module string_module !----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Various string processing routines ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private ! ! functions and subroutines ! public :: string_module_info public :: str_token public :: str_tolower public :: str_lower public :: str_toupper public :: str_upper public :: strcmpi public :: trimexact public :: remove_leading_spaces public :: remove_all_spaces public :: replace_multiple_spaces_by_single_spaces public :: find_first_word public :: find_first_letter public :: find_first_char public :: count_words public :: remove_substr public :: remove_chars public :: replace_char public :: replace_string public :: splitstr public :: strsplit public :: char_array_to_string_by_len public :: strip_quotes public :: real2string, real2stringLeft public :: GetLine public :: get_dirsep interface strip_quotes module procedure strip_quotes1 module procedure strip_quotes2 end interface strip_quotes contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Subroutine: string_module_info ! Purpose: Add info about this string module to the messages stack ! Summary: Add id string and URL ! Arguments: ! messages Stack of messages to add the info to ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine string_module_info(messages) use message_module ! ! Arguments ! type(message_stack), pointer :: messages ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! call addmessage(messages,'') call addmessage(messages,'$URL$') end subroutine string_module_info ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Subroutine: str_token ! Purpose: Obtain first token from string ! Summary: Scan string for non-delimiter (e.g. non-space) characters and ! return first set found. ! Arguments: ! string on input : String to be scanned ! on output: Remainder of string ! token on output: String containing token ! quote on input : Optional quote character ! delims on input : Optional string with delimiter characters. ! Default: space, tab, LF, CR: 32, 9, 10, 13. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine str_token(string, token, quote, delims) ! ! Arguments ! character(*) , intent(inout) :: string character(*) , intent(out) :: token character(1), optional, intent(in) :: quote character(*), optional, intent(in) :: delims !< String where each character will be used as a delimiter (replacing the default whitespace delimiters) ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: i1 integer :: i2 integer :: j integer :: strlen logical :: quoted integer :: ndelim integer, allocatable :: idelims(:) !< Integer character codes for one or more delimiters ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! if (present(delims)) then ndelim = len(delims) allocate(idelims(ndelim)) do i=1,ndelim idelims(i) = ichar(delims(i:i)) end do else ndelim = 4 allocate(idelims(ndelim)) idelims = (/ 32, 9, 10, 13 /) end if i1 = -1 i2 = -1 quoted = .false. strlen = len_trim(string) ! find start of token do i = 1, strlen j = ichar(string(i:i)) if (any(idelims == j)) then ! a delimiter (e.g. space) if (i1>0 .and. .not.quoted) then ! token ends here i2 = i-1 exit endif else ! not a delimiter if (i1<0) then ! token starts here and may continue till the end of the string if (present(quote)) then if (string(i:i) == quote) then quoted = .true. endif endif i1 = i i2 = strlen elseif (quoted) then if (string(i:i) == quote) then quoted = .false. endif endif endif enddo ! if (i1<0) then ! empty string: no token found token = ' ' else ! token found token = string(i1:i2) if (present(quote)) then ! remove quotes if (string(i1:i1)==quote .and. string(i2:i2)==quote) then token = string(i1+1:i2-1) endif endif string = string(i2+1:strlen) endif if (allocated(idelims)) then deallocate(idelims) end if end subroutine str_token !> Return copy of input string with all lowercase characters changed !! into uppercase. !! This is the function version of subroutine str_upper() function str_toupper(string) result(stringout) character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< String to be converted. character(len=len(string)) :: stringout stringout = string call str_upper(stringout) end function str_toupper !> Return copy of input string with all uppercase characters changed !! into lowercase. !! This is the function version of subroutine str_lower() function str_tolower(string) result(stringout) character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< String to be converted. character(len=len(string)) :: stringout stringout = string call str_lower(stringout) end function str_tolower ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Subroutine: str_lower ! Purpose: Convert upper case characters to lower case ! Summary: Scan string for upper case characters and ! convert them. ! Arguments: ! string String to be converted ! lenstr Optional length of string to be converted ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine str_lower(string, lenstr) ! ! Arguments ! integer , optional, intent(in) :: lenstr character(*) :: string ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j integer :: newlen ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! if (present(lenstr)) then newlen = min(lenstr, len_trim(string)) else newlen = len_trim(string) endif do i = 1, newlen j = ichar(string(i:i)) if ((j>64) .and. (j<91)) then j = j + 32 string(i:i) = char(j) endif enddo end subroutine str_lower ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Subroutine: str_upper ! Purpose: Convert lower case characters to upper case ! Summary: Scan string for lower case characters and ! convert them. ! Arguments: ! string String to be converted ! lenstr Optional length of string to be converted ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine str_upper(string, lenstr) ! ! Arguments ! integer , optional, intent(in) :: lenstr character(*) :: string ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j integer :: newlen ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! if (present(lenstr)) then newlen = min(lenstr, len_trim(string)) else newlen = len_trim(string) endif do i = 1, newlen j = ichar(string(i:i)) if ((j>96) .and. (j<123)) then j = j - 32 string(i:i) = char(j) endif enddo end subroutine str_upper ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Subroutine: remove_all_spaces ! Purpose: Remove all spaces from a string ! Summary: Scan string for space characters and if one exists, move the ! following characters forward. ! Arguments: ! string String to be converted ! lenstr Optional trimmed length of string after removal of spaces ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine remove_all_spaces(string, lenstr) ! ! Arguments ! character(*) :: string integer , optional, intent(out):: lenstr ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: newlen ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! newlen = len_trim(string) ! ! loop over all characters in string ! if it is a space character, move remainder of string forward ! i = 1 do while (i Trims input string to a given length, filling with spaces at the end when necessary. !! !! When input string is longer than length, result is identical to normal string. !! When input string is shorter than length, result is filled with spaces on the right. function trimexact(string, length) result(trimmed) character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string. integer, intent(in) :: length !< Exact length for the returned string. character(len=length) :: trimmed !< Resulting string. trimmed = string end function trimexact ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Function: strcmpi ! Purpose: Case-insensitive comparison of strings (upto certain length) ! Summary: Change strings to lower case and compare (sub)strings. ! Arguments: ! string1 First string to be compared ! string2 Second string to be compared ! lencmp Optional length over which to compare strings ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function strcmpi(string1, string2, lenreq) result(retval) ! ! Arguments ! character(*) , intent(in) :: string1 character(*) , intent(in) :: string2 integer , optional, intent(in) :: lenreq logical :: retVal ! .true. if strings are equal ! .false. if strings are not equal or len1 /= len2 ! ! Local variables ! integer :: len1 ! length of string1, without trailing blanks integer :: len2 ! length of string2, without trailing blanks integer :: lencmp ! length of strings to be compared character(999) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: locstr ! copy of strings, to convert to lowercase ! !! executable statements --------------------------------------------------- ! retval = .false. len1 = len_trim(string1) len2 = len_trim(string2) ! ! determine comparison length ! if (present(lenreq)) then lencmp = lenreq else lencmp = max(len1,len2) endif ! ! do a quick check on string length ! if (len1 Determine the index of the first non-whitespace character in a string. !! Failure is indicated by: idx = 0 function find_first_char(string) result(idx) implicit none integer :: idx !< index of the first non-whitespace character in string. character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to inspect integer :: i ! do i = 1, len(string) if (.not. is_whitespace(string(i:i))) then idx = i return endif enddo idx = 0 end function find_first_char !> Determine the indices of the first letter (not number) and last character of the first word in a string. !! Failure is indicated by: i1 = 0; i2 = 0 subroutine find_first_word(string, i1, i2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to inspect integer, intent(out) :: i1 !< string index of the first letter of the first word integer, intent(out) :: i2 !< string index of the last character of the first word ! integer :: i !< loop counter integer :: L !< length of string, excluding trailing whitespace ! L = len_trim(string) i1 = find_first_letter(string(1:L)) i2 = 0 i = 0 ! if (i1 > 0) then i2 = L do i=i1+1, L if (is_whitespace(string(i:i))) then i2 = i-1 exit end if end do end if end subroutine find_first_word !> Determine the index of the first letter in a string. !! Failure is indicated by: index = 0 function find_first_letter(string) result(idx) integer :: idx !< index of first letter character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to inspect ! integer :: i !< loop index integer :: i1 !< helper variable integer :: i2 !< helper variable integer :: i3 !< helper variable ! idx = 0 do i=1, len_trim(string) i1 = index('qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm', string(i:i)) i2 = index('QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM', string(i:i)) i3 = max(i1, i2) if (i3 /= 0) then idx = i exit endif enddo end function find_first_letter !> Count the number of whitespace separated character groups. function count_words(string) result(number) integer :: number !< number of words character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to inspect ! integer :: i !< loop counter logical :: was_whitespace !< helper variable ! number = 0 was_whitespace = .true. ! do i=1, len(string) if (is_whitespace(string(i:i))) then if (.not. was_whitespace) then ! word has ended was_whitespace = .true. end if else if (was_whitespace) then ! word has started number = number + 1 was_whitespace = .false. end if end if end do end function count_words !> Checks whether the character is whitespace. function is_whitespace(letter) logical :: is_whitespace !< character(len=1), intent(in) :: letter !< ! is_whitespace = .false. ! if (letter == ' ') then ! space is_whitespace = .true. else if (letter == char(9)) then ! tab is_whitespace = .true. end if end function is_whitespace !> Replace character with code ichar1 by code ichar2 subroutine replace_char(r,ichar1,ichar2) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: r integer , intent(in) :: ichar1 integer , intent(in) :: ichar2 ! integer :: ch integer :: i ! do i=1,len_trim(r) ch = ichar(r(i:i)) if (ch==ichar1) then r(i:i) = achar(ichar2) endif enddo end subroutine replace_char !> Replace substring in a total string by a replacement string. !! If the search string occurs multiple times, all will be replaced. function replace_string(totalstring, searchstring, replstring) result(resultstring) use m_alloc character(len=*), intent(in ) :: totalstring !< Input string in which searching is done. character(len=*), intent(in ) :: searchstring !< Search string, will be used completely, without trimming. character(len=*), intent(in ) :: replstring !< Replacement string, will be used completely, without trimming. character(len=:), allocatable :: resultstring !< Resulting string containing all of totalstring, and all occurrences of searchstring replaced by replstring. ! integer :: istart, ifound, iresult, ntotal, nsearch, nrepl, nresult ! istart = 1 iresult = 1 ntotal = len(totalstring) nsearch = len(searchstring) nrepl = len(replstring) allocate(character(len=ntotal) :: resultstring) nresult = len(resultstring) do while (istart <= ntotal) ifound = index(totalstring(istart:), searchstring) if (ifound > 0) then ! Copy substring preceding the newly found match resultstring(iresult:iresult+ifound-2) = totalstring(istart:istart+ifound-2) iresult = iresult+ifound-1 ! Next, put the replacement string if (iresult+nrepl-1 > nresult) then call realloc(resultstring, iresult+nrepl-1, keepExisting=.true.) nresult = iresult+nrepl-1 end if resultstring(iresult:iresult+nrepl-1) = replstring iresult = iresult+nrepl istart = istart+ifound-1+nsearch else exit end if end do ! End with appending the last remaining part of the input string. if (iresult+ntotal-istart > nresult) then call realloc(resultstring, iresult+ntotal-istart, keepExisting=.true.) nresult = iresult+ntotal-istart end if resultstring(iresult:iresult+ntotal-istart) = totalstring(istart:ntotal) end function replace_string !> For each character in the given set, remove any occurrence in the subject subroutine remove_chars(r,charset) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: r !< subject on which to perform removal character(len=*), intent(in) :: charset !< collection of characters to be removed ! integer :: i, j ! j=1 do i=1,len_trim(r) if (index(charset,r(i:i))<=0) then r(j:j) = r(i:i) j = j + 1 endif enddo r(j:len_trim(r)) = ' ' end subroutine remove_chars !> Remove substring substr from r subroutine remove_substr(r,substr) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: r character(len=*), intent(in) :: substr ! integer :: first ! first = index(r,substr) do while ((first>0) .and. (first<=len(trim(r)))) r = r(1:first-1)//r(first+1:len_trim(r)) first = index(r,substr) enddo end subroutine remove_substr !> Split String at Separator function splitstr(string, strlen, separator) result(split) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: string character(len=1), intent(in) :: separator integer, intent(in) :: strlen character(len=strlen) :: split integer islash islash = index(string, separator) if (islash > 1) then split = string(1:islash-1) string = string(islash+1:) else split = string endif end function splitstr !> Constructs a character string from an array of single characters. pure function char_array_to_string_by_len(char_array, N) result(string) character(len=1), intent(in) :: char_array(:) !< Input array of single characters. integer, intent(in) :: N !< Length up to which the array needs to be converted. character(len=N) :: string !< The resulting string of exactly length N. integer :: i do i = 1, N string(i:i) = char_array(i) enddo end function char_array_to_string_by_len subroutine get_substr_ndx(tgt,ndx0,ndx,sep) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: tgt integer, intent(inout) :: ndx0 integer, intent(inout) :: ndx character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep integer :: ltrim logical :: single_quoted logical :: double_quoted character(len=:), allocatable :: sep_ if (present(sep)) then sep_ = sep else sep_ = " " endif single_quoted = .false. double_quoted = .false. ltrim = len_trim(tgt) do while((is_whitespace(tgt(ndx0:ndx0)) .or. index(tgt(ndx0:),sep_)==1) .and. (ndx0<=ltrim)) ndx0 = ndx0 + 1 enddo ndx = ndx0 do while(ndx<=ltrim) if (.not.(single_quoted .or. double_quoted)) then if (is_whitespace(tgt(ndx:ndx)) .or. index(tgt(ndx:),sep_)==1) exit endif if (tgt(ndx:ndx)=='"') double_quoted = .not.double_quoted if (tgt(ndx:ndx)=="'") single_quoted = .not.single_quoted ndx = ndx + 1 enddo end subroutine get_substr_ndx !> Fill allocatable string array with elements of a space-delimited string !> The incoming string array must be unallocated recursive subroutine strsplit(tgt, ndx0, pcs, npc, sep) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: npc !< element index character(len=*), intent(in) :: tgt !< input string integer, intent(in) :: ndx0 !< start position in string tgt character(len=*), intent(inout), dimension(:), allocatable :: pcs !< resulting array of strings character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< optional separator integer :: ndx, ndx1 ! position in string ndx1 = ndx0 call get_substr_ndx(tgt,ndx1,ndx, sep) if (ndx<=len_trim(tgt)) then call strsplit(tgt, ndx, pcs, npc+1, sep) else allocate(pcs(npc)) endif ndx = ndx - 1 call strip_quotes(tgt, ndx1, ndx) pcs(npc) = tgt(ndx1 : ndx) end subroutine strsplit !> check on single or double quotes at start or end !! return (new) first and last positions subroutine strip_quotes1(tgt, pos1, pos2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tgt !< input string integer , intent(inout) :: pos1 !< first position integer , intent(inout) :: pos2 !< last position character :: ch ! help character ch = tgt(pos1:pos1) if (ch == '"' .or. ch =="'") pos1 = pos1 + 1 ch = tgt(pos2:pos2) if (ch =='"' .or. ch == "'") pos2 = pos2 - 1 end subroutine strip_quotes1 !> check on single or double quotes at start or end !! returns cropped string subroutine strip_quotes2(tgt) character(len=:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: tgt !< input string integer :: pos1 ! first position integer :: pos2 ! last position integer :: pos1orig ! original first position integer :: pos2orig ! original last position pos1 = 1 pos2 = len(tgt) pos1orig = pos1 pos2orig = pos2 call strip_quotes1(tgt, pos1, pos2) if (pos1 /= pos1orig .or. pos2 /= pos2orig) then tgt = tgt(pos1:pos2) endif end subroutine strip_quotes2 !> convert a real to a string with user defined format. !! if it does not fit, fall back on a more general format subroutine real2string(cnumber, formatReal, valueReal) character(len=*), intent(in) :: formatReal !< format string to be used real(kind=8), intent(in) :: valueReal !< number to be convert character(len=*), intent(out) :: cnumber !< output string integer :: ierr write(cnumber, formatReal, iostat=ierr) valueReal if (ierr /= 0 .or. index(cnumber, '*') > 0) then write(cnumber,'(ES14.5E3)') valueReal endif end subroutine real2string !> convert a real to a string with user defined format. !! if it does not fit, fall back on a more general format !! align the string to the left (to allow printing with only trim()) subroutine real2stringLeft(cnumber, formatReal, valueReal) character(len=*), intent(in) :: formatReal !< format string to be used real(kind=8), intent(in) :: valueReal !< number to be convert character(len=*), intent(out) :: cnumber !< output string call real2string(cnumber, formatReal, valueReal) cnumber = adjustl(cnumber) end subroutine real2stringLeft subroutine GetLine(unit, line, stat, iomsg) !! !> Reads a complete line (end-of-record terminated) from a file. !! !! @param[in] unit Logical unit connected for formatted input to the file. !! !! @param[out] line The line read. !! !! @param[out] stat Error code, positive on error, IOSTAT_END (which is negative) on end of file. !! !! @param[out] iomsg Error message - only defined if iostat is non-zero. !! !! found in: !! use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: iostat_eor !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: unit character(:), intent(out), allocatable :: line integer, intent(out) :: stat character(*), intent(out), optional :: iomsg !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables character(len=256) :: buffer ! Buffer to read the line (or partial line). integer :: size ! Number of characters read from the file. integer :: size_trim ! Number of characters read from the file (trimmed). logical :: isFirstBuffer ! flag to handle first read different from others !*************************************************************************** isFirstBuffer = .true. do buffer = '' if (present(iomsg)) then read (unit, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=stat, IOMSG=iomsg, SIZE=size) buffer else read (unit, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=stat, SIZE=size) buffer endif ! ! The following correction (including the IF) is necessary since in multi-treading applications, ! the read statement appears to not always be thread-safe. Sometimes a string is read in BUFFER correctly, ! but the returned SIZE = 0. ! if (size == 0) then size = len(buffer) size_trim = len(trim(buffer)) if (size_trim < size .and. stat == 0) then if (abs(size - size_trim) <= 10) then ! ! Since size will always be 256, (almost) the full buffer was read ! We assume that no more than 10 spaces are used between entries in a file on one line ! If the difference between the line and the trimmed line is less than 10 (and the full buffer (256) was read ! probably the line is longer than what was read, so stat should remain zero and we store the untrimmed line ! This is done below. It was the default way, when no errors occur. The difference is that we have now explicitly set ! size = len(buffer) else ! ! Less than 246 chars were filled in the buffer ! We assume that we have read the whole line and explicitly set size to size_trim and stat = IOSTAT_EOR (end of record) ! size = size_trim stat = IOSTAT_EOR endif endif endif if (stat > 0) then line = '' exit ! Some sort of error. endif if (isFirstBuffer) then size = max(1, size) line = buffer(:size) isFirstBuffer = .false. else line = line // buffer(:size) endif if (stat < 0) then if (stat == IOSTAT_EOR) stat = 0 exit endif enddo end subroutine GetLine !> !> Find out if system is PC (directory seperator character \ (92) !> or UNIX (directory seperator character / (47)) function get_dirsep() implicit none character(len=1) :: get_dirsep integer :: lslash character hlpstr*999,slash*1 CALL GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE('PATH',hlpstr) slash = CHAR (47) lslash = INDEX (hlpstr,slash) if (lslash == 0) then slash = CHAR (92) endif get_dirsep = slash end function get_dirsep end module string_module