module tables !----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Tables module ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module use time_module, only: ymd2jul implicit none ! public tablefiletype ! public org_readtable public org_cleartable public org_getntables public org_gettable public org_checktable public org_checktableparnames public org_gettablelocation public org_gettablentimes public org_gettabletimes public org_gettabledata public org_getfilename ! integer, parameter, public :: MAXTABLECLENGTH = 47 integer, parameter, public :: CHKTAB_PARNAME = 1 integer, parameter, public :: CHKTAB_POSITIVE = 2 integer, parameter, public :: CHKTAB_BLOCK = 3 integer, parameter, public :: CHKTAB_LOGICAL = 4 interface org_gettable module procedure org_gettable_vector, org_gettable_scalar end interface interface org_gettabledata module procedure org_gettabledata_vector, org_gettabledata_scalar end interface type tableparametertype character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: name character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: unit character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: interpolation end type tableparametertype type tabletype real(hp) :: timestep real(hp) :: timeunit real(fp) ,dimension(3) :: geocoords real(fp) ,dimension(3) :: metriccoords real(fp) :: reftime integer :: refdate integer :: layer integer :: nrecords integer :: nparameters type(tableparametertype), dimension(:) , pointer :: parameters real(hp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: times real(fp) , dimension(:,:), pointer :: values character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: name character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: contents character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: location character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: interpolation character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: extrapolation character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: timeunitstr character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) :: timefunction end type tabletype type tablefiletype character(256) :: filename = 'UNKNOWN' type(tabletype), dimension(:), pointer :: tables => NULL() end type tablefiletype ! ! ! contains ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_readtable(this, filnam, refjulday, errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Read table files (i.e. BCT/BCC/BCM) ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: MAXFLD = 400 integer, parameter :: MAXERRSTR = 256 integer, parameter :: MAXLINE = 4096 integer, parameter :: INT_READ = 1 ! used by itype integer, parameter :: REAL_READ = 2 ! used by itype integer, parameter :: CHAR_READ = 3 ! used by itype ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: refjulday character(*) , intent(in) :: filnam character(MAXERRSTR), intent(out) :: errorstring type(tablefiletype) :: this ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: idd integer :: ierr integer :: ihh integer :: ijuldate integer :: imm integer :: iss integer :: iline integer :: ipar integer :: ipar0 integer :: iread_phase integer :: irec integer :: istat integer :: itable integer :: itimestep integer :: iyyyymmdd integer :: lstri1 integer :: lstri2 integer :: lstri3 integer :: lunbcm integer :: nrecords integer :: ntables integer :: ntoken integer :: nvalues integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: itype integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: ifield integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: lenchr ! logical :: feof logical :: error logical :: isdata ! real(fp) , dimension(:), allocatable :: rfield ! character(MAXTABLECLENGTH), dimension(:), allocatable :: cfield character(10) :: stri1 character(10) :: stri2 character(MAXLINE) :: line ! type(tabletype) , dimension(:), pointer :: tables => NULL() type(tabletype) , pointer :: table ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! istat = 0 error = .false. errorstring = 'org_readtable: memory alloc error' ! open(newunit=lunbcm, file = filnam, form = 'formatted', & & status = 'old', iostat = istat) if (istat /= 0) then errorstring = '*** ERROR Error while opening file '//trim(filnam) goto 210 endif this%filename = filnam ! ! Allocate scannr arrays ! allocate(itype(MAXFLD) , stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(ifield(MAXFLD), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(rfield(MAXFLD), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(cfield(MAXFLD), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(lenchr(MAXFLD), stat = istat) if (istat /= 0) goto 210 itype = 0 ifield = -999 rfield = -999.0 cfield = 'undefined' ! ! Count number of tables in file ! ntables = 0 do iread_phase = 1,3 ! ! Begin of iread_phase loop ! 1: determine number of tables ! 2: determine number of parameters and records per table ! 3: read parameters and data values ! itable = 0 iline = 0 feof = .false. do while (.not.feof) ! ! table loop ! itable = itable + 1 ipar = 0 ! if (iread_phase > 1) then table => tables(itable) endif ! if (iread_phase == 3) then ! ! time column should be treated in a different manner ! if (trim(table%timefunction) == 'non-equidistant') then ipar = -1 endif endif ! isdata = .false. ! nvalues = 0 ! do while (.not.isdata) ! ! keyword loop for current table ! ! => process keyword ! if (iline == 0) then ! ! No line read yet ! elseif (itype(1) == CHAR_READ) then ! ! character parameter read ! call org_readtable_keyword() endif if (error) goto 200 ! ! Read new line ! iline = iline+1 read (lunbcm, '(A)', iostat = istat) line lstri1 = len_trim(line) if (lstri1 > MAXLINE - 10) then write (*,*) 'warning: line number ', iline, ' of file ', filnam, 'possibly too long.' endif if (istat < 0) feof = .true. ! ntoken = 0 call scannr( line, 1, len(line), ntoken, itype, & & ifield, rfield, cfield, lenchr, MAXFLD, .true., & & .false., .false.) ! if (ntoken<0) goto 200 ! !---------------------------------------------- ! debug: ! do i = 1, ntoken ! if (itype(i) == INT_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',ifield(i),'<' ! elseif (itype(i) == REAL_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',rfield(i),'<' ! elseif (itype(i) == CHAR_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',cfield(i),'<' ! endif ! enddo !---------------------------------------------- ! if (itype(1) /= CHAR_READ) then if (ipar == 0) then errorstring = 'Data encountered before parameters definition' goto 200 else ! ! Goto data loop ! isdata = .true. endif endif ! ! End of keyword loop for current table ! enddo ! if (iread_phase == 2) then if (table%timeunitstr == 'ddhhmmss' .and. & & table%timefunction == 'equidistant') then if (table%timestep < 0.0_hp) then errorstring = 'Missing time-step in equidistant table' goto 210 else itimestep = int(table%timestep) iss = mod(itimestep,100) itimestep = (itimestep - iss)/100 imm = mod(itimestep,100) itimestep = (itimestep - imm)/100 ihh = mod(itimestep,100) idd = (itimestep - ihh)/100 ! table%timestep = real(idd,hp) + & & real(ihh,hp) / 60.0_hp + & & real(imm,hp) / 1440.0_hp + & & real(iss,hp) / 86400.0_hp table%timeunitstr = 'days' endif endif endif ! irec = 1 ipar = 1 ! if (iread_phase == 3) then ! ! time column should be treated in a different manner ! if (trim(table%timefunction) == 'non-equidistant') then ipar = 0 endif endif ! ! store initial ipar value for use on each record line ! ipar0 = ipar ! call org_readtable_data() enddo ! select case(iread_phase) case(1) ! ! Allocate space for the tables ! ntables = itable ! ! write(*,*) 'NTables = ',ntables ! allocate (this%tables(ntables), stat = istat) if (istat /= 0) goto 210 tables => this%tables ! do itable = 1, ntables table => tables(itable) ! table%timestep = -999.0_hp table%geocoords = -999.0_fp table%metriccoords = -999.0_fp table%layer = -999 table%refdate = -999 table%reftime = -999.0_fp table%nrecords = -999 table%nparameters = 0 write(table%name,'(A,I4,A)') 'Table',itable,' (nameless)' table%contents = '' table%location = '' table%interpolation = 'linear' table%extrapolation = 'none' table%timeunitstr = 'minutes' table%timeunit = 1.0_hp / 1440.0_hp table%timefunction = 'non-equidistant' enddo ! rewind(lunbcm) case(2) ! ! Allocate space for the parameters and data ! do itable = 1, ntables table => tables(itable) ! if (table%refdate == -999 .and. table%timeunitstr /= 'date') then errorstring = 'Missing reference-date record in table ''' // & & trim(table%name) // '''' goto 210 endif ! if (trim(table%timefunction) == 'non-equidistant') then ! ! First column (times) will be stored in separate array ! table%nparameters = table%nparameters - 1 endif ! allocate(table%parameters(table%nparameters), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(table%times(table%nrecords), stat = istat) if (istat == 0) allocate(table%values(table%nrecords,table%nparameters), stat = istat) if (istat /= 0) goto 210 enddo ! rewind(lunbcm) case(3) ! ! File read successfully ! close (lunbcm) endselect ! ! End of iread_phase loop ! enddo ! ! Deallocate scannr arrays ! deallocate(itype , stat=ierr) deallocate(ifield, stat=ierr) deallocate(rfield, stat=ierr) deallocate(cfield, stat=ierr) deallocate(lenchr, stat=ierr) ! ! File read successfully; don't report an error now ... ! errorstring = ' ' return ! 200 continue if (ntoken < 0) then if (ntoken == -2) then errorstring = 'Line parse error: too many sub-fields' elseif (ntoken == -3) then errorstring = 'Line parse error: sub-field string too long' elseif (ntoken == -4) then errorstring = 'Line parse error: unmatched quotes' else errorstring = 'Line parse error' endif endif lstri1 = len_trim(filnam) lstri2 = len_trim(line) lstri3 = len_trim(errorstring) ! ! 21 is length of 'Reading XLine I004: X' ! if (lstri1 + lstri3 < MAXERRSTR - 21 - 1) then if (lstri1 + lstri2 + lstri3 >= MAXERRSTR - 21) then lstri2 = MAXERRSTR - 21 - 1 - lstri1 - lstri3 endif write(errorstring,'(4A,I4,4A)') & & 'Reading ',trim(filnam),char(10), & & 'Line ',iline,': ',line(1:lstri2),char(10), & & trim(errorstring) endif 210 continue ! ! ! contains ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_readtable_keyword() call str_lower(cfield(1),len(cfield(1))) if (org_readtable_isComment(cfield(1))) then ! ! Skip comments and record length ! elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'table-name') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Table name must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else table%name = cfield(2) endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'contents') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Contents must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%contents = cfield(2) endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1))=='geo-coordinates') then ! ! geographical co-ordinates ! if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken<3) then errorstring = 'Missing coordinate data' error = .true. goto 100 else ! ! geo-coordinates [depth] ! geo-coordinates layer ! if (itype(2)==INT_READ .or. itype(2)==REAL_READ) then table%geocoords(1) = rfield(2) else errorstring = 'Longitude must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif if (itype(3)==INT_READ .or. itype(3)==REAL_READ) then table%geocoords(2) = rfield(3) else errorstring = 'Latitude must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif if (ntoken==3) then ! ! no optional elevation data ! elseif (ntoken==4) then ! ! geo-coordinates [depth] ! if (itype(4)==INT_READ .or. itype(4)==REAL_READ) then table%geocoords(3) = rfield(4) else errorstring = 'Depth must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif elseif (ntoken==5) then ! ! geo-coordinates layer ! call str_lower(cfield(4),len(cfield(4))) if (cfield(4) /= 'layer') then errorstring = 'Expected keyword ''layer''' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(5) /= INT_READ .or. ifield(5) < 0) then errorstring = 'Layer must be a non-negative integer' error = .true. goto 100 else table%layer = ifield(5) endif else ! if (ntoken > 5) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'location') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Location must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else table%location = cfield(2) endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'interpolation') then if (ipar <= 0) then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Interpolation type must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%interpolation = cfield(2) if (cfield(2) /= 'linear' .and. & & cfield(2) /= 'block') then errorstring = 'Interpolation type must be ''linear'' or ''block''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif else if (iread_phase == 3) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Interpolation type must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%parameters(ipar)%interpolation = cfield(2) if (cfield(2) /= 'linear' .and. & & cfield(2) /= 'block') then errorstring = 'Interpolation type must be ''linear'' or ''block''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'extrapolation') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Extrapolation type must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%extrapolation = cfield(2) if (cfield(2) /= 'periodic' .and. & & cfield(2) /= 'constant' .and. & & cfield(2) /= 'none') then errorstring = 'Extrapolation type must be ''periodic'', ''constant'' or ''none''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'records-in-table') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= INT_READ) then errorstring = 'Number of records in table must be positive integer' error = .true. goto 100 else table%nrecords = ifield(2) if (ifield(2) <= 0) then errorstring = 'Number of records in table must be positive integer' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'metric') then ! ! metric co-ordinates ! if (iread_phase == 2) then call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) if (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Unknown keyword: '//trim(cfield(1)) error = .true. goto 100 elseif (trim(cfield(2)) /= 'coordinates') then errorstring = 'Unknown keyword: '//trim(cfield(1))//' '//trim(cfield(2)) error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken<4) then errorstring = 'Missing coordinate data' error = .true. goto 100 else ! ! metric coordinates [depth] ! metric coordinates layer ! if (itype(3) /= CHAR_READ) then table%metriccoords(1) = rfield(3) else errorstring = 'X co-ordinate must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif if (itype(4) /= CHAR_READ) then table%metriccoords(2) = rfield(4) else errorstring = 'Y co-ordinate must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif if (ntoken == 4) then ! ! no optional elevation data ! elseif (ntoken == 5) then ! ! metric coordinates [depth] ! if (itype(5) /= CHAR_READ) then table%metriccoords(3) = rfield(5) else errorstring = 'Depth must be a numeric value' error = .true. goto 100 endif elseif (ntoken == 6) then ! ! metric coordinates layer ! call str_lower(cfield(5),len(cfield(5))) if (cfield(5) /= 'layer') then errorstring = 'Expected keyword ''layer''' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(6) /= INT_READ .or. ifield(6) < 0) then errorstring = 'Layer must be a non-negative integer' error = .true. goto 100 else table%layer = ifield(6) endif else ! if (ntoken > 6) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'layer') then ! ! layer ! if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= INT_READ .or. ifield(2) < 0) then errorstring = 'Layer must be a non-negative integer' error = .true. goto 100 else table%layer = ifield(2) endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'time-unit') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Time unit must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%timeunitstr = cfield(2) if (trim(cfield(2)) == 'date' .or. trim(cfield(2)) == 'absolute') then table%timeunit = -1.0_hp table%timeunitstr = 'date' elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'years') then table%timeunit = 365.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'decades') then table%timeunit = 3650.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'days') then table%timeunit = 1.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'hours') then table%timeunit = 1.0_hp / 24.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'minutes') then table%timeunit = 1.0_hp / 1440.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'seconds') then table%timeunit = 1.0_hp / 86400.0_hp elseif (trim(cfield(2)) == 'ddhhmmss') then table%timeunit = 1.0_hp else errorstring = 'Time unit must be ''date'', ''years'', ''decades'', ''days'', ''hours'', ''minutes'', ''seconds'', ''ddhhmmss''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'time-step') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then table%timestep = rfield(2) else errorstring = 'Time step must be a numeric value' endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'reference-time') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 3 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(4))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) == INT_READ) then if (ntoken == 2) then ! ! ! table%refdate = ymd2jul(ifield(2)) table%reftime = 0.0_fp elseif (ntoken == 3 .and. itype(3) == INT_READ) then ! ! ! table%refdate = ymd2jul(ifield(2)) ihh = ifield(3) / 10000 ifield(3) = ifield(3) - ihh * 10000 imm = ifield(3) / 100 iss = ifield(3) - imm * 100 table%reftime = real( real(ihh,hp) / 60.0_hp + & & real(imm,hp) / 1440.0_hp + & & real(iss,hp) / 86400.0_hp ,fp) else errorstring = 'Invalid reference time specification' error = .true. goto 100 endif elseif (itype(2) == REAL_READ) then errorstring = 'Invalid reference time specification' error = .true. goto 100 else ! if (itype(2) == CHAR_READ) then call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%refdate = refjulday table%reftime = 0.0_fp if (trim(cfield(2)) /= 'from model') then errorstring = 'Reference time must be explicitly specified or it should be ''from model''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'constant') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 1) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 1 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(2))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 else table%timefunction = 'constant' table%nrecords = 1 endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1)) == 'time-function') then if (iread_phase == 2) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 2 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(3))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Time function must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 else call str_lower(cfield(2),len(cfield(2))) table%timefunction = cfield(2) if (trim(cfield(2)) /= 'astronomic' .and. & & trim(cfield(2)) /= 'harmonic' .and. & & trim(cfield(2)) /= 'equidistant' .and. & & trim(cfield(2)) /= 'non-equidistant') then errorstring = 'Time function must be ''astronomic'', ''harmonic'', ''equidistant'' or ''non-equidistant''' error = .true. goto 100 endif endif endif elseif (trim(cfield(1))=='parameter') then ipar = ipar + 1 if (iread_phase == 2) then table%nparameters = ipar elseif (iread_phase == 3) then if (ntoken < 2) then errorstring = 'Too few arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken > 4 .and. .not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(5))) then errorstring = 'Too many arguments on line' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(2) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Parameter name must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (ntoken < 4) then errorstring = 'Missing unit string' error = .true. goto 100 elseif (itype(4) /= CHAR_READ) then errorstring = 'Unit must be a string' error = .true. goto 100 endif if (ipar == 0) then ! ! Time column should be skipped; check whether ! the parameter is indeed called 'time'. ! call str_lower(cfield(2),MAXTABLECLENGTH) ! allow 'time' and 'time starting at ...' (in case of reuse TMP files) if (trim(cfield(2)(1:5)) /= 'time ') then errorstring = 'Parameter in first column should be ''time''' error = .true. goto 100 endif else ! ! Normal data column ! table%parameters(ipar)%name = cfield(2) table%parameters(ipar)%unit = cfield(4) table%parameters(ipar)%interpolation = table%interpolation endif endif else if (.not.org_readtable_isComment(cfield(1))) then errorstring = 'Unknown keyword: '//cfield(1) error = .true. goto 100 endif endif ! 100 continue end subroutine org_readtable_keyword ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_readtable_data() do while (isdata .and. (.not.feof)) ! ! data loop for current table ! if (iread_phase >= 2) then label_token: do i = 1, ntoken ! if (itype(i) == CHAR_READ) then ! ! a string in the table is not always an error since ! in case of time-units 'date' the yyyymmddhhmmss ! value cannot be converted to a single precision ! real or long integer ! if (org_readtable_isComment(cfield(i))) then ! ! skip comments also in table. The whole remainder of ! the line should be interpreted as a comment, so jump ! out of the token loop ! exit label_token elseif (ipar == 0 .and. trim(table%timeunitstr) == 'date') then ! ! okay continue ! else write(errorstring,*) 'Unexpected string encountered while reading data' error = .true. goto 150 endif endif ! if (iread_phase == 2) then ! ! count values only, don't put them in the array since that ! has not yet been allocated ! nvalues = nvalues + 1 ! elseif (ipar == 0) then ! ! time column ! table%timefunction = 'non-equidistant' ! ! copy contents of time column to times array instead of ! copying it to the values array. ! select case(trim(table%timeunitstr)) case ('date') ! ! yyyymmddhhmmss ! ! this value may be indicated as string, integer or ! floating point value depending on the kind settings ! always use the string value cfield(i) ! read(cfield(i),'(I8,I2,I2,I2)') iyyyymmdd,ihh,imm,iss ijuldate = ymd2jul(iyyyymmdd) table%times(irec) = real(ijuldate,hp) + & & real(ihh,hp) / 60.0_hp + & & real(imm,hp) / 1440.0_hp + & & real(iss,hp) / 86400.0_hp case default ! ! Insert time into table; itype cannot be CHAR_READ since ! that exception has already been caught above ! table%times(irec) = real(rfield(i),hp) * table%timeunit end select ! else ! ! data column ! if (ipar == 1) then ! ! generate time column when not available from file ! if (trim(table%timefunction) == 'constant') then table%times(irec) = 0.0_hp elseif (trim(table%timefunction) == 'equidistant') then table%times(irec) = real(irec-1,hp) * table%timestep & & * table%timeunit endif endif ! ! Insert value into table; itype cannot be CHAR_READ since ! that exception has already been caught above ! table%values(irec,ipar) = rfield(i) ! endif ! ipar = ipar + 1 ! ! wrap to next row as needed ! if (ipar > table%nparameters) then ipar = ipar0 irec = irec + 1 endif enddo & & label_token endif ! ! read new line ! iline = iline+1 read (lunbcm, '(A)', iostat = istat) line if (istat<0) feof = .true. ! ntoken = 0 call scannr( line, 1, len(line), ntoken, itype, & & ifield, rfield, cfield, lenchr, MAXFLD, .true., & & .false., .false.) if (ntoken<0) then error = .true. goto 150 endif ! !---------------------------------------------- ! do i = 1, ntoken ! if (itype(i) == INT_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',ifield(i),'<' ! elseif (itype(i) == REAL_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',rfield(i),'<' ! elseif (itype(i) == CHAR_READ) then ! write(*,*) '>',cfield(i),'<' ! endif ! enddo !---------------------------------------------- ! if (itype(1)==CHAR_READ) then isdata = .false. endif enddo ! ! Finish reading table (also if we have reached the end of the file !!) ! if (iread_phase == 2) then ! ! Check for consistency of number of values in table versus ! specified number of parameters and records ! ! We don't have to check whether table%nparameters == 0 ! because this check is effectively carried out at the end of the ! keyword loop resulting in the error message "Data encountered ! before parameters definition" ! nrecords = nvalues/table%nparameters if (mod(nvalues,table%nparameters) /= 0) then write(stri1,'(I7)') nvalues write(stri2,'(I7)') table%nparameters errorstring = 'Number of values (' // trim(adjustl(stri1)) // & & ') in table is not multiple of number of parameters (' // & & trim(adjustl(stri2)) // ')' error = .true. goto 150 elseif (table%nrecords == -999) then table%nrecords = nrecords elseif (nrecords /= table%nrecords) then write(stri1,'(I7)') nrecords write(stri2,'(I7)') table%nrecords errorstring = 'Actual number of records (' // trim(adjustl(stri1)) // & & ') in table does not match specified number (' // & & trim(adjustl(stri2)) // ')' error = .true. goto 150 endif endif ! 150 continue end subroutine org_readtable_data ! ! !=============================================================================== function org_readtable_isComment(aString) result(isComment) ! ! result logical :: isComment ! ! parameters character(*) :: aString ! ! body if ( aString(1:1) == '*' & & .or. aString(1:1) == '#' & & .or. aString(1:1) == ';') then isComment = .true. else isComment = .false. endif end function org_readtable_isComment ! ! ! end subroutine org_readtable ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_cleartable(this) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! type(tablefiletype) :: this ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: istat type(tabletype), dimension(:), pointer :: tables ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (associated(this%tables)) then ! tables => this%tables ! do i = 1, size(tables) if (associated(tables(i)%parameters)) deallocate(tables(i)%parameters, STAT = istat) if (associated(tables(i)%values)) deallocate(tables(i)%values, STAT = istat) enddo deallocate(this%tables, STAT = istat) endif end subroutine org_cleartable ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_gettabletimes(this ,itable ,times ,refjulday , & & errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get all times from the specified table ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer ,intent(in) :: itable integer ,intent(in) :: refjulday real(fp), dimension(*) ,intent(out) :: times type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! real(hp) :: datediff ! integer :: nrec type(tabletype), pointer :: table ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! table => this%tables(itable) errorstring = ' ' ! select case(trim(table%timefunction)) case ('non-equidistant','equidistant','constant') ! ! note: equidistant and constant tables have been ! extended with additional time column in org_readtable ! ! times are stored in days and returned in hours ! datediff = real(refjulday-table%refdate,hp) do nrec = 1,table%nrecords times(nrec) = real(table%times(nrec)-datediff,fp) * 24.0_fp enddo case default errorstring = 'Time-function '''// & & trim(table%timefunction)//''' not yet implemented,'// & & ' please contact code supplier' return endselect ! end subroutine org_gettabletimes ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_gettabledata_vector(this ,ivec ,values , & & timhr ,refjulday ,errorstring,extrapol_in) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get data from table for specified time ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer, dimension(4) :: ivec integer ,intent(in) :: refjulday real(fp), optional ,intent(in) :: extrapol_in real(fp) ,intent(in) :: timhr real(fp), dimension(:) ,intent(out) :: values type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: extrapol ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (present(extrapol_in)) then extrapol = extrapol_in else extrapol = 0.0_fp endif call org_gettabledata_scalar(this ,ivec(1) ,ivec(2) , & & ivec(3) ,ivec(4) ,values ,timhr , & & refjulday ,errorstring,extrapol) end subroutine org_gettabledata_vector ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_gettabledata_scalar(this ,itable ,ipar , & & npar ,irec ,values ,timhr , & & refjulday ,errorstring,extrapol_in) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get data from table for specified time ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer ,intent(in) :: itable integer ,intent(in) :: ipar integer :: irec integer ,intent(in) :: npar integer ,intent(in) :: refjulday real(fp), optional ,intent(in) :: extrapol_in real(fp) ,intent(in) :: timhr real(fp), dimension(:) ,intent(out) :: values type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! real(hp) :: timreq ! real(fp) :: alpha real(fp) :: extrapol ! integer :: i integer :: j integer :: datediff ! logical :: blockfunction logical :: inrange ! integer, pointer :: nrec type(tabletype), pointer :: table ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! table => this%tables(itable) errorstring = ' ' ! select case(trim(table%timefunction)) case ('non-equidistant','equidistant','constant') ! ! Search for times in table (note equidistant and ! constant tables have been extended with additional ! time column in org_readtable) ! timreq = real(timhr,hp) / 24.0_fp if (table%timeunitstr == 'date') then timreq = timreq + real(refjulday,hp) else datediff = refjulday - table%refdate timreq = timreq + real(datediff,hp) - table%reftime endif nrec => table%nrecords ! inrange = .true. ! ! Check whether the data is in the appropriate range ! Use comparereal to make sure that in single precision, small differences are allowed ! if (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(1),fp)) == -1) then ! ! requested time before the first time in the table ! select case(trim(table%extrapolation)) case ('periodic') errorstring = 'Periodic boundary conditions not '// & & 'yet implemented, please contact code supplier' return case ('constant') irec = 1 do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 values(i) = table%values(irec,j) enddo inrange = .false. case default errorstring = 'Requested time lies before available '// & & 'times for '//trim(table%parameters(ipar)%name(1:20))// & & ' at '//trim(table%location) return endselect elseif (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(nrec),fp)) == 1) then ! ! requested time beyond the last time in the table ! blockfunction = .true. do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 if (table%parameters(j)%interpolation /= 'block') then blockfunction = .false. exit endif enddo ! if (blockfunction) then irec = nrec do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 values(i) = table%values(irec,j) enddo inrange = .false. ! else select case(trim(table%extrapolation) ) case ('periodic') errorstring = 'Periodic boundary conditions not '// & & 'yet implemented, please contact code supplier' return case ('constant') irec = nrec do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 values(i) = table%values(irec,j) enddo inrange = .false. case default if (present(extrapol_in)) then ! ! extrapol_in: interval behind table%times(nrec) where extrapolation is used [hr] ! extrapol = extrapol_in / 24.0_fp else extrapol = 0.0_fp endif if (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(nrec),fp)+extrapol) /= 1) then irec = nrec do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 values(i) = table%values(irec,j) enddo inrange = .false. else errorstring = 'Requested time lies beyond available '// & & 'times for '//trim(table%parameters(ipar)%name(1:20))// & & ' at '//trim(table%location) return endif endselect ! endif endif ! if (inrange) then ! ! Reset search index ! Use comparereal to make sure that in single precision, small differences are allowed ! if (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(irec),fp)) == -1) irec = 1 ! ! search time-interval ... ! do while (irec < nrec) ! ! Use comparereal to make sure that in single precision, small differences are allowed ! if (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(irec+1),fp)) == 0) then alpha = 0.0_fp exit elseif (comparereal(real(timreq,fp), real(table%times(irec+1),fp)) == -1) then if (table%times(irec+1) > table%times(irec)) then alpha = ( table%times(irec+1) - timreq ) / ( table%times(irec+1)-table%times(irec) ) exit else errorstring = 'Times are not increasing at '//trim(table%location) return endif endif irec = irec + 1 enddo ! ! time found ! do i = 1, npar j = ipar + i - 1 if (trim(table%parameters(j)%interpolation) == 'block') then ! ! block interpolation ! values(i) = table%values(irec,j) else ! ! linear interpolation ! values(i) = table%values(irec,j) * alpha + & & table%values(irec+1,j) * (1.0_fp - alpha) endif enddo endif case default errorstring = 'Time-function '''// & & trim(table%timefunction)//''' not yet implemented,'// & & ' please contact code supplier' return endselect ! end subroutine org_gettabledata_scalar ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_gettable_vector(this ,location ,parname ,ivec , & & nparmin ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Find table for specified location and quantity ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer, dimension(4) ,intent(out) :: ivec integer ,intent(in) :: nparmin character(*) ,intent(in) :: location character(*) ,intent(in) :: parname type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! call org_gettable(this ,location ,parname ,ivec(1) , & & ivec(2) ,ivec(3) ,nparmin ,errorstring) ivec(4) = 1 end subroutine org_gettable_vector ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_gettable_scalar(this ,location ,parname ,itable , & & ipar ,npar ,nparmin ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Find table for specified location and quantity ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer ,intent(out) :: itable integer ,intent(out) :: ipar integer ,intent(out) :: npar integer ,intent(in) :: nparmin character(*) ,intent(in) :: location character(*) ,intent(in) :: parname type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j integer :: lpn ! type(tabletype), dimension(:), pointer :: tables ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! tables => this%tables errorstring = ' ' itable = -999 ! lpn = min(20,len(parname)) ! loop_tables: do i = 1, size(tables) if (trim(tables(i)%location) == location) then ! do j = 1, tables(i)%nparameters if (tables(i)%parameters(j)%name(1:lpn) == parname(1:lpn)) then itable = i ipar = j exit loop_tables endif enddo endif enddo & & loop_tables ! if (itable < 0) then npar = 0 if (npar < nparmin) then errorstring = 'Missing ''' // trim(parname) // & & ''' data for location ''' // trim(location) // & & ''' in ' // trim(this%filename) return else return endif endif ! j = ipar do while (trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name(1:lpn)) == parname(1:lpn)) j = j + 1 if (j > tables(itable)%nparameters) exit enddo npar = j - ipar ! end subroutine org_gettable_scalar ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_checktable(this ,itable ,ipar , & & npar ,chktyp ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Check whether all values in table are ! * positive if CHKTAB_POSITIVE ! * logical if CHKTAB_LOGICAL ! * block-wise specified if CHKTAB_BLOCK ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer ,intent(in) :: itable integer ,intent(in) :: ipar integer ,intent(in) :: npar integer ,intent(in) :: chktyp type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j ! type(tabletype), dimension(:), pointer :: tables ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! tables => this%tables errorstring = ' ' ! do j = ipar, ipar + npar - 1 if ((iand(chktyp,CHKTAB_LOGICAL)==1 .or. & & iand(chktyp,CHKTAB_BLOCK)==1).and. & & trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%interpolation) /= 'block') then errorstring = 'Interpolation method should be "block" for ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name) // ''' at location ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%location) // ''' in ' // & & trim(this%filename) return endif do i = 1, tables(itable)%nrecords if (iand(chktyp,CHKTAB_POSITIVE)==1 .and. & & tables(itable)%values(i,j) < 0.0) then errorstring = 'Negative value encountered for ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name) // ''' at location ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%location) // ''' in ' // & & trim(this%filename) return endif if (iand(chktyp,CHKTAB_LOGICAL)==1 .and. & & comparereal(tables(itable)%values(i,j),0.0_fp) /= 0 .and. & & comparereal(tables(itable)%values(i,j),1.0_fp) /= 0) then errorstring = 'Not all values are 0 or 1 for ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name) // ''' at location ''' // & & trim(tables(itable)%location) // ''' in ' // & & trim(this%filename) return endif enddo enddo ! end subroutine org_checktable ! ! !=============================================================================== subroutine org_checktableparnames(this ,parnames ,itable , & & ipar ,npar ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Check parameter names in table ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! integer ,intent(in) :: itable integer ,intent(in) :: ipar integer ,intent(in) :: npar character(*), dimension(npar),intent(in) :: parnames type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j ! type(tabletype), dimension(:), pointer :: tables ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! tables => this%tables errorstring = ' ' ! i = 0 do j = ipar, ipar + npar - 1 i = i + 1 if (trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name) /= parnames(i)) then errorstring = 'Expected ''' // trim(parnames(i)) // & & ''' but found ''' // trim(tables(itable)%parameters(j)%name) // & & ''' for location ''' // trim(tables(itable)%location) // & & ''' in ' // trim(this%filename) return endif enddo ! end subroutine org_checktableparnames ! ! !=============================================================================== character(256) function org_getfilename(this ) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get the name of the file ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this ! ! Local variables ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! org_getfilename = this%filename end function org_getfilename ! ! !=============================================================================== integer function org_getntables(this ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get the number of tables ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (associated(this%tables)) then errorstring = ' ' org_getntables = size(this%tables) else errorstring = 'Tables not yet initialised' org_getntables = 0 endif end function org_getntables ! ! !=============================================================================== character(MAXTABLECLENGTH) function org_gettablelocation(this ,itable ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get location name of table ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this integer ,intent(in) :: itable character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (associated(this%tables)) then if (itable<=size(this%tables)) then errorstring = ' ' org_gettablelocation = this%tables(itable)%location else errorstring = 'Table index is too large' org_gettablelocation = ' ' endif else errorstring = 'Tables not yet initialised' org_gettablelocation = ' ' endif end function org_gettablelocation ! ! !=============================================================================== integer function org_gettablentimes(this ,itable ,errorstring) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Get the number of times in table ! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Global variables ! type(tablefiletype) ,intent(in) :: this integer ,intent(in) :: itable character(256) ,intent(out) :: errorstring ! ! Local variables ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (associated(this%tables)) then if (itable<=size(this%tables)) then errorstring = ' ' org_gettablentimes = this%tables(itable)%nrecords else errorstring = 'Table index is too large' org_gettablentimes = 0 endif else errorstring = 'Tables not yet initialised' org_gettablentimes = 0 endif end function org_gettablentimes end module tables