subroutine bedbc1993(tp ,uorb ,rhowat ,h1 ,umod , & & zumod ,d50 ,d90 ,z0cur ,z0rou , & & dstar ,taucr ,aks ,usus ,zusus , & & uwb ,delr ,muc ,tauwav ,ustarc , & & tauc ,taubcw ,taurat ,ta ,caks , & & dss ,mudfrac ,eps ,aksfac ,rwave , & & camax ,rdc ,rdw ,iopkcw ,iopsus , & & vonkar ,wave ,tauadd ,betam ,awb ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute bed roughness and shear stress parameters ! Van Rijn (1993,2000) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts ! implicit none ! ! Arguments ! real(fp), intent(out) :: aks ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(out) :: awb real(fp), intent(in) :: betam real(fp), intent(out) :: caks real(fp), intent(in) :: d50 real(fp), intent(in) :: d90 real(fp), intent(out) :: delr real(fp), intent(inout) :: dss ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(in) :: dstar real(fp), intent(in) :: h1 real(fp), intent(out) :: muc real(fp), intent(in) :: mudfrac real(fp), intent(in) :: rhowat ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(out) :: ta real(fp), intent(out) :: taubcw real(fp), intent(out) :: tauc real(fp), intent(in) :: taucr real(fp), intent(out) :: taurat real(fp), intent(out) :: tauwav real(fp), intent(in) :: tp ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(in) :: umod real(fp), intent(in) :: uorb ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(out) :: ustarc real(fp), intent(out) :: usus ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), intent(out) :: uwb real(fp), intent(in) :: z0cur real(fp), intent(in) :: z0rou real(fp), intent(in) :: zumod real(fp), intent(out) :: zusus real(fp), intent(in) :: eps real(fp), intent(in) :: aksfac real(fp), intent(in) :: rwave real(fp), intent(in) :: camax real(fp), intent(in) :: rdc real(fp), intent(in) :: rdw integer , intent(in) :: iopkcw integer , intent(in) :: iopsus real(fp), intent(in) :: vonkar logical , intent(in) :: wave real(fp), intent(in) :: tauadd ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: delm real(fp) :: delw real(fp) :: f1c real(fp) :: f1w real(fp) :: fc real(fp) :: fw real(fp) :: muw real(fp) :: muwa real(fp) :: ra real(fp) :: rc real(fp) :: rw real(fp) :: taucr1 ! critical shear stress corrected for mud fraction ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! delr = 0.0_fp uwb = 0.0_fp awb = 0.0_fp ! ! G. Lesser's implementation of Van Rijn's pick-up function for waves and currents. ! ! Set Nikuradse roughness length using Z0CUR ! (current-only Z0 values transferred from TAUBOT). ! Expression limits aks to minimum of 0.01*h1 for accuracy ! rc = 30.0_fp*z0cur delr = 0.025_fp ! usus = umod zusus = zumod ! ! Inserted options for determining Rc and Rw ! if (iopkcw==1) then if (wave) then ! ! calculate wave-related roughness height from ripple height ! ! note: rwave is a user-specified constant ! (in range 1-3 according to Van Rijn 1993) ! rw = min(max(0.01_fp, rwave*delr), 0.1_fp) endif else rc = rdc if (wave) rw = rdw endif ! ! Calculate Van Rijn's reference height ! aks = max(aksfac*rc, 0.01_fp*h1) ! ! Adjust velocity to top of wave mixing layer and calculate other ! wave parameters (if waves are present) ! tauwav = 0.0_fp muwa = 0.0_fp muw = 0.0_fp ! if (wave) then if (tp>0.0_fp) then ! ! Calculate apparent (enhanced) bed roughness ra ! ! method of Van Rijn not implemented because it is more ! consistent to use the apparent roughness calculated by ! TAUBOT dependent on the chosen wave-current interaction ! model. ! ra = 30.0_fp*z0rou ! ! still limit according to Van Rijn ! ra = min(10.0_fp*rc, ra) ! ! Calculate wave parameters ! uwb = sqrt(2.0_fp)*uorb awb = tp*uwb/(2.0_fp*pi) ! ! Note: need this check to avoid floating overflow errors in ! calculation of fw and f1w ! awb = max(awb, eps) ! ! Check aks height ! aks = max(delr/2.0_fp, aks) ! ! Compute wave boundary laver thickness ! delw = 0.072_fp*awb*(awb/rw)**(-0.25_fp) ! ! Thickness of wave boundary mixing layer (Van Rijn (1993)) ! delm = 3.0_fp*delw ! ! Limit minimum delm thickness ! delm = max(delm, ra/30.0_fp) ! ! Convert velocity to velocity at top of wave mixing layer, ! based on ENHANCED bed roughness ! Note that this means that Van Rijn's wave-current ! interaction factor alfacw is no longer required. ! Set this as the reference velocity and height ! usus = umod*log(1.0_fp + delm/z0rou)/log(1.0_fp + zumod/z0rou) zusus = delm ! ! Calculate tauwav and muwa ! Calculate bed-shear stress due to waves ! fw = min(exp( - 6.0_fp + 5.2_fp*(awb/rw)**( - 0.19_fp)), 0.3_fp) tauwav = 0.25_fp*rhowat*fw*uwb**2 ! ! Calculate efficiency factor for waves ! (at reference level aks) ! muwa = 0.6_fp/dstar ! ! And for bed-load slope effects ! f1w = exp( - 6.0_fp + 5.2_fp*(awb/(3*d90))**(-0.19_fp)) muw = f1w/fw endif endif ! ! Limit maximum aks to 20% of water depth ! (may be used when water depth becomes very small) ! aks = min(aks, 0.2_fp * h1) ! ! Calculate bed-shear stress due to currents ! Note: this expression uses the current-only roughness (z0 value) ! and is based on the velocity USUS at the height ZUSUS. ! Note that alfacw is not required in wave and current situations. ! ustarc = usus*vonkar/log(1. + zusus/z0cur) tauc = rhowat*ustarc**2 if (tauadd>0.0_fp) then ! ! extra stress ! tauc = sqrt(tauc**2 + tauadd**2) ! ! update ! ustarc = sqrt(tauc/rhowat) endif ! ! Calculate efficiency factor currents ! if (d90>0.0_fp) then f1c = 0.24_fp*log10(12.0_fp*h1/(3.0_fp*d90))**(-2) else f1c = 0.0_fp endif fc = 0.24_fp*log10(12.0_fp*h1/rc)**(-2) muc = f1c/fc ! ! Calculate bed shear stress ratio for bed-load slope effects ! Note: this ignores bed-slope effects on initiation of motion ! taubcw = muc*tauc + muw*tauwav taucr1 = taucr*(1.0_fp + mudfrac)**betam taurat = taubcw/taucr1 ! ! Calculate Van Rijn's Dimensionless bed-shear stress for reference ! concentration at z=a ! ta = max(0.0_fp, (muc*tauc + muwa*tauwav)/taucr1 - 1.0_fp) ! ! Equilibrium concentration at reference level aks ! following Van Rijn. ! if (ta>eps) then caks = min(0.015_fp*d50*ta**1.5_fp/(aks*dstar**0.3_fp), camax) else caks = 0.0_fp endif ! ! Determination of suspended sediment size dss ! if (iopsus==1) then if (ta<=1.0_fp) then dss = d50*0.64_fp elseif (ta>=25.0_fp) then dss = d50 else dss = d50*(1.0_fp + 0.015_fp*(ta - 25.0_fp)) endif endif end subroutine bedbc1993