase, urs, bb) ! Computes b and r b = sqrt((2.0_fp*bb**2.0_fp)/(9.0_fp+2.0_fp*bb**2.0_fp)) r = 2.0_fp*b/(1.0_fp+b**2.0_fp) ! ! uon and uoff are set in bedtr2004 for wform == 2 ! uon = 0.0_fp uoff = 0.0_fp if (k*h1>1e2_fp) then uwbih = 0.0_fp else uwbih = hrms*pi/(tp*sinh(k*h1)) ! Wave velocity amplitude (Uw) -> Used further @bedtr2004 endif endif ! Calculate velocity Amplitude Uw tauwav = 0.25_fp * rhowat * fw * uwbih**2 ! Wave related shear stress ! ! Updated muw expression in TR2004 ! muw = max(0.14_fp, min(0.35_fp, 0.7_fp/dstar)) ! ! In 2DH alfacw should be included according to Van Rijn ! In 3D alfacw=1.0 (but then vrdelm should also be based on near bed velocities) ! tt1 = (log(30.0_fp*delm/ra) / log(30.0_fp*delm/rc))**2 tt2 = ((-1.0_fp + log(30.0_fp*h1/rc))/(-1.0_fp + log(30.0_fp*h1/ra)))**2 alfacw = max(0.0_fp , min(1.0_fp , tt1*tt2)) uhulp = uwbih uwc = uhulp**2 + u2dhim**2 uwc = sqrt(max(0.0_fp , uwc)) else ! ! Calculate Van Rijn's reference height currents only (TR2004) ! ! kscr uses calibration factor from trachytopes ! aks = z0cur + max(0.5_fp*kscr , 0.01_fp) ! tauwav = 0.0_fp muw = 0.0_fp alfacw = 1.0_fp delm = 0.05_fp uwc = u2dhim fw1 = 0.0_fp uon = 0.0_fp uoff = 0.0_fp ra = rc endif d50t = max(0.0001_fp , min(d50 , 0.0005_fp)) psi = uwc**2 / (drho * ag * d50t) ! ! calculate efficiency factor currents ! fc1 = 0.24_fp * log10(12.0_fp*h1/d90)**(-2) muc = fc1 / fc ! ! effective bed-shear stress current + waves ! ! calculate bed shear stress ratio for bed-load slope effects ! note this ignores bed-slope effects on initiation of motion ! taubcw = alfacw*muc*tauc + muw*tauwav ! ! critical bed-shear stress ! fclay = 1.0_fp fpack = 1.0_fp fch1 = 1.0_fp if (d50 < dsand) then cmaxs = 0.65_fp fch1 = max((dsand/d50)**gamtcr, 1.0_fp) cmax = min(max((d50/dsand)*cmaxs , 0.05_fp) , cmaxs) fpack = min(cmax/cmaxs , 1.0_fp) else fclay = min((1.0_fp+mudfrac)**betam, 2.0_fp) endif taucr1 = fpack * fch1 * fclay * taucr0 taurat = taubcw / taucr1 ! ! Make assumptions for friction angle ! phi = 30.0_fp * degrad ! ! bed slope effects on critical shear stress ! using Dey (2001) as modified by Van Rijn (Z4056) ! (approximation where Schocklitsch and Leitner factors are combined) ! positive values refer to downsloping beds ! dzds = (dzduu*uuu + dzdvv*vvv)/max(umod,1.0e-4_fp) dzdn = abs(dzduu*vvv + dzdvv*uuu)/max(umod,1.0e-4_fp) fac_slp = max((1.0_fp-(atan(dzds)/phi)) , 0.001_fp)**0.75_fp * max((1.0_fp-(atan(dzdn)/phi)),0.001_fp)**0.37_fp ! ! calculate Van Rijn's Dimensionless bed-shear stress for reference ! concentration at z=a ! rrr1 = max(min(0.8_fp+0.2_fp*((taubcw/(taucr1*fac_slp)-0.8_fp)/1.2_fp) , 1.0_fp) , 0.8_fp ) ta = (taubcw-rrr1*taucr1*fac_slp) / (taucr1*fac_slp) ! ! Equilibrium concentration at reference level aks ! following Van Rijn. ! fsilt = max(1.0_fp, dsand/d50) ! if (ta > eps) then ! ! Upper limit camax set to 0.65 in stead of 0.05 ! 0.05 is official TR2004, but results seem to be reasonable when using 0.65 ! caks = min(0.015_fp*fsilt*d50*ta**1.5_fp/(aks*dstar**0.3_fp), camax) else caks = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Determination of suspended sediment size dss ! if (iopsus == 1) then if (psi < 550.0_fp) then dss = (1.0_fp+0.0006_fp*(d50/d10-1.0_fp)*(psi-550.0_fp)) * d50 else dss = d50 endif dss = max(d10, dss) if (d50 < dsilt) then dss = d50 endif dss = max(dss , 0.5_fp*dsilt) endif end subroutine bedbc2004