#include "fintrf.h" C #if 0 C generate with : mex mxinterp2d.f C C crvec.f C .F file needs to be preprocessed to generate .for equivalent C #endif C C curvec.f C C multiple the first input by the second input C This is a MEX file for MATLAB. C Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. C $Revision: $ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C (pointer) Replace integer by integer*8 on 64-bit platforms C C mwpointer plhs(*), prhs(*) C mwpointer mxCreateDoubleMatrix C mwpointer mxGetPr C mwpointer x2_pr,y2_pr,x1_pr,y1_pr,u_pr,v_pr C mwpointer dt_pr,nt_pr,hdtck_pr,arthck_pr,xp_pr,yp_pr C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C integer*8 plhs(*), prhs(*) integer*8 nlhs, nrhs, ii integer*8 mxCreateDoubleMatrix, mxGetPr integer*8 mxGetM, mxGetN integer*8 n1, m1, n2, m2 integer*8 :: x1_pr integer*8 :: y1_pr integer*8 :: indices_pr integer*8 :: x2_pr integer*8 :: y2_pr integer*8, dimension(2) :: dims2out integer*8 :: classid double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x1 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: y1 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x2 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: y2 integer*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: indices c open(800,file='out01.txt') c Number of points in regular grid m1 = mxGetN(prhs(1)) n1 = mxGetN(prhs(2)) c Number of points in irregular grid m2 = mxGetN(prhs(3)) n2 = mxGetM(prhs(3)) c Allocate allocate(x1(1:m1)) allocate(y1(1:n1)) allocate(indices(1:n1,1:m1)) allocate(x2(1:n2,1:m2)) allocate(y2(1:n2,1:m2)) dims2out(1) = n1 dims2out(2) = m1 C Create matrix for the return argument. classid=mxClassIDFromClassName('int64') plhs(1) = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dims2out, classid, 0) x1_pr = mxGetPr(prhs(1)) y1_pr = mxGetPr(prhs(2)) x2_pr = mxGetPr(prhs(3)) y2_pr = mxGetPr(prhs(4)) indices_pr = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) C Load the data into Fortran arrays. call mxCopyPtrToReal8(x1_pr,x1,m1) call mxCopyPtrToReal8(y1_pr,y1,n1) call mxCopyPtrToReal8(x2_pr,x2,n2*m2) call mxCopyPtrToReal8(y2_pr,y2,n2*m2) C Call the computational subroutine call get_indices(x1,y1,n1,m1,x2,y2,n2,m2,indices) C Load the output into a MATLAB array. call mxCopyInteger8ToPtr(indices,indices_pr,n1*m1) deallocate(x1) deallocate(y1) deallocate(indices) deallocate(x2) deallocate(y2) c close(800) return end subroutine get_indices(x1,y1,n1,m1,x2,y2,n2,m2,indices) integer n1,m1,n2,m2,n,m double precision x1(m1) double precision y1(n1) integer*8 indices(n1,m1) double precision x2(n2,m2) double precision y2(n2,m2) integer i,j double precision xx(m1*n1) double precision yy(m1*n1) integer*8 iref(n1*m1) integer*8 code(n2,m2) c open(900,file='out02.txt') j = 0 do n = 1, n1 do m = 1, m1 j = j + 1 xx(j) = x1(m) yy(j) = y1(n) enddo enddo do i=1,n2 do j=1,m2 if (x2(i,j)<-999.1 .or. x2(i,j)>-998.8) then code(i,j) = 1 else code(i,j) = -1 endif enddo enddo call mkmap(code,x2,y2,n2,m2,xx,yy,n1*m1,iref) j = 0 do n = 1, n1 do m = 1, m1 j = j + 1 indices(n,m) = iref(j) enddo enddo close(900) return end Subroutine HUNT (xx,n,x,jlo) c Integer*8 n,jlo,jhi,inc,jm double precision xx(n),x Logical ascnd c ascnd = xx(n).GE.xx(1) If (jlo.LE.0.OR.jlo.GT.n) Then jlo = 0 jhi = n+1 Goto 3 Endif inc = 1 If (x.GE.xx(jlo).EQV.ascnd) Then 1 jhi = jlo+inc If (jhi.GT.n) Then jhi = n+1 Elseif (x.GE.xx(jhi).EQV.ascnd) Then jlo = jhi inc = inc+inc Goto 1 Endif Else jhi = jlo 2 jlo = jhi-inc If (jlo.LT.1) Then jlo = 0 Elseif (x.LT.xx(jlo).EQV.ascnd) Then jhi = jlo inc = inc+inc Goto 2 Endif Endif 3 If (jhi-jlo.EQ.1) Return jm = (jhi+jlo)/2 If (x.GT.xx(jm).EQV.ascnd) Then jlo = jm Else jhi = jm Endif Goto 3 End Subroutine INDEXX (n,arrin,indx) c Integer*8 i,indxt,ir,l,n,j,indx(n) double precision q,arrin(n) c Do 11 j=1,n indx(j)=j 11 Continue l = n/2+1 ir = n 10 Continue If (l.GT.1) Then l = l-1 indxt = indx(l) q = arrin(indxt) Else indxt = indx(ir) q = arrin(indxt) indx(ir)= indx(1) ir = ir-1 If (ir.EQ.1) Then indx(1) = indxt Return Endif Endif i = l j = l+l 20 Continue If (j.LE.ir) Then If (j.LT.ir) Then If (arrin(indx(j)).LT.arrin(indx(j+1))) j = j+1 Endif If (q.LT.arrin(indx(j))) Then indx(i) = indx(j) i = j j = j+j Else j = ir+1 Endif Goto 20 Endif indx(i) = indxt Goto 10 End Subroutine IPON (x,y,n,xp,yp,inout) c *********************************************************************** * WATERLOOPKUNDIG LABORATORIUM * * AUTEUR : J.A.ROELVINK * * DATUM : 22-12-1988 * * BEPAALT OF PUNT (xp,yp) IN POLYGOON (x,y) VAN n PUNTEN LIGT * * PUNT n+1 WORDT GELIJK GEMAAKT AAN PUNT 1 * * (ARRAY MOET IN HOOFPROGRAMMA n+1 LANG ZIJN) * * inpout = -1 : BUITEN POLYGOON * * inpout = 0 : OP RAND POLYGOON * * inpout = 1 : BINNEN POLYGOON * * GEBRUIKTE METHODE: - TREK EEN VERTICALE LIJN DOOR (xp,yp) * * - BEPAAL AANTAL SNIJPUNTEN MET POLYGOON * * ONDER yp : nonder * * - ALS nonder EVEN IS, DAN LIGT HET PUNT * * BUITEN DE POLYGOON, ANDERS ERBINNEN * * - DE RAND WORDT APART AFGEVANGEN * *********************************************************************** Integer*8 n,inout,nonder,i double precision xp,yp,ysn,x(*),y(*) c x(n+1) = x(1) y(n+1) = y(1) Do 5 i=1,n+1 x(i) = x(i)-xp y(i) = y(i)-yp 5 Continue nonder = 0 Do 10 i=1,n If ((x(i ).LT.0..AND.x(i+1).GE.0.).OR. . (x(i+1).LT.0..AND.x(i ).GE.0.)) Then If (y(i).LT.0..AND.y(i+1).LT.0.) Then nonder = nonder+1 Elseif ((y(i ).LE.0..AND.y(i+1).GE.0.).OR. . (y(i+1).LE.0..AND.y(i ).GE.0.)) Then ysn = (y(i)*x(i+1)-x(i)*y(i+1))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) If (ysn.LT.0.) Then nonder = nonder+1 Elseif (ysn.LE.0.) Then * rand inout = 0 Goto 100 Endif Endif Elseif (ABS (x(i)).LT.1.0E-12.AND.ABS (x(i+1)).LT.1.0E-12) Then If ((y(i ).LE.0..AND.y(i+1).GE.0.).OR. . (y(i+1).LE.0..AND.y(i ).GE.0.)) Then * rand inout = 0 Goto 100 Endif Endif 10 Continue If (MOD (nonder,2).EQ.0) Then * buiten inout =-1 Else * binnen inout = 1 Endif 100 Continue Do 110 i=1,n x(i) = x(i)+xp y(i) = y(i)+yp 110 Continue End Subroutine MKMAP (code,X1,Y1,N1,M1,X2,Y2,N2,Iref) c Integer*8 i,i1,i2,iin,ip,ipt,j1,lomaxx,lominx,lomnx,lomny, . nin,M1,N1,M1min,M1max,N1min,N1max,N2,inout,ier, . NrX(N2),NrY(N2),iFlag(N2),NrIn(N2), . code(n1,m1),iprint,iok integer*8 Iref(N2) double precision X1(N1,M1),Y1(N1,M1),X2(N2),Y2(N2),Xs(N2),Ys(N2), . Xp(5),Yp(5),Xpmin,Xpmax,Ypmin,Ypmax, . xpmean,ypmean *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * SUBROUTINE MKMAP * Interpolatie van kromlijnig, aftelbaar rooster naar random * punten, met opslag van gewichtspunten. Afgeleid van routine * MATRANT * * J.A. Roelvink * Waterloopkundig Laboratorium * 14-5-1991 (MATRANT) * 24-2-1992 (MKMAP * * Gegeven: aftelbaar rooster M1*N1 * met coordinaten X1 (1:M1,1:N1) * en Y1 (1:M1,1:N1) * * Tevens gegeven: random punten X2(1:N2) * en Y2(1:N2) * * Gevraagd: gewichtsfactoren en pointers t.b.v. bilineaire inter- * polatie * Gewichtsfactoren en de plaatsen van de vraagpunten in het * aanbodrooster worden opgeslagen in resp. * W(1:4,1:N2) en Iref(1:4,1:N2) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialiseer tabellen *----------------------------------------------------------------------- c open(888,file='mkmap.txt') iprint = 0 lomnx = 1 lomny = 1 M1min = 1 N1min = 1 M1max = M1 N1max = N1 do i2 = 1, N2 nrx(i2) = 0 nry(i2) = 0 iflag(i2) = 0 nrin(i2) = 0 xs(i2) = 0. ys(i2) = 0. Iref(i2) = 0 enddo * Sorteer X2 en Y2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call SORT (N2,X2,Xs,NrX) Call SORT (N2,Y2,Ys,NrY) * Loop langs iedere cel van rooster 1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 900 i1=N1min,N1max-1 Do 800 j1=M1min,M1max-1 * Checken op punten met 'onzin' coordinaten in aanbodrooster 1; * dit is afhankelijk van gemaakte afspraken! *----------------------------------------------------------------------- iok = 1 if (code(i1,j1).GE.0.AND.code(i1+1,j1).GE.0.AND. . code(i1+1,j1+1).GE.0.AND.code(i1,j1+1).GE.0) . Then * Definitie cel *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xp(1) = X1(i1 ,j1) Xp(2) = X1(i1 ,j1+1) Xp(3) = X1(i1+1,j1+1) Xp(4) = X1(i1+1,j1) Yp(1) = Y1(i1 ,j1) Yp(2) = Y1(i1,j1+1) Yp(3) = Y1(i1+1,j1+1) Yp(4) = Y1(i1+1,j1) else iok = 0 endif if (iok==1) then * Bepaling minimum en maximum X en Y van de cel *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xpmin = 1.e10 Xpmax =-1.e10 Ypmin = 1.e10 Ypmax =-1.e10 do ip = 1, 4 Xpmin = MIN (Xp(ip),Xpmin) Xpmax = MAX (Xp(ip),Xpmax) Ypmin = MIN (Yp(ip),Ypmin) Ypmax = MAX (Yp(ip),Ypmax) enddo Xpmean = 0.5*(Xpmin+Xpmax) Ypmean = 0.5*(Ypmin+Ypmax) * Eerste selectie van punten verzameling 2 die binnen de cel * kunnen liggen *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Zoek centrum van de cel op in tabellen Xs en Ys *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call HUNT (Xs,N2,Xpmean,lomnX) Call HUNT (Ys,N2,Ypmean,lomnY) * Zet voor punten met x-waarden tussen Xpmin en Xpmax iFlag(i)=1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- lominX=lomnX lomaxX=lomnX Do 300 i=lomnX,1,-1 If (Xs(i).GE.Xpmin) Then lominX = i iFlag(NrX(i)) = 1 Else Goto 310 Endif 300 Continue 310 Continue Do 320 i=lomnX+1,N2 If (Xs(i).LE.Xpmax) Then lomaxX = i iFlag(NrX(i)) = 1 Else Goto 330 Endif 320 Continue 330 Continue * Sla de nummers van punten met y-waarden tussen Ypmin en * Ypmax, die bovendien tussen Xpmin en Xpmax liggen, op in NrIn *----------------------------------------------------------------------- iIn = 1 Do 340 i=lomnY,1,-1 If (Ys(i).GE.Ypmin) Then NrIn(iIn) = NrY(i)*iFlag(NrY(i)) iIn =iIn + iFlag(NrY(i)) Else Goto 350 Endif 340 Continue 350 Continue Do 360 i=lomnY+1,N2 If (Ys(i).LE.Ypmax) Then NrIn(iIn) = NrY(i)*iFlag(NrY(i)) iIn = iIn + iFlag(NrY(i)) Else Goto 370 Endif 360 Continue 370 Continue NIn = iIn-1 * Zet iFlag weer terug op 0 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 400 i=lominX,lomaxX If (i.NE.0) iFlag(NrX(i)) = 0 400 Continue * Check of geselecteerde punten van rooster 2 binnen cel liggen * m.b.v. subroutine IPON; zo ja, bepaal gewichten W van de * omliggende waarde van rooster 1 m.b.v. subroutine INTRP4, en * sla deze op in Wtab; de verwijzing naar rooster 1 wordt * opgeslagen in arrays Iref en Jref. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 500 iIn=1,NIn i2 = NrIn(iIn) inout =-1 Call IPON (Xp,Yp,4,X2(i2),Y2(i2),inout) If (inout.GE.0) Then Iref(i2) = i1 +(j1-1)*(N1-1) Endif 500 Continue Endif 800 Continue 900 Continue c close(888) End Subroutine SORT (n,ra,wksp,iwksp) c Integer*8 j,n,iwksp(n) double precision ra(n),wksp(n) c Call INDEXX (n,ra,iwksp) Do 120 j=1,n wksp(j) = ra(iwksp(j)) 120 Continue End