&simulation px =7 ! number of processors [-] imax = 288 ! imax can be chosen freely [-] jmax = 154 ! jmax must be multiple of px [-] kmax = 35 ! kmax must be multiple of px [-] imax_grid=70 103 128 178 208 288 ! end indices where dr_grid switches (must be compatable with imax) [-] dr_grid=0.8 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 ! various dr_grid (must be compatable with imax_grid) [m] Rmin =90. ! Radius where cylindrical grid starts [m] schuif_x = 150. ! Shift in x-coordinate to make (x,y) plume = (0,0) [m] dy = 0.4 ! width gridcell at (x,y)=(0,0) [m] depth = 15. ! Depth [m] (dz=depth/kmax) hisfile = '' ! Input file for history points restart_dir ='' ! Path restart files influding start of filename e.g. '/data/.../flow3d_000000010_' / × t_end = 360. ! End time simulation from (re)start [s] t0_output = 60. ! Start time output [s] (default 0) dt_output = 60. ! Time interval output [s] te_output = 360. ! End time output [s] (default >t_end) tstart_rms = 240. ! Start time avg/rms calc [s] dt_max = 0.04 ! Max timestep [s] time_int = 'RK3' ! Time integration 'RK3' CFL = 1.6 ! CFL limit [-] t0_output_movie = 10. ! Start time for low-storage concentration output usable for movies [s] dt_output_movie = 10. ! Time interval for low-storage concentration output usable for movies [s] te_output_movie = 450. ! End time for low-storage concentration output usable for movies [s] / &num_scheme convection = 'HYB6' ! Numerical scheme for convection term, options: 'CDS2','CDS6','COM4','HYB4','HYB6' numdiff = 0.001953125 ! Amount of extra diffusion in case of 'CDS6','HYB4','HYB6' ('CDS6' -> 1/60=UPW5, 0=CDS6) diffusion = 'CDS2' ! Numerical scheme for diffusion term, options: 'CDS2','COM4' comp_filter_a = 0.495 ! Alpha in compact filter (0-0.5), default 0.5 (no filtering) [-] comp_filter_n = 0 ! Compact filter is applied every comp_filter_n timesteps, default 0 (no filtering) [-] CNdiffz = 1 ! 1 is implicit CN treatment of diffusion in z-dir 0 is explicit in z-dir (default 0) npresIBM = 0 ! number of extra pres-correction steps to make IBM objects better impermeable (default 0) / &ambient U_b = -1. ! Ambient bc U velocity [m/s] with respect to TSHD motion: negative means TSHD sailing against current (Utotal=U_TSHD-U_b), without TSHD positive is inward velocity V_b =.5 ! Ambient bc V velocity [m/s] with respect to TSHD motion: positive means current from starboard W_b = 0.0 ! Ambient bc W velocity [m/s] (in x,y coordinates, not r,phi) bcfile = '' ! Input netcdf file for bc front & 2 sides (U_b,V_b and U_TSHD are still used for orientation ship hull!) U_bSEM = -1. ! Ambient bc U velocity [m/s] used for SEM (if not defined then U_b is used) V_bSEM =.5 ! Ambient bc V velocity [m/s] used for SEM (if not defined then V_b is used) rho_b = 1025. ! Ambient density [kg/m3] SEM = 0 ! 1 = SEM to generate turbulent fluctuations on top of inflow bc, 0 = laminar bc nmax2 = 0 ! Number of SEM eddies front inflow nmax1 = 0 ! Number of SEM eddies sides inflow lm_min = 0.02 ! Minimal Lm SEM eddies [m] (1/10*depth) slip_bot = 1 ! 1 = no slip bottom, 0 = free slip bottom kn = 0.1 ! Nikkuradse roughness flow [m] interaction_bed = 0 ! 0 no erosion/sedimentation, 1 only deposition, 2 deposition & unlimited erosion, 3 deposition & erosion previously deposited material periodicx = 0 ! 1 periodic in x dir 0 not periodic (default 0) periodicy = 0 ! 1 periodic in y dir 0 not periodic 2 is free slip lateral boundaries (default 0) dpdx = 0.0 ! Driving pressure gradient in x dir in case periodic [Pa/m] (default 0) dpdy = 0.0 ! Driving pressure gradient in y dir in case periodic [Pa/m] (default 0) W_ox = 0. ! Vertical velocity at i=imax boundary in case periodicx=2 [m/s] (default 0) bc_obst_h = 0. ! Do not apply inflow bc at 0-bc_obst_h meters from bed, default 0 [m] (depth should be bc_obst_h extra!) obst(1)%x = -500. 50. 50. -500. ! x coordinate 4 corners obstacle obst(1)%y = -500. -500. 500. 500. ! y coordinate 4 corners obstacle obst(1)%height = 0.5 ! vertical height obstacle obst(1)%zbottom = 0.2 ! vertical bottom start height obstacle [m] (optional, default 0) U_b3 = -0.47 ! Ambient bc U velocity [m/s] in surf_layer with respect to TSHD motion: negative means TSHD sailing against current (Utotal=U_TSHD-U_b), without TSHD positive is inward velocity V_b3 = -0.29 ! Ambient bc V velocity [m/s] in surf_layer with respect to TSHD motion: positive means current from starboard surf_layer = 0. ! Layer depth [m] from free surface with U_b3,V_b3 ambient current (default 0) wallup=0 ! 0 wall = below; wall = up (default 0) bedlevelfile = '' ! Input netcdf file for bedlevel which are simulated by IBM obstacles (filled with zbed(1:imax,0:jmax*px+1) [m]) Hs=0.7 ! Significant waveheigth [m] (using linear wave theory to mimic wave-orbital velocity) Tp=5.5 ! Wave peak period [s] (using linear wave theory to mimic wave-orbital velocity) nx_w=1 ! Wave direction normal vector [-] : positive means waves against TSHD (nx_w^2+ny_w^2=1) ny_w=0 ! Wave direction normal vector [-] : positive means waves from starboard TSHD (nx_w^2+ny_w^2=1) U_w = 1.37 ! U velocity [m/s] used for waves in fixed x,y coordinate system (positive means with x-dir) [for sim with rotated grid for V_b not zero then U_w=pyth(U_b,V_b) and V_w=0] V_w = 0.3 ! V velocity [m/s] used for waves in fixed x,y coordinate system (positive means with y-dir) [for sim with rotated grid for V_b not zero then U_w=pyth(U_b,V_b) and V_w=0] / &plume W_j = -2. ! Inflow velocity plume [m/s] plumetseriesfile='' ! Awjet = 0. ! Azimuthal factor Wjet [-] Aujet = 0. ! Azimuthal factor Ujet [-] Avjet = 0. ! Azimuthal factor Vjet [-] Strouhal = 0.4 ! Strouhal number for Azimuthal forcing (St= fD/U=0.3-0.6) [-] azi_n = 6 ! Azimuthal sine components (2-6) [-] kjet = 0 ! # cells above plume outflow [-] obsolete when ship is used radius_j = 1. ! radius plume [m] radius_inner_j = 0. ! inner radius plume where no influx is [m] (default 0.) xj = -2. -2. 2. 2. ! x coordinates 4 corners box where plume must be inside (default complete domain) yj = -2. -2. 2. 2. ! y coordinates 4 corners box where plume must be inside (default complete domain) W_j_powerlaw = 7. ! powerlaw for plume velocity profile (default 7. = 1/7 powerlaw; velocity is corrected to arrive at correct influx of pi*W_j*radius_j^2) plume_z_outflow_belowsurf = 6. ! depth flow surface at which plume flows downward, only need to define when different from Draught TSHD [m] Sc = 0.7 ! Schmidt number used to determine Diff. coeff from viscosity [-] slipvel = 0 ! 0 = no slip velocity, 1 = hindered settling RiZa, 2 = settling with frac(n)%ws outflow_overflow_down = 0 ! 1 = outflow velocity bc at keel TSHD 0 = outflow velocity bc at top overflow pipe (default 0) U_j2 = 2. ! Inflow velocity plume horizontal at i=0 [m/s] Aujet2 = 0.1 ! Azimuthal factor Ujet2 [-] Avjet2 = 0. ! Azimuthal factor Vjet2 [-] Awjet2 = 0. ! Azimuthal factor Wjet2 [-] Strouhal2 = 0.4 ! Strouhal number for Azimuthal forcing (St= fD/U=0.3-0.6) [-] azi_n2 = 6 ! Azimuthal sine components (2-6) [-] radius_j2 = 1. ! radius horizontal plume [m] zjet2 = 0.5 ! vertical position centre of horizontal plume [m] bedplume(1)%x = -500. 50. 50. -500. ! x coordinate 4 corners bedplume [m] bedplume(1)%y = -500. -500. 500. 500. ! y coordinate 4 corners bedplume [m] bedplume(1)%height = 0.5 ! vertical height bedplume [m] bedplume(1)%zbottom= 0.2 ! vertical bottom start height bedplume [m] (optional, default 0) bedplume(1)%u = 0.5 ! Initial U velocity inside bedplume [m/s] (if not defined then vertical profile based on U_b is used) bedplume(1)%v = 0.5 ! Initial V velocity inside bedplume [m/s] (if not defined then vertical profile based on V_b is used) bedplume(1)%w = 0.5 ! Initial W velocity inside bedplume [m/s] (if not defined then W_b is used) bedplume(1)%c = 0.1 0.1 0.1 ! Initial volume fractions inside bedplume [-] (length vector must be nfrac large) bedplume(1)%forever = 0 ! 1 is bedplume put in place every timestep, 0 is only initial bedplume (default 0) bedplume(1)%t0 = 0. ! bedplume is started after t0 seconds (default 0. s) / &fractions_in_plume fract(1)%ws = 0.001 ! Particle settling velocity [m/s] !! positive downwards !! fract(1)%c = 0.00234 ! Volume fraction of this particle fraction in source plume [-] fract(1)%rho = 2650. ! Particle density [kg/m3] fract(1)%dpart = 15. ! Particle diameter [10^-6 m] fract(1)%dfloc = 80. ! Floc diameter equal or more than dpart (for sand equal to dpart) [10^-6 m] fract(1)%tau_e = 0.15 ! Critical shear stress for erosion [N/m2] fract(1)%tau_d = 0.1 ! Critical shear stress for deposition [N/m2] fract(1)%M = 1.e-4 ! Erosion rate [kg/sm2] VanRijn proposes 1e-5 - 5e-4 kg/sm2 fract(1)%kn_sed = 80. ! Nikkuradse roughness for shear stress acting on this sediment fraction (advised as dfloc for mud and 3*d90=6*d50=6*dpart for sand) [10^-6 m] fract(1)%zair_ref_belowsurf = 0. ! Optional reference level used to make air_fraction semi-compressible; fract(1)%rho is defined at zair_ref_belowsurf [m] / &LESmodel sgs_model='SWALE' ! Smagorinsky, WALE or SIGMA sgs model: 'SSmag','SWALE','SIGMA' Cs=0.325 ! Constant in sgs model [-] Lmix_type=1 ! 1=(dx*dy*dz)^1/3 | 2=sqrt((dx^2+dy^2+dz^2)/3) nr_HPfilter=1 ! Number of times a HPfilter is applied to velocity field in FSmag (>=1, recommended 3) damping_drho_dz='none' ! Damping of eddy viscosity: 'none' (default) or 'MuAn' damping_a=10 ! damping_b=0.5 ! / &constants kappa = 0.41 ! Von Karman constant [-] gx = 0. ! Gravity [m/s2] positive to work in positive x-dir gy = 0. ! Gravity [m/s2] positive to work in positive y-dir gz = 9.81 ! Gravity [m/s2] positive to work in negative z-dir ekm_mol = 1.e-3 ! Moleculair dyn. viscosity [kg/(sm)] / &ship U_TSHD = 0.6 ! Forward speed of TSHD [m/s] LOA = 185. ! Length over all TSHD [m] (if <0 then no ship) Lfront = 31. ! Length of front bow [m] Breadth = 15. ! Breadth of TSHD [m] Draught = 6. ! Draught of TSHD with respect to waterline [m] Lback = 25. ! Length of slope at back to fit propellers [m] Hback = 6. ! Height of slope at back to fit propellers (preferably larger than Dprop) [m] xfront = -50. ! x-coordinate front tip TSHD with respect to position overflow [m] (negative) yfront = -5. ! y-coordinate front tip TSHD with respect to position overflow [m] kn_TSHD = 0.05 ! Nikkuradse roughness bottom TSHD hull [m] nprop = 0 ! Number of propellers [1 or 2] Dprop = 4.7 ! Diameter of propellers [m] xprop = 180. ! x-coordinate of propellers [m] (distance from front TSHD) yprop = 10. ! y-distance of propellers from centerline TSHD [m] (only used when nprop=2) zprop = 3.65 ! z-coordinate of centerline propellers with respect to waterline [m] (must be between 0 and depth) Pprop = 6000000. ! Power of propeller [W] rudder = 1 ! 1 = Rudder behind propeller, 0 = no rudder rot_prop = 10. ! Rotation direction of propellers [-] ! positive rpm_prop means right turning while watching from back (with two props both props counter-rotate with starboard prop is right-turning) draghead = 'port' ! Draghead down at 'port','star' or 'both'; default 'none' [-] Dsp = 1.5 ! Diameter suction pipe (outside diameter) [m] xdh = 75. ! Horizontal distance downstream of draghead to end of TSHD front nose [m] softnose = 0 ! 1 = TSHD nose is streamlined with a slope, 0 = vertical nose Hfront = 1.5 ! Height of slope at front for streamlining (25% of Draught typically is okay) / ! Explanation cylindrical grid: _ ! _ ) ! _ ) ! _ ) ! ) ) ! ) ) ! <--- Rmin -->) o ) ! ) ) ! )_ ) ! _ ) ! _ ) ! _ ) ! |<-- schuif_x -->| ! origin loc plume = x,y=(0,0)